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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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at night, by morning, about 15% of the monthly volume of moisture had already fallen in the capital; before lunch, thunderstorms will acquire a local short-term character, and then again sharply intensify; in total, at the end of the day , almost the full ten-day norm of precipitation will be collected at the weather stations of the capital, however, today's bad weather is a sign of imminent changes in the weather trend, tomorrow a cyclone will begin to form on the russian plain, this cloud will push fields of frontal clouds to the south and east of european russia, as a result, on holidays the weather in the region will be quite contrasting, in the west it is mostly sunny, but from the shores of the black sea, along the urals, arrays of rain clouds will stretch. this development of atmospheric processes explains the peculiarities of the temperature regime. if in the west of the russian plain by may 1 the air can warm up during the day.
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to +18-23, then in the south, on the contrary, the heat will subside and the daytime temperature will not exceed +2.25, even more serious cooling is expected in the middle volga, here at noon it is only +12:17, for example, in samara today and tomorrow it will be abnormally hot , afternoon +26-28, this is a little higher even the july norm, but from monday the city will be covered with fields of rain clouds from... moscow, on the contrary, today the rain clouds will not heat up and the temperature regime will return to the climate, during the day + 15-17, in the spheral front, so that the influx of solar will give the thermometer columns rise above +15, and on sunday the clouds will clear and nothing will stop the sun from warming up the air well, with the beginning of a new week in the capital, as if in june during the day +20-22, that’s all for me,
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start the path to your dream with sber. open a free business account and join the sberbusiness loyalty program, thank you. receive 10% cashback bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and. the final testing of the drilling rig is taking place in orenburg, which has no analogues in russia, it allows you to drill any rocks from earth to granite, all components and assemblies are domestic, the installation has not yet been put into production, but there are already orders, including from abroad. vyacheslav kampe will tell you the details. this is the zbo s-50 drilling rig. engineers from the orenburg drilling equipment plant worked on its creation for a year and a half. index 50 means maximum load - 50 tons. the maximum diving depth is 3 km. in this case,
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the driller controls everything using a special computer. the control is much higher, all parameters are more accurate, and more functionality is provided. we can say that on the one hand. gurchik turns into a surgeon at work. unlike foreign analogues, which are structurally a modernization of older models, the zbo s50 was developed from scratch to meet the tasks and challenges of modern geological exploration companies. the installation allows you to drill any rocks, from standard earth and sand to hard basalt and granite. today this is the most modern bravo stop and has a wide range of possibilities, for example, drilling as direct. they can be used with drilling, with reverse drilling, with airlifting; they can also be used for degassing. today, i would even say that it is superior to foreign analogues. during development, special attention was paid to import substitution. components and assemblies are like a map of russia, the power plant of the yaroslavl
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plant, the oil cooler originally from st. petersburg, the omsk manifold, the high-pressure hoses and winch are local from orenburg, even the metal here is especially durable. we have a large range temperatures from +50 to -60 and the metal that we selected for this drilling rig can be used without problems in northern conditions and in permafrost conditions. wide range of installations at the end of march in the amur region, the pioneer mine was flooded. 13 miners were locked underground. this tragedy showed that a modern drilling rig must still perform a rescue function. maximum diameter. this installation is 800 mm, almost 80 cm, this width allows you to lower it to a depth rescue capsule and get buried people out of the ground. the drilling equipment plant is included in the list of the russian ministry of industry and trade as a significant enterprise in the field of import substitution.
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a non-refundable subsidy in the amount of 127 million rubles was received for the development of the s-50 air defense system. the unit has not yet left the assembly line, but is already in demand. the management of the enterprise says that a document has already been signed for the pre-order of seven zbo s50, we are now looking to sell it, sell it in africa, this is very good for water. nice car, we see it for sale in saudi arabia, we see it to sell in dubai, there are already interested people there, now the first sample is undergoing final tests, then it will be taken to an exhibition in moscow, and after that the installation will go to novokuznetsk to work in a coal company. vyacheslav kampa, alexey petrov, news of the orenburg region. at the forty-sixth moscow international film festival , awards were distributed to the winners. the grand prix of the competition goes to mexico, huh. prize, contribution to world cinema, awarded to a russian director. the results of the review will be summed up by
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ivan kudryavtsev. during these 8 days moscow the international film festival was attended by 39,000 spectators, three dozen world premieres and more than 200 films in competitive out-of-competition programs. but this week-long film journey across countries and continents crowns it. exactly this evening. in the short film competition , the winner was the film by partners spain, about a young couple who... russian premieres are a new national competition at the moscow international film festival, evgeny telegin received a special mention from the jury, viktor tikhomirova’s free interpretation of the plot of pushkin’s anegin, and the winner was yulia trofimova’s liar, bargaining a comedy about the grimaces of modern cancel culture and a girl whose pressure suddenly falls on her.
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film festival award for best actor for miguel salgado and juan ramon lopez. their
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film shame came to us from mexico. the film is about two friends who are forced by bandits to fight each other to the death while in captivity. the hidden truth about what happened will one day overtake one of the heroes. this is the sad reality we have had in mexico for over 10 years now. what happens is that young people are recruited by representatives organized crime. i believe that it is art as such. can awaken some changes within us so that we become better people. finally, sergei ursulyak, creator of the films “righteous, liquidation, destiny of life,” receives the golden saint george for his contribution to the development of cinema. in his response speech , sergei vladimirovich symbolically returns the prize to soviet cinema, the traditions of which he follows and its great masters. film closing of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival "major" thunder game, new film by oleg trafim from the comics studio bubble. a tababulous spectacle with a strong detective plot will definitely exceed the highest expectations of viewers; the film will be released in theaters on may 23.
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ivan kudryavtse, janet arlt, pavel meer, alexander shestopalov, lead the closing of the miff. now economic news, maria russia can help nigeria complete the construction of a metallurgical plant, which began back in 1979, as local media report. tell us, what investments are needed for this now? tatyana, the investment will be about two. dollars, about it i’ll tell you in more detail a little later, but for now let’s move on to other topics. the russian business of the italian ariston and the german bosch was transferred to temporary management of the gazprom structure gazprom household systems, a corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the manufacturer of household appliances bosch announced the suspension of operations in russia 2 years ago, as a result of its revenue, which in the twenty-first year was about 50 billion rubles. in the twenty-third it dropped to almost two. the revenue of his competitor. rub. nigeria began negotiations with
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russia on the revival of the joukuchi metallurgical plant project. local media reported this. the contractor should be tyazhprom-export, which is part of rostec. to complete the work , about $2 billion will be required. construction of the plant began. back in 1979, work took 15 years and was 98% completed. the party tried to complete the project with other contractors, including from the usa, but to no avail. today 3/4 power.
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establishment of the federal deposit insurance corporation, which in turn transferred all assets and liabilities to fulton bank, which will now be responsible for servicing republic first bank clients; their cards, checks and loans will be available as usual . the japanese currency has fallen to its lowest level in 34 years; it has now crossed the 158 yen per dollar mark. the main reason
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for the decrease is the difference in the discount rates of japan and the united states; the americans have it. twice as high, which makes it more profitable to invest in assets related to the dollar and euro. market participants are now waiting to see whether japan's central bank will conduct foreign exchange interventions to stabilize the course. previously, the country's finance minister promised to take the necessary measures to combat excessive volatility, but since then the yen has fallen even more in price. and that’s all for now, more news in the next hour. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle. business works to make
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traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. repairs at the expense of the management company, many citizens have heard about this possibility, but you need to figure out in what cases and what work can be transferred to the organization servicing your home. irina matyushenko has all the information in the program instructions. repairs are expensive, but some things can be transferred to the management company. in what cases should she carry out repairs for free? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. first we need to make a disclaimer. in fact, the management company does nothing for free. the receipt for the apartment contains a line: maintenance and current repairs of common
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property. the money that is collected from the owners is saved in the general account of the house, and funds will be taken from it for current repairs, only of the common property of the house. the deadlines themselves depend on the nature of the applications. for example, the service dispatcher is obliged to answer the resident's phone call within. more than 5 minutes, and if you were unable to invest in this time frame, then call the live bait back yourself in the next 10 minutes, for example, fixing a roof leak should take no more than one day, and a fix in the lighting system of common premises should be fixed within seven days, there is no need to confuse localization with elimination, but that means look, we as owners have two deadlines, 30 minutes and 2 hours, 30 minutes for determination, 2 hours for localization, that’s all, but this means, well, in the case of heating there are nuances.
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in more complex situations, what is considered to be clearly common property, but how to be the property of the tenant, a government decree will help with this, it can be found on the official website for the publication of legal acts, it specifies a minimum list of what the management... company is responsible for and what what types of repairs is she required to do? repairs in the entrances of apartment buildings include such work as restoring the plaster of walls, ceilings, lining the walls of floors with ceramic and other tiles in certain places and so on. such repairs are ongoing and are carried out based on the results of scheduled technical inspections of an apartment building. the frequency of such repairs is once every hour. 3-5 years depending on the classification of the building and actual physical wear and tear, while ongoing repairs must be carried out without interrupting the building’s services, including
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heat, water and energy supplies. in general, we can say that the management company is responsible for water and gas pipes up to the first valve, inclusive, ventilation and sewage systems, she is also responsible for caring for the roof, attics, ceilings and interpanel joints. for example, the management company did not maintain the house well, and, for example, due to a leaky roof , the plaster of the residents on the top floor fell off, or due to the dampness that penetrated into the apartment through the gap between the slabs, the wallpaper came off. then you need to demand compensation for damages. first , call the emergency dispatch service, its number can be found on your receipt or on the website of your management company, and its pages in social networks. emergency dispatch services operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. if your management company does not have its own service, it is required by law to enter into an agreement with the ads of another management company. the dispatcher must answer the call within 5 minutes or call
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you back within 10 minutes. the operator must accept your request for a problem and provide its number. write it down or save it in your phone; you will need it when drawing up the report when the specialist arrives. be sure to include all damage in the report. based on this document, you will demand no... repairs from your management company or insist on reimbursement for the repair costs if you did it yourself or hired someone. of course, expenses will need to be confirmed by receipts or an agreement with the contractor. in accordance with the management agreement, it is the management organization that, for a fee, is obliged to provide services for the maintenance and repair of common property. therefore, it is the management company that must prepare for the owners. specific proposals for current repairs and their implementation. at the same time, a direct ban on carrying out cosmetic repairs by the residents themselves is not covered by the legislation.
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but - in this case, when going to court with a claim to the management company for reimbursement of expenses, you will need to confirm the fact of the need for such repairs, including by video and photography, drawing up various inspection reports, calling specialists , and so on. in addition, it will be necessary to confirm the fact that residents bear the costs of carrying out such repairs, which may entail additional financial and ... expenses for them. so, let's repeat the main thing. the management company is responsible for the common property for damage to your property if it occurred through its fault. contact the emergency dispatch service, save the application number and draw up a damage report. would you like to learn more about how you can hold general meetings of apartment building residents online and jointly make decisions that affect you every day? watch the episode about
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gosuslugi.dom. and if you have. questions about how to effectively communicate with your management company, then write to us in telegram, we we will pass them on to specialists and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government. yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church and separate completely from moscow, a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. hey moscow priest. hey moscow priest. the ocu has nothing to do with religion. some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there are monasteries around inside.
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there is a spiritual battle going on. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next. wait, who are they? new. this is with me, passenger, reporter, director. i came for my brother. i am a battalion commander. call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why is adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing as you please, bruh, she’s alive, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, or what, don’t a little bit, not yours, well, you little little girl, holy light, to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to
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call sign. rebina, no, i’m my brother’s pose, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure.
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in the ukrainian city of rovna , a monument to soviet soldiers who died during the second world war was toppled; what was the reaction? precision strikes from supersonic fighters. russian su-34s hit the ukrainian armed forces stronghold with fap-500 bombs. we will show footage from the ministry of defense. american drone worth 30 million dollars were destroyed by the yemeni houthis in the red sea. how do they comment on the situation in the american media? emergency ministry forces are on high alert in makadan.


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