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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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70 years ago, in april 1954, the supreme council of the ussr adopted a law on the transfer of the crimean region from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ussr and thus finally approved the decision of the party leadership of the cpsu, which initiated the then first. central committee, nikita khrushchev. the decision to transfer crimea to ukraine was at that time one of many, almost ordinary actions of the country’s leadership to change the administrative borders of republics and regions within the ussr, and decades later it led to historical consequences and changed the essence millions of people. justification of the need to transfer crimea to the ukrainian ssr. these documents sounded
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purely pragmatic, given the commonality of the economy, territorial proximity and close economic and cultural ties between the crimean region of the ukrainian ussr. according to one version, khrushchev wanted the construction of the north crimean canal from ukraine to the peninsula to be supervised by kiev, not moscow. according to another, crimea with its resorts became khrushchev’s gift to the ukrainian party nomenclature for the tercentenary. reunification of ukraine with russia, be that as it may, but what is definitely not they did 70 years ago during the transfer of crimea, but they didn’t ask the crimeans themselves. do they want to become part of, albeit fraternal, but still another union republic? the issue of not only economic, but also cultural integration of the inhabitants of crimea into ukraine was unprincipled for officials, no big deal, after all. all
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soviet people, but with the beginning of the collapse processes in the nineties, the issue became on the agenda: in january ninety-one, in a referendum, the majority of crimeans spoke in favor of the autonomy of crimea with the possibility of signing a new union treaty with the ussr, in ninety fourth, during the all-crimean poll, which was essentially also a referendum, residents of the peninsula spoke in favor of the possibility of dual citizenship, ukrainian and russian. but kiev was not going to meet the decisions for which the russian-speaking majority of the inhabitants of the peninsula voted. in ninety- five, the verkhovna rada abolished the constitution of crimea in ninety-two and abolished the post of president of this republic. in the crimean constitution of 1998, the rights of autonomy within ukraine were significantly limited. then there were two maidans.
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significant restrictions on the russian language in the public space of education, attempts to revise historical memory and oust everything russian from it. in 2014 , 60 years after khrushchev’s transfer of the peninsula to ukraine, crimeans decided to restore historical justice and return to the russian federation. how the decision was made to transfer crimea to ukraine. 70 years ago, how they tried to ukrainize crimea, what consequences this led to, in the story of anna efimova. moscow 1935 , instead of double-headed imperial eagles on soviet stars are being erected on the kremlin tower. the footage is largely symbolic; at the same time , the star of the political career of nikita sergeevich khruchev, a party leader, begins to rise,
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khrushchev personally goes to the peninsula, at that time he is still not the absolute master of the situation in the country. malenkov remains, molotov remains. this is where his headache appears, how he can come to power. it’s just that the leaders of the state party are starting to travel to crimea; in fact, they are building state dachas there, and they were sitting in dachas there. the main thing
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shared with each other their thoughts on what they wanted to do, how they wanted to do it, who to appoint, who to remove from the department, that was simply what crimea was. this archive can be called the holy of holies of the cpsu record keeping. it is here that documents of departments of the central committee, congresses of the cpsu, first secretaries of the party, and thematic folders of the politburo are stored. but an amazing moment, such an important process as the transfer of a region from one republic to another,
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is accompanied, in fact, by only two documents. a short resolution of the politburo of the presidium of the cpsu central committee and the impersonal information about the geography and population of crimea. in this sense, the decision to transfer crimea to the ukrainian ssr is completely unique. here the impression arises that it has not been worked out in any way. we don’t even see the draft of this decision, we don’t see the accompanying documents. there is none of this. and this is not only missing from our archive. no one among the top party leadership openly objected to this decision. however, in crimea , frushchov’s initiative was tried.
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to which stalin said: “well, you can’t handle it, what will we do?” asked koganovich. koganovich said: "we'll shoot you." stalin said: “titov, go to work.” and titov worked, they say that during the nineteenth congress he proposed to stalin to change the name of the region from crimean to tauride, and saw the prospect
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of restoring the region in size to the revolutionary tauride province, which included part of the territory of the kherson and zaporozhye regions of the ussr. however, the people soon died, so. before all the transformations had been completed, the fate of the peninsula began to be viewed in a completely different light. applied to ukrainian soviet republic, it must be said that the end of the fifties and sixties was a completely conscious period of the formation of the ukrainian national consciousness, led by the head of the ukrainian communist party shelest. a very serious national flair appears in ukraine, which generally guides.
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they were the impetus for the beginning of the russian spring in crimea. crimea has already returned to russia for 10 years. during this time, a lot has been done, highways and modern hospitals have been built. the peninsula has finally become absolutely self-sufficient regions. pavel ivanovich titov also advocated all this in his time. relatives of pavel titov have been trying to install a memorial plaque on the central facade for 10 years.
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over the years , many justifications have been given for the transfer of crimea to the ussr, however, none of them cancels the main thing: correcting the political mistakes of the past is too expensive.
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with the provisional government and laid claim to just a part of this tauride province, cutting it up, so to speak, without asking the opinion of the ethos itself provinces and then happened, which means well-known events, the peace of brez, the central council called the germans, yes, because the national idea of ​​​​the ukrainian nationalists is to be occupied by germany in any circumstances, yes, that means german troops came in, they were immediately found, it means the ukrainian military leaders are atamans, and such a mr. balbachan is significant. who decided to make a military campaign at the head of his gaidomas units, to seize crimea, but even the germans,
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in general the german occupiers in the first world war, they understood that the claims to crimea unfounded, then we know that there was a regime of getmal skoropatsky again, just as skoropatsky began to lay claim to crimea, he introduced a blockade, a blockade of the peninsula, that is , a trade blockade, and all together it was occupied by the germans, but it is very similar to what happened in absolutely, absolutely, and it must be said. themselves, well, a local, they went there from simphepol to kiev, they said that , so to speak, some kind of political activist, yes, here is a local, here is a local government, a torch zemstvo, it fought, our people are a single province, this is a single organism, social, economic, it should not be torn apart under any circumstances, but no one heard them then, and indeed the decision was made to cut off the crimea, and leave the national crimean tatar republic there. yes, as part of the rsfsr, which included many autonomies, which means mainland parts,
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yes, to cut them into ukraine, when they are discussing khrushchev’s decision in the fifties to transfer crimea to ukraine, they talk more about some legal details of this decision, and less about a certain political context, as far as this is justified, it was all carried out with... violation of socialist legality, and soviet legislation, the lawyers are right in this sense, but, but we understand perfectly well why this happened, the essence was precisely in the political claims, the political claims of the ukrainian party leadership, which was embodied by nikita sergeevich khrushchev, yes, since one of his key posts, which generally gave him one of the top officials of the soviet state, was precisely the leadership of soviet ukraine, look what khrushchev also did this, because, for example, the leadership of soviet ukraine... and the leadership of soviet belarus constantly and khrushchev also participated in these processes, they constantly argued over the territory of polesie, where
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to draw the border there, only stalin, in general, drove them away, so to speak ukrainian comrades, yes, in order to cut off gomel for themselves, for example, well, not only did ukraine grow into its shin, yes, so to speak, everything is clear there, but after the war the fate of transcarpathia was decided, where again the local activist acted , yes they were glad to join compound. soviet union, but wanted to be part of the rsfsr, because there were those people, the transcarpathian rusyns, who maintained a common russian identity, did not consider themselves ukrainians, khrushchev clearly, no, you are ukrainians, everything was ukrainized, khrushchev’s ambitions as a the soviet leader of soviet ukraine, there were claims to the romanian territories, the so -called maromorshchina, yes, that is, this desire to grab as many lands as possible and annex it to ukraine, it was direct... khrushchev’s political line
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, why this was done, and because he, of course, was going to fight for the highest post in the country, and the larger the party organization and the larger republic he represented, the higher his chances were, that is, not everything khrushchev managed to announce that he wanted , but not crimea, it was limited. not so long ago we talked about the tenth anniversary of the crimean referendum, its significance for novorossiya, but if you look, so to speak, well, simply rising above the processes. in novorossiya and on the peninsula and look at the annexation of crimea, well say, from the height of geopolitical positions, what this means, or is it just a restoration.
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to cross out this desire to restore the unity of the divided russian people, if you ignore this will to unity, yes, then in the end the consequences will be very destructive. thank you very much for a very detailed, interesting story. in soviet times there was a poster "book" - a source of knowledge. today, when people turn to the internet for information, and from there... they often gain knowledge, reading paper books seems to have faded into the background, but for in novorossiya, books and libraries are not only about reading, they are, first of all, an introduction to a culture that not so long ago they tried to oust from the public space. crimeans were the first among the new russian regions to feel the support of a large
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country. this was largely facilitated by the national project “culture”, which started in 2019 on the peninsula, among other things, 10 libraries were modernized, and two more are planned to open this year. thanks to the national project in the donetsk people's republic , only last year the so-called model library in khartsisk, novoazovsk village of mangush. a modern library is not just a book depository, it is a space with multimedia equipment updated by bookstores. and bright interiors, here you can find the book you need, gain access to the resources of the national electronic library and just have an interesting time. another event that has enriched the book stock of new territories, read freely in russian, it is carried out by the russian book union. during
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the ukrainian years, local libraries experienced an acute shortage of works by russian writers. poets as well. modern children's literature. today, more than 2.5 million books have been published for school and public libraries in new regions using money from the reserve fund of the president of the russian federation. librarians of lugansk, donetsk, melitopol, genichesk recognize it. their institutions are experiencing a real book renaissance today. about how important it is to be able to hold a good book in your hands. who do the residents of novorossiya read today? who writes for them in the story by olga mokhova: look, there are wonderful authors, front-line authors, wonderful front-line poetry, and children's literature, adventures for children. the donetsk republican library named after krubskoe admits that there are not enough hands
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to process such a volume of new literature. in 2023 in the dpr. replenishment of the fund was difficult and difficult; it was mainly humanitarian aid from the russian federation in fairly small volumes, and it was not always new literature. to the city subscription department of the lugansk library. named after gorky, now more than 100 visitors come daily, everyone finds what they are looking for. even the service is new here appeared, bibleonians, so that mothers could safely pick up books for themselves while their kids are under supervision. they say that such a large-scale renewal of the book fund has not happened here in the last 40 years. in 2023, the republican library has completed 10,000 of the latest
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, most diverse literature, among which, well, probably the most expensive for us is the edition of russian classics, that is, a new edition, these are popular science literature, these are reference books, these are encyclopedias, today they are in particular demand for... i don’t even need to go to moscow to get some things from the archives, i also like philosophy, and i want to get acquainted with the work of marcale, i love
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such material books, hold them in my hands, and it’s a pity for my eyes. librarians note a balance in the literary preferences of local readers; classical literature and entertaining fiction are in demand, but tolstoy, chekhov, gogol, and dostoevsky remain invariably in demand. soviet science fiction writers in the days of such upheavals, yes, when the world order is changing, when a person feels some self-doubt, and here the interest in classical literature always increases, because russian classics, like no other literature , always poses very important complex questions and tries to find answers to them. also today , modern russian literature, books by winners of all prestigious domestic awards are fully available to readers of new territories...
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well, basically i can tell you,
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no one writes any children's poems in their youth, because children are worried about adult problems, you want to change the world for the better , write for children, writer andrei usachov is convinced, he is not i once came to donbass to meet with young readers, he says that his audience there is very lively and spontaneous, but in general is no different from... any other in russia, in no place did they tell me how good it is that you brought a funny program, because to be honest, the themes of war were a little tormented then, but children need to rejoice, and how great it is that you read funny poems, children laugh, and if children ask adult questions and ask to explain what is happening why, of course they should answer and answer honestly convincing, the writer believes, heroism is brought up not only by literature about the war, for example, in childhood there were three favorite books, these are, of course, koverin, two captains, these are the children of captain grant, and this is the fifteen-year-old captain zhulverno, all of them
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three speak of nobility, of honor, of dignity, yes, of courage. to write about what is happening now, modern authors need time to comprehend, but in order to convince children to pick up a book and read, you need to come to them with these books. thanks to the support of the popular front, so the author of the story also did so. about the adventures of a pencil and samodelkin, valentin postnikov. i’ve heard hundreds of thousands of times about lugansk and donetsk, i wanted to see and hear how the kids live here, the arrival of writers to any school, to any class is the best advertising for reading. in 2023, representatives of the first movement donated about 400,000 books to their peers in the donbass. the dpr plans to open three more modern libraries this year in donetsk.
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that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you later meetings.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. traces of battles in full view, i didn’t think for a long time, that is, i called, they told me to come, i arrived, i didn’t even know where i would end up, a tor for salim at the reception, okay, we’ll wait another 3 minutes, we won’t get there, so not we’ll get there, the main thing is on our own, that’s it, then commander, i went to the front line, not for money for... a person
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will not perform a feat, now what was in our troubles is awakening in people, this is not a duty, this is a need and a right, the right to defend one's homeland. attacks on ukrainian military targets in in the kharkov region, explosions occurred in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft are being repaired; in the nikolaev region , an ammunition warehouse at the airfield was hit. local media reports that this is the most massive attack in recent times. in the far east
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, spring snowstorms in the magadan region covered the roads with snow, in kamchatka, avalanche danger, in khabarovsk, heavy snowfall, when the weather improves in the eastern regions. the grand prix goes to mexico, the award for contribution to world cinema will remain in russia. the international film festival. let's summarize it. which demolishes heavy trucks, powerful tornadoes swept through the us states of texas, iowa and nebraska. hundreds of houses were destroyed to the ground. and at the beginning of the release, the flood situation in russian regions. the situation is most alarming.


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