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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon. i propose, as agreed, to discuss today the current state of affairs in the russian economy in its most important sectors in the field of finance. in particular, i propose to pay special attention to long-term trends, which are reflected in the forecast of the country’s socio-economic development until 2030. and this emphasized the basis, the basis for the implementation of the initiatives about which.
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was said in the message to the federal assembly. approaches to project financing and today we will also consider the programs announced in this strategic document. first i will focus on some macroeconomic indicators. i note that the data from the beginning of the year turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government, the bank of russia, and some experts. russia's gdp for january-february.
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than in january, then the increase was 4.6%, and this is already traditional, which is encouraging, of course, the manufacturing industries demonstrate higher rates, their dynamics in january were + 7.5%, in february already + 13.5%. against this background , inflation is gradually slowing down, and also that especially important, inflation... expectations, including the expectations of citizens, that is, their assessments, assumptions regarding how prices will behave in the future, the real current state of the economy allow us to improve forecasts for its development. already , many experts are saying that by the end of this year, russia’s gdp may increase by more than 3%. what i want to draw your attention to.
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of course, it’s not about making or adjusting a forecast, and then just waiting to see what and how will happen in real life; we certainly need active actions on the part of the government and regions that will support and stimulate business and investment activity, will help open new industries, including high-tech ones, create modern jobs, and satisfy the growing demand of the domestic market. primarily by increasing our own production of goods and services that are more competitive compared to foreign suppliers, that is, we need to develop, occupy our own market, displace imports, displace not through administrative actions of resources, but through fair market competition. it is precisely this increase in our own production, the development of the internal national market, that we call supply-side economics.
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for its development, the message outlined specific steps, they are designed for the next 6 years and are designed to ensure structural changes in the russian economy, i mean strengthening the country’s technological sovereignty through support for domestic science, promising startups, widespread introduction of innovations in production, large-scale plans are planned investments in strengthening the personnel base, industrial and social spheres at all levels.
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work for the stable, long-term development of our towns and villages, reduce inequality in the socio-economic potential of the territory, and for every citizen, no matter where he lives, it is necessary to ensure equal opportunities, everything is important here, the state of the so -called childhood infrastructure, that is, kindergartens, schools, clubs, sections, recreation camps, development of the healthcare system, culture, environmental well-being of settlements and conditions for self-realization of youth. launching entrepreneurial initiatives and so on. there is a lot to be done in these and other areas over the next 6 years. now the government, together with the constituent entities of the federation, is preparing relevant national projects. they must be approved by the end of this year. in may, at
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a joint meeting of the state council and the council for national projects, we will discuss the current results of this work. let's decide on the main approaches to achieving the goals we talked about.
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which do, give maximum effect for the quality of life of people, the well-being of russian families, for the development of territories, regions, social spheres, infrastructure, it is in this vein that i propose today, as a first approximation, of course, to discuss budget guidelines for the upcoming three-year period, as well as, as agreed, the long-term financial plan until 2030. let's start working, please, vladimir putin from nova ogorev in video mode. conference held a meeting on economic issues. russia is expanding its work with african countries. in the capital uganda hosted the first russian-african international conference on the fight against infectious diseases. its participants were shown a russian mobile laboratory for testing for dangerous diseases. how russia
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helps africa defend its biological sovereignty, see the special report by anna nemirovskaya. one of the central roads in the capital of uganda, kampala, there is brisk trade along it, you can buy here, it seems. everything, fruits, clothes, live birds, you don’t even have to get out of the car. such markets everywhere here, it is very convenient for kampala motorists who are always stuck in traffic jams. the main thing is to maintain hygiene, because the equatorial climate is hot with high humidity, an ideal incubator for infections.
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timur, we're coming. to ensure that outbreaks of infection cease to be a threat to the african continent, russia is sharing its technologies. the first russian mobile laboratory for testing for dangerous diseases was delivered to uganda; these are already operating in almost one and a half dozen countries in asia and africa, and the effect is obvious, he says head of rospotrebnadzor anna popova. this august will mark 10 years since the first delivery of such a laboratory to guinea, during these 10 years in guinea, using our mobile technologies and pit supervision technology, we managed to cope with... can cover long distances off-road. this is especially important, because,
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for example, the latest ebola outbreak in uganda . two modules were created on the basis of kamaz vehicles, which means it was located in a remote area on the border with the democratic republic of the congo. this is the so -called sanitary checkpoint, namely epidemiologists will be through it. here they will leave their clothes, change into work clothes, put on personal protective equipment, personal protective equipment, there is also a shower here, which they will need to use on the way out. let's go further, the mirror is not here for beauty, but in order to check how tightly the protective clothing fits; the doors here are designed in such a way that during real work it will not be possible to open two at the same time, only one at a time. vladimir putin announced that such a laboratory would be transferred to uganda at the russia-africa summit in the summer. in february of this year, a delegation from our rospotrebnadzor, led by its head, visited you. ms. popova, she is here at our conference table.
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in accordance with the agreements reached then on expanding cooperation in the sanitary and epidemiological sphere. here at the summit we are transferring to uganda the latest mobile laboratory based on our camas vehicle with a capacity of up to 3,500 tests per day for any infections, including especially dangerous ones. and this was highly anticipated here. because there are epidemics in in africa, it is like a weapon of mass destruction, says peter alupote alupote, a professor at uganda's busetema university. in the past, we have already seen situations where, instead of helping to fight epidemics, most countries left africa alone with them, and diseases continued to kill african people. we must work together through african-russian initiatives to ensure that no infection can ever again become a weapon of destruction. this year we have produced quite a lot of different fruits,
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such as avocados. alla plotnikova in uganda for 8 years now, formerly a doctor, now an entrepreneur, supplies russian medicines to the ugandan market, says people here are glad that russia has paid attention to africa, because investors are welcome here. the government of uganda is taking very big steps for this; the fact is that a special agency has been created, so called. which helps to open a company, helps to carry out legal transactions, it issues land, the land is given to the company for 50 years free of charge, plus all the equipment that the company imports here is not subject to taxes. local business opportunities have already been appreciated by investors from china, japan, and india. uganda along with seven other countries, including such large ones. like kenya, tanzania, the democratic republic of the congo, it is part of the east african community, and this is a common
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market with a population of about 300 million people, inexpensive hired labor, but there is also an advantage that is not expressed in numbers. those who have lived and worked in uganda for a long time note that the locals are unusually hardworking, and indeed, here it is enough to go outside to feel. work doesn’t stop, it seems, not even for a minute, even on weekends, everyone is in a hurry, everyone is going about their business, everyone is busy with something. our president of uganda announced at the summit in july in st. petersburg that we really need russian investors, including in oil production, in the oil refinery that will be built here, the uganda-tanzania oil pipeline is now being built, we have found large reserves oil, so... there are great prospects in the country. the tourism market also has room to grow. uganda is not called the pearl for nothing
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africa. uganda is not only about local markets, which are very colorful, but not always safe for tourists. these are also national wildlife parks and picturesque lakes. for example, here, on the shores of the famous lake victoria, summits are held at the fashionable resort. but it is important for travelers and tourists to feel safe. so that those who come to the african continent do not fear for their health, russia is helping to cope. felt it when they can only send the material to the laboratory, and then a week or two to achieve, but what is there anyway,
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this is the largest and most equipped laboratory in uganda, the equipment is foreign, mainly from the usa and japan, tests from patients from all over the country are brought here twice a week, and during the epidemic every day, but on the journey takes hours, every minute counts, a russian laboratory can be quickly deployed in any remote source of infection. the laboratory is developing very quickly. this takes 1-2 hours from the moment the installation arrives at the desired point until the moment when it can begin taking samples.
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usa and other countries, but now is the time to develop internal capabilities, run your own affairs and learn from your experience from other african countries in order to better respond to the threats of the epidemic. we are very pleased that our partnership is strengthening, in particular on disease control. we know that the russian side has incredible capabilities in terms of expertise, because it has the best practices and management to bring infectious diseases under control. covid-19 has made us realize that we should act together, exchange experience and expertise. no country can deal with something like this on its own; if
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someone is not safe, everyone is not safe. until the end of 2026 on the continent. diseases that are of scientific interest are of interest for practical healthcare, and this demonstrates russia’s previously announced principle for african problems, an african solution.
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"investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts,
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there is a clear and clear signal to russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready? ?" " russia changes, in any structure, evolution occurs, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, so i will kill, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she valerov is digging under you in the most dangerous place for you, survive the predator, what else, it will hurt, they say that you people are right in the head. you know how to look, this is a metaphor, look
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into his head, look in the application or on the website, floods do not recede in the tyumen region, near the village of obatsko, the water level has approached 12 m, flooded bridges and roads , emergency evacuation of life is underway. attacks on military facilities of ukraine in the kharkov region, explosions were heard in the area of ​​​​the plant where aircraft are repaired, in nikolaev region under attack it turned out to be a warehouse with ammunition at the airfield. local media reports that this is the most massive attack in recent times. heroes who wear uniforms, utility uniforms. during a fire in st. petersburg, several residents of the house were saved by a janitor, it turned out that the man was with... in the troops of uzbekistan and was getting carried away. the wind, which carries more loads, powerful tornadoes swept across the us states of texas, iowa
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and nebraska. hundreds of houses were destroyed to the ground. inflation in russia is gradually slowing down, and gdp at the end of the year may add more than 3%. this is a statement by vladimir putin. the president, via videoconference , held a meeting with the government on economic issues, noted that macroeconomic indicators at the beginning of the year were higher than the forecasts of the government and the bank of russia and called on domestic producers to more actively develop the domestic production market, including that we certainly need active actions from the government and regions that will support and stimulate business and investment activity, will help open new productions. including high-tech ones, create modern jobs, satisfy the growing demand of the domestic market primarily by increasing our own production of goods and
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services that are more competitive compared to foreign suppliers, that is, we need to develop, occupy our own market, displace imports, displace not due to administrative actions of resources, and due to fair market competition, exactly this... increasing one’s own production, developing the internal national market, this we call it supply-side economics. vladimir putin also called for maintaining a conservative approach to the budget, despite rising incomes, and focusing the main expenses on those areas that have the maximum effect on people’s quality of life. to develop the regions, we will roll out a large infrastructure renewal program, including... energy and utility networks, we will build new transport corridors, a separate solution that supports regional finances will be the write-off of 2/3
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of issued budget loans, as we... were said, as well as an increase in the volume of infrastructure budget loans, their portfolio should add no less than 250 billion rubles annually, i emphasize these funds, additional resources should work for the stable, long-term development of our towns and villages, reduce inequality in the socio-economic potential of the territory, and for every citizen, no matter where he lives, it is necessary to ensure equal opportunities, what is important here is... the entire state of the so -called childhood infrastructure, that is , kindergartens, schools, clubs, sections, camps recreation, development of the healthcare system, culture, environmental well-being of settlements and conditions for self-realization of youth, launching entrepreneurial initiatives, and so on. there are no prerequisites for negotiations with kiev and moscow now, so the special military operation continues. this was stated by
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the president's press secretary. he noted that everyone knows ukraine’s position on non-acceptance of any negotiation process and recalled the refusal of the ukrainian authorities to sign the istanbul agreements in 2022. everyone is fine it is known that the document was actually signed; everyone also knows well from the words of a participant in these negotiations on the ukrainian side what exactly was the reason for the ukrainians’ refusal to continue them further. and finalize the work on the document, this was direct pressure from london, mr. arakhamia reported this, everything else is reasoning, i propose to focus on primary sources. five civilians, including a seventeen-year-old girl, were injured in the belgorod region as a result of a ukrainian drone attack. in in the village of voznesenovka, shibekinsky district, a kamikaze drone fell on a section of the road, as
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a result. three cars were damaged, as reported by governor vyacheslav glodkov, in total , a border village in the shibekinsky district was attacked by five kamika drones, one of them dropped ammunition on a tractor on the territory of an agricultural enterprise, as a result of the explosion a machine operator was injured, a man with shrapnel wounds was taken to the hospital, a grain truck was also attacked, kamaz and a passenger car, operational services are working on the spot. in ukraine they report attacks on military facilities. including in the western regions of the country. according to media reports, strikes were recorded in lviv, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, zhytomyr, khmelnitsky, kiev and other regions. they write that this is the most massive attack in recent times. reports of explosions also come from dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev and kharkov. they claim that in the kharkov region they were heard in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft and fuel equipment are repaired. in nikolaevskaya, a warehouse with ammunition at the martynovka airfield came under attack, in
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controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. kherson railway station. according to some reports , four thermal power plants were also damaged. i would like to note that russia is using high-precision weapons to attack military targets, as well as infrastructure that is related to the military objectives of the kiev regime. piata is there too. next on our broadcast is the diary of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavts, will tell you who won and what this film screening will be remembered for. hello, ivan kudryavtsev is here, and this is the ninth summary page diaries of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival. the forty-sixth miff closed with a ceremony in the building of the capital's musical theater on pushkinskaya square. about the winners of the competition programs and other key films of the screening in our first story. winner of the main
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prize of the moscow inter. we continue to fight in mexico and i am incredibly grateful and want to say thank you very much.


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