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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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hello, this is kirill vyshinsky, and this is a program typical of novorossiya, our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya with help. what was it, how 70 years ago khrushchev transferred crimea to the ukrainian ussr, how ukraine tried to erase crimea from history.
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was a decision of the party leadership of the cpsu, which was initiated by the then first secretary of the central committee nikita khrushchev. the decision to transfer crimea to ukraine was one of many, almost ordinary actions of the leadership at that time countries to change the administrative boundaries of republics and regions within the ussr, and after decades led to historical consequences and changed.
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be that as it may, what they definitely didn’t do 70 years ago during the transfer of crimea was not ask the crimeans themselves whether they wanted to become part of, albeit a fraternal, but still another union republic. the issue is not only economic, but cultural. integration
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of crimean residents into ukraine was unprincipled for officials, no big deal, after all, all soviet people, but with the beginning of the processes disintegration in the nineties, the issue became on the agenda: in january ninety-one, in a referendum, the majority of crimeans spoke in favor of the autonomy of crimea with the possibility of signing a new union treaty with the ussr, in ninety- four during a general crimean poll, which was essentially also a referendum. residents of the peninsula spoke in favor of the possibility of dual citizenship, ukrainian and russian. but kiev was not going to meet the decisions for which the russian-speaking majority of the inhabitants of the peninsula voted. in ninety-five, the verkhovna rada abolished the constitution of crimea in 1992 and abolished the post of president of this republic. the crimean constitution of 1998 contains the right of autonomy. within
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ukraine were significantly limited. then there were two maidans: significant restrictions on the russian language in the public space and the sphere of education. attempts. revision of historical memory and the displacement of everything russian from it. in 2014, 60 years after khrushchev’s transfer of the peninsula to ukraine, crimeans decided to restore historical justice and return to russian federation. how the decision was made to transfer crimea to the ukrainian ussr 70 years ago, how they tried to ukrainize crimea and what were the consequences. this led to the story of anna efimova. moscow - 1935, instead of double-headed imperial eagles , soviet stars are installed on the kremlin tower. the footage is largely symbolic; at the same time
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, the star of the political career of nikita sergeevich khruchev begins to rise, a party leader whose name years later will be inextricably linked with the history of crimea in the most negative way. you know, the limit was in 1954, wasn't it? someone asked us, the political trail of khrushchev’s decision will make itself felt later, with the collapse of the union, but for now the calendar year is 1953, stalin is dying, a behind-the-scenes struggle is going on in the highest echelons of power. in october 1953, shortly after his election as the first secretary of the cpsu central committee and not long before the transfer of crimea to ukraine, khrushchev personally went to the peninsula, at that time he still...
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didn’t want to do who to appoint, who to remove from the department, that’s what crimea was just khrushchev is necessary, very necessary, and khrushchev i was just sick in order to transfer crimea to ukraine, where all its bosses are sitting, who will be there as eyes and ears. there is traditionally a lot of speculation and gossip surrounding the transfer of crimea to the ukrainian ussr, but it is impossible to talk about such a fateful decision in isolation from... documents for searches, we go to the russian state archive of modern history. this archive can be called the holy of holies of the cpsu record keeping. this is where documents of departments of the central committee, congresses of the cpsu, first secretaries of the party are stored. thematic folders
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politburo. but an amazing moment, such an important process as the transfer of a region from one republic to another, is accompanied, in fact, by only two documents. short. no one openly objected to the top party leadership, but in crimea the first secretary of the crimean opkom, pavel titov, tried to resist khrushchev’s initiative. unsuccessfully, he was removed from his post and soon with demotion he was sent under supervision to the capital.
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well, he motivated by the fact that crimea should belong to russia and, as it were , historically, in general, since the time of catherine, geopolitical, strategic, black sea. our military black sea fleet in sevastopol, and in general this was such a significant, let’s say, territory for russia. titov headed crimea in 1949, during the war years he successfully established the work of factories beyond the urals and was known as a strong business executive, so stalin entrusted him with the restoration of the destroyed great patriotic peninsula. stalin said that there is an opinion to appoint you titov as the first secretary of the regional committee of crimea. grandfather said. that i'm afraid that i i can’t handle it, because i never led, i was always the second secretary there, to which stalin said: “ well, you can’t handle it, what will we do?” he asked koganovich, koganovich said: “we’ll shoot.” stalin said: “titov, go to work. ” ". and titov
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worked, they say that during the nineteenth congress he proposed to stalin to change the name of the region from crimean to tauride, and saw the prospect of restoring the region in size to the revolutionary tauride province including. removed from power, in general moscow is serious will be interested in this question, what
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happened there? this is the question crimeans asked themselves in 2014, first, when the bloodshed began on the maidan, then when unarmed crimean activists returning to the peninsula from kiev were defeated by far-right ukrainian nationalists. there was never a clear investigation into those events, but it was they that became the impetus for the beginning of the russian spring in crimea. it’s been 10 years since crimea returned to russia, a lot has been done during this time, highways, modern hospitals have been built, the peninsula finally became an absolutely self-sufficient region, pavel ivanovich tetov also advocated for all this in his time. relatives of pavel tetov have been trying for 10 years to install a memorial plaque on the central facade of the central museum of tavrita. this building was once, let's say, the main one.
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sasha, good afternoon, good afternoon. sasha, since the time of catherine the great,
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the crimea’s belonging to the russian empire has been something of a given for a century. why , almost immediately after the seventeenth year, there were quite a large number of people who wanted this this fact can be challenged, especially in ukraine. it was a single organism, this organism, it turned out to be cut, and cut as if very seriously, because the central council is ukrainian, yes, that is, it is national. self-appointed government and at the same time with the parliament, in the summer of 1977 they negotiated with the provisional government and laid claim to just a part of this torish province, cutting it up, so to speak, without asking the opinion of the tovrian province itself and further well-known events happened, the obrez world, the central council called the germans , because the national idea of ​​the ukrainian nationalists is to be occupied by germany in any circumstances, and that means german troops entered. immediately there were found, that means, ukrainian military leaders, atamans, yes, such a mr. balbachan, that means, who
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decided to make a military campaign at the head of his gaidomas, that is, units, to seize crimea, but even the germans, in general, the german occupiers in the first world war, they understood that the claims to crimea are unfounded, then we know that there was a regime of getma skoropatsky again, just as skoropatsky began to lay claim to crimea, he introduced a blockade, a blockade of the peninsula, that is, a trade blockade, and moreover. all together it was occupied by the germans and very similar to what was happening, absolutely, absolutely, and it must be said that they themselves, well, local, so to speak, some kind of political activist, yes, here is local, here is local self-government, torch zemstvo , it fought, people traveled there from simphepol to kiev, they said that we have a single the province is a single organism, social, economic, it cannot be torn apart under any circumstances, but no one heard them then, and indeed there was a decision... to cut off crimea, and to leave the national
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crimean tatar republic there, but as part of the rsfsr , in which there were many autonomies, which means mainland parts and attaching them to ukraine, when they discuss khrushchev’s decision in the fifties to transfer crimea to ukraine, they talk more about some legal details of this decision, and less about... a certain political context , as far as this is justified, it was all carried out in violation of socialist legality, and soviet legislation, the lawyers are right in this sense. but, but we understand perfectly well why this happened, the essence was precisely in the political claims, the political claims of the ukrainian party leadership, which was embodied by nikita sergeevich khrushchev, yes, since one of his key posts, which made him generally one of the top officials of the soviet state, it was precisely the leadership of soviet ukraine, look what khrushchev also did this, since, for example,
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the leadership of soviet ukraine and the leadership of soviet belarus constantly, and khrushchev also participated in these processes, constantly argued with...
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well, so to speak, from the height of geopolitical positions, what does this mean? or is this just the restoration of historical justice, and nothing more? if you go up to the area of ​​geopolitics, look what happened, there was a revision of the borders, yes, which were established after the seventeenth year, that is, in fact, to be honest, following the defeat of russia in the first world war
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war, but the loss of crimea, the loss of novorossiya was a consequence of these... all of crimea, they knew perfectly well the historical, cultural, political realities and nevertheless imposed their own rules, which crossed out these realities. it is possible to change this balance for a short time with artificial borders, some decisions, imposed decisions, but persistent ignoring of this reality
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ultimately results in a bloody military conflict, if you act in a civilized manner, if you act, give opportunity... cat book is a source of knowledge today, when people turn to the internet for information and often gain knowledge from there, reading paper books seems to have faded into the background, but for novorossiya books and libraries are not only about reading, it is primarily familiarization with a culture that not so long ago they tried
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to push out of the public space. crimeans were the first among the new russian regions to feel the support of a big country. this was largely facilitated by the national project "culture", which started in 2019. among other things, 10 libraries were modernized on the peninsula, and two more are planned to open this year. thanks to the national project in the donetsk people's republic , only last year so-called model libraries were opened in khartsiski, novoazovsk, and the village of mangush. modern library. not just a book depository, this is a space with multimedia equipment, an updated book collection and bright interiors, here you can find the book you need, gain access to... the resource of the national electronic library and just have an interesting time. another action that has enriched the book stock of new territories: read freely in
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russian, it is carried out by the russian book union. in the ukrainian years, the local library experienced an acute shortage of works by russian writers and poets, as well as modern children's literature. today more than 2.5 million books have been published. for school and public libraries in new regions, with money from the reserve fund of the president of the russian federation. librarians of lugansk, donetsk, melitopol, genichesko, recognize. their institutions are experiencing today book renaissance. about how important it is to be able to hold a good book in your hands. who do the residents of novorossiya read today and who writes for them in the story by olga mokhova. look, there are wonderful authors, authors, front-line soldiers, wonderful front-line poetry, and children's literature, adventures for
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children. the donetsk republican library named after krupskaya admits that there are not enough hands to process such a volume of new literature. in 2023, the dpr received a record number of books, both as part of humanitarian and charitable programs, so as a gift from donetsk. and residents of greater russia. if we take the beginning of the conflict, 2014, the time of the existence of the independent donetsk people's republic, then replenishing the fund was difficult and difficult. basically, this was humanitarian aid from the russian federation in fairly small volumes; it was not always new literature. more than 100 visitors now come to the city subscription department of the lugansk gorky library every day, everyone finds what they are looking for. here...
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literature is reference literature, it is encyclopedias. regulatory and legal publications are in particular demand today; after all, donbass now lives under new laws, russian ones, and such literature exists. in addition, the russian state library opened its branch on the basis of lugansk, equipping the virtual space with comfortable workspaces for visitors. i study electronic books, i can’t access the electronic library, but sometimes it’s useful to read here in umai.
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all prestigious domestic awards quickly appear on the shelves here libraries, as well as their local authors,
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interest in whom has grown significantly in recent years. well, probably the most in demand is, of course, vodolaskin, yes, they ask us most of all, laurus, the aviator, zakhar prelepin, that is, his abode, the black monkey, is very popular.
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these are the children of captain grant, and this is the fifteen-year-old captain zhulverna, all three of them talk about nobility, about honor, about dignity, yes, about courage. to write about what is happening now, modern authors need time to comprehend, so that to convince children to pick up a book and read it, you need to come to them with these books. thanks to the support of the popular front, the author of the story about the adventures of a pencil and a homemade product, valentin postnikov, did the same. i've heard it hundreds of thousands of times. about lugansk, about donetsk, i wanted to see and hear how the kids live here, the arrival of a writer to any school, to any class - this is the best advertising-reading. in 2023, representatives of the first movement donated about 400,000 books to their peers in the donbass. this year the dpr plans to open three more modern libraries in donetsk, yanakiev and makeevka, so
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there will definitely be even more readers in these regions. this is all we wanted to talk about today, kirill vyshinsky was with you, see you soon.
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the russian army, in response to shelling in the ssu , carried out 35 group strikes with high-precision weapons in a week...


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