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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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have even more opportunities, opportunities to immediately get everything you have long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new ones impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan with sbery and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, it’s more profitable with sbery. hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day, the duty department and i, maxim movchan. the verdict against the creator of the country's saltiest financial pyramid was announced in the capital. as investigators proved, a couple of swindlers, natalya shakhova, maxim leshko, offered their investors to buy shares in a fictitious salt production plant, they even came up with a sonorous name salt of rus'. they lured an investor.
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placing a special emphasis on deceiving pensioners who had collected decent savings and were convinced to invest money with such colorful presentations. the project solves priority government tasks, import substitution and the development of high-tech industries. but no one really intended to build the plant; the shares turned out to be just candy wrappers without legal force. as a result , the presnensky district court of moscow sentenced two defendants in the criminal case to 8 and 9 years in prison. players on the crypto exchange came for real money. in the moscow city complex, dozens of investors storm the exchanger's office in hopes of getting their millions back. clients suddenly stopped paying money, and employees barricaded themselves inside. now they have been detained, now they are telling the police where the huge sums went. andrey romanov will continue the topic. it's been more than a day, at least three dozen. office of a crypto exchanger, which
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stopped all payments a few days ago; clients demand their money be returned immediately and refuse to leave. this is a long story about another group of investors, who now consider themselves deceived, began on friday morning, immediately after the opening of the beri bit exchange , clients of the financial organization began to accumulate at the doors of its office. people asked to explain why they stopped. after that they postponed the start of payments to the evening, followed by assurances that the money would be closer to the night, when the office employees realized that their bosses would not arrive, they tried to escape from the indignant crowd through a spare room...
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the crowd of crypto investors had to be policed, law enforcement officers took the man in the cap out of building and said that they would take him for interrogation, meanwhile, people spent the night in the corridors of the office, by the morning one of the crypto investors felt sick, an ambulance arrived at the scene, but even after the medical diagnosis, the patient refused
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to leave the building, he remained waiting for payments in the company of like-minded people, i am a client, he is a client, he is a client, all clients, excitement crypto investors are easy to understand, we are talking about millions of rubles and fate.
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no longer reported about the terrorist attack in crocus, arrested, what was his role? the main omsk authority was sent to his accomplices for a long time, for which he received a sentence, an odious bandit, in guests are good, taking away a house is even better, a new wave of so-called squatters is taking over other people’s homes around the world, what to do if there are strangers at your dacha, we’ll tell you about this and much more immediately after a short advertisement, don’t switch. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don’t just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, don’t give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you
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the live legal program is broadcast by the duty department, we continue the broadcast. in moscow restoon, the twelfth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus. according to investigators, he was involved in financing the terrorist attack, including providing his accomplices with telephones and paying bills. details from alexander mostovoy. another possible accomplice in the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow , dzhumukhon kurbonov, was taken to the capital’s rogue court building early in the morning, but the process of choosing peace suppression began in the afternoon. and it was held closed to journalists. media representatives were allowed into the courtroom only when the judge began to read
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decision to choose world suppression. twenty- one-year-old dzhumukhon kurbonov, being in a cage, looked at one point, not paying attention to those around him. it is noteworthy that this gentleman has already come to the attention of operatives. back in early april, he was detained for hooliganism. at first he was given 15 days of administrative arrest. and later it turned out that kurbonov may be connected with terrorists. according to investigators, he... provided the bandits with communication means and paid their bills, in fact, he sponsored the mass murder of people. elect accused dzhumakhnovicheniya without detention, place kurbonov in custody for zero months 26 days. four executives of the terrorist attack were sent to pre-trial detention in march. investigators found that the bandits carefully prepared for the crime. the probable leader of the murder group, shamseddin fariduni, specially rented housing. the apartment in the new building was essentially a base for criminals. to the room. a minimum of things and furniture, the killers slept on mattresses, covered with blankets, discussed their plans here, judging by the abundance of rolls of
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electrical tape, they held together shops for machine guns, before moving to crocus on march 22. the terrorists entered the building, shooting at everyone they met on their way, reaching the concert hall, setting fire to the chair and returning the same way to the car, driving away from the crocus, they deliberately shot down two children, little ilya and his... sister ira. the white reno, accelerating, hit my entire family. the children suffered, i suffered. accordingly, my youngest child, ilya, received the most severe bruises. following the perpetrators of the terrorist attack , probable accomplices were arrested, including family islomov. israil's father and his two sons amenchon and delovar, who sold the killers a renault car for 250,000 rubles. the chief was also involved in the criminal case related to the terrorist attack.
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the real fury of nature fell upon the chinese city of guangzhou , demolishing everything in its path of death, along with it, livingsgrad walked through its streets, and the blocks of ice falling from the sky were larger than skulak, due to impenetrable clouds and tables of dust for a while in the city it became dark as night, the wind swirled and carried fragments of the roof, torn high-voltage wires into the clouds the wires shorted out every now and then, and then the clouds came down. tons of ice fell on people’s heads, hailstones broke through windows, cars and thin roofs; anyone who did not have time to hide was in
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mortal danger. it is reported that at least five people were killed and more than three dozen were injured. accusations and tests, hydrologist from the yaroslavl region alexander tsvetkov devoted his life to studying water ecological systems, but in 2023 his reputation, career and even fate were on the brink of the abyss. the neural network suspected the scientist of involvement in several murders committed. 20 years ago, how tsvetkov fought for his good name; how much can we trust modern technologies? don't miss the premiere on the russia-24 tv channel this weekend. new investigation of dort petrov, a mistake of art. the neural network saw in the scientist hydrologist alexander tsvetkov a suspect in a series of bloody crimes, he was charged with four murders twenty years ago, a huge amount of work was done, photographs of that time were obtained. you know that you are not guilty of anything, but they are trying to
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win back in every possible way. the researcher is making him a new chekotil, that’s what he told him, absurd theater. the face of a person in neurosen can determine 99.8, flowers - this is the same person, an error in artificial intelligence almost broke the fate of a scientist, we naturally wrote to the president, artificial intelligence began to be used in the investigation of crimes, especially in past years, if there are any failures - then we need to analyze them and draw a conclusion. who actually committed the brutal murders of which alexander tsvetkov was accused. we took it for this and carried out their work. investigation. the main omsk mafioso went to jail. for the first time in the history of the region, the court passed a verdict on the article of occupying the highest position of the criminal hierarchy. perhaps the most authoritative figure in the omsk region, nikolai chernetsov, was on the docket of the defendants. we managed to find him after the high-profile kidnapping of a businessman right from the bank’s office. material by irina lotz.
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not every defendant nikolai chernetsov, a man who is, so to speak, his authority, can boast of such a support group. escorted by a whole retinue, several dozen man, here they are looking into the hall of the omsk regional court so that the defendant is sure to see them, encouraging an honest company, chernetsov’s mother, the lady assures her that her son is here by mistake, in your opinion, no matter what the objective sentence was, 3 years, since he in any case, he has already been in prison for two years, the support group for the state association does not share this unanimity, the security forces are sure that mr. chernetsov, the so-called overseer of omsk, is the first and only person in the entire region to hear the verdict on the famous one. 210 article of the criminal code, as an unofficial leader in criminal circles, he treated certain individuals, communicated with them accordingly, during these dialogues he resolved their various issues, everyday, life, so to speak, according to concepts. chernetsov’s criminal biography is very rich; the central district court of omsk handed down his first sentence for hooliganism 14 years ago. in total, chernetsov has three convictions and spent about 6 years behind bars. the last time
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he was released from the colony in labytnang was in 2018, when he served a sentence for intentional infliction. grievous bodily harm, beatings. according to the investigation, it was in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug that chernetsov received his criminal assignment in omsk. he successfully did this work, so to speak, for 4 years, until he was detained in march 2022. from then to this day he has been kept in solitary confinement in the omsk pre-trial detention center. chernetsov and four of his accomplices were detained by fsb officers after the group kidnapped a businessman, the criminals took the prisoner to the cemetery, threatened to kill him and bury him in a nearby pit. they demanded money and documents for the apartment, but chernetsov, having received information that law enforcement agencies had become aware of the kidnapping, or something, was forced to give up criminal intent, they let him go, or something, and the kidnapping itself happened in the middle of nowhere, two men went into bank office, approached one of the clients, in front of everyone they took him by the arms and took him away by force, all this, according to the investigation , was organized by nikolai chernetsov,
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the others helped him, as a result, mr. looker was sentenced to 11 years in prison special regime during... the rest of the defendants received from 6 to 7 years in prison, one of the defendants did not come to court, he will be put on the federal wanted list. irina lotsa, nikita zmaga, conduct the duty unit, omsk. vladimir putin awarded singer stas mikhailov with the order for services to culture and art. the corresponding decree was published on the official internet portal of legal information. the people's artist of russia received the state award. his birthday, today he turns 55 years old, over the past years of professional activity stas mikhailov has earned the authority and recognition of his colleagues, the love of millions of fans of his talent, the staff and editorial staff of the programs conduct the duty department and the investigation of eduard petrov, as well as the authors of the telegram channel honest detective join in the congratulations, with all our hearts we wish stanislav vladimirovich good health, strength, new songs of constant andschlags happy birthday.
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people learn about legal news in their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists. the program to conduct the duty unit is published in many regions of the country. what topics interested our colleagues in ufa, my colleague angelina mashkina will tell you. hello, maxim. all week we have been following important events in the legal field in the republic, this is what we will tell you about in the final episode of the vesti dezhurnaya bashkartastan program. the verdict was announced in ufa. to a thirty-seven-year-old man who killed his father, a pensioner, then got rid of the evidence and disappeared, how he was found and what was the last word of the accused, the tram is not always... right, a forty-three-year-old died in a terrible accident with electric transport a ufa resident who crossed the road in the wrong place, so why was the tram driver found guilty and what punishment did he receive? don’t
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miss the final episode of the program conducted by the duty department of bashkartastan on monday at 22:15 on the russia 24 tv channel. maxim, thank you, it was angelina mashkin from ufa, and we are returning to federal news. the corruption swing has come full circle in the oryol region. the head of the dmitrovsky district was placed under house arrest; the investigation is confident that sergei kozin played tricks on the carousels; budget funds were allocated for their purchase millions, but not all of them reached children's attractions. ekaterina lekhomanova will continue the topic. the head of the dmitrovsky district of the urlovsk region, sergei kozin , is led under escort into the hall of the zavodsky district court. burned on swings and carousels, accused of abuse of official powers and embezzlement of almost 2 million rubles from the state treasury for landscaping. kozin retrained as an official in 2016; before that, however, he also worked as a manager, the chief physician of the local
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central district hospital. as head of the district, he did not build only a career, but well-known in the city , kantimir boulevard, for which the government of the country allocated 70 million rubles in 2023. it will be a beautiful highlight of our city. the pedestrian part is landscaped, paving slabs will be laid, and there is a children's playground. a sports complex will be installed, an open-air type will be installed there, this is what the huge playgrounds actually looked like, an inspection showed that there was no trace left of the plans for the municipal contract, the contractors and subcontractors who were engaged in installing slides and swings, among them, by the way, was the notorious businessman anton tyapochkin, he had already been caught in fraud with government contracts when he was engaged in the improvement of a facility in kursk, why such a reno was bothering dmitrov officials is unclear, the improvement project was supplied at an inflated cost, children's play equipment and sports complexes
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having the worst quality characteristics. the head of the municipality, in turn, in violation of the contract requirements, did not checked the compliance of the volumes, quality, work completed and presented for delivery. what kind of platforms, did the whole boulevard look like this? local residents write. the asphalt surface is terrible, the tiles are not reinforced, there are no markings on the other side, there are no signs, and there is no video surveillance. it is unclear why the administration has such a negligent attitude towards the improvement of the boulevard area. here is my house, no check-in or check-out, but here there was a pile of gravel, it was not leveled, but simply sprinkled over. and in this house, by the way, lives a disabled person of the first group, who with it is very difficult to go outside. talking to our managers. personalities who are in the administration, since i am a widow, talk to me, no one wants to help me, no one really wants either, well
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, everything they could do, i already filmed on video, was the rest of the money spent in good faith, big the question is, perhaps kantimir boulevard and its reconstructors have other secrets; during the investigation, sergei kozin was sent under house arrest. ekaterina lekhomanova, lead, duty department. this sunday. 17:15 don’t miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. dark affairs of energy workers. in dagestan, arrests continue in the case of fraud amounting to almost 3 billion rubles. more than 30 people are already under investigation. only our program managed to communicate with the probable organizers of a large-scale theft scheme. how did they get burned on smart meters? why do some bathe in luxury, while others are forced to sit in the dark? huge amounts of money are being allocated, but we don’t feel it, we tried to figure out where the budget money went
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billions from dagestan and the stavropol territory, investigation by maxim shevchenko. the subscriber is offline. in the nizhny novgorod region , police officers seized a record batch of mobile phones, which they tried to deliver to the colony. here, the so-called push-button dialers are already more rare. who made the hiding place in the gas cylinder and how they managed to uncover the cunning plan, the security department employees worked competently and stopped the delivery of smartphones, push-button phones, sim cards chargers, were the prisoners from the sixth colony really going to to open a fraudulent call center behind bars, those convicted with the help of cellular communications with the territory of the institution could - commit fraudulent actions, as swindlers are identified when the calls of fake bankers and security officials from the colonies finally become a thing of the past. and a pre-trial detention center from the nizhny novgorod region , a report by fyodor eliseev, when the amount raises additional suspicions in the city of kinishma, ivanovo region , a high-ranking
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police officer was detained for a small bribe, what? this is just one of the episodes or revenge on the part of an influential businessman, for 40,000, do you think he would do this, why did the businessman need a fake registration, who is he hiding from, and is it true that the deputy head of the city police department decided to help him with this? do you agree with the charges brought against you? i initially disagreed. can this story be connected with the detention of operatives who are accused of receiving cars from a former deputy ? why the ivanovo police are rocked by one scandal after another. the security forces work well or the personnel are bad. we went to ivanovskaya region to find out on the spot whether to expect new arrests. report by olga zhivinkova. welcome from here. uninvited guests shamelessly occupy houses as soon as the owners leave and it becomes almost impossible to drive them out. sometimes the police help, but not always the courts. we are talking about the usa, where a boom of so-called squatters, people who
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look alike, began. they don’t recognize the term private property or, on the contrary, they know perfectly well how to get someone else’s property forever. material by lina skachkova. just imagine, you are leaving for work, and a stranger crawls out from under your bed, goes to the kitchen, makes coffee, empties the refrigerator and takes water treatments right in your bathroom. it sounds like a bad dream, but in fact, you may not even suspect for years that you are not living alone, the so -called squatters, those who secretly move in with strangers. usa, in the state of georgia alone, invisible invaders have seized more than a thousand homes, the real owners are perplexed, as soon as they went on vacation, uninvited guests took over the bedroom, and okay, even if your door opens for you nice neighbor. hello, is this my house? no, but homeless and illegal immigrants often engage in squatting; through the internet they
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find abandoned ones or those put up for sale. houses deftly seep in, open, and then change the locks and live on everything ready. it can be difficult to drive out such insolent people, even for the police. this is video from one of the officers' body cameras. the partners tiptoe around the mansion meter by meter. a mysterious stranger may turn up around any corner, and not alone, in the company of a faithful revolver. that's how deadly it is here the dangerous strands almost ended in tragedy ; the armed monster was found under the bed in time. i'll shoot now, count to three. imagine the surprise of the police when in the next room, among the chaos and syringes, they came across this gentleman’s accomplice, her box was guarded by an aggressive dog, but there are those who take it higher, literally, they live in the ceilings of supermarkets, getting out at night and sweeping them off the shelves food, others open strip clubs in occupied houses, but this squatter in a large empty mansion, it seemed like he was getting lonely, so he invited the ladies.
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impostors often forge lease agreements ; besides, they are well versed in the laws and the gaps between them, for example, in some states, if a stranger lives in an abandoned house for more than 3 days, then he can only be kicked out through the court, and the invader still has to try, because a free lawyer is entitled to, but if he lived in the house for several years, then he has the right to become the owner, but quickly come out face down, in our country there are also those who like to flutter into other people’s nests. tracksuits very dubious interest clubs. since then, the laws have become stricter and settlement on someone else’s territory falls under the article of the criminal code on arbitrariness, but some still cannot be stopped. russian squatters feel especially at ease outside the city, so when you arrive at your dacha, the first thing you should do is make sure there isn’t another lodger in the closet. alena skachkova,
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duty officer. also the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective , subscribe also to our investigation watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective story, our episode is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . the russian army responded to the shelling in su .


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