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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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let's return to the news review: almost 6.00 people were evacuated from the floods of the tyumen region, more than 180 houses remain flooded there, and another half a thousand are at risk of flooding. the most difficult situation is in the obat district. our correspondent ksenia usoltseva reports on the situation from the scene. the water level in the ishim river is lower. dropped the mark at 12 m, the water
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continues to flow, but we are now on the federal highway tyumen-omsk, now the employees of the ministry of emergency situations and road services are continuing work to strengthen the hydraulic structure, of course, now the most important thing is to maintain this federal road, which connects the east and west of our country; 24-hour monitoring is carried out along the entire route, including from the air, and if the patrol detects any leaks or washouts, of course, they are all promptly eliminated. is open, traffic is organized in reverse mode, now cars are allowed through at intervals of 50 m, so as not to put such a heavy load on the roadway. as for the situation in general, in areas that fall into the flood zone, governor alexander mor is constantly working. we note an increase in water levels, as hydrologists warned us in ilinka +4, in ishim +13.
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for the third day now, our road workers have continued strengthening the embankment along the federal highway; we have to expand the existing earthen rampart on the water side for 4 km, then some sections will be strengthened with crushed stone and concrete slabs. the flood situation still remains tense, according to the forecast of the opertyzhsky department for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring environment in the region, especially in the south, today. on the night of april 29, they promise heavy
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rains, thunderstorms and wind with gusts of up to 25 or more, of course, this will certainly somehow affect the situation with water, which continues to flow into our region, we continue to monitor the situation. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, vesti tyumen. during a planned exercise , baltic fleet military personnel conducted firing from the bal coastal missile system from a starting position in the kaliningrad region. before this , the rocket scientists completed. to the designated area conducted a deployment and worked out the procedure for detecting sea targets. according to the legend of the training, the division discovered a mock enemy ship at a considerable distance. the target was destroyed with an accurate strike. this was confirmed by means of objective control.
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the kremlin warned of serious consequences for the west in the event of the seizure of russian assets, firstly, a loss of investor confidence, secondly, damage to the economy and thirdly, there is western money in russia. this was pointed out by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in interview with my colleague, author of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. what will we do if they are our assets after all , they are finally exported, it is too early to talk about this, well , firstly, of course, there is western money here, we have it. western money of various structures, now is not the time to specify, if this happens, if such a dangerous precedent is created, it will be such, you know, a solid nail in the future coffin of the entire western economic coordinate system, of course, foreign investors, foreign states that keep their holdings in the assets of these countries, they will now begin to think 10 times before investing their money. reliability will disappear, reliability
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disappears overnight, at the same time, a stupid , ill-conceived decision will take decades to be restored, otherwise, of course, there will be very wide-ranging lawsuits...
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part of the european assistance to the ukrainian armed forces is being eaten up by corruption, experts said. a few weeks ago zelensky admitted that 16 billion eu aid could not be found, yesterday his minister of agriculture had to resign due to corruption amounting to almost 7 million euros. the minister of agricultural policy of ukraine nikolai solsky is accused of illegally acquiring state land, figaro writes. having accused solsky, the kiev authorities released the official at the same moment, of course, on bail of 2 million euros. newspaper readers. they don’t hide their emotions. considering that the americans have contributed $61 billion, ukraine would do well to monitor more closely where the money is spent. this country should quickly join the eu. she matches all our requirements. i laugh out loud. they laugh,
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but only sadly, and german residents spread a video on german social networks in which convoys of luxury cars from european countries are heading to ukraine. the germans don’t understand, ukraine asked for weapons, they don’t fight with gelentvagens, but kiev officials know better. the american authorities will tell the whole world that ukraine needs support, they say, for some kind of victory. but the people from whose pockets washington constantly borrows have more and more questions for the armed forces of ukraine. and what does this victory look like? wrote elon musk on social networks, sending billions to ukraine, the people of america could have already received at least some kind of answer, journalists are indignant.
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zelensky goes to schools, these shots appeared on the internet, now ukrainians, frightened by the mobilization, are still worried about their children. maria skradilka, news. the winners of the international chemistry olympiad, which took place in china, were met at sheremetyevo airport. our team won 10 medals in the status competition, half
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of which were gold. maria valieva spoke with the winners. five gold five silver medals. none of the russian schoolchildren based on the results of the international medeleevskaya. the olympics did not go without a reward; our team of young chemists once again confirmed its right to be considered the best in the world. at sheremetyevo airport, the winners and prize-winners are met by relatives, as well as dozens of journalists. of course, after a long flight, the guys were tired, but they were still overwhelmed with emotions. are you the only girl? yes, being on the team and being a gold medalist, and of all the gold medalists in general, it was hard. but it turned out well in the end, the olympics were very interesting, it was it’s nice to compete, it’s nice to communicate with people. an eleventh-grader from moscow, mikhail perelman, who won the gold medal, also became a third -degree laureate of the academician valery
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lunin prize, which was established by one of the organizers of the championship, the melnichenko foundation. in memory of the legendary creator of the olympics. i am very happy that i have a medal with the name of valery lunin, i am very... that i could receive an award for it, i am very proud that i can bear it. there are three rounds in total at the olympiad, two practical rounds, one experimental. our guys successfully passed all the tests.
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the mendeleev olympiad is one of the two largest and most prestigious chemistry tournaments for schoolchildren in the world; its international status is recognized by unesco. maria valieva, viktor denisov, artyom ryzhikov and... anna tarasenko, lead. today is palm sunday for orthodox christians. it
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is celebrated a week before easter. on this day, according to tradition, twigs and willows are illuminated, remembering the meeting of the savior in jerusalem. and ceremonial services are held in churches. patriarch moscow all russia kirill celebrated the divine liturgy this morning at the cathedral of christ the savior. i heartily congratulate you on the great feast of the lord’s entry into jerusalem. church holidays that we... the triumph of the savior, only one event from
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his earthly life became a holiday for the people, this is the one that we celebrate today, his solemn entry into jerusalem. well, now our channel’s broadcast will continue with the parliamentary hour program. the parliamentary hour program is on air, hello, about the work of the state duma we'll tell you in a week right now. council of legislators in st. petersburg. it is no coincidence that the meeting of the council of legislators takes place in the tauride palace; this is where it takes its toll.
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increase the fines severalfold, as demonstrated by the test purchase. not all sellers comply with the requirements of the law. some people simply installed tinted glass on the display windows, others display only part of the goods, and for others it’s easier to pay a fine. how to protect teenagers from the scent trap? see the release. we must do everything on our part to preserve the memory about the first cosmonaut. we are now helping the guys who are fighting modern nazism and fascism in ukraine. apartment
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buildings, laws aimed at supporting svo fighters, tourism development, about this and more, see our program. increasing the birth rate, supporting families with children, comprehensive development of rural areas, the key topics of the meeting of the council of legislators, which was held in st. petersburg this week, these and others. the levels of development of the country in the coming years are set in the president's message to the federal assembly. to solve large-scale tasks, all branches of government unite and work as one team, and dialogue. which developed on the platform of the council of legislators, exchange of experience, broadcast of problems of concern to the regions. report by my colleague, alexander shavirin. it is no coincidence that the meeting of the council of legislators is held in the tauride palace; it is here that the history of russian parliamentarism originates. on april 27 , 1906, the first meeting of the state duma of the russian empire took place here. and
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today deputies, senators and heads of legislative bodies meet in the commodity palace meetings of subjects. there's a lot on the agenda. pressing issues. the key event in the two-day work program is a meeting with the president. from the rostrum in the duma hall , vladimir putin addressed virtually the entire system of legislative power in russia. the head of state noted the constructive interaction of deputies with the government, heads of constituent entities, and the business and expert community. the president emphasized that the issue that unites everyone is support for our people.
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choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, without sparing yourself, your health and life. the head of state noted that a number of parliamentarians’ initiatives were reflected in the message to the federal assembly, and the implementation of everything planned will require joint work. according to the president, the priority should be to set the goals of saving the people, the well-being of russian families, and strengthening the sovereignty of our country. adopting budgets and key laws. everyone needs to act in the same logic, with an understanding of the common objectives of the country. it is necessary to use the tools of parliamentary control to achieve maximum target effect from each investment decision. vladimir putin also called for special attention to be paid to issues of interethnic harmony and civil peace, as well as to increase efforts
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through parliamentary diplomacy. today it is extremely important to form a parliamentary dimension of brix, the leader said. that this will also be facilitated by the tenth anniversary brix parliamentary forum, which the northern capital will host in july. support for families is one of the central topics today. a large large family should become a norm, a philosophy of social life, a guideline for the entire state strategy. these are the words of the president spoken during his address to the federal assembly. vladimir putin also set goals to achieve, in the next 6
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years, a sustainable birth rate and at the same time reduce poverty. bill to extend until 2030 as a priority, deputies will consider programs to help large families pay off their mortgages. this task was set by the president. vyacheslav volodin also noted that in russia it is necessary to officially determine ministry in charge of family policy.
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when we talk about the responsible minister, last name, first name, patronymic. we must have an understanding that this person, together with his ministry, will purposefully achieve the implementation of the tasks set by the president in the field of demographic policy. the speaker of the state duma proposed studying issues of supporting families by region. we are talking about kindergartens and extended day schools providing children with the most necessary things. when we talk about family policy, all these topics must be built into a single logic - emphasized. today our family turned out to be, on the one hand, cared for by many, but on the other hand, as a family, it’s not... the family protection committee is preparing for them today. its
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chairman nina ostanina noted that maternity capital remains the most effective measure of support. the parliamentarian proposed expanding this program. since the president signed a decree on large families, and a large family is considered to be raising three or more children, it would be quite logical to extend it. action from capital and on a third child for subsequent children, then this would serve as motivation for our families to have many children. the president issued a decree on measures of social support for large families at the beginning of the year. this is a comprehensive document that establishes a unified status for large families and basic state guarantees. however, in 3 months , only 17 regional parliaments brought their legislation in accordance with the decree, noted chairman of the federation council valentina.
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the speaker of the state duma noted that the deputies many families come with complaints about the quality
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of care for children and the lack of necessary doctors in small towns. according to the chairman, in many regional hospitals new equipment has been in storage for years due to a lack of specialists. this is the main question. they go to the hospital to see a doctor, to school they go to see a teacher. therefore, the walls may be new, but there will be no teacher there, there will be no doctor there, the equipment will be wonderful, and there will be no one to work on it. during the council meeting , parliamentarians also discussed problems comprehensive development of rural areas heard a report from the minister of agriculture dmitry patrushev. deputies noted the effectiveness of this format of work. today we saw the two chambers together, plus the ministers, the deputy prime minister. a very important topic for us: the family, the development of demography in russia, and this is a very quick dialogue, when all the key
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players came together, and there is a real discussion, we closely interact with the regions, and this is very useful, including for the state duma, and federation council, because the voice is from the place where people face certain problems, he often... well, gives the most correct signal on how to act to change the legislation. over 2 days , more than 10 meetings of specialized commissions were held at the council of legislators, and more than 20 agreements were signed between regional legislative bodies. meeting with parliamentarians at the federal level.
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there were no payments, there were no pensions, everything was someone else’s property issues, land issues, from the first minute to the last they were of the state duma, not a single one was accepted
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law, therefore. leaders of the duma at different stages, this was always very, very important. at a meeting of the commission on national security and anti-corruption, parliamentarians discussed improving the system of support for soldiers participating in the north military district, as well as new measures to combat abuse of power by interference of unfriendly countries in russian political processes. massive influence on our electoral process from foreign non-governmental organizations, the media, these are calls.
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decisions made by the council of legislators are sent to the president, the chambers of the federal assembly, governments, relevant ministries and regional authorities. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, andrey tarasov, maxim koul, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. in russia, they can launch a special agricultural hectare program similar to the far eastern one. the proposal was made by vice speaker of the state duma
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irina yarovaina. meeting of the presidium of the council of legislators. the program implies a package of state support measures for the development of lands introduced farming activities on them. you can start with several subjects in an experimental mode, noted irina yarovaya. moreover, there is successful regional experience. for example, in the ivanovo region, starting from 2020 , agricultural land is provided free of charge for personal use and farming for a period of up to 6 years. the agro-industrial complex is the main breadwinner of the population.
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state duma speaker irina yarovaya took the initiative to legally define the concept of family tourism and organize organized travel routes for families with children. alexander shavirin found out the details of the proposal. you proposed to legislate the concept of family tourism and create routes just so that our russian families can travel around the country with their children. this is what it is, please tell me. the president of our country declared the decade of childhood in
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2017. and the current year, the year is about families, and in general all social programs, national projects proposed by the president, which are being implemented today by the government and the state duma, they are united by a common concept and logic, this is support for families, this is an increase in the birth rate, and of course, family tourism is one of the most important areas that would be very important for every russian family and should become a priority for the state, indeed... it is proposed to establish the concept at the legislative level family tourism. today we see that, unfortunately, there are no recommended family vacation routes where infrastructure issues would be properly resolved so that a family with children of completely different ages can receive the appropriate level of support, assistance and services.


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