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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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please tell me, the president of our country declared the decade of childhood in 2017, and this year, the year is about families, and in general all social programs, national projects proposed by the president, which are being implemented today by the government and the state duma, they are united by a common concept and logic, this is support for families, this is an increase in the birth rate, and of course, family tourism is one of the most important areas that was... very important for every russian family and should become a priority for the state, indeed i propose to establish the concept of family tourism at the legislative level. today we see that, unfortunately, there are no recommended family vacation routes where infrastructure issues would be properly resolved so that a family with children of completely different ages can receive the proper level of support, assistance and services.
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automobile tourism is developing very actively, today many cities offer interesting accommodation programs and excursion programs, but it is very important that the road to travel was not a difficult task for families, a completely well-organized story, where you can get basic services, where you can change a child, where you can have a highchair in the public catering system for... becoming, that is , these are seemingly very simple, but by adjusting these things and providing recommended routes, where we are guaranteed to have all the infrastructure geared towards families with children of different ages, we will see greater interest from families and at the same time we will see how much of an impetus this will give in general the development of tourism, the housing system for large families, this is also a separate issue that requires additional solutions. on
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behalf of the president, a large tourism industry program will be implemented in russia with a large amount of funding, this is 400 billion , and for the prudent, smart use of these funds it would be absolutely correct for the ministry of economic development, in interaction with the regions , to define not just some goal-setting, considered results, indicators of achievements, arrangement of family vacations, of course this is... such a high-quality, considered indicator, infrastructure development, specifically for family holidays , the possibility of children's hospitality is a very important strategic direction for us, so our proposals will focus on this, and we plan in the state duma to formulate such definitions at the legislative level government orders. the state duma has already adopted more than a hundred laws on...
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as the chairman of the state duma noted, dialogue between deputies and representatives of the fund is extremely necessary, this allows us to evaluate effectiveness of the measures taken. vyacheslav volodin emphasized that it is important that the fund identifies those problems. that require a legislative solution, you, as a foundation that directly provides assistance to people, see that there are gaps in the legislation, of course, it is very important that you make a proposal to us and identify those problems that require solutions, of course, we will do everything to so that our legislation is more adapted to solving those problems. what
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you are doing will increase your efficiency providing assistance. during the meeting, anna tseveleva spoke about proposals to expand the list of technical rehabilitation means, adding manually controlled cars to it. this measure could be used by more than 400 svo participants who, after being wounded , found themselves confined to a wheelchair and cannot walk independently. in this case , additional financing will not be required. special vehicles will be issued at the expense of the funds. fund we propose to simply give us the opportunity to make a car as a technical means of rehabilitation and it will to be issued solely for medical reasons, when no other possibilities will allow a person to be socialized, this is an important point, that is, it is not even a gift from the state, it is precisely a necessity for a person to be socialized as quickly as possible. corresponding amendments to legislation.
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will prepare a committee on labor, social policy and veterans' affairs. the order was given by vyacheslav volodin. according to him, deputies will consider the proposed changes as a priority. in the second part ours. programs look, deputies work in their constituencies, what issues do they solve, more than a million rubles for the illegal sale of vapes, fines will increase, providers are entering houses according to new rules, is this any better for residents? slana petrovna. good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the fraudsters would have had access to the money at your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account was running for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they could transfer the money to a secure account by ringing the window bank itself hung up, whoever
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the scammers pretend to be in order to get money out of you, hang up without talking. the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue: 15 million rubles, this could be the maximum penalty for violating the rules for the sale of vapes. the state duma intends to increase fines for the illegal sale of electronic cigarettes to minors, up to the closure of stores. parliamentary control showed that not all sellers comply with the restrictions imposed by law. yana dobrovolskaya was convinced of this. strawberry, raspberries, cherries, coffee and even cookies. we are talking about the tastes of smoking electronic devices. sweet smoke often attracts young people, because it does not have a strong smell, like tobacco. this means that it is easier to hide a bad habit, for example, from parents. a case
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of poisoning occurs almost every month, some resulting in death. to protect the health of the younger generation. a year ago, the state duma adopted a law tightening the rules for the circulation of electronic smoking devices, this is a direct ban on the sale of vapes to minors, their advertising, open displays and demonstrations. children need to be saved, because they have bad habits, everyone walks around with these devices, in this case it’s the children’s health, the teachers all say unequivocally, but let’s do something, because these vapes are taken away when a child starts smoking or during recess. are sellers complying with the new regulations? for parliamentary control, raids were organized in almost all regions of the country. representatives of the youth parliament of the state duma also came out on the streets of moscow with a web control campaign. sixteen-year-old alexander enters one of the points in the city to buy an electronic cigarette. let's have a cola then, probably,
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this is pink lemonade, i saw it, i'm sorry. yes, a small consultation, payment and goods in the hands of a schoolgirl, everything is simple and they didn’t even ask for a passport. you know about the requirements of anti-tobacco legislation regarding the ban on sales to minors, and also look, you have an open display here, why don’t you close them, well , while i was just reading my product, i read the product again , read the product, and the girl asked you show the goods, the seller responded reluctantly, but still admitted guilt and put the products out of sight, and there are many such cases of... violations, activists say. one thing is clear, the law is not written to everyone. we checked more than 850 points in 64 regions of our country, and found violations in more than half. the results are sad, this is not acceptable, and we believe
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that careless sellers who want to profit from the sale of such products, profit from the deteriorating health of the younger generation, need to be tightened, fines need to be increased. almost 30% in verified kiosks, outdoor advertising and goods are displayed openly on display; by law , only a list of goods without images can be placed. as the test purchase shows, not all sellers comply with the requirements of the law, some simply installed tinted glass on their display windows, some only put out part of the goods, and for some it’s easier to pay a fine, because for violators the penalties are small compared to the potential profit . on store shelves today there are appliances for every taste and color of various shapes and sizes for... latest for several years, vapes and electronic cigarettes have gained great popularity among russians; there is an opinion among smokers that they are less harmful than regular cigarettes, but in reality everything is different. vaping means oncology, cardiovascular diseases, mutation of dna cells, this is a fact proven today, this is
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asthma, many, many other serious pathologies that are caused through the process of consumption, and of course, death among young people as well. cases, the problem is especially acute in online sales. the health protection law prohibits retail trade in nicotine-containing products on the internet, but in fact, remote sales of vapes are going so fast that they are confidently crowding out offline trade. at one time, a lot of work was done to limit the spread of cigarettes, this classic nicotine addiction, and we now see that this is no longer some kind of workaround, but in fact... an entire highway was built so that people would become addicted again,
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a decisive ban on the spread of vapes in our country is required. it is obvious that the current measures of influence are not enough to it is necessary to introduce more effective punishment for irresponsible entrepreneurs, this opinion was expressed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin in his telegram channel. a proposal to suspend the operation of a retail outlet for violations and significantly increase fines. according to the head of the committee. the duma on youth policy artyom metelev has already prepared amendments to the legislation. firstly, there is a ban on the sale of vapes in pavilions. vapes should only be sold in stores, supermarkets, where they will check, in including them for compliance with the markings. secondly, if a violation of the law has been identified, then the right to stop the operation of the outlet for several months must be introduced. we offer now. 10 times increase fines for individuals for distributing vapes
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to minors, that is, we now have it up to 60,000 rubles, and we propose to make 600,000 rubles. sport can become an ally in this fight against bad habits, deputies believe. it is important to create conditions and attract young people to training. such an alternative could be active recreation, playing sports, this is both more exciting and more rewarding.
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deputies this week worked in their constituencies: saratov, omsk, oryol, penza regions, the republic of tatarstan, krasnoyarsk and stavropol territories, moscow, just a small part of the territories visited by politicians. maria burkova will talk about questions from the regions and answers to them. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin worked in his constituency in the saratov region, public events were held there hearings on the implementation of the second stage of development of the space explorers park. 3 years ago, on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the first manned flight into space, a memorial complex was created at the landing site of yuri gagarin as part of the first stage. as part of the second , it was proposed to build an educational park with a space focus, create a rocket science laboratory, a center for...
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it was proposed to make it educational. duma communists this week celebrated the 154th anniversary of the birth of vladimir lenin. faction leader gennady zyuganov laid flowers at the mausoleum. afterwards he answered questions from journalists. we are now helping the guys who are fighting modern nazism and fascism in ukraine, liberating it from the sreushniks, the americans.
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of course, we are interested in mongolia becoming an important participant in the process of forming a multipolar world at the global and regional level. we see this as the most important guarantee of security, sovereignty and sustainable development of the country. i believe that as an important step in this direction it is necessary to raise the status mongolia in shows from observer to full membership. the all-russian reception of citizens was held by
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the leader of the liberal democrats faction, leonid slutsky. last november, he created a project where deputies, senators, regional coordinators and activists help people solve problems in all regions of the country. hundreds and thousands of people now come to us, then we consider these issues, resolve them, personally call those who do not treat people quite correctly, and the governor and officials of various calibers who...
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similar events take place in educational institutions and labor collectives of krasnoyarsk. as part of this project, medical workers show how to stop bleeding, perform artificial respiration or give an anesthetic injection, and teach how to save lives. i think that the guys are approaching this issue with full responsibility; in the end , this will be refracted within to the automaticity of actions when necessary, god grant that of course we don’t have such such needs. the head of the duma committee on education olga kazakova visited the point temporary divorce of children from the belgorod region. the guys were accommodated in a separate building of the sanatorium. students are taken to the local school for classes. the children admitted that they missed the academic format of studying. due to constant shelling in my small homeland, i had to study
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remotely. at school we have kind teachers, and they teach me excellent material. my grades went up very much, i finally began to understand topics that were difficult for me before, excellent living conditions, many interesting events, you need to understand that in the conditions in which schools in the belgorod region find themselves today, which have gone remote due to the fact that the ukrainian regime is shelling our facilities, kindergartens, schools, and residential buildings, and of course, children need to create safe conditions. thank you very much, dear parents, for
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bringing your children here, because it’s so important to put things in order, let’s go to work. in kazan, tatyana larionova initiated a joint meeting of the association of women deputies of tatarstan and the arkhangelsk region. representatives of the two regions discussed pressing social issues and signed a cooperation agreement. the fact is that the challenges that our country faces today are indeed the same for all regions, no matter where we live, in tatarstan, in arkhangelsk, in any other region of our great country. the challenges are the same, the meeting is very useful for both, because we are solving common problems, we each have something to share, talk about and borrow for our future work. deputy oksana fadina keeps control of the school overhaul program in omsk
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region, she visited four educational institutions in which a two-year capital cycle began this year. repairs, the entire structure of almost every school has already come to a deplorable state, and moreover, on the verge of safety issues, so the people's program very timely allowed us, with the help of the federal budget and, of course, co-financing of regional and local budgets, to begin this large-scale restructuring. the state of educational institutions was also checked by the deputy from orlovskaya areas. in terms of security equipment in an institution, in order to understand whether to include their modernization in the renovation project, you need a lot, because our kindergarten
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was built in 1978, we have a lot of students, 342 people are enough, the roof requires repairs, a number of places leak, we have a lot of leaks , our basements are not in very good condition, pipes, communications, of course we would like to do everything in a new, modern way, but this object has been waiting for... more than 60 years, the mezinsky lyceum will be completely renovated. work has begun 2 weeks ago. olga pilipenko checked the progress of modernization of the institution. the contractor must hand over the facility by the end of the year. the amount of work is large. they are fixing the facade, and essentially rebuilding the roof, replacing all communications, floors, walls, lights, fire alarms, and the catering unit, gym. we agreed that in july. we’ll come and see at what pace they will continue to work, now we’ve walked through and looked, in general, the number of workers, the pace of equipment and materials, everything is there.
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demographic issues were discussed by the head of the defense committee families, nina astanina in pension at the social forum, spoke, in particular, about supporting orphans, parents with many children, providing housing for young families and migration problems. all proposals from the forum participants will be summarized and presented by the candidate in the new russian government, which will be formed after the inauguration of the president, nina astanina said. if we take the country, in 4 years the population has grown to 2,800,000, well, take purely from the kenza region, today it is 1,247. 2,800 among the population, that is, in fact, with ours two penza regions disappeared from the geographical map. nina stanina also met with the leadership of the penza regional
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oncology center, where they discussed the level of staffing and the annual medical examination of the population. maria burkova, anna melikyan, yulia borodina, elena bogdan, tv at home. parliamentary hour. it will become easier for providers to get into apartment buildings. telecom operators. now on equal terms, the law was adopted by the state duma and signed by the president, what is the document about, what rights do residents have, who will control the rules and how placement of equipment in entrances and what kind of liability is provided for violations. the chairman of the state duma committee on information policy, information technologies and communications, alexander khenshtein, told us about everything in detail in an interview. a significant number of our citizens were deprived of the opportunity to independently choose their operator. current legislature. establishes that in order to allow operator access to the house , a general meeting of owners is required, 2/3 of the votes, which in practice are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to collect, as a result of which
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management companies on behalf of the people allowed building operators to operate, and then a monopoly arose, statistics show that every fifth apartment building in russia, 20% was and is still serviced by only one telecom operator, and half of all apartment buildings, another 50%, are served by two telecom operators, well and as a consequence, monopolism entails high prices and low quality. we live in digital realities, when the issue of citizens’ access to communication services and broadband internet is an essential need, just like water, light, heat, utilities and the like. there is one of the main strategic tasks set by our president for the year thirtieth: to provide.
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the first thing i said was free operator access and the right of every citizen to independently choose the provider he wants in terms of price and quality of services. the second most important task is to restore order in houses. what rights do citizens have now, how freely can they sign contracts with wireline operators? absolutely free citizen can now enter into an agreement with any operator he wants, but this does not automatically entail entry. operators, in order for an operator to enter the house, it is necessary to develop a project, it is necessary that there are technical capabilities for placement, well, relatively speaking, there are already four telecom operators in the house. and
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the entrance simply physically does not allow placing the equipment of the fifth. the rules of interaction establish a clear, phased, step-by-step order. to do this, the operator must compose and develop the project, and all this in detail in the multi-page rules of interaction between the operator and the management body of the apartment building, is prescribed in a document that will be approved by the government of the russian federation. after the rules of interaction are approved by the government, within another 12.
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in practice, what will it look like for the owners, if operators do not comply with these requirements, they have the right to appeal to the supervisory authorities, they have the right to go to court, by virtue of direct the operator will be obliged by this established damage compensation. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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“investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources.” give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, are you ready? russia is changing, evolution is taking place in any structure, in the recent past you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you valera. in
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the most dangerous place for you, you are a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. back to the news review, units of the group of troops took control of the center the settlement of novobakhmutovka in the dpr, as the defense reported, the enemy lost
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up to 380 soldiers. grouping of troops


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