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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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we'll give you something else you want, maybe 100 years from now. the russian army repelled 17 attacks in su, the center group liberated the settlement of novobakhmutovka, and the unit of the west and... as
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well as 22 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly american-made. about the situation at the front anastasia ivanova. despite the supply of foreign equipment and ammunition to the ukrainian nazis, there are more and more russian settlements in the special operation zone. novobakhmutovka in the dpr has been liberated. a unit of the troops-center group as a result of active actions liberated the settlement of novobakhmutovka, donetsk people's republic and defeated the formation of the 142nd infantry, twenty-fourth mechanized, 68th jaeger brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of leninskaya, keramik and semyonovka of the donetsk people's republic. our military leaves no chance for western wild geese to hunt russians. precision strike on a hotel in nikolaev. that night, where
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foreign mercenaries were reportedly stationed, a heat generating infrastructure facility was also hit, this the so-called head of the nikolaev region, vitaly kim, also confirmed this. russian missiles were tested against military targets in the dnepropetrovsk region. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation destroyed hangars with attack unmanned aerial vehicles at the kamenko airfield, dnepropetrovsk region. in addition, warehouses with aviation ammunition and aircraft equipment were hit at the airfields of priluke , chernihiv region and starokonstantinov khmelnitsky region. temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in 121 districts. i see the goal. consider the enemy's strength, ready to work. the coordinates of the enemy's location were transmitted to the control point, then to the crew of the bmp-3, in the drone's lenses, the result of the motorcycle's work. shooters, firing points of ukrainian
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militants were hit. we often shoot at dugouts, at trenches, it happens that yes, it is necessary to hit firing points, firing points are machine gun points, ages, cultural, well, tourists, and, sometimes we are working on the technology so that the enemy does not bring up his reserves. our soldiers, as always , work at night. this is another output of one of the crews of the multiple launch rocket system. it works precisely.
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the group, in case of sudden maneuvers, was told to the crew commander which side it was on. in the kherson region , the russian military launched a clear attack on concentrations of ssu militants, 65 mechanized brigades, and 128 mountain assault brigades on the 126th brigade of the ukrainian defense forces. in the lpr, in just this day alone, the ssu lost up to 270 personnel person. and after such hard work - a hearty meal. the field kitchen is deployed not far from the military personnel’s position, where it is off-road. delivers ready-made dishes, home-made cabbage soup, buckwheat porridge with meat for dessert, gingerbread and juice, a full menu for complete recuperation. anastasia ivanova, lead. kiev troops are suffering heavy losses and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the armed forces, alexander sirsky, admitted that ukrainian militants had to retreat in the areas of berdychi, semenovka and novomikhailovka. he emphasized that the situation at the front is very has worsened, against this background the west has less and less desire to send. but we could have avoided
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ukrainians dying longer for donbass. i know this is a difficult question. many people may say, how much longer should we spend so much money? well, we made a commitment to support ukraine from the beginning of the conflict, we need to support ukraine as long as the ukrainians are able to resist. well, ukrainian commanders no longer believe in kiev’s victory, despite multi-billion dollar us aid, indicates this swiss edition. calls the situation a horror scenario for the zelensky regime. ukrainian armed forces officers said that kiev troops will definitely have to leave donbass by october. on the disappointment of the west - natalya goncharova. france is critically behind in terms of assistance to ukraine. in an interview with bfm tv,
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politician raphael glucksmann accused emmanuel macron of empty talk. according to him, for more than two years of conflict, the fifth republic cannot supply more than 500 shells per month to the ssu. there are no long-term contracts with our industrialists; france lags behind in assistance ukraine, emmanuel macron utters complex sentences, but after that nothing happens, there is no reorganization of our defense system and no supplies. there is a huge gap between what is said and what is done. at the beginning of the war, the term “macronism” was even born.
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that neither the united states nor europe will be able or willing to provide kiev with sufficient ongoing support, and they may be right. the western media are discussing washington’s plans to transfer russia’s frozen assets to kiev. wall street journal writes, berlin speaks out he is sharply opposed, because he fears that this will create a precedent and provoke new lawsuits against germany for crimes of the second world war. the germans emphasized that it was better not to touch russian assets in order to create leverage. pressure on moscow and thus trade off part of the ukrainian territories, mit official representative maria zakharova responded to this statement. i don’t know who is saying what, but the assets on the territory do not change, we are not trading in our homeland, and russian assets must remain
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inviolable, because otherwise the western theft will be followed by a harsh response, and many in the west have already understood this. columnist for a british publication. email peter hitchins , meanwhile, emphasizes: even a seedy peace for kiev would be better than prolonging the conflict. hitchins notes that the conflict in ukraine was initially the whim of a small group of american elites who tried to orchestrate foreign policy. she achieved nothing, but she destroyed iraq, libya, syria, and having suffered another fiasco, she simply began a new adventure, abandoning her previous project for arbitrariness of fate. it seems that the same fate awaits ukraine. natalya goncharova, lead. the confiscation of russia's frozen assets, which washington insists on, will create a very dangerous precedent for europe. for example, germany is afraid that berlin will be forced to pay for the second world war. the journal indicates that france, britain and other countries
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fear claims from former colonies. boris ivanina studied the arguments. the nail in the future coffin of the entire western economic system is the coordination within this
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system itself of a clear position on the withdrawal there are no russian assets, and the funds are distributed unevenly, in the usa there are only 6 billion dollars that belong to moscow, in the eurozone there are over 200 billion euros, for the eu their confiscation carries great risks, especially for germany, which has already lost a reliable source of energy resources from russia, after washington's sabotage. germany fears that confiscating rather than freezing these funds could set a precedent. in this case , the bundestag of germany is afraid and may itself be charged for a crime during the second world war, therefore, berlin proposes to use russia’s frozen assets as... for political pressure in peace negotiations, to give money to moscow if it cedes part
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of the territory. assets on the territory do not change, we do not trade in our homeland, and russian assets must remain inviolable, otherwise there will be a harsh response to western theft, and many in the west have already understood this, it’s a pity that not everyone. frozen russian funds do not give any rest to london, the head of the british government, rishi sunok, at a meeting with his german counterpart. despite all warnings to moscow that there is a significant amount of western property in russian jurisdiction, for which g7 decisions can boomerang, and the reputational losses of the west can be enormous. foreign investors, foreign states that keep their holdings in the assets of these countries, they... will now start to think 10 times before investing their money, reliability will disappear, reliability
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disappears overnight, with one stupid decision, ill-considered, it will take decades to restore , otherwise, of course, there will be more such decisions have very broad judicial prospects, and of course, russia will take advantage of these judicial prospects and will endlessly defend its interests in this regard. the states promise to use the dollar as a financial weapon, but in the end they risk depreciating it as a tool for... global settlements, writes bloomberg, on the pages of which american financiers themselves predict a massive abandonment of their currency around the world, that is, the confiscation of russian assets abroad , those who choose to misappropriate them will suffer the most. boris ivanin, news. what is a good car for you, mileage, condition? comfort for everyone their own good car, find it on the author, what are you
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waiting for, you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, we celebrate benefits here, and you celebrate yourself, we have benefits here... oh, benefits generator in nvideo eldorado, super discounts and interest-free installments, we approve of everyone, come, emvideo eldorado, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass, try it, real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste, 100% originals from famous brands now.
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i consider one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom, the expanded program of social gasification, now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to...
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the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned. and with cashback, bonuses. on instructions from the president, the government extended the measure for payments to large families to pay off mortgages for another 7 years. seven with three or more children can receive 450,000 for these purposes. the benefit will apply to families in which the third and
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subsequent child is born before december 31 , 2030. the government has expanded the capabilities of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. veterans of the northern military district will be able to receive an additional payment from the fund for technical rehabilitation equipment, which they purchase using an electronic certificate from the social fund of russia. thus veterans will be provided with more expensive and high-tech rehabilitation means. in addition, the fund will be able to transfer donations to charitable organizations that help demobilized people. and the families of the victims, this will make it possible to provide support for a wider range of requests. the government has allocated more than 2 billion rubles to support residents and enterprises of the belgorod region. the funds will be used to pay material and financial assistance to residents who were forced to leave their permanent place of residence, reconstruction and modernization of industrial
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facilities, as well as payments to employees of smes in the consumer market and individual entrepreneurs. in total , more than 6 billion rubles will be allocated to the subject in 2024 for this purpose. mikhail mishustin visited the central aerological observatory of roshydromet in dolgoprudny. the prime minister inspected the outdoor exhibition of mobile monitoring stations, an exhibition of equipment for forecasting extreme weather events, equipment for monitoring the arctic and antarctica. geophysical space monitoring. and also talked with an employee of roshydromet, a volunteer in the northern military district zone. the head of government spoke at a meeting of the roshydromet board dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the service. he noted the developed structure, powerful scientific and technical base of the service. in terms of the quality of forecasts, the department is among the top five in the world. and it is necessary to further
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actively develop the national system for monitoring permafrost stagnation. head of state. instructed to increase the number of stations as soon as possible, last year 20 of them were created, in the current one there should already be about 60, in total by the beginning of 2026 we will place 140 such stations. then mikhail mishustin visited mipt, where he inspected the laboratories, got acquainted with the development plan of the educational institution, and also talked with students and employees who talked about their projects. it is wonderful that you are here, that you are thinking first of all about how to make breakthrough solutions and science in the country. and design work, but the most important thing is new ideas, when you discover neo-science, and lead to industrial production,
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when you connect with industry production associations, with those who one way or another need modern technological solutions in russia, and do it very, i would say gracefully. moscow is an example of how industry can live in complete harmony with the city. we are, of course, not talking about heavy, hazardous industries; they have long been brought to a safe distance from the capital, modern, compact, high-tech enterprises. spars, brackets, small, amplifiers, call parts such as fenders, hoods, roof and so on. we can produce a huge number
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of parts, up to 18 million pieces per year, and today we are striving to load our production at 100%. factory of body parts for popular car models for many years. was located in old workshops on the territory of the village, now a new production facility with a high level of automation has been established. we have here automatic stamping lines , universal presses, automatic and robotic, transfer lines, which allow you to immediately produce a finished car body part. robots transfer parts between dies, and operators control quality at the exit. many processes at this plant are now performed by robots, forming, drawing and trimming, resulting in a finished part. the cable plant in
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the lefortovo area, one of the oldest in the country, has been producing various types of cable products for more than 120 years, a new stage of development is also associated with process automation, now a robot is involved in working with materials that protect the bundle hidden inside, using machine vision, he finds ingots and drills small holes in them. and sends the metal into a furnace heated to 320°. previously, this function was performed by a person, that is, as it was produced, it was really necessary for a person to take a thirty-kilogram ingot with his own hands and throw it into a hot bath where you imagine molten lead, this is a rather labor-intensive, firstly, operation, and secondly , dangerous to health, because that contact with heavy metal, lead, is not very good for health. the robot took over the hard, harmful work; it alone is capable of working for days without fatigue or breaks. workers only have to load the ingots. this
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special cable plant is also on the path to automation. manually twisting kilometers of wires is a dull and ineffective task, especially when the company offers more than a million so-called brand sizes and produces 40,000 km of cable per year. on one line you can produce a huge number of different items. colors, different materials, since the range is huge, we make, produce cables from space devices to deep-water boats, yes, we must organize the system in such a way as to reduce our costs. today , participants in the cable industry compete not only in speed, productivity and economy of their own production, but also create unique, unparalleled products. thanks to such unique equipment, it is possible to create no less unique products, for example, this optical cable, the thinnest in the world, created in moscow, its
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diameter is only 0.6 mm or 600 microns, weight only 480 g, but there is a whole kilometer here, and most importantly, it can be used in aviation, where weight is critical. here they create new things and replace foreign products that have left the market. the demand is so great that the plant plans to almost double its expansion. after participating in the national labor productivity project, the company gained an understanding of how to take a big step forward. since moscow, in particular, has focused on the development of industry in the city, we are now receiving support from the city, we allocate the territory in fact. we can say almost free rent for 1 ruble for the intended use, we should build and launch a plant there in the coming years,
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approximately planned. the area is one and a half times larger than here, on this site, the city helps not only with land, but also with preferential lending, that is, loans at 3 dash 5% per annum, in the amount of 3 -5 billion, well, this is really without this, probably , we would not have taken on this project; the support of the moscow government allowed us to grow a whole network of industrial enterprises, large and small, today the capital can rightfully...
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industrial production in moscow has almost doubled in 7 years, largely made possible thanks to the introduction of modern technologies. moreover, these technologies are also invented, created and implemented in the capital. for example, the world’s first developer of ready-made solutions for robotic systems. today we have already developed and mass- produced solutions for mechanical engineering and the food industry. industry plans for the twenty -fifth to twenty-sixth year to develop new for our niche is pharmaceuticals and microelectronics, of course our systems are already being supplied there, but our task is to make unique products, analogues that do not exist, if classic solutions with robots cost from 30 million rubles. due to the fact that we have established mass production, due to the fact that we have established the production of standard, well, standard line, we managed to reduce
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the cost from thirty. machine tools, politicization, systems for applying adhesive and sealant, dozens of robots of this type come off the production line of this company every month, the immediate plan is to increase production to 100 per month, a machine vision system, or a high-precision camera, in other words, there is something that allows the robot to navigate in space, search for the necessary parts, or even carry out technical control to create one such cell, provided that that one person will be involved in the assembly,
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it will take up to 2 days, assembly... various systems are displayed here so that you can literally control it with one finger and of course the manipulator, this is the main part already all physical processes, or a robotic hand? ready-made solutions only from this moscow company are already working in hundreds of russian enterprises; over the past year , production volumes have more than doubled, which naturally led to a multiple. various names of spare parts and components for robots, for example, a cobot essentially consists of twenty main large elements, we can show one of them, for example, here we have a joint, this is essentially the part that ensures the movement of its main shoulders, rotating mechanisms, but the number of spare parts here allows the process. yes, yes,
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if necessary, we can replace any parts from existing components, make any repairs, and this allows us to ensure a continuous process of launching our solutions. in addition to kovot, this is a robot that works in collaboration with a person, the company produces and produces classic versions of industrial robots, for example, this one does milling work, this one is designed for heavy loads, to pack them and... put them on pallets, there are classic options, welding, well, in general, it all depends on the task at hand; for constantly growing capacities, the introduction of new systems is simply necessary, even for those enterprises where thousands and tens of thousands of employees work, like at this legendary confectionery factory. we have robotic systems here, for example, on...


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