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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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security guard, but not everyone believes in this version, whether there was an assassination attempt, and what connected popov with the leader of the tambov pg vladimir barsykov kumarin, alexander polivka found out. the news that everyone has heard, but which they are afraid to talk about, and the residents of tambov look at the journalists with caution and pretend that they know nothing about businessman andrei popov or the attempt on his life. oh, no, no, that's not necessary. i don’t know, the philanthropist
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is probably a businessman, he’s not immersed in details, so it’s not surprising to say that an authoritative businessman, a former the deputy chairman of the regional duma in the city is called an eminence grise, they are afraid , local media report that he used to be closely connected with the criminal world, when popov unexpectedly ended up in intensive care after an attack in his own home, they immediately began to write about a contract crime, a suspect in the crime a forty -nine-year-old citizen... was detained, and the court ordered a preventive measure in the form of arrest against him. popov was attacked by his own employee, after a verbal altercation, he brutally beat the businessman on the head with rebar and body. the second city hospital of tambov is presumably where reputable businessman andrei popov was taken after being seriously wounded. so far, doctors have not made any predictions about his health. not everyone believes in the version of a domestic conflict, given andrei popov’s past. popov was attacked by his own security guard named yakushin. about this person. it is known that he
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worked with popov since his youth, that is , they knew each other well, there is some kind of financial background, after popov left politics, he had a lot left various assets in tambov, registered in the name of second and third parties. local journalists suggest that the security guard allegedly owns part of some of popov’s property. a luxurious mansion hid behind a high white fence; presumably, this is where the conflict between popov and his employee occurred. by the way, the former deputy himself was taken to the nearest hospital, which is only a few meters away. from this castle. compared to other old and shabby houses, this estate looks especially defiant, or here is another mansion, which is also supposedly belongs to popov, it is located in a neighboring village, the house was built in the english style, surrounded by a high fence, surveillance cameras everywhere. that is, no one lives there, no one is guarded at all, i don’t know, dogs come there. andrei popov is the owner of several retail outlets located in the city center, next to the market. and his property is sum, 21st century.
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moscow and energo. rumor has it that popov made his fortune back in the nineties. then, according to media reports, he headed one of the tambov groups and was known in criminal circles as pop. his people allegedly controlled the city's central market. the central market of the city of tobov is almost directly connected with popov’s person, as local media wrote. in the nineties, bandits here constantly settled scores with each other, including several assassination attempts. basically, the so-called controllers, who collected tribute from sellers, attacked unwanted entrepreneurs. this is what he said about the fight against bandits at that time.
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instinctively i put my hand up, the knife pierced my hand completely, my hand dropped and then the knife went and wounded him in the stomach, now eduard nemtsov is retired, we agreed on an interview, but on the appointed day he abruptly stopped answering calls and did not open the door to journalists. most likely, nemtsov fears for his life, because he is not the first to receive threats. i received calls in subroses, they were attributed to popov, andrei vasilyevich, that he wanted to kill me or would set me on fire, novopavlovsky was so afraid for his life that he wore a bulletproof vest, it did not save him, the deputy was shot a year later, the murder happened in a nightclub camelot, the artist was found, the customer remained unknown, now a church stands on the site of the club. andrei popov himself was vice-speaker of the regional duma in the 2000s, but this did not stop him from coming to the anniversary of the criminal authority and leader. the so
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-called tambov vladimir barsukov-kumarin, and smiling slyly, popov made a toast to the health and prosperity of the birthday boy. well, you know, how to put it simply, we started with him, together with... perhaps doing business, there were a number of other issues that were dealt with, that is how they built all these things. it was clear to everyone what kind of things barsukov kumarin was rebuilding. he began his journey to the top of the criminal olympus in tambov. together with popov they walked towards success, but at some point their paths diverged. one of the most famous representatives of the criminal world , vladimir barsukov kumarin, is now serving a sentence for creating a criminal community and murder. andrei popov, apparently, was able to avoid problems with the law and disappeared from the information space. such people never retire, after all these years there, in general, the operational criminal situation in tamboi was quite complicated, there were such demonstrative executions of a regional duma deputy there, and employees
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of the ministry of internal affairs there. danger awaits andrei popov in his own home until the police clarify the motive for the attack on the reputable businessman. they are investigating whether the assassination attempt may be connected with the former deputy’s turbulent past. igor krasnov proposed toughening penalties for companies that do not update safety data sheets of their facilities on time. this thought continued first deputy prosecutor general
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anatoly rozinkin. on thursday, he said in an interview with tas that from july, violations in the field of anti-terrorist protection will face criminal liability. the honored repeat offender tournament at the children's sports championship in obakan posted this. championship of the republic of khakasi in kyukyushin karate named after sergei nikolaevich zaitsev. today he is the hero of our new column.
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the person was convicted, he moved from the chair, which means the head of the district to the deputy, because there is an elective position, he cannot do it to occupy, with a criminal record, a non-elected position, which means he can, some kind of castling, you can laugh here, but by and large, there’s nothing really funny here, it’s just disgusting towards the residents of this area for a competition named after oneself for some reason zaitsev didn’t show up, everything that connects him with wrestling, so perhaps only this video, a ninja-style move, at that time the head of the district used it against the correspondent of our program, footage from five years ago, what are you doing, sergei zaitsev got angry awkward question about providing helping fire victims, for an attack on
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a journalist, the daring official then received a suspended sentence, and before that he was tried for negligence, but was granted an amnesty, is zaitsev really influential and unsinkable? one of the toughest styles of contact combat with powerful crushing blows, formed in japan in the fifties of the last century. translated from japanese , kyuksinkai means the society of the highest truth, and the twice-convicted official clearly has nothing
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to do with it. it’s not always this deflection that you probably want to do before some kind of person, he is really needed as an example, because it’s still a façade of competition. journalists that the competition was officially called the klyusinkai championship of the republic of khakassia, that is, without any mention of zaitsev, but who then installed the banner with the portrait of a repeat offender, the sports federation or the official himself, it was not possible to get through to the administration of the shirinsky district, apparently already on thursday they began to celebrate may day, in general, it seems, indeed, without shame or conscience.
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unpaid parcel or subscriber still is not available, in the nizhny novgorod region , prison officers seized a record batch of mobile phones in recent years. fyodor eliseev found out. criminals in the sixth colony of the nizhny novgorod region attempted to smuggle prohibited items, unprecedented in their audacity. the entire shipment, the largest in recent years in the country, was seized, only 130 mobile phones were found . what is called for every taste and... color from discreet black to iridescent emerald, here are also displays for their
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repair, here are more rare ones models, they are also called push- button dialers, there are more interesting models, this is what they are like in comparison with the size of my palm, made, for example, in the style of a car key, more than a hundred sim cards, chargers and headsets, the range of contraband was not limited only to phones and accessories, clearly intended for a tattoo artist, there are a huge number of needles, there is even paint, and the one that was poured into the printer was used, there are also lighters, playing cards, various spare parts for repairing phones, there are even cutlery, a small first aid kit, eau de toilette for those who prefer to come prepared for a date, three bottles of alcohol and turbo yeast, which are necessary for its production in...
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in order to confuse the correctional colony staff, the operatives received information about possible illegal parcel, but until the last moment they did not know exactly how they would try to deliver it, when a heavy truck with gas cylinders entered the territory, it was carefully inspected, and a decision was made call a dog handler with a dog to examine this area, after which they reported to the head of the colony, a further autopsy will be carried out on the territory of the colony, and security measures have been strengthened to ensure. due to the danger, isolated areas of the detachments were blocked, the passage of the interresidential production zone was also blocked,
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and the movement of vehicles was stopped. the punishment cell, where particularly violent prisoners are kept, was also taken under special control in order to prevent riots. there are eyes in this room correctional colony, this is where images from more than 150 cameras located both on the territory and outside its borders flow. on the day of the special operation , special attention of the video control operator. was aimed at the behavior of prisoners. correctional colony number six houses prisoners for serious crimes, murder, rape and robbery, all of whom are convicted for the first time, and up to 650 people can be housed here at a time. up to 80 people live in the residential premises of the dormitory. now they're all are at work. notice how orderly it is here, every bed is made, everything is according to the rules, and when leaving the living space you find yourself in a leisure room. there are prisoners here. can watch tv, play board games or have meetings. in the same room
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there are two booths with telephones, from where each of them can call his family, so it is naive to believe that the seized 130 cell phones would be used for personal calls. prisoners could use mobile phones to prepare new crimes or put pressure on witnesses, perhaps the accomplices were planning to organize a fraudulent call center behind bars, under the guise of false bankers and security officials. gullible russians, although it is unlikely that they would have succeeded, representatives of the correctional institution assure, in their opinion, the phones were intended for trade within the walls of the colony, the cheapest smartphone is sold behind bars. at the price of a premium gadget of the latest model, thanks to the coordinated actions of the institution’s employees, this was stopped, that is employees of the security department worked competently and stopped delivery to the prison territory of the institution, the security department also monitored the situation inside the institution and
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made photo and video recordings of the seizure of prohibited items, about the scale of telephone fraud behind bars... our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program spoke. in the film , a call from the pre-trial detention center, they showed how in 2020, in the capital’s matrosskaya tishina pre-trial detention center , large-scale searches were carried out in the cells of prisoners and the offices of the detention center employees. then they seized dozens of phones, headsets, chargers and wi-fi routers. all this was used for remote scams. during the season there was sailor silence, telephones were passed from one cell to another through the ventilation shafts. for this, a special rope with bags was used. it is unrealistic to organize a similar scheme on the territory of the colony. residential buildings are located separately from each other. prisoners are distributed into groups that do not overlap with each other and are always under surveillance. regarding the large-scale special operation in the sixth colony of nizhny novgorod region, then the employees of the operational department have already identified all the probable organizers
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of the channel for the supply of prohibited items, outside the correctional institution, inside. complexity, first of all, is this.
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technologies, soon after us do not miss the premiere on the russia-24 tv channel, a new investigation by eduard petrov, an error of artificial intelligence. the neural network saw the scientist hydrologist alexander tsvitkov as a suspect in a series of bloody crimes. he was charged with four murders twenty years ago.
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actually committed brutal murders, of which alexander tsvetkov was accused. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. when investigative journalists work for one goal. on thursday , the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, held a meeting on interaction with the media. the head of the department said that investigators should work more actively with reporters and public organizations to identify.
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entrepreneur in the city of kokhma, ivanovo region, to protect his family, alexander krasnov had to take up his gun. he fired several shots towards the attackers, one of the aggressors died, the court recognized this as self-defense and completely acquitted krasnov, but the local police did not show their best side; out of twenty-five participants in the attack, they caught only two. investigators even opened a criminal case of negligence, but then for some reason they quickly closed it. after the airing of eduard's film. the head of the investigative committee demanded a report from his subordinates on why this happened. ivanovo investigators will have to answer the following questions: why the police officers arrived so late at the scene of the armed conflict, why. only two out of 25 people were detained, residents of the ivanovo region claim obvious negligence and will have to answer for this. and last week, the attention
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of journalists was again focused on the ivanovo police. on friday , the head of the department of the ministry of internal affairs of the city of kineshma, alexander makarychev, was arrested in connection with the case of taking a bribe. the amount is small, so opinions on the arrest of the officer divided. what is this? just one of the episodes or revenge on the part of an influential businessman. and why? greater kineshma is being rocked by one corruption scandal after another. my colleague olga zhurenkova went to the ivanovo region to find out on the spot whether to expect new arrests? the ancient merchant city of kinishma, writer-playwright alexander ostrovsky called it volga switzerland. the majestic volga, green forests, ancient houses and temples. against the backdrop of the beauty of nature and architecture, the problem of corruption is a refrain in the works of the classic. in two centuries, words. playwrights about this crime remain relevant. in a small town on the banks of the volga, there was a big corruption scandal; the deputy head of the local department of the ministry of internal affairs, the chief of police, alexander makarychev, was detained. in the police station
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they talk about this on every corner, but the officer’s colleagues are laconic with journalists. is he fired now or not, or is there an investigation underway? i can not tell. in general, is it a shock to you that he was detained? i can not talk. according to investigators, makarychev, for money , helped an entrepreneur he knew in consideration of the statements that he submitted to the police. and... he also allegedly helped a merchant obtain a fictitious registration. for illegal actions, the official received money from the entrepreneur in the form of a bribe in the amount of 40,000 rubles. we managed to talk with alexander makarychev himself in the courthouse before the selection of a preventive measure. do you agree with the charges brought against you? i don’t want to comment now , initially i don’t agree. lieutenant colonel makarychev has been working in the ministry of internal affairs for more than 20 years before being appointed to kineshma and headed zavolzhsky police department. this is the case when we won't see castles and expensive suvs. recently, makarychev lived in an ordinary five-story building on the outskirts of the city, the officer’s mother does not believe that her son could take money, so he can give the police 30 years, for
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40 thousand, and you think he would agree to this, they told him, you think you said, but i don’t think so, because i know he will never take anything, this is not the first scandal involving police officers in kineshma, the main fighter against corruption in the city denis popov. he, as investigators found out, took the owners of the illegal alcohol business under his wing. 2 months ago, the head of the department for combating economic crimes, alexander tuzhikov, and senior detective artyom ovdeev were detained. they allegedly provided patronage to local deputy and businessman alexei kurtakov. the businessman thanked him generously and paid with brand new crossovers worth almost 3 million rubles. everyone, in order not to attract attention, registered their cars under control organization, generous deputies, officers. now in a pre-trial detention center, it was kurtakov, according to media reports, who handed over the bribe to police chief makarychev. if the employee’s guilt is confirmed, he will be dismissed from the internal affairs bodies, and
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his managers will be held accountable under the law. it is possible that the businessman himself issued a police report. i wonder why the businessman needed effective registration and from whom he wanted to hide. according to open sources, alexey kurtakov is the head of several companies, engages in construction, trades in machinery and equipment. companies... we went to the village of batmany to see these grateful residents and see what good the people's representative kurtakov did for them, but we only saw broken roads, abandoned houses and the only children's playground in the entire village. do you know such a deputy? no, your deputy is local, so what, did he get imprisoned or what? well, not yet, but in the season he sits, they say, well, well, they heard, they heard, but
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in general they ever saw meetings with deputies, no, we haven’t seen him, i can’t even imagine who he is, how he even got from here from us, the deputies came to see what he did here for didn’t do, didn’t do anything, batmans have always been famous for their trade, here felt boots were lying around, but over time everything fell into disrepair, now only 300 people live here, once batmans were considered an ancient place. a trading village, people from all over the area came here at the fair, for example, there was a store here, the building is being destroyed before our eyes. investigators have not yet confirmed that it was businessman and deputy alexei kurtakov who handed over the bribe to the police chief of kineshmoya, but the very detention of the influential officer alexander makarychev seems to have surprised no one. with corruption scandals, the administration and i are constantly in trouble, as far as we know, only because of mine
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. as for the policeman alexander makarychev, the court sent him to pre-trial detention, despite the small size of the bribe. perhaps this was just one of the episodes, and soon we will learn new details of the corruption scandal. olga zhurenkova, anton fedotov, vladimir pavlov, dmitry manyshev, denis novozhilov, anastasia ivanova. news, duty department. so, soon after us, don’t miss the premiere, a new investigation by eduard petrov, a film, an error of artificial intelligence, will continue legal broadcasting on the russia 24 tv channel
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. that’s it for us. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow; a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of bread taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. united states. the west
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initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is divine among his saints. let's see what will happen next. stand. who are they? new. this is a passenger with me. the reporter? director? i came for my brother. i am a battalion commander. call sign trigger. everyone has a call sign. adam i. why adam and not adam?
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yes sir. near the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the russian military repelled new attacks by ukrainian drones.


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