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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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i propose to change the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. near the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the russian military repelled new attacks by ukrainian drones. in the ukrainian armed forces
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they carry out raids on the station day and night, the fighters themselves become targets, but even when the militants manage to knock out military equipment, our troops reduce losses to a minimum. stanislav vasilchenko will talk about new cases of heroism in protecting nuclear power plants. here on our right side is nikopol, kopulovka, the location of our enemy. before the enemy positions on the right bank of the dnieper, less than 4 km, says the saratov motorized rifle battalion commander with the call sign neptune. are his soldiers guarding him?
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attack, it is foreseen, attempts have been counted, but there is no attack as such. the fighters say it is the drones that cause the most trouble. the enemy attacks both day and night, so motorized riflemen are always fully armed, during the day they repel attacks from fpv drones, and at night they look out for babuega in the sky. this is the name of ukrainian heavy drones capable of carrying charges weighing up to 50 kg. her armed you can’t see it with the eye, you can only see it with a thermal imager, so they already saw where he was shooting.
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they jumped out of this car, then a second drone flew in to finish it off, in this state they caught fire, the servicemen jumped out and were able to shoot it down, put it out, ensured its safety until the moment of evacuation. saratov motorized rifles hold a special defense zone. it was given this status because of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant located here. the fighters are ready to prevent the enemy from reaching the objective at any cost, because in case of defeat station, the consequences could be irreversible for the whole world. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinokurov, lead: southern sector of military special operation. the intense flood situation will continue in the tyumen region until may 15, as hydrologists say. the peak of the flood is shifting to the vikulovsky region. over the past 24 hours , the water level in the ishim river has risen by more than half a meter and continues to rise. maximum
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values ​​are expected there at the end of the week. there are 19 settlements in the potential flooding zone . the water is also rising in the area of ​​the village of obatskoye. the ishim level there is higher than 12 m. saturday, more than 700 residents were evacuated from the village. work continues to strengthen the dam along the section of the tyumen-omsk federal highway. it connects the european part of the country with siberia and the far east. in total , hundreds of houses, thousands of private plots and dozens of roads were sunk in the region. in the chiten region, police officers who saved a child were awarded. the teenager decided to cross the river and found himself on a drifting ice floe. she began to be carried away by the current. by chance there was a police patrol nearby. the guards immediately rushed into the icy water, and heroic dedication and happy salvation, nadezhda sosnina. today the unda is calm in its flow, but just recently the spring meltwater carried ice, quickly sweeping away everything as it fell. it was at
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such a moment that the boys decided to shorten their path and cross the river. one of the teenagers fell on a broken ice floe. police officers were nearby. there were only a few minutes to decide how to save the child. at that moment the boy just started screaming that the person started to move. due to this decided that we needed to act unconvincingly. any wave could overturn the ice floe, and the child would end up in the water. at the same time, the current was fast, and the depth did not allow the use of equipment. the decision came with lightning speed, says police major nikolai dimov’s colleague, lieutenant colonel alexey rakovsky. dexterity and invention helped.
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they took the boy in their arms, brought some earth to the island, and then the rescue team arrived and handed us a ladder from the bridge to the island, and we climbed up to the bridge along it. in this rescue operation boy, its participants themselves do not see anything heroic, they say that any man should act this way, and even more so in a guard of order, but this is all natural modesty, in fact, the boleyn police showed real ingenuity, everything...
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the region almost ended up behind lattice on charges of artificial intelligence, not erosseytsa person now we will tell how a scientist in yaroslavskaya was involved in an old murder, about what happened next in the new...
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artificial intelligence error, the neural network saw in the scientist hydrologist and. yaroslavl region alexander tsvetkov, suspected of a series of bloody crimes. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. look today, only a few of us can remember where we were 225 years ago. they took a man and dragged him out. the suspicions that fell on him and the flowers are simply incompatible things. absurd, absurd theater. the killers came. fire. i think there was too, this person was identified by us, all they have is the testimony of artificial intelligence, also a criminal, every time you go to court and think, well, that’s it, now there’s a judge will figure it out, they will let me go there, the neural network can determine 99.8 tenths, if there are
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any glitches, we need to analyze them and draw appropriate conclusions, i will hug my wife, children, a stone from the soul, in february 2023 at the capital's domodeda airport. aleksandr tsvetkov, an employee of the institute of inland water biology of the russian academy of sciences, was detained. he was charged with four murders twenty years ago and sent to jail. there seemed to be evidence. neros network compared the sketch of the alleged a criminal and a portrait of a scientist. and she gave a verdict. it's the same person, but with precision. 55%, the hydrologist spent almost a year behind bars, all this time he fought for his good name, in the end he was released, how an artificial intelligence error almost broke the fate of a scientist, who actually committed the brutal murders of which
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alexander tsvitkov was accused, and what now the hydrologist is making plans for the future. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. “creating an identikit of a criminal is a complex procedure; professionals who, based on the descriptions of eyewitnesses, can create an accurate portrait of the lawbreaker. in recent years , new technologies have come to the aid of operational investigative teams; now an artificial one has taken on the task of creating an identikit based on various data." december 4, 2023 - these are
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footage of the broadcast of a meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights, which is annually held by the president of russia in the mode videoconferences after important statements by the head of state, council participants begin to discuss a wide range of issues. i’ll give an example of this specifically to the scientist tsvetkov, and artificial intelligence revealed that
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the identikit of the woman killer, compiled in 2003, that is, 20 years ago, is 55% identical to him, he was detained at the airport after the expedition, and the most interesting thing is that he everything was documented precisely because he is a scientific hydrologist, with him in those days when the murders were committed in moscow were professors, doctors of science, including the director of the institute of the russian academy of sciences, they are surprised, they they say, as in... the story of the scientist hydrologist from the yaroslavl region alexander tsvitkov is heard live by the whole country, the president immediately gives instructions to understand the situation. artificial intelligence is a complex topic and
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the field of big data, it works very effectively in many areas, if there are any failures, we need to analyze them and draw appropriate conclusions. employees of the russian prosecutor general's office have carefully analyzed tsvetkov's case and have already... a few days later in moskvaretsky district court capital changed the preventive measure for the scientist, here is a video recording of that very meeting, tsvetkova is taken out of the glass box, and he is already free, i will hug my wife, children, a stone from my soul, tsvetkov will remain in the status of an accused for several more months, and then the case will be closed before the researcher officially from... moscow prosecutor's office, but first things first.
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alexander and marina tsvetkov have been married for 20 years; they have lived their entire lives in the quiet village of borok, in the yaroslavl region. both are research fellows. young attractive girl the hydrologist noticed during a scientific conference, which he himself organized at the local institute of biology. internal waters. three daughters were born in the marriage;
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the couple was separated on the anniversary year of 2023. marina remained in the apartment, and alexander went to the pre-trial detention center. the scientist was accused of the sversky murders twenty years ago. after his release, ours. the film crew went to baroque, the tsvetkov family pondered for a long time whether to communicate with journalists or not, remember, i was filming when you were released from the hall here. you probably don’t remember anymore i had no time for this, well, no time for this, of course, but i remember. as a result of long negotiations, alexander and marina met with our film crew. hopelessness, yes, hopelessness, absolutely, complete hopelessness and this whole process, let’s say
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, hopeless, because a huge number of 10 ships and 10 ships from... uniform, law enforcement officers handcuffed the scientist hydrologist and took him out of the salon. tsvetkov was first taken to the line police department, where his fingerprints were taken, and then brought to the investigative committee, where charged. well, this is a completely stupid situation, because, well, you
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know that you are not guilty of anything, but they are trying in every possible way to convince you otherwise. and this accused andrei and uh , the investigators, in general, some kind of, i don’t know, absurdity, absurd theater, the news about the arrest of the yaroslavl hydrologist quickly spread throughout the entire scientific world of russia, scientists were at a loss as to how this could even happen, their hair stood on end, what is it? flew in, who, who could have foreseen this, took a man and dragged him out, and it was unclear why, for what how? well, you know, when i found out what he was suspected of, i, frankly speaking, called the garage and told them to keep the car
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in storage, because, well, you know, the suspicions that fell on him and the flowers. these are just incompatible things, so i , well, i was completely confident that now they would quickly sort it out, we would live together with him, share cabins, to understand this complicated story, let’s fast forward to 20 years ago, august 2, 2002 n
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a week later, on august 10, 2002, unknown persons killed a pensioner in a house on kolomenskoye highway in moscow, and then with two. women, mother and daughter in an apartment on yaroslavskoye highway. each time the raiders' loot was money and jewelry. we were unable to find photographs of the victims; their close relatives are not alive. in 2003 , during a robbery, operatives detained a certain citizen sidorov. he said that
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his accomplice andrei aleshin committed four murders together with another person. sidorov did not see the counterfeiter, aleshin was interrogated, but sidorov’s testimony turned out to be not enough, the man was released. they returned to andrei aleshin during the investigation of crimes of past years; he was born in 1982, an experienced repeat offender, with several cases under his belt. already during the first interrogations, the repeat offender confessed to all the crimes, and also spoke about the counterfeiter.
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and then artificial intelligence came into play, we didn’t have to wait long, in february 2023, the facial recognition system worked, one of the passengers at the krasnoyarsk airport turned out to be very similar to an identikit, smart cameras found a match with the portrait of the supposed killers, non-rosset established the similarity, 55%. we can imagine how, in principle, a person changes over 20 years, that is, this is generally a very strange coincidence, but 55% is, you see, not even 90 there 8, only 55,
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half, i don’t think that probably take any person and he will be 55% similar to someone else, we are not lawyers, and of course, we cannot evaluate the actions of the investigators who decided to put the person under arrest, but it ’s not just the neural network that made the decision to arrest him , four different people who, well, let’s say, are not connected with each other, not by some kind of friendly
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relations, by some kind of criminal relations, and in general people are different in their social status, but they say the same thing, that is, well, this it wasn’t trivial, it’s just how the identification was carried out.
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mistakes, which is not very similar to a scientist . around august 2002, i arrived in moscow from the village of barok, i don’t remember on what transport, i headed to the city center. where i met a young man. i did not know the name of this person until yesterday, that is, until february 16 , 2023, when a confrontation was held between us
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in a criminal case. his name is aleshin andrey. i approached him, greeted him, after which he invited me to go with him to his friend’s house for a drink. i agreed. as far as i remember, andrei and i went to see his friend by train. we got off at the station and headed on foot to the private house whose address was located. i can’t tell you because i don’t remember. on the way to the indicated house, andrey and i stopped to a grocery store, i don’t remember which one. we bought alcohol. next we came to the fence enclosing the above-mentioned private one-story house. the owner of the house opened the gate for us; we know andrey. currently, i barely remember how the owner of the house introduced himself to me, but andrei addressed him by name, either slava or semyon. then the three of us began drinking alcohol at the table in the kitchen room. further. the text provides eerie details of the crimes. for poetic reasons, we can cite only a few of them. drank alcohol in
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in a large quantity, i find it difficult to explain exactly, but all three of us were in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, at one moment i left the house, when i returned, then in the kitchen, where i, andrey and the owner of the house were drinking alcohol, i saw that between them there was a fight, the reason for their manipulation is unknown to me, i saw how aleshin andrey inflicted beatings with his own hands in the abdomen of the owner of the house, then the owner of the house fell to the floor, if i’m not mistaken, his back, after which aleshin andrey, bending over him, continued inflict multiple blows on him with your fists in the area of ​​the torso, chest and abdomen with considerable force. after that , andrei aleshin grabbed a kitchen knife with a wooden handle, the length of the blade about 15-17 cm, from the table, with which he struck at least five blows to the torso area of ​​the owner of the house. as far as i remember, the owner of the house tried to offer slight resistance to andrey, but was significantly inferior to the latter in physical strength, and after stabbing him with a knife , he completely lost the ability to
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resist. we are talking about the murder of two women in an apartment on yaroslavskoye highway. after that, andrey and i began to look for money and valuables in the apartment, finding money and gold jewelry in a closet in the large room, we stole them, and then left the apartment.
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next in the program, how did the security forces obtain the confession of alexander tsvetkov? tsvetkov signed the paper, which, however, was dictated to him by his cellmates back in the air force. what were the relatives of the scientist hydrologist thinking about all this time? they insulted the honor of my family. how much can you trust technology in such serious matters as solving crimes? 55%. similarity is a fairly high result, and what law enforcement officers are now saying is that all versions have been worked out, don’t miss the continuation of the exciting investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel
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. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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