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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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“investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe.
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in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then you left medicine. and became an ordinary police psychologist, you kill me, why did you provoke me, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous... together with you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people are right in the head you know how to look, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, the russian government has expanded the list of institutions whose prizes are exempt from income tax.
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the list includes a non-profit organization more than travel. she gives the winners of their projects, certificates for free tourist trips on unique routes, for example, to the arctic or to the barintse sea. by law, such prizes must be subject to personal income tax, but for this program the norm was canceled by the signed resolution. the measure was adopted as part of a federal project to increase the availability of tourism products. western banks remaining in russia paid four times more taxes in 2023 than before the start of the special tax period. the financial times draws attention to this. the total amount of revenues to the treasury exceeded 800 million euros with a total profit of over 3 billion. seven foreign banks remained operating in russia. the publication notes that more than half of tax payments last year were made in austria. it should be noted that the european commission and the ecb are exerting enormous political pressure on this bank, but it is in no hurry to leave russia. the russian government has extended the mandatory requirements. even foreign exchange
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earnings. the measure will affect the largest exporters from a list consisting of forty-three groups of companies operating in the industries fuel and energy complex of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and forestry industries, grain farming. these companies must deposit into their russian bank accounts at least 80% of the foreign currency received from their export contracts. at the same time, the new resolution contains relaxations. the enrollment period has been increased from 90 to 120 days. the decision, they believe in the cabinet of ministers, will... contribute to maintaining the stability of the exchange rate, the stability of the russian financial market, the central bank also thinks so and emphasizes: for themselves this does not create any difficulties for companies, and if we look at how companies sell revenue before the introduction and after the introduction of mandatory sales, then it has practically not changed, in january and february they did not sell somewhere a little more than 90-91% of revenue, but if remove one-time factors there. this is the payment of dividends,
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and conversions, this is 70, about 78%, mm, approximately at the level that was in the twenty-second, twenty-third year. consumer prices in germany rose by 2.4% year on year in april. the consensus forecast was 10 lower, that is, according to no changes were expected compared to march. the german economy is still teetering on the brink of recession. growth in the eurozone is now shown by those who were in times. of the european financial crisis were called laggards. the activity of the german consumer, as well as industry , is limited by energy prices. gas demand in europe is far from peaking, but closer to the heating season the situation may worsen due to restrictions on lng exports to the united states. the european union has officially published a directive to criminalize circumvention of its sanctions. it will come into force in 20 days, then available in the second half of may. the document provides for fines and imprisonment for up to 5 years.
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violations of the travel ban, the sale of property that should be under sanctions, and the implementation of prohibited financial transactions will be considered criminal. at the same time , after the document enters into force, eu countries will have... another whole year to implement the new rules in practice on their territory. as expected, the directive will also allow the confiscation of frozen private russian assets by decision of the courts. italo russian the chamber of commerce is looking for a way to resume paying for goods in rubles, the head of the organization told riya news about this. now her lawyers are studying the contents of the thirteenth package of eu sanctions. in their opinion, the measures do not directly concern the chamber. firstly, the exchange of goods includes only those categories that are not... for import into russia. secondly, the chamber is controlled by both the russian and italian governments. let me remind you that the chamber of commerce suspended payment in rubles due to an appeal from the italian financial security committee. he suspected organization to circumvent the sanctions regime. chinese business is also actively looking for alternative channels for making payments from
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russia, as large chinese banks are experiencing more and more difficulties with such transactions. reuters writes about this. the publication claims that foreign exchange is used as an alternative. brokers operating along the border of the people's republic of china with russia, cryptocurrencies, as well as small banks, which in china are called rural. all this is due to enormous pressure from the united states. and the us secretary of the treasury and secretary of state recently flew to beijing with new threats of sanctions for business relations with moscow. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 77 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles and 2 kopecks. that's all i have. where are you from? from 11 b, no hello, but i'm from eleventh b. we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, this is the way i came to watch this good film, why are you such a leader, i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, handsome filming, exciting, all this,
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there were all these emotions, it was very cool, this was the first film, which i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school 7:33 i have a nephew there at night and don’t let me get away with it yet, wait i’m hey funny it was yes from the price this is very cool if you have any questions ask how i could even end up here what kind of meeting sometimes you want to cry sometimes you want to laugh super oh this is the situation yes this is the situation we will meet in the future 100 years from now.
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daniel rodriguez panchenko discovered a rare the drumming talent of such a high class performs the dance of the green devil on the xellophone. we prepared together with my teacher and accompanist, we met every day at the music school, studied there slowly at first, then faster, increased the tempo, listened to different videos, different performances, how this piece was played. daniel performs in the finals of the competition for grants from the mayor of moscow in the field of culture and art. those who make it to this stage are better students.
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the palette is very large, so we try to play all these instruments, practice, and this together gives this synthesis, it gives quality in the end for any instrument, that is, in order to play a xellophone well, you need to not only practice the xellophone, but i think, on different percussion instruments, xellophone discipline can classical, the musicians themselves will say, but this is hardly what a rare visitor to classical music concerts will say. alexandra polyanskaya, chairman of the board of directors of moscow art schools , talks about the diversified development of creativity. we observe such a trend, then, that today one comes to practice, to study in
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order to later apply oneself in life and to connect one’s destiny with this, not only with the classical form of art that we are used to, conventionally, the piano, certain types of instruments, but also others. if you have something like that, feel it or you feel it, let’s say , for a moment. but what stereotypes are we talking about? perhaps the main stereotype or misconception is that in moscow schools there are boundaries and limits on what you can learn to play. so what is it? balalaika or ukulele? what do we have in our hands? tool, mandalin, a stringed, plucked italian instrument, it was popular in russia until the mid-fifties. 20th century, and then it was supplanted by the stage of the revival of the russian domra,
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this can be attributed to what, closer to the guitar , closer to the violin, closer to the lute, the mandalin is similar in structure to the violin, and its strings are g of the small octave, re a of the first octave and e of the second octave, for example, we know that the guitar has a different pitch, missi g, relay, yeah, here the violin tuning will go away, like a violin. these girls came to art schools when they were 5-6 years old, perhaps none of them knew that they would play the mandalin. uh-huh, thank you, munika, stop, look, you have this motif repeated three times and three times you need to play it differently. monica is only 11, she is already learning complex parts of large works by famous classics. i dreamed of studying violin. “mom wanted me to take piano, but to be honest, i didn’t want that, so we came to the audition,
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they listened to me, they said, i have perfect hearing, i can take any instrument, and i introduced me to all the instruments, the very last one was a mandala, they showed me how it sounds, what it looks like, they told me that since my name is italian, monica and an italian instrument we will suit each other"? and so it is, we have been friends for 5 years already, my mother’s great-grandfather also played the mandalin, and my father’s grandmother also played the mandalin, that is, it was not i who chose the instrument, but he who chose me. this is the only bell ringing class in russia in a music school where children are taught to play the belfry. bell class rehearsal is heard half the school of the entire district, a difficult task,
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everyone must learn their part and then include it in the overall work. music is not only a feeling of impulse and lightness, but also discipline, a contrasting combination. compared to a classical orchestra, what is responsible for what? if these are bass parts, then it turns out, yes, a rhythm part, this is a rhythm group, this is a bell. family dynasties studied with us and they play many instruments, but for some it is
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mainly from orthodox families, it’s a habit hear, listen to the ringing of the bells during the service in the church, go with their parents, heard it here, liked it, wanted to master it, but those who discover the unbridled charisma of the belfry will inevitably plunge into a most interesting story. then iron ones appeared and only then these wonderful bells began to be cast, from ancient instruments and musical traditions to modern techniques and techniques, such a wide range of what can be taught in moscow art schools. now you can
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master such areas as, for example, arrangement, sound design, maybe our guys can learn the art of djing and come up with some interesting modern compositions. naturally, this is popular today, and the most important thing is that the guys, having studied at our art schools, can easily enter... chords, we control music, we control tempras, we have a workstation, we and we control with the help of these things
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we arrange musical works on it, it’s very convenient because we can immediately find what we need. then work with well, we have a big screen, and this is very important, because on the big screen we can read notes and write them down directly, the fact is that the guys here really study a course in music theory, and for this , musical notation is very important. indeed, basic music education is of primary importance; no one has canceled salfe music literature lessons.
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both in the choral department and in the department of wind percussion instruments, on homogeneous instruments, the more students we teach, the higher our results in competitive tests, in quantity in composition. and in order to perform at a high level, you need conditions that will help unlock
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the child’s potential. moscow is carrying out a complete renovation of the material and technical base of the art school. a platform for creative opportunities with the goal of the moscow school of art to become a unique ecosystem and hospitable space where everyone can choose classes to their liking and realize their creative potential. at the
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glinka music school, anna lavryonova is preparing for a performance. in the mayor's grant competition. anna i realized that the guitar was hers just a couple of years ago, at the same time her music school also underwent a global transformation, coincidence or not, but the environment largely shapes a person. a few years ago the school got a new building, much, much larger, much more comfortable, which has a huge hall for 300 people, a concert hall, where you can have fun. each such child is extremely important for the art of music; without decent equipment and instruments, many of the children would not be able to open up. capital schools are becoming very saturated good instruments, and of course, here everything depends on the students, on their abilities, on their, so to speak, initial professional affiliation, or something, and of course on
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the professionally important qualities that students should have, and... the compositions are complex, they all require a rhythmic organization, so immediate, i would say, it seems that the entire moscow structure of music education works in this rhythm, which does everything to give children the opportunity to realize its potential, and perhaps, thanks to this work, a real cultural layer is created that preserves traditions and carries them through the years. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. between
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the judean desert, the bank of the jordan river, the place where jesus was once baptized, on the eve of orthodox easter, the festive gospel sounds, these are the sound of bells brought and installed at the ancient greek monastery from moscow. bellflower. not finished yet, not yet there is no marble cladding, a dome with a cross and even stairs, you have to climb the belfry on wooden stepladders, but the bells are already ringing and the bell ringing of russian bells floats over the gospel land, this is how sometimes in folk songs they start from the top, then the bottom goes down, something like this way. igor kanavalov, the oldest most experienced bell ringer, historian of bell making, master of russia, he has been creating and studying bell art for half a century, he
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came here to restore the tradition of a century and a half ago, when many the monasteries of the holy land sang with the voices of russian bells. a new, one might say, the first complete ringing of the russian holy land, which has already appeared again. century, so that it absorbs all the best that was in the bells from the middle of the second half of the 19th century, from the open area of ​​the bell tower there is a view of the jordan valley, this is the land that historical and church tradition considers the place of christ’s baptism only a few years ago was cleared by rival units of the israeli... army, erased half a century ago. calm today the israeli-jordanian border was once the front line, the ancient
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greek orthodox monastery of ian pretteche, dating back to the byzantine era, from whose walls the patriarchal religious procession to the jordan begins every year, the epiphany eve is only now beginning a full-fledged prayer life. the rector, father bartholomew, dreamed of a belfry with a full set of bells. this. when we started building the bell tower, i had the thought in my head that maybe it was possible to bring russian bells here, because they have the best sound in the world, thank god, we did it, we are very proud of it and thank everyone who took part in a happy easter. the dream of father bartholomew was brought to life by the moscow orthodox foundation of archangel michael; the foundation has been participating in historical restoration work for several years.
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from the bottom of my heart with love, and so to speak, in the russian way, i think it will definitely last a century if nothing happens. under the arches of many orthodox churches, monasteries, and the holy land , bells cast in russia have been ringing the gospel for a century and a half. preserved here unique examples of domestic bell schools without analogues in russia, where in the post-revolutionary years more than a million bells were destroyed and melted down. but step by step the broken ties are being restored: domestic bell casting has been revived, and the spiritual orthodox
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russian presence on the land of christ is returning. with the main bell ringer of russia, igor vasilyevich, anticipating the event, without waiting for the onset of great saturday, we will try the easter joyful ringing on this set of russian bells. let's vasilevich. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news from the banks of the jordan river. acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one
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orthodox ukrainian church. to separate completely from moscow, a meeting was created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion. some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing away the ukrainian people. from the russian, god is given to his saints, let's see what happens next, stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam i , why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can,
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you can sing sometime,
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profession, what if you’re just one step away from your dream, take part in large-scale competitions for backstage and digital art specialists artmasters, declare about yourself, get funding and implement your project, become in demand, the creative industries are waiting for you, i want it too, leave a request on the website of the national open championship of creative competencies artmas.
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this is not a duty, it is a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. over the past 24 hours, units of the central group of troops repelled 10 counterattacks in the ssu. ukrainian losses amount to up to 370 people - this is according to the ministry of defense. well, the russians, following novobakhmutovskaya , today liberated the village of semyonovka in the dpr.


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