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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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at the head of private television channels and so on, that’s who understood, who could, who could have information regarding where zin’s money was, as it were, yes, and who began to import computers, there is the same khodorkovsky, as if yes from this, who generally understood , who kept their nose to the poveta, it was these guys, and we know all these factories that were stopped, when it became easy for people, and they , forming the city, wow, mowed down the city. when once every 3 months, or even every six months, they give you a salary, but you can go buy a tv, and then wait again, i don’t know, man well, he adapts to everything.
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well, then there were millions, i would also be a billionaire, our salaries were also given in millions, of course, the way the country was destroyed, now, looking back, well, this is a crime, listen, well, it’s like factories that are being closed.
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there are 49 million of us today, then there were even more of us, the republics didn’t fall away from us, not a damn thing, an unplowed field, just wild land that could be used for beads, in fact, on a bead you could exchange with us, just conquer us completely, like a market, now no one even talks about ideology, just like a market, they just shoved it into our brains and soldered it into our brains: that your planes are bad, why, why are our planes bad, for now? it was better, and this was the case in many things, you know, 1992 was probably a difficult year for our country, when markets opened, other countries became our great friends, a lot of raw materials were supplied, to be specific. tea,
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a lot of tea came from india and china, these raw materials were much cheaper in cost than the tea that was grown in krasnodar region, and of course, it was unprofitable for state farms to grow tea, collect it and process it, accordingly the enterprise began to slowly die, probably in the ninety-second year our enterprise was reorganized, that is, the collective farms were completely closed, well, since... no one was processing, respectively, tea the plantations were overgrown, overgrown with trees, now that we are restoring them, and there are 25 rings in a tree cut, sometimes 30 rings each.
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there was a clear understanding of what the country was turning into, and why? there was a clear understanding that she turns into a kind of colony, which means that it is allowed, that is, to extract wealth, so that the wealth is delivered to...
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i transferred from transbaikalia, where in the nineties we equipped people to buy bread, who went to the border there with mongolia to buy bags of bread, yes, because this was not the case in the garrison, that is, well, meat there was on a coupon there once every three months, sugar was brought from vacation, butter was churned with milk, when we were officers of the general staff, i served on the general staff after the far east. in the main, so to speak, the cerebellum of the brain, this is the main operational department, when they stopped paying us our salaries and we were forced to go, i think i became an instructor in the pool to teach children to swim, my wife went to a second job in a kindergarten, and our children grew up , so to speak, i had to live somehow, in st. petersburg i
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was very impressed, this incredible number of ducks, well, boy, yes, a hunter came from yakutia, and... and the drake, the duckling, i keep getting goosebumps, i’m saying , i get goosebumps, i’m still not the first, i think, well, yeah, so i have to gobble it up, the guy is hungry, i think, well, that’s it, then i go, how to catch her, i thought with a stone, no, i won’t kill, i tried, i had a wild plan, i had the last 10 rubles, i thought, i i’ll buy beach bags for myself or buy a small fishing hook, a single hook and a fishing line, it was 7 rubles then, there was still enough even for the crumb, i went, made myself some tackle, twisted the hook, that’s it, the crumb crushed, i always said as a child, i’ll grow up, i won’t i won’t plant one bush, i’ll earn money, i’ll buy these potatoes, i’ll go to the store, these are these
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huge, i called them hectares, yes, at the expense of these hectares we helped our relatives, those who lived in the city and these pensioners who met, these cucumbers, they need water, and they get water... these are pumps, here it is a big tank, and you’re standing this column up, down, up, down, and your father comes up with two big buckets, one, one, you want to tell him something so that he doesn’t do this again, but you still, well , well, you understand that yes, you can’t live without a vegetable garden, a vegetable garden is what it is, it exists even in winter, garden, why, because those who kept the scoot, you take... into a large bath, you go to a neighbor in a flock, you scoop up this
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waste from cows, you take it to the garden, you do this after school there or in you run around for some free time, because you need to fertilize, and these hectares need to be fertilized somehow like this, regarding devaluation, now everyone is saying whether there will be devaluation or not, one thing, one phrase depends on you, it won’t happen. they sought to withdraw their savings from our country in foreign currency, and they did this russian bankers, western investors did this, you don’t trust me completely, now they’re reproaching me, especially high-ranking investors, but i think, well, why are you bringing all the bribes to my bank, you didn’t ask me when you deposited the money, today i have problems mainly with
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the following: initially, loans plunged us into this disaster; increasing the rate by more than doubling will only make things worse. the company is already deeply in debt, this will put an end to their business. listen, we have taken stock of the situation and are offering the help necessary to save korean economy, the funds that you have requested, and although we are ready to discuss our terms.
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during the negotiations there were several situations when, in fact, they just jumped out of their seats, and once i, once the main negotiator on the other side, mr. orling media, no, everything is impossible, it is impossible to reach an agreement, we stopped the negotiations, came back again, again looked for a solution , found. then the so-called reforms today have led our society to a dead end, from which there is no visible
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light, people are embittered to the limit, it hurts us to look at our children, ragged, hungry, begging for a piece of bread at the entrance. it turned out that we had two parallel countries, in one , 10 percent of them live there, they have currency grocery stores, currency bars, and a restaurant. who survives, starves, 30,000 people a year die from afghan heroin, throughout the entire war in afghanistan, the soviet union lost 13,000, here we have 30,000 a year dying from heroin, in this parallel country, and there are aluminum wars in siberia , aluminum triangle irkutsk-bradsk-angarsk, and actually krasnoyarsk region,
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these alleys of brothers appear in cemeteries. yes, shot dead, but in parallel in every city there is such a small social stratum that lives to the fullest, feels this air, as they used to say, the air of freedom, i was lucky, i lived right between such famous cities, just in the nineties they were famous, this is novokuznetsk and prokopevsk, this is deougol and... gave and gangs, yes, even a brigade, well, i don’t know, as far as i know, that this is belov, yes, white, sasha is white, the main character in brigade, i don’t know, we had such a rumor in the kemerovo region, maybe everyone wanted this rumor , that this is exactly the hero who
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has the city of belov there, and they say that it was from there that two brothers came to conquer moscow. well, everyone believes in this legend, you fell in love with the ural land, as i can see, but who is not happy about the free and rich siberian lands, good people, my brother, so the nineties took him away, because he was older than me , and i was little and it was he who kept me from all this. so look you can go there, or you can go there, there are bandits and submariners, a big redistribution, when there is something to divide, ports, fleet, forestry business, fishing
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business, border, smuggling, poaching, my father and i... caught a stub on the amur bay and sold it her near the supermarket to buy, as i remember now, a chicken, my parents were geologists, these were the dormitories of the academy of sciences for young specialists who did not yet have a full-fledged apartment, that’s why we were given a hotel here in that house in sixty-two , so we lived there four of us, that is, my parents, my sister and i, what is specific about vladivostok is that it is a city, a naval port, a port with defense factories, in general it depended on the state, the city, and the region as a whole, naturally, given these gigantic distances, the need to maintain these roads, that is, here everything is more complicated, more expensive than in populated, settled, more comfortable central russia, so the role of the state here, naturally, remains very large, the state here
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by itself does not spin anything, of course there was a feeling of such isolation or... abandonment, that we were forgotten, in many ways, what happened to society in russia after the collapse of the soviet union is similar to the puberty period, when hair on the legs began to grow at the same time, and also parents we went on a long business trip, and at one time we had a very good conversation.
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i saw him alive and talked to him, 30 years ago he just died, well, these were serious guys who were individuals who made themselves in this thieves' denomination, believe me, they had no ideology of seizing power, property, some kind of state property, the most they were counting on was some kind of good life at the expense of robberies, robberies, just theft, and then they began to pull them in, then rafixlo was pulled in. during the armenian-azerbaijani conflict, he, him personally, his connections, his people began to be used for the acquisition of large quantities and supplies of weapons abroad.
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the head of the homicide department, local operatives, because this happens every other day, well, let’s say, not five people, but one, well, that is, one person is killed, per day before that, at three train stations they sell drugs and so on, that is, that’s where you don’t go, but there is some kind of criminal activity everywhere, we all, as crime reporters, had something to film. i would say this, a truly russian person cannot be brought to his knees, he is not on his knees in any, in any situation, that’s for sure, exactly day after
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day, exactly hour after hour, we signed an agreement with the pedegoral incancer. my friend helmut kohl kolemt. and the russian people and the russian people, let’s say, have one fundamental feature, which in general is already quite obvious, unlike many, well, everyone has their own, so
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the french have their own, the americans have their own kind of dream, and we have our own, it is poorly formulated, it seems, but it lies on the surface , we want justice, you know, it’s ridiculous for a capitalist to say, “shame on you,” but we’ve had people here for 30 years now. despite this they say, shame on you, since it’s possible, this is the first story, the second story, but don’t we really understand today that all stories about democracy are these are just methods, you know, methods, well, like this or that, or i, well, i don’t believe it, of course, well, there are just the same stories about the change of power, fuck you , what a change of power.
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1:00 pm
today is 40 days since the tragedy in crocus cityhole, from the very morning to a spontaneous
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