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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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today is 40 days since the tragedy in kroku cityhole, since the very morning they have been going to the spontaneous memorial in krasnogorsk near moscow. people, they bring flowers, toys, candles, portraits of the dead there. a memorial service was held for the victims of the terrorist attack; our correspondent anastasia ponko is working at the scene. anastasia, hello, i give you the floor. hello, georgy, we are now working next to the kroku city hall building, exactly 40 days have passed since that terrible tragedy, people have been bringing flowers, toys, photographs here since the very morning. dead
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a memorial service for the victims has already taken place here, and also today at 18:30 funeral services will be held in the st. nicholas cathedral in krasnogorsk, today relatives, friends of the victims, families of the victims come to the building, those people who were in the crocus that day came to the concert, but they managed to get out, as well as a huge number of residents of moscow and the moscow region, who care what happened that day here in krasnogorsk.
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in the country, these are people who live in the same city with me, these are children who were left without parents, families died, children died, and it doesn’t matter whether our friends were there or not, they’re just our people. on march 22 , a picnic group concert was supposed to take place in kroks, but at approximately 8 pm, armed men burst into the hall, and before that they shot the guards at the entrance and blocked the doors. people couldn’t get out, they started shooting unarmed people, and then they approached the auditorium. 145 people died that day, five of them children, and another 551 people were injured. friends died, people very close to us, a couple we have not lived with for a long time could have been found, they were searched for 3 weeks and then only identified by genetic examination, buried in...
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a country that instantly united all the inhabitants of russia, people helped the victims, the families of the victims, that evening taxi drivers, ordinary drivers, helped people get out, how as soon as possible from here, volunteers, students, doctors came to hospitals, wanted to help doctors, a lot of people came to donate blood, knowing that there were supplies, but still wanted to at least somehow help on their own, the tragedy in crocus is truly a huge, terrible tragedy that united the entire country. anastasia, thank you, our correspondent, anastasia ponko, spoke about the mourning events in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in crocus dekholi. russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the tactical position in the area of ​​novobakhmutovka and ocheretin. the ministry of defense reported this. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces, which inflicted a significant defeat in the ssu. group division. improved the situation
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along the front line, and also inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, the thirty-ninety-third mechanized, the eightieth, the ninety-second air assault, the forty-sixth a... enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, two tanks, an armored combat vehicle, two cars, 155mm m-198 howitzer made in the usa, 122mm d-30 howitzer and electronic reconnaissance station. ukraine continues to fight those who cannot respond. kiev utility workers began dismantling the monument in honor of pereyaslavskaya rada, located under the arch of friendship of peoples. the city administration reported this. the arch of friendship of peoples was installed in kiev in 1982 in honor of
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the transition of the zaporozhye cossacks to the russian tsar in 60, 1654. let me remind you that the pereyaslav rada is a meeting of representatives of the zaporozhye cossacks headed by hetman bohdan khmelnytsky. which took place in the middle of the 16th century, a decision was publicly made to unite the territory of the zaporozhye army with the russian kingdom, secured by an oath to loyalty to the king. the demolition of the people's friendship arch was already discussed in 2015-2016, but then it was decided to keep it due to the high cost of dismantling work. in march of this year , the ukrainian authorities again returned to the issue of dismantling the arch. it was recognized as an object not having the status of a monument. tucker carlson published an interview with alexander dugin. the video appeared on journalists’ social networks. carlson called his interlocutor the most famous political philosopher in russia and emphasized that his ideas are so dangerous that the ukrainian the government killed dugin's daughter. the conversation took place in moscow, when exactly the interview was recorded is not specified.
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the conversation itself lasts more than 20 minutes. dugin and carlson also discussed neoliberalism. the philosopher noted that if earlier democracy in western countries meant the rule of the majority, now it is the same. exclusively about the rule of minorities, and dugin explained russophobia on the part of washington, london and brussels with moscow’s desire to protect its traditional values. if your main goal is to destroy traditional values, concepts of family, state, faith, someone defends these values, having nuclear weapons as the last but very weighty argument, of course, you will have grounds for russophobia and hatred, so these manifestations.
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maria, yes, maria, hello, the united states has extended the license for russian banks to carry out transactions under sanctions, who is on the list of so- called permitted ones? georgy is the largest russian financial organizations and even the central bank. sanctions with sanctions, and the us treasury extended the oil and gas schedule resolution of energy-related transactions with russian banks. the license was supposed to expire on may 1, the new date is november 1. this year, the permitting list still includes all the largest structures, including sberbank, vtb, web and even the russian central bank. by the way, in this case the term energy includes the production, transportation, liquefaction of oil and gas, as well as the production of other energy sources, including coal, uranium, and renewable
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sources. the net profit of the british bank hsbc decreased by almost 1.5%, deciding stop doing business in our country. the data is presented in the company’s reporting, which also states that the deal for the sale of the russian subsidiary to expo-bank is planned to be closed this quarter. let me remind you that the deal took place back in july of twenty-two in accordance with the presidential decree on special measures in connection with the actions of unfriendly countries; a separate permit was required, which expobank received in february of this year. hsbc in russia mainly works with corporate clients, is engaged in lending and investment banking activities. expobank specializes in lending to medium-sized businesses. issuance of bank guarantees for transactions with securities. at the g7 meeting in turin, the abandonment of russian lng is discussed. this was stated by the minister of environment and energy security of italy. on the one hand, the official noted that the results of the discussion could be announced soon. on the other hand, he emphasized that
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there is no final decision on belgium’s request to block the import of russian lng. previously similar initiatives were voiced by germany and sweden to phase out lng. russia is being considered within the framework of the fourteenth package of eu sanctions, which is now in the preliminary preparation stage, although experts believe that this idea is a failure, as in the case of oil, russian lng will simply change. lng in february, but at the same time increased purchases of pipeline gas. in particular, total lng supplies fell below 1,700 million
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cubic meters, which is 42% less than a year earlier. jet pipeline gas imports increased by 17%, exceeding 3.600 million cubic meters. and here the lion's share fell on gazprom. from russia, turkey received more than 2.600 million cubic meters, which is a third more than a year earlier. total deliveries of russian fuel approached a record ; omfa's net profit for the first quarter increased by 20%, year-on- year exceeding 460 million euros. at the same time , the austrian oil and gas company's revenue decreased by more than 25% in annual terms to more than 8 billion euros. capex decreased year-on-year by 9.5%. the volume of hydrocarbon production for 3 months decreased by 6.5% compared to a year ago and amounted to three. part of the gas
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is purchased from russia, and the volumes needed by europe are being reduced, and there is little good in this. their gas consumption has already dropped by 90 billion cubic meters over the last 2 years, from 22 to 23, that is, this is a huge drop in consumption, primarily due to deindustrialization. too expensive, so many enterprises in europe simply closed or reduced production volumes of their products because they could not afford to buy such expensive gas, and therefore, to some extent, the market has already been balanced due to the deindustrialization of europe. the german auto industry published weak financial results for the first quarter. mercedes-benz's net profit fell almost 25% below 3 billion euros. volkswagen's profit fell by 20.2% to 3.700 million. sales of mercedes passenger cars in
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the first quarter decreased by 8% in annual terms. sales of volkswagen group cars over 3 months decreased not so much by 2%. at the same time, the overall negative indicator of the group is due to extremely weak results in the home market in europe as well as in north america. to complete the exchange rate, the dollar today is 91 rubles 77 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 2 kopecks i have this. that's it, georgy. thank you, maria filippova was here with economic news. now advertising, and then we’ll watch the continuation of our documentary project democratization of peoples. are you sure that you chose this dress yourself, or did someone tell you? at bigfest you definitely choose four nuggets. for 39 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, in
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so they bombed yugoslavia under what pretext, that the sanctions of the security council, or something, where is yugoslavia and where is the united states, destroyed the country? nato, kosovo and yugoslavia are not needed, they need expansion to the east, they need kazakhstan, siberia.
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at first glance, a transatlantic superpower should not interfere in the interregional conflict of a european country,
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why the united states, why with our weapons, the world knows better ways to preserve peace than to interfere. fragment the country, thereby weakening it and imposing its dominance. i think all democratic countries need it.
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i saw the former yugoslavia in serbia crimes against peace, against human rights, as well as war crimes, and
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given the fact that serbia had practically no means of defense, this is another crime, there was a huge amount of destruction, i remember a hospital somewhere near belgrade where there was scattering all over the area. just like on the main street, seven to eight-story buildings were destroyed in a matter of minutes.
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here we meet with you regarding the history of the destruction of serbian shrines by albanian extremists, we meet with you with the real postmodern.
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seven rounds is a pretty serious thing. you can shoot from it, even now. here is a document related to the incident. in a crustacean. the investigation into the events in rachik became one of the most difficult cases in my track record as an investigator.
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on january 16, he visited the crime scene and saw the bodies of stabbed civilians of the village. according to him, some body parts were missing from those killed. he said it was a shame, it was the work of the serbian police and it was an unprecedented massacre. the group of serbian forensic experts was joined 2 days later by a finnish team led by helena ranta. they all worked. experts agreed that all victims died from gunshot wounds, and none of the bodies there was no sign of a massacre, as william walker falsely claimed. helena, under pressure
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from walker and others. higher authorities, as it became known later, refused to sign the joint protocol. i know that many people think i’m guilty, but i’m just one of the scientists on whom, in fact, very little depended. it was immediately clear that she was not objective, biased and expressing someone else’s opinion, which was imposed on her; only 8 years later, when she wrote her autobiography, she revealed
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the truth. probably due to guilty conscience, but initially she was silent. these were the bodies of militants, serbs and local residents. this conclusion you see has not yet been published. few people know about its contents. and now i am ready to speak publicly about the results of this study. yesterday at the security council we discussed only one problem: the problem of the crisis in yugoslavia. today, a group of states is making an active attempt to change the international world order that emerged after the second world war. all nato countries support the actions that they are being carried out today in yugoslavia, after all, by members
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of the council of members of the organization. say what you propose, because i previously proposed to bomb belgrade, i proposed to send american pilots there to blow up all the bridges on the drina, i proposed to confiscate all their fuel reserves, i proposed very specific actions, our propaganda, you know
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what it was, these were. the photographs that we published, photographs of their crimes and the destruction of yugoslavia.


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