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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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today is 40 days since the tragedy in crocus cityhall, since the very morning people have been going to the spontaneous memorial in krasnogorsk near moscow, they are bringing flowers, toys, candles, and portraits of the victims there. a memorial service was held for the victims of the terrorist attack; the service was conducted by archbishop thomas of odentsovo and krasnogorsk. on march 22 , terrorists burst into crocus city hall, and they opened fire on people with machine guns and set the auditorium on fire. according to the latest data , they died. 145 people, several hundred
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injured. russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the tactical situation in the area of ​​novobakhmutovka and ocheredin. this was reported. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces, which inflicted a significant defeat in the ssu. units of the southern group of troops improved the position along the front line and also inflicted fire. airmobile brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and the 241st defense brigade in the area of ​​​​the settlements of rozdolovka, zaleznyanskaya, krasnogorovka and kleshcheevka, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to 440 military personnel, two tanks, a combat armored vehicle, two vehicles, 155mm m190 howitzer. made in
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the usa, a 122-mm howitzer d-30 and an electronic reconnaissance station. ukraine continues to fight those who cannot respond. kiev municipal services began dismantling the monument in honor of the pereyaslav rada, located under the arch of friendship of peoples. the city administration reported this. the arch of friendship of peoples was installed in kiev in 1982 in honor of the transition of the zaporozhye cossacks in 1654. russian tsar. let me remind you that the pereislav rada is a meeting of representatives of the zaporozhye cossacks led by hetman bohdan khmelnytsky, which took place in the middle of the 16th century. at it, a decision was publicly made to unite the territory of the zaporozhye army with the russian kingdom, secured by an oath of allegiance to the tsar. the demolition of the people's friendship arch was already discussed in 2015-17, but then it was decided to keep it due to the high cost of dismantling work. in march of this year , the ukrainian authorities again returned to the issue of
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dismantling the arch; it was recognized as an object having the status of a monument. in ukraine, for the first time , a female unit of drone operators will be formed. this was announced by the commander of the attack drone company igor lutsenko. it will be recruited through a competition; first of all, the ability to perform combat missions will be assessed; schoolchildren will also be prepared for service. a video is circulating online showing high school students being taught to move with weapons and throw grenades. new ones are also appearing. footage of the arbitrariness of military commissars, so in odessa the day before they tried to take my father away by force alone, however, after with the tightening of mobilization, all possible deferments will be reviewed, so in cherkassy the local military registration and enlistment office has generally stopped accepting documents for granting deferments. tucker carlson published an interview with alexander dugin; the video appeared on the journalist’s social networks. carlson called his interlocutor the most famous political philosopher of russia and emphasized his ideas on...
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“if your main task is to destroy traditional values, the concepts of family, state, faith, someone defends these values, having nuclear weapons as the last but very weighty argument, of course, you will have grounds for russophobia and hatred, so these manifestations are not accidental. joe biden is losing the election race to donald trump, this is the conclusion made by cnn observers based on the latest polls. if the elections
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were held today, the current head of the white house would receive 43% of the vote, his predecessor 49%, and biden’s popularity, as journalists note , continues to decline, the new york post, in turn, conducts the results. galup study results. it says biden's job approval rating is lower than any other president in the last 70 years. it is less than 39%, almost three points worse than george w. bush , who still held this anti-record. a new generation drone has been developed in novosibirsk. it is controlled using neurocity, which is capable of processing any information, for example. the copter can determine the location of a person, which means the flying robot will become an indispensable assistant for emergency services, the drone will reduce search time in situations where minutes count. read more, anastasia putintseva. robots that drive on the ground are boring, it's better to fly. flight altitude 500 m and
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above up to 50 km, range. without recharging , it can hover in the air for an hour and a half, apparently an ordinary drone, a carbon body, four propellers, almost all the parts. printed on a 3d printer, counted hours, control mechanisms from the shelves of marketplaces, superpower of a copter neural network, a program for a robot drone developed by novosibirsk it specialists. a flying robot, that ’s what this copter is called, the fact is that its heart is a small computer with a neural network that can be trained to search for any objects, while setting the necessary parameters, well, for example, find me in an open field, it can handle it in a matter of minutes, which is what happens in 30 seconds? you're a drone over my head is nothing for a robot, it can handle tasks that are much more difficult; to find an object, a person, a car, even a photo is not necessary, just describe the object, the search begins. the search process is autonomous, the flying robot itself he shoots the video and edits it himself.
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the camera has a clear resolution of 90 frames per second, making it impossible not to fall into the drone's field of view. allows you to solve image processing problems in real time, which allows you to track the sweating surface. that is, what he is flying on, calculate the displacement and speed relative to this surface, and , accordingly, he knows where he flew from the starting point. information from the copter, if necessary, will immediately be sent to the operator’s monitor via a special communication channel; the search goal can be set in at any moment, the smart drone will not go astray, even if it loses the gps signal. using a neural network, it can determine either the location from satellite imagery, or it can determine its movement using the camera, or it can become attached to the area and hover, well, this is all a function of the neural network, processes the camera image and issues control to the flight controller. any equipment can be taken on board a drone, from a thermometer to a radiation sensor. neurosate is capable of processing any information and deciding any tasks, reducing the time and effort of employees of various services, the ministry of emergency situations, the military, the police, for example, in searching for people, where
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time is sometimes counted by minutes. anastasia putintseva, evgeny chezhevsky, host novosibirs. irkutsk and some cities in the region were hit by a powerful dust storm. gusts. winds reach 28 m/s, satellite dishes and mosquito nets are torn off the building, the wind raised not only dust, but also debris, no casualties have been reported yet. a storm warning was announced in advance; weather forecasters said that the territory a cyclone arrived in the irkutsk region from the north of the krasnoyarsk territory, the ministry of emergency situations recommends not leaving buildings, removing things from balconies , closing windows tightly. now watch the continuation of our documentary project. democratization of peoples.
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i'm deep. this is not allowed, they want to avoid this event, they threaten officially, unofficially in any way, so we have no other choice, the dutch forensic team, including coroners, examined the body of slobodan
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milosevic and his cells yesterday, it was immediately an autopsy has been scheduled, as required by dutch law, and now you just want to find out why.
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first i would like to welcome you. it is very nice to have visitors from russia. for us at the tribunal, russia is a very important country. we are well aware that during the second world war, you became the number one victim of nazi crimes. when the ussr was liberated from the german fascist occupation, it was russia that played a leading role in its creation.
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that the gaga court needed someone, some an insignificant figure, a small person,
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just to begin the work of the court, they already knew then that the court would not stop working on me, but would expand its activities to reach high-ranking political figures, military and other serbian structures, the ultimate goal was milosevic. regardless of the position, the main thing is that there are people who enjoy authority among the population, and
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later they go further, accusing and condemning people who had significant influence in political life or held high positions in military police structures. this is part of a multi-year project. general mladic, my father, was the commander of an army defending his people. this army was not on foreign territory, on its own land. before the war started, this whole scenario of the balkan conflicts was thought out and planned in another place, outside our country. and what is happening now is kind of for...
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until the nationalists began to oppose the authorities in serbia, it was impossible to destroy the authorities, as the gentlemen from nato achieved this goals, they took kosovo and then changed their mood.
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there is a group that, under the cover of an opposition political party with a democratic orientation for a long time in our society, represents the interests of governments putting pressure on yugoslavia and especially serbia. this grouping manifested itself in these elections.
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this means that those who cannot be influenced were not even suitable for them, it was their destined fate after the coup that they would be left completely without any social influence, without money, without work, were even persecuted, if possible, and so on,
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at some point, and this was the worst thing for me, one policeman, full of boots, insulted me terribly, i don’t know if this can be said, these are ugly words, red bitch, what were you waiting for, then i really did.
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when a pro-american and pro-nato gang seized power in the streets and brought new nato values ​​to serbia. it was
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the occupation power that condemned me on the orders of the americans, nato and all western forces. to cover up your own crimes.
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yes, i couldn’t reach my husband, he was constantly unavailable, after some time my colleague, the editor of the political department, called me, asked where i was and told me not to worry, that dragon was okay. i screamed, and dragan shouted at me,
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told me to shut up, because he was alive, and only then did i see on tv how terribly dragan was beaten. he doesn't like to talk about it, but it was very scary. when a case was brought against him, after seeing these footage, i understood, at least it seems to me, why he was even they left him alive just so that he could be tried; they did not kill him in order to condemn him.
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certainly the merit of milosevic and he is given due credit for this. if there had been some specific victory, then, probably, he would not have been tried in haack, yes, but here there are constant contradictions, and people, naturally, are forced to rely on one fact or another. i was elected president of serbia twice and once president of yugoslavia, after these 10 years it should be clear to everyone that they are not attacking serbia because of milosevic, they are attacking milosevic.
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they did not perceive me as an ordinary prisoner, that’s for sure, they installed some strange barriers that had a greater effect on my psyche than on my physical state. this even made my physical stay there easier, but at the mental level they continued to break us, just like that, it was necessary to destroy the last such independent state, the pro-russian orthodox state and the fairly strong state of yugoslavia were set up, it was destroyed back in the late eighties, early nineties, but this fragment of the federal republic of yugoslavia serbia and montenegro was also
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an american one. strategists , especially despite the fact that the serbs essentially lost during the nato operation, which took place in 1999, and they did not achieve the goal of removing milosevic, and the americans are very vindictive, their elite is very vindictive, yes , the elder bush failed to destroy hussein, the younger one managed to do it, i’ve been waiting for you for an eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come. spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russia exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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