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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 30, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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maybe a neighbor's appetite anywhere, only dad will tame dad, can eat a wild appetite , a snack won't hurt, eating a wild appetite , sausages will help, a credit savings card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, that's why a credit savings card. the best in the country, get a credit card, everything will be the way you want, but i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, a friend called me, the schedule is open, there are orders, the money works out decently, at first i thought that i was here for a short time, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have understood what? that’s mine, that’s it, dad,
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bonuses for transactions on the sberbusiness account new magnet frozen cow from koronovka 89,999 magnet - the price is what you need, you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, i understand, i understand, like this, choose buy with free delivery at the megamarket. hello, my name is vladimir burtka, what good relations we have with honduras, with papa new guinea, probably happens because of the peacefulness of these peoples, but also because.
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i didn’t specifically consider any difficulties encountered during this time, but in my opinion, we fought with poland for more than 200 years, after continuous wars, alas, at present our countries are united by, how can i put it mildly, negative stereotypes, but still the character of the two peoples has much in common, emotionality, talent.
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wise, he turned for help to his wife’s father, the polish king bolislav i, brave, preparing for battle, standing on both sides of the bukh river, the polish and russian troops swore for a long time, shouting across the river, but in this story we are not interested in the content of the conversation, but the fact that the poles and russians understood each other perfectly, they practically spoke the same language.
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catholic civilization, observing at the same time the economic and cultural rise of the russian lands, the same, practically, in that including the growth of cities, was interrupted in 1237 by the invasion of the mongols. thus, since the 13th century
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, the development paths of the two countries have diverged, the differences have sharply intensified, and if the ardyn yoke. russia sharply turned away from the european path of development, then poland, on the contrary, became more and more europeanized and integrated into the western world. since the 14th century, poland has seen an increase in the number of people going abroad to study. in 1364, following the model of northern italian universities , the krakow academy was founded, which later became the jagiellonian university. starting with the union of kreps.
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with poland through lithuania, separating it from poland. but in 1462 , ivan ii occupied the moscow throne. grand duke of vladimir and moscow, sovereign of all russia, nicknamed the gatherer of the russian land. the final liberation of the country from ardyn dependence was achieved. a code of law, a code of laws, was adopted, and the current coat of arms of russia was adopted. the book eagle built the current moscow kremlin and the assumption cathedral, and under him the rise of russia began. from that time on , the russian state became a significant force in eastern europe and began to push back
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neighbors. and how? in place of the fragmented feudal principalities, a new major power in eastern europe emerged, which perceived itself as a renaissance. century became the tsar's slave, the treatment of slaves reflected in many ways the powerless status of even the highest russian feudal lords, and was radically different. from the position of european feudal lords with their rights and ideas about freedoms, but from
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the beginning of the 16th century the lithuanian state, increasingly squeezed by the grand duchy of moscow, which was expanding its borders, had to resort to military assistance poland. since 1505, vasily ii has ruled russia. great, prince of vladimir and moscow. sovereign of all rus'. vasily ii. continued the policy of his father ivan ii of collecting russian lands and gradually abolishing appanage principalities. his greatest success in the bitter confrontation with the grand duchy of lithuania was the capture of smolensk. the russian state is growing stronger and developing. vasily ii divorced his first wife, solomonia saburova, a famous boyar family, and married a lithuanian beauty for love.
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in 1572, ivan the terrible, despite the war,
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but given that there are many nobility in poland associated with moscow, he wanted to take part in the royal elections in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, but subsequently abandoned this. in 1576 , stefan batory, or istvan bathery, a formidable enemy of ivan the terrible, who came from ancient hungarian, became the polish king. stefan baturius successfully completed the livonian war for the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. in 1580 , a truce was concluded in yamzapol. russia lost everyone for.
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the kazan, astrakhan and siberian khanates were conquered, the bashkirs and part of the lands of the nagai horde. the russian state, by the end of his reign, doubled in size and became larger than the rest of europe. i will not allow my evil neighbor to resist the prosperity of the moscow state. our power was strangled by a trade noose, but not only the germans are the evil-seeking enemy of our prosperity, you boyars, opposing my livonian campaigns, are worse than the germans, the livonians, the russian power.
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and a year after his death ivan the terrible died. the radzevils, who enriched the family in the grand duchy of lithuania and had interests in russia, the son of ivan the terrible, tsar fyodor ionovich, is nominated to the polish throne. but he did not want to change orthodoxy; the poles chose swede. after the death of tsar fyodor ancha in 1598, the zemsky
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sobor elected a successor. the throne of boris gadunov, according to modern concepts, liberals, this is where the active penetration of progressive western ideas into russia began. godunov reformed the judicial system and allowed the building of lutheran churches in russia. boris's reign marked the beginning of russia's rapprochement with the west. if he were a foreigner like katunov, he began to invite foreigners served, merchants, doctors, industrialists, military men, scientists went to moscow, they received positions, good salaries, land with peasants, european culture penetrated into russian everyday life, it seemed clothing, housing, social ceremonies, and even
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such things as trimming the turns, it is worth noting that polish... influence in the muscovite kingdom manifested itself in all spheres of social life, from architecture and painting to clothing and manner of speaking. boris sent russian people to study abroad, but they, as a rule, did not they wanted to return to their homeland, however, peter i had problems with this. in 1600 , the polish ambassador lev sapieha. offers boris godunov a federation, but in 1605 the death of boris godunov happened, but how did the liberal reign end, the same as the reign after 400 years of mikhail gorbachev, the unrest and ruin of russia,
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false dmitry i appears from poland, an impostor who pretended to be a miracle saved.
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and so in 1606, on may 19, on red square , in front of a huge crowd of people, it was proposed to elect whom to rule? vasily?
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with the impostor, the russian tsar vasily recognized him as her husband. shulsky did not have enough strength to fight, and he was forced to invite the swedes to russia, which caused great discontent in society. on july 19 , 1610, the monks forcibly shot tsar shuisky and imprisoned him.
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detachments of poles went to occupy the cities, it was a fun time, but this is precisely what united all the russian people in a difficult moment. a credit
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in 1612, the nizhny novgorod militia appeared in moscow under the command of kuzma minin and dmitry pozharsky, it forced the polish horizon of the kremlin to capitulate, and mikhail romanov ascended the russian throne. the romanov dynasty ruled russia for 300 years. a negative image of poles emerged in russian literature and the mass consciousness. a national stereotype with an emphasis on the arrogance, arrogance and unreliability of sticks. in poland they began to dominate, emphasizing the unfreedom of russia, the despotism of power and slavish obedience
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muscovites. their lower culture, however , it can be noted that throughout the 16th century, the then moscow liberals wanted rapprochement with poland, in architecture, especially in moscow , a marvelous patterned style inspired by the polish baroque appeared: southern russia ukraine under poland, but contacts with moscow exist, but in 1654.


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