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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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today in russia it has become mandatory to label caviar. manufacturers and importers must now apply a special label to their products. the introduction of caviar labeling was phased, starting in april. currently , 19.00 participants have already registered in the system. products are tracked using the honest sign system. this will not only protect buyers from counterfeit goods, but will also benefit the state and caviar producers. this will allow, on the one hand, of course, to increase the efficiency of legal companies; a new market share will be freed up for them with the departure of their illegal competitors. legal companies will be able to earn more, the entire assessment of the financial institution. and under the ministry
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of finance, research, that in the coming years, due to the whitewashing of the industry after labeling, additional budget revenues of illegal companies will amount to something on the order of 60 billion rubles. in addition, sales of expired and illegal dairy products and bottled water began to be blocked at checkouts. currently, this regime applies only to large stores, but starting in september it will apply to all retail stores. when scanning a barcode, the cashier requests information about the product and if the data does not match or is missing. prohibits the sale, this measure prevents buyers from accidentally purchasing expired and products of unknown origin. japan tobacco will not leave russia; business will continue as usual. this statement was made in an interview with the financial times by the ceo of one of the world's largest cigarette manufacturers. he emphasized that there is a threat of a lawsuit from shareholders if a successful business is curtailed. japanese the top manager also admitted that the company was forced to adjust supply chains in order... not to violate western sanctions.
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russian business provides about 20% of japan tobacco's profits, and , of course, there is no hurry to give this up. the us senate approved a bill banning the import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the document was sent to biden for signing. the restrictions must remain in effect until 2040. at the same time , the united states, as always happens, has provided convenient loopholes for itself. firstly, the law will come into force only 3 months after signing. and secondly, until january '28. the us department of energy will be able to issue import permits if other sources are not available. considering that the main nuclear allies of the states - japan, france and britain - have planned the restoration of their respective industries. could a uranium deficiency really occur? gas prices in europe increased by 6% in april, amounting to $324 per thousand cubic meters. and this dynamics is evidenced by data from the london stock exchange. the main catalysts were the cold snap in april. tension
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in the middle east, underground gas storage facilities in europe are now just over 60% full, a figure for spring that is quite high, but not a record, and the reasons for this are very dubious. what saves europe is that recession and deindustrialization have begun there, so that those plans to increase gas consumption to 600 billion cubic meters per year in the european union, if they had preserved industry, these plans would already... the reduction in production would make even that amount of gas unnecessary. which europe now uses. heating season in the european union ended on march 31, but this does not mean that there are no risks other than the middle east in the foreseeable future. experience from last year shows that an abnormally hot summer can lead to a surge in demand for electricity. everyone will turn on the air conditioners, and in the end this will also be gas. british-swedish pharmaceutical giant. astrazeneca
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admitted that his covid-19 vaccine could cause a fatal disease, the telegraph reported, citing court documents. a class action lawsuit was filed against the company, resulting in losses. and relatives the deceased are demanding compensation of up to 100 million euros. they hope that the company's recognition will speed up the consideration of the case. it was previously reported that at least 100 people were affected by the astrazeneca vaccine, and several dozen deaths were reported. to complete the exchange rates, the dollar today is 91 rubles, 77 kopecks, the euro is 98.2 kopecks. in georgia , battles continue over the bill on foreign agents. the parliament of the republic is considering it in the second reading. the meeting started late due to a scuffle between opposition deputies and members of the ruling parties. passions are running high on the street. the day before , a rally, whose participants expressed dissatisfaction with the law, turned into riots. today the opposition is again gathering its supporters on rustavel avenue.
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stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation. today's consideration of the law on foreign agents in the georgian parliament began with another fight between. here to hear the truth, they went on the attack, they started throwing all sorts of objects at us, this is inspired by the georgian dream, period, they feel confident only when surrounded by police, this video is necessary show them to their children so that they can see what kind of violence their fathers resort to, and this is the majority in the georgian parliament. the leader
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of the opposition unm himself appeared before parliamentarians, as they say in all its glory, with a gauze bandage on his face. georgian media previously reported that the deputy had a broken nose and an injured right eye. er... as the minister of internal affairs of georgia khabieshvili already claims , he received the loan the day before when he broke into the police cordon at a protest against the law on foreign agents and received bodily injuries while resisting them. it's worth reminding that the day before the situation at the protest escalated after the meeting of the parliamentary committee, which considered the scandalous bill on foreign agents in the second reading, ended. leaders of the akhali opposition party tried to block one of them. entry into parliament, but the security forces did not allow them to do this. the police several times called on the protesters to move away from the entrance to parliament and not to interfere with the movement of deputies and members of the legislative staff. but the protesters refused to leave the area. in
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glass bottles and stone paving stones began to fly towards the police. as a result , six police officers were seriously injured. as the ministry of internal affairs stated, law enforcement officers were you... closer to the morning, the protesters began to disperse. over the night, according to the georgian police, 63 people were detained who attacked police officers and tried to break through the cordons. today, judging by the statements of the opposition, the protesters will definitely return to the georgian parliament. stanislav bernwalt, lead. slovak motorcyclists from the association. brother for my brother, on the eve of victory day , a motorcycle rally is held across the territory of the czech republic and slovakia. the first cities on their way were paskov and fridok mistek. local bikers supported the action, but the mayor of paskov and members of the tatra military history club also came to lay wreaths in memory of the fallen soldiers.
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representatives of civil associations of the two countries also paid tribute to the fallen soldiers at the red army memorial in the city of ostrava. in total, activists plan to visit 18 settlements of the ambassador. the main goal of the organizers is not to forget the feat of the heroes, who gave their lives for the liberation of the czech republic and slovakia, the run will end on may 5. today amendments to the law on education come into force; they clarify the mechanism of targeted training, what will change in the admissions company this year, irina matyushenko will tell you in the program instructions. enter an educational institution and know for sure that after graduation you will be hired. targeted training provides this opportunity. how this mechanism works and how it has changed this year, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with what is targeted learning? it is free for the student; he enters into an agreement with a company or organization and undertakes, after receiving his diploma, to work there for a certain number of years, and
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the employer or customer pays for the training of the employees. if the company or organization is state-owned, the customer is the state and the university receives money from the state budget. the student, accordingly, is allocated a budget place according to the target quota. a separate competition is held for such places. the government sets the quota every year. the customer can be any private company. or an individual entrepreneur, but if she is not on the list of employers for the target recruitment, you will have to enroll in a university on a general basis. you can go all the way from finding an employer to concluding a targeted training agreement with him using digital services. this year, in accordance with the federal law, which, in general, has already entered into force, we are ensuring that applications for targeted education are submitted through public services not only to universities, but also to colleges. this client path has already been implemented and will accordingly be launched from the beginning of the reception company. reception. the university’s company starts on june 20, and the future student’s path begins with finding an employer
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who will order targeted training. this year the list of potential employers for target quotas has been expanded. previously, the state paid for training for employees of government agencies, government agencies, state corporations, state-owned companies, companies with state participation, as well as agricultural producers producing products from the list approved by the government. now the shots will be targeted. prepare for private companies working for territories of priority development, in special economic zones and territorial development zones in the arctic and the free port of vladivostok. for residents of skolkovo, the international medical cluster in moscow, innovative scientific and technological centers and the military innovative technopolis era near anapa. don’t forget about ordinary private companies and entrepreneurs who are willing to pay for training. find an employer and...
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from candidates, and, accordingly, then conclude an agreement for targeted training in the results of the competitive situation in universities. one of the innovations of this year’s admissions company is that you can conclude an agreement on targeted training with only one customer. the main parties to the agreement are the applicant, the customer as a third party who will monitor academic performance - the university. the employer can be included in the contract if the customer is not the same legal entity. work it out.
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an agreement where the participants, respectively, are a university, where the customer of the targeted training and the employer, they, as a rule, are still united in one person, actually the student, that is, the student himself, the future student, or rather, an already enrolled student, receives a draft contract on the government services portal, which means he downloads the state key application, receives the state key, this contract itself is signed in the state key and sends it to the university and the employer for signing. in the contract, you should pay special attention to penalties for failure to comply with the conditions, and of course... understand that targeted training is a big responsibility if you do not master the program
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or do not work the required period in the company, the customer will have to compensate for all expenses. let us repeat the most important thing: on may 1 , changes to the education law came into force; they clarify the rules for targeted education. the list of employers by target quotas has been expanded. on the russia jobs portal, all employers have the opportunity to place their applications. targeted training agreements can now be concluded. only after enrollment, and the third party to the agreement must be the university. the maximum period of service after its completion is limited to five years. do you have any questions, do you want to know how to get a sought-after specialty or job, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk with experts and tell you everything in one of the next editions of the manual. our broadcast will continue with the next episode of the documentary film the world in the palm of your hand.
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on january 30, 1933, adolf hitler was appointed. chancellor of the weimar republic, under his leadership the national socialists came to power in germany, and the weimar republic came to an end, could hitler have done this without support?
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and in this world its no one from european countries didn't stop. by the time he was appointed reich chancellor, adolf hitler had a controversial reputation and not everyone liked him. hindenburg despised hitler. he called him a bohemian corporal or a bohemian corporal and said that the most i can do is appoint him as a postmaster, let him not lick his ass, meaning that he will be a postmaster, before you stick the stamp, it means on the back side peel off, but son paol was very closely connected with the nazi
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elite with the sss, he even had... a high rank in ss. it seems to me that this line also worked, except that the largest industrialists wrote a letter to gendenburg in favor of hitler. there are facts in hitler's biography that could prevent him from coming to power. he received german citizenship only in february 1932 and had a criminal record. let us remember that in november 1923 hitler became the mastermind. the famous beer hall putsch in munich, he was sentenced to 5 years for high treason, but he left prison after 9 months, having managed to write mindcamp with confidence in the future. moreover, when he was imprisoned, he received both financial resources and offers of support, this period,
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he really strengthened adolf hitler, his idea, his goals in revanchism, because he realized that he was not alone. that there are behind him, including financial circles, that he is supported by large political parties, and of course, this conviction in the possibility of revenge for germany, the possibility of opening new prospects from his point of view, for the german people, it led to a secondary this is very big the rise of nazism, fascism in the territory, on the territory of germany, hitler in his notes and... in his speeches repeatedly noted that the five-year plan that he put forward for the development of the german economy was realistic, he was confident in achieving the goals of this plan, because it relied on an external factor, this map of anti-communism on an interstate scale, that is
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, pushing germany towards the east, the british were most interested in. will return to the east, which is what happened later. now documents about the so-called munich agreement, when hitler, through his representatives
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, found out from the british prime minister what would happen if the nazis occupied the territories. well, they simply answered him directly, yes, public opinion in england will not be on your side, but in principle, we are not against it. they didn’t understand that hitler took into account the experience of the first world war, and wilhelm ii didn’t learn any lessons from what chancellor von bismar taught him, who said, the nightmare of a coalition, under no circumstances allow a war on two fronts, so hitler is taught, therefore, for him, the condition for moving to the east was the defeat, first of all , of the continental powers, and of course great britain. many people still have the question, in short, why exactly hitler, who was not a representative of either business, or the military elite, or the generals, or,
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therefore, even the middle bourgeoisie, the average business of germany, was nominated, the secret is that hitler put forward in a simplified form those basic ideas that... germany after the first world war was in an extremely difficult state, firstly, the military-industrial complex of germany, which was directly tied to military production before the first world war and during the first world war, naturally there were extremely limited jobs, factories closed, a huge number of people lost their jobs, this led to mass complete unemployment, against the backdrop of the most powerful inflation, the germans really found themselves in an extremely difficult situation, then for the germans. the biggest nightmare is inflation, because the inflation of 1923 was something monstrous, when this mark depreciated, there were quadrillions of marks there.
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his idea of ​​​​the revival of the wehrmacht suited the generals, his... idea of ​​​​overcoming the crisis that the palamar republic in the late twenties, therefore, suited the middle social strata, and even the common people, his idea that new lands and the so-called vital space for the german people suited everyone, he offered the german people a vector of development, he... offered jobs, and he announced that resources would be distributed conquered territories, but he quite clearly felt these revanchist
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sentiments among the german people, you remember, well, germany, it lost the first world war, so to speak, there was a ban on certain actions there, it does not have its own army, and so on. etc., and there was still a generation alive that wanted revenge, and after all, at first, he made promises, yes, he made economic promises, he promised to overcome hunger, he promised to create a great germany, in addition, really in the idea of ​​development revanchism, very large funds were invested, these were funds not only invested by german bankers, german... large financial structures, but also by european structures, starting from 22-24, when the weimar republic actually
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adopted, that is, the economic system that schacht proposed, who became the head of the reiksbank and who was connected, therefore, with the leadership of the ministry of finance and the ministry of economic affairs of great britain. and the united states of america, who, by the way, repeatedly met with roosevelt, including in the early thirties, and it is said that it was this meeting in 1932 that determined hitler’s rise to power. the question arises, why did they do this? was it not clear what hitler was like? already on january 30 , 1933, hitler vowed to work for the revival of the german nation.
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technology, you remember how long they delayed opening a second front, they didn’t know where, let’s say, these scales of military luck should turn, in many countries fascist ideas dominated, well, let’s say sweden, norway, denmark, belgium, yes, and in france, that is, not to mention italy and spain, which began to exist in the thirties. openly fascist states, europe took a position, an officially proclaimed position, a position of appeasement, yes, this position of appeasement, it was known. religious organizations and religious hierarchies, first of all, pope 11 directly supported fascism and, in principle, musalini’s rise to power in the twenty-second year was sponsored by the
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vatican bank.
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increase supplies of spare parts and reduce timing of the repair of military equipment, sergei shaigu gave a number of instructions during a meeting of the joint group of troops. the head of the defense department also ordered to maintain a high rate of liberation of territory in the northwestern military district zone. what else were we talking about? invulnerable, as nato equipment was considered.
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it was confirmed and now the scrap metal is only suitable for museum exhibits. an exhibition of the damaged ones opened on poklonnaya hill.


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