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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 1, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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i couldn’t get through to my husband, he was constantly unavailable, after some time my colleague, the editor of the political department, called me and asked where i said not to worry, that dragan was okay, then me. i was brought here, i went inside, when i saw a beaten dragon, a bunch of people , a doctor in the corridor, i screamed, and dragan shouted at me, told me to shut up, because he was alive, and only then i saw on tv how terribly they were beating dragana, he doesn't like to talk about it, but it was very... scary when it was against him
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a case was opened, after seeing these footage, i understood, at least it seems to me, why he was left alive at all, just so that he could be tried, he was not killed in order to be convicted.
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they didn’t perceive me as an ordinary prisoner, that’s for sure, they installed some strange barriers that affected my psyche more than my physical state, this even made it easier for me to physically stay there, but at the mental level they continued to break us, just like that, it was necessary to destroy the last such independent state. a pro-russian orthodox state and a fairly strong state of yugoslavia, it was destroyed back in the late eighties, early nineties, but this fragment of the union republic of yugoslavia, serbia and montenegro was also a mountain-american strategist, especially despite the fact that the serbs essentially lost in during the nato operation, which took place in 1999, they did not achieve the goal of removing milosevic, the americans are very vindictive, their elite is very vindictive, yes... the elder bush
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destroy hussein, the youngest managed to do this. tufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football; you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because you have real football, a real cup. russian football cup, maybe a summer season, appetite anywhere, dad, only dad will tame it, 7 days fly by unnoticed, but
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11:38 pm
we are not at war with the people of iraq, i have said it many times and i am ready to say it again. our only goal is to resist the aggression that is initiated.
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then there was north korea, then iraq, afghanistan, where we came after the russians. this continues to this day. if we want peace on earth, we must prevent powerful countries from invading weaker ones, as well as executing local political leaders.
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there are 3,000 killed citizens, there is a murdered muammar gaddafi, but there is neither freedom nor democracy. libyan tribes now live in a state constant struggle of bloodshed, the regime of saddam hussein fell. during the reign of saddam hussein, the security situation was so clear that you could cross a distance of 600 km from the borders of syria, for example, or jordan with a driver in a car, without fear of anyone or anything. today you cannot leave your house in baghdad and go to your brother's house in the center of baghdad. everything is lost, there is no safety. in
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1991, the nato alliance bombed desert territory in iraq, that is, desert, plain, where there are no hills, no valleys, no rivers, nothing. the goals that we are pursuing in the persian gulf are clearly defined and well known to everyone. iraq must immediately and completely withdraw its troops from kuwait, without imposing any conditions. in bosnia and herzegovina in ninety-five, everything was the other way around, there is no desert, forests, hills, valleys, rivers are everywhere, which means it is obvious that we are talking about an experimental war. what nato did in 1999 in yugoslavia. he included among the bombing targets petrochemical plants and energy facilities. this was a continuation of the same invivo experiment, that is , an experiment on living organisms. for the first time, for example, it was used. the so-called american softbomb or graphite bomb for bombing energy facilities,
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that is, in this case, nato wanted to see what the consequences would be for the health of the local population, since back in iraq and bosnia and herzegovina they saw what the consequences of bombing uranus with plutonium were. american government. uranium is absolutely safe and not harmful to health, as observed in serbia and iraq. i am not an expert, but i know of several large-scale consequences that were noticed after the war in many local residents, as well as in the military, who used uranium. we had such experience during the vietnam war: we used a reagent that kills all vegetation in order to...
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and again, returning to the problem of the balkans, kosovo, bosnia. at first, few even knew where they were, and only knew that america was saving local residents from genocide. we don't know who these people are, we don't know where they live, we don't know any facts. all we know is the propaganda carried out by the state. and today these places are forgotten. i will give an example when a member of the senate says: we must intervene in syria, and we
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also must worry about iraq, afghanistan, look how well things are going in bosnia and kosovo, we must repeat their experience, does anyone know what he is talking about ? the typical american won't even remember bosnia and kosovo.
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bypassing the security council of the united nations, they are there for 8 years got stuck in iraq and suffered heavy losses, i think that there are very few sensible politicians now in the united states who would believe that this was the right decision, but for their mistake for their campaign in addition to the security council, they paid very hard, but that’s how it is truly flawed, please don't try to portray me as a defender of the shortcomings of the modern world order.
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that previously there was a condition, so to speak, a precondition for cooperation with the gaga tribunal, and this was, of course, blackmail, we they gave up former president milosevic, they gave up general mladic, they gave up karadzic, and this brought us nothing, no economic progress, well, also new blackmail, this blackmail concerns kosovo,
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that there is no chance, it is completely under control, well, of course there were terrible things there, when people were burned in cement factories in ovens just because they were serbs, they were thrown alive into these ovens, they were burned, there were death squads in the gospić area that were simply engaged in extermination.
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thanks to our information, maybe more serbian information, but this general was brought to trial, the international criminal court in the hague, based on the results of consideration of all this information, he was sentenced to a long term, either 10 or 15 years, i don’t remember exactly now, a year later for good behavior . he was released when he arrived in zagreb and was greeted as a national hero. it was an elected court, in
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general it consisted of americans, as a result the top of serbia was destroyed - all those responsible for the events that took place. yugoslavia was destroyed by external forces, previously, it was among the most economically powerful states in the region. a lot of my friends and volunteers are in ukraine, some returned, some stayed and got married there. our peoples have always been together, my great-great-grandfather received a medal from the russian
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emperor for the war with the turks in 1877-78. i am proud of this, we have always been together, and this should remain so in the future. we are united by faith, culture, customs, everything that came to us from the west is an evil that destroys both russia and serbia. we need to renounce everything this, to reject everything that came to us from the west. sorry, brother, but i think that the word russophile does not suit us. a serb cannot be a russophile. wait, when they call me a russophile. i consider this the greatest compliment. this is true, but the word itself, when it comes to russians and serbs, is absolutely not suitable. a serb cannot be a russophile. this is the same as if someone loved his own brother, and he would be called a brotherophile. that's exactly what it sounds like. a serb can be an anglophile, a germanophile, and so on, but he cannot be.
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was liberated from the nazis on april 10, 1944.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. at the beginning, footage from odessa
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is published by telegram channels. major fire in kievsko.


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