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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. and now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, these days we are celebrating the anniversary of the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. i would like to sincerely congratulate everyone with all my heart. veterans,
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bamovites, engineers, workers, volunteers, at a meeting with whom the head of state spoke in detail about the importance of such a transit route; today it is of key importance for the connectivity of our regions, the development of siberia, the far east as a whole for the economic sovereignty of russia. the government has made a decision to expand transport corridors, we are talking about the eastern training ground. which is necessary to strengthen trade ties with friendly countries. the president emphasized that the volume of traffic to pabama and transib is growing, this means export revenues to the budget, and this means additional resources for solving the social issues of our citizens. during the report in the duma, he noted that the carrying capacity of this route over the past year reached 170 million tons, and we plan to for 9 years. will increase the figure
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by almost 100 million tons. to this end, we continue to implement the investment project for the development of the baikal-amur and trans-siberian railways; on behalf of the head of state, the third stage of work has been approved until the thirty-fifth year. the total cost of these works exceeds 3.700 billion rubles. thanks to this, additional tracks will be built, sidings, tunnels, bridges, including across the amur river, will be organized. approaches to seaports, modernized stations, platforms. the expansion of the eastern test site will create and new opportunities for industrial enterprises, especially in the extractive manufacturing sectors. this will also help increase cargo flow and reduce the overall travel time. the volume of orders will increase, new jobs will appear, areas along the highway will be improved, and, very importantly, the quality of life of people in siberia will increase in the distance. one more question: in his message
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to the federal assembly, the president set the task, for the country as a whole, by the end of the decade, to practically double the domestic tourist flow to 140 million people per year. we have there are many natural beauties, historical cultural attractions, and simply places for family leisure, which are often more convenient for many to get to by personal transport. such trips should be comfortable for people, that’s why they are needed. not only the main highways, but also, which is also very important, small roads to tourist sites with gas stations, with mobile communications, with normal equipped parking lots, hotels, small motels. on behalf of the head of state, the government has developed a concept for the development of the automobile industry tourism, it will unite the efforts of different levels of government and business to synchronize the construction of such diverse infrastructure. dmitry nikolaevich, i would like to ask you to tell us in more detail what your plan is. thank you very much, dear mihai
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vladimirovich, auto tourism is one of the most affordable and popular types of tourism when you can travel with the whole family. we all remember how, as children, we went out into nature with our parents, to the sea; these were the most vivid impressions. according to the results of tsom surveys, more than a third of russians over the past 5 years made tourist trips by car. 49% of our citizens consider freedom of movement to be the main advantage of autotourism. 27 cost savings, 22 comfort and ease of movement. year after year we have seen an increase in the number of domestic trips overall. in the twenty- third year, our residents made 78 million trips, which is 21% more than in the twenty- second year. by the way, a year earlier there was another 15% growth, so this dynamic continues. and a third of these domestic trips come from auto tourism. the overall contribution of tourism to gdp is growing, according to the results. last year it amounted to 2.8%, and
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in order to fulfill the president’s instructions to increase the number of trips to 140 million by the thirtieth year and the share of tourism in... in gdp to 5%, tourism infrastructure is being created, new directions for tourism development are emerging, in including, of course, auto tourism and the government-approved concept for the development of auto tourism in russia until 1935, which assumes an integrated approach, including as a result of its implementation the number of tours will increase trips by car and bus from 27 million to 47 million by the year thirtieth. the event will allow solving a number of key tasks, primarily the development of road service facilities, including multifunctional zones, which will include traffic stations, motels, food outlets, shops, service stations, playgrounds, other facilities for a comfortable stay on the road,
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provision of highways with high-quality mobile communications, the internet, digital services, reconstruction, improvement, creation of new tourist display facilities for travelers roads pass, we know, through picturesque places of our country, for example, the chuya highway or serpentines, roads in the southern regions of the north caucasus, they will all be equipped with observation platforms, the opening of tourist information centers, the creation of services, including car rental, construction campsites, campsites, so that it is comfortable to travel by any type of transport, from a bus and a motorhome to... a car and a motorcycle. the result of this work will be the creation of a network of accessible national, interregional tourist automobile routes, and the potential number of autotourists by the year thirtieth will grow from 22 million to 44. dear mikhail
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vladimirovich, the ministry of development, together with the regions and federal executive authorities, are developing a detailed program for the implementation of this concept, it will be submitted to the government in the established deadlines. but now we see that the regions have launched their own comprehensive projects, including the republic of karelia, chuvashia, bashkirtastan, primorsky region, moscow, leningrad, vladimir, tver regions and others. we set a goal that for every resident of the country , auto tourism is associated with safety, convenience and the availability of necessary services. thank you. thank you, dmitry nikolaevich, indeed, tourism has such great opportunities for... income multiplication, the multiplier from the development of the tourism sector is usually about five, that is, for one job there are five in related industries, and this is also a serious incentive to attract investments, both for those who is building infrastructure to accommodate vacationers as well as for
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the vacationers themselves, and of course, it is very important to involve all russian regions in the concept, including the most remote corners of our big country; tourists from large cities and megalopolises often flock there, by the way. i ask you to keep this issue under personal control. the next topic concerns regional development. we continue to implement measures aimed at improving the comfort of people in cities, rural areas and in the address to the federal assembly the president emphasized that in this case it is necessary to actively use mechanisms when citizens themselves determine which objects and which problems should be allocated money in the first place. and one of these tools, the most important feedback tools , is the all-russian vote on improvement; people, using a special online platform, can take part in the improvement of the place where they live and choose what they need most, whether to tidy up the street, square, park or
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build a new children's playground, list the municipality also forms public spaces taking into account the opinions of residents, and we see that the interest of citizens in solving the issue of improvement... thus only grows, practically according to the voting results, the number of those who take part in it increases by several million annually. marachivich, the results of the fourth all-russian voting were summed up just yesterday, and please tell us how many people took part in the voting this year, residents of which regions were the most active, please, you have the floor. dear mikhail vladimirovich, on april 30 , the fourth all-russian online voting ended. for improvement objects, it is carried out within the framework of the federal project for the formation of a comfortable urban environment of the national project housing and urban environment. we first launched voting in 2021, during which time it has become an effective tool for the direct participation of russians in decision-making to
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transform their settlements. let me remind you that the president instructed to increase the share of citizens participating in the development of the city wednesdays up to 30%. and all-russian voting. directly helps in solving this problem, in addition, this mechanism makes a huge contribution to achieving the national goal of improving the quality of the urban environment by one and a half times by the year thirtieth. this year , about 5,400 objects from 1,500 municipalities were brought up for discussion. over the course of a month and a half , 17.2 million people took part in the voting. this is 3 million more than last year, again becoming another record. it is important that this year for the first time residents joined the vote kherson region. thus , all four new constituent entities of the russian federation are already participating in the selection of territories for improvement. let me remind you that last year 14.2 million russians cast their votes, in the twenty -second - 10.7, in the twenty-first - 9.7 million
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people. we see that the number of concerned citizens is increasing every year. the growing involvement of russians confirms the demand for voting. it reveals the priority desire of people. russians independently choose parks, embankments, squares, streets, squares, public courtyards areas that, in their opinion, need improvement. first of all, and for those territories that have already been selected, citizens choose a design project and improvement, thus people influence what the appearance of their hometowns and villages will be. for the convenience of citizens, we have developed the most clear, simple and accessible voting algorithm. everyone over 14 years of age voted on the website using the feedback platform, public services, we decide together. on the roads of the public. public services voting is decided together on the municipality’s website, as well as through
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the application of volunteers who help those wishing to vote in public places of all participating municipalities. this year the volunteer corps amounted to about 215,000 people, many thanks to them for their high-quality, conscientious work, about 70% of citizens voted with the help of volunteers. the most active were the residents of the chechen republic, the republic of tuva.
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is an all-russian competition to create a comfortable urban environment in the municipalities of the far eastern federal district up to thirtieth year. at the end of each year , almost fifty winners in this particular macro-region will be determined. they will continue to receive from 50 to 300,000 rubles. for the implementation of their projects. people everywhere need places where they can relax, walk with their children, and thanks to the competition, there will simply be a lot more of them, even in the smallest remote settlements. this was footage of a meeting between the head of government and deputy prime ministers. and
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the sixth world forum on intercultural dialogue is taking place in baku. his motto is conversation for peace and stability. the forum gathered participants from more than 100 countries in europe, asia, africa, and the middle east. and one of the most representative large delegations from russia. the development of relations between moscow and baku is the most important part of the event. boris ivanin with details. this world forum in azerbaijan is the first in the last 5 years, such a long break was caused by the pandemic, but it takes place in the very heart of baku, next to the heydar aliyev center, it is a symbol of the modern capital of azerbaijan, practically no straight lines are used in its project, but it is close to the congress - the center, where to go since the forum delegates gather, on the contrary, there is a direct and open dialogue between different peoples and the unification of different cultures. participants from more than a hundred countries, europe, asia, africa, the middle east, and even from such distant continents as australia and south. america together, representatives of various faiths, dialogue for peace, the slogan of this forum,
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the ideas that are being discussed here are essentially a continuation of recent negotiations between the two leaders. at the end of april, vladimir putin met ilham aliyev in the kremlin. the forum is aimed at developing relations between moscow and baku and strengthen their position on the world stage. it seems to me that this is very important today when we are talking about building a multipolar world, and this is the concept that our president is developing.
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this is the baku book center, huge, almost 2,500 km, but a very cozy space for reading, on two floors at once, you can go upstairs via this openwork staircase, in the loft style. not every bookstore in moscow can boast such an area, but the main thing is such an assortment. about half of all the tables here are occupied by books in russian
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language, these are direct deliveries from russian publishing houses, here are both modern bestsellers and classics.
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there are classics that people like more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious and full stop, deposit - the best interest rate, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. this have not happened before. russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try it, real plombir russian cold. great, incredible taste.
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since the beginning of the implementation of the ecology national project , 250 facilities for sorting municipal waste disposal have been created. more than half today are sent for treatment, how the waste management system should work, how businesses are involved in this, there is a solution about this to my colleague marina gromova in the program, deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko told, shared the personal experience of the person in charge waste management, watch the full interview right now. victoria valerievna, hello, good afternoon, today we’ll talk about the waste management system, how to make such a system efficient and environmentally friendly, there are several.
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38% of russian citizens have already started waste management and recycling
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; separate waste collection is in fourth position out of the top 10 most recognizable measures among all national projects, from healthcare to ecology. separate collection is very important, we select waste we obtain the purest fraction, a ready-made fraction for... processing for disposal, and here is another direction - this is the creation of the necessary capacities, the capacity must appear in the country so that useful fractions from waste can be disposed of and give this waste a new life, this just in principle, cyclical houses, circular economies. well , finally, the last, probably, but not the least important - this is environmental education, environmental education among young people, among children today so many. knowledge of what to do with waste, how it is necessary to make our planet more vibrant, our country more beautiful, so in general the situation with waste, with its disposal and
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processing has changed in russia in recent years, we have done a colossal job, and as a rule, developed countries have spent several decades working on waste on this topic, we have made a breakthrough in 5 years, 250 waste management facilities have been built over the past 4 years and are now in operation, these are new complexes that accept waste, they are processed and then disposed of. we were also able to see this today at this facility. also, if we talk about dynamics, the indicator recorded by industry statistics is important; we started recycling in 2018 with 3%. today , the recycling rate is already 13. what is a circular economy in general, you said this, why is it needed? a circular economy is necessary in order to give waste a second life, so that their useful fractions are drawn back into economic activity. and revolutions,
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it was possible to make some kind of goods. at this enterprise , containers are made from recycled plastic, from granules, containers into which waste can be loaded again, waste can be collected separately, or, for example, pallets are made for the food industry or for other sectors of our economy, and another direction is the production of new packaging materials, also from recycled plastic, geomembranes are made, made. can cover, soft roofing, covering for sports and children's playgrounds, that is, this is what we are faced with in everyday life around us of what used to be trash. you know, there are a lot of public gardens as part of the improvement program; today they order benches and trash cans made from fluoride raw materials, from recycled materials, this covering for runners is, in my opinion, more of a tire, as far as crumb rubber and a rubber modifier,
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absolutely right, with 2025. in russia they are planning to begin a gradual abandonment of non-recycled plastic, but you know that it is everywhere, you go into a cafe, straws, caps, plates, forks, spoons, it everywhere, is it even possible that something will come to replace it? every person needs to work on themselves, environmental habits are really simple, because e-commerce, marketplaces, delivery of goods, all this is such a mode of life and services, have launched a frenzied demand for packaging materials. we are now working together with the team, with our professionals, to ensure that recycling solutions, recycling technologies, are actually packaged, a new product is entering the market, you need to immediately understand how this product will be disposed of, what technology will be used, and what will be needed, and the equipment, materials in order to start the recycling of this particular product, consumer culture can generally be learned there, they probably don’t teach it in schools yet, they teach it, they teach it in schools already, and we work
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in partnership with the leaders. goose, this is really a part, should become a part of our life, is gradually becoming a part of our life. how to encourage businesses to abandon non-recycled plastic, these are only fines. we provide no penalties sanctions, on the contrary, are environmentally friendly coefficients for those who use packaging for which there are many recycling cycles, that is, the longer the recycling cycle, the lower the payment for disposal of such packaging or such goods. which ones? support for companies that take on recycling themselves, saying: we ourselves, we can handle it. we recently issued new instructions, a government decree, we worked it out, uh, now the environmental tax can be used, including to support enterprises that will engage in recycling. previously there was no such possibility. therefore, those state support measures that exist today for ufkars, at our institute for the development of industries, generally exist within
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the framework of the same expanded responsibility. i store the container, collect organics, everything. i have two containers in the kitchen, one that came into contact with organics, something that cannot be noted. i wash plastic bottles, plastic containers, i try to crumple the label, so today the guys showed us at this plant that, in principle, these you can cast any label in centrifuges, but imagine how much electricity and water it will take, if this can be done at home, and even better, if a business thinks about it, such a label will not be glued right away, which will then be difficult to remove, and in the second container:


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