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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money in the amount. in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off , go, ready whether russia changes, evolution occurs in any structure, you are in the recent past a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then they abandoned...
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today is 79 years since the capture of berlin on may 2 , 1945. soviet troops completely occupied
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the german capital. this was the finale of the berlin strategic offensive operation, which took place on april 16. about 200 battalions were formed in the city, and the total garrison number exceeded 2,000 people. the plan of the soviet command was to deliver several powerful blows on a wide front, dismember the enemy group, encircle it and destroy it piece by piece. in fierce street battles. 28 on april 28, the enemy group was divided; by april 28 , only the central part of the city remained in the hands of the defenders of berlin, while it was shelled from all sides by soviet artillery. by the evening of the same day, units of the third shock army of the first belarusian front reached the reystag area. on may 1, they met south of reistag with units of the eighth guards army advancing from the south. by 15 o'clock in the afternoon. marshal konev reported
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to supreme commander joseph stalin that the front troops, after nine days street fighting, together with the troops of the first belarusian front, captured berlin. moscow is preparing for the victory parade; today it will be closed due to the rehearsal. from the capital's streets, so from 16:30 to 19:00 it will not be possible to drive on sections of volgogradsky prospekt , garden ring and taganskaya square. from 23:30 the same roads will be closed again. several more central embankments and streets will be closed from 17:30. from now on , it will be impossible to get into the underground passages on volgogradsky prospekt and sadovovy tverskaya street. until the end of the rehearsal from 22
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in the evening, the crossings will be closed on garden from the mayakovskaya metro station to novy arbat and the street itself from 22:30 , a company of the bridge rifle regiment was killed in the first days of the northern military district. the fighter came under enemy mortar fire, but completed the task. now the names of the hero and his comrades are forever carved into stones. report by evgeny kulikov. lieutenant colonel of the reserve, and now a volunteer, andrei
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shishlakov, recently returned from the front straight to the cemetery to light a candle on his son’s grave. timofey shashlakov died in the first days. timofey's mother was never able to come to terms with the loss of her only son, every birthday she brings his favorite
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cake to his grave and cannot hold back her tears. happy birthday to you, son, this is your favorite cake, black and white, like your grandmother baked, so what is it for you? “thank you for being with us, while you are not very sick, i will be very sick when i stop crying a little, i promise, the body of their only son was not returned to his parents immediately, only over time he was exchanged for dead militants from the azov battalion. timofey’s mother olga with bitterness remembers how she tried to find at least some information about him location, but in response she received only mockery from the side." ukrainian military, what kind of mother are you, son, you know that we have him, take him, take him, if you are a mother, if you love him, you will give him any money. with the compensation that the shashlak family received after the death of timofey, the parents decided to build a chapel in order not only to perpetuate the name of their son, but in memory of
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all the soldiers who died for their homeland. there was only enough money for the construction of the chapel under the dome, for the interior decoration. it turned out to be not enough. also not our construction. the construction is already popular, to the point that one grandmother transferred 20 thousand rubles, she said: they don’t thank you for this, this is my appeal to god. the mother of the deceased, along with timofey corporal merikerim abbasov, came from dagestan to the erection of the cross. we were allowed to venerate the cross to everyone present, and amina is miri kirima’s mother, being a muslim, she came up, venerated the cross, kissed it, saying that...
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she is a restorer at the novodevichy convent and dreams of personally painting the chapel for timothy. as a token of gratitude to timofey for his courage. valentina still can’t believe that her friend is not around, because even at school they sat at the same desk with him. it’s hard, of course, honestly, i
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haven’t met such a person yet, but he was super correct, kind, sympathetic, he was a man of his word, unshakable. the current commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, alexander syrsky, once studied within the walls of this school, but they don’t want to remember this here. the school is named after a real hero. in september 2022 , a memorial plaque was hung at the school in honor of timofey, here’s from the commander they renounced the ukrainian army here, someone from syrsky studied at our school, our indignation knew no bounds, excuse me, please, there is no need to dirty us like that, the fact is that we are proud that the school bears the name of the guard lieutenant shashlakova timofey. tima united the school, here are the children, we have him, we know, we write on the floor where tima served, when
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the bell rings from classes, the boys, habitually running from school, involuntarily slow down the shaka of the memorial plaque with a portrait of a guard lieutenant, we are honored study in such a school, and where timofey himself studied, we from the school we collect parcels that the soldiers ask for, we collect them there, and pass them on through papa timofey. through the father of the regiment, and the chapel will be completed by the summer, timofey’s colleagues from the front will definitely come from the front for the illumination, who is now called the elder shashlakova only as the father of the regiment. next month, the chapel will be illuminated in honor of timothy of pskov, in memory of all the soldiers who laid down their lives for the fatherland. evgeny kulikov, farid khananov and sergey zavidov, especially for russia 24. winter has returned to novosibirs, wet snow fell in the city, in some places even. according to
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the department expects wind gusts of up to 21 m per second, and according to the forecast, rain and sleet can fall in the region all day. by saturday it will warm up to +15. an important historical date: 295 years ago, on may 2, according to the new style, empress catherine was born. the second, she ruled the russian empire for almost 35 years, carried out a lot of reforms, her centuries are called brilliant, under her the borders of the state increased significantly, just as the population increased. catherine ii gives a letter of honor to the black sea cossacks, they arrive in kuban, including for protection new border. after the commercial, watch a special report by zinaida kurbatova from the krasnodar territory. deposit - the best interest
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to win. morning in the village of taman, krasnodar territory, cossacks are heading to the church of the blessed virgin mary, this is an unusual orthodox church, low, elongated canopies on the sides that support rows of columns, elegantly painted bright blue. and
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a cossack without faith is not a cossack, they didn’t always run for faith, for the tsar and... the fatherland, yes it was like that in ancient times, but it’s for faith, faith first of all, faith will save russia, there’s no way without faith, i’m grateful to the cossacks that they forget this temple, drive by, get married here, get baptized, theirs is not a new generation. construction of pokrovsky the temple is associated with an important event in the history of our country. it was built in 1793 by the black sea cossacks. have mercy, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy, bless. the army of loyal black sea cossacks was formed to participate in the war with the ottoman empire, to protect new borders in the south of the country, during the brilliant reign of empress catherine ii. the most important result of catherine’s foreign policy was the annexation of the territory in the south of the russian empire, that is
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, tamania, crimea, and the entire right bank of kubania. it allowed. weaken the ottoman position empire, which for centuries was one of the most important competitors of the russian empire, to increase trade relations, access to the southern seas, southern trade lines and , in principle, strengthen the borders, because the crimean khanate had already been a threat to russia for many centuries, decades, as a result according to this foreign policy , the crimean khanate, in fact, its territories were included in the russian empire, and became one of the peoples living on the territory of our state. peter i managed to secure access to the baltic sea.
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the second thinks absolutely imperially, russia does not have a fleet in the black sea at this moment, then the empress decides to send ships, an expedition from st. petersburg to the mediterranean sea. the expedition was very successful, this is a model of the flagship, the commander-in-chief of the russian fleet , general anshef, count alexei orlov. it was orlov who developed the plan for a military operation against turkey in the mediterranean sea. for his victory in the chesme battle, he received the right to be called orlov. in this battle, russia destroyed the turkish fleet, followed by a number of others victories, including those under the command of suvorov. kuchuk the kaynorji peace treaty was very beneficial for russia. crimean. the khanate is now independent of the ottoman empire, the new crimean khan is loyal to russia, but without the support of russian troops, his position is precarious. later, in 1783, catherine
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decides to annex crimea, and without military action. the sale of slaves stopped, because crimea under the ottoman empire was such a hub for the sale, primarily of the slavic population, mined and stolen as a result of raids on slave markets in turkey. and further to north africa, europe and so on. these are russian laws, that is, this is inclusion in the general and economic space, because new territories needed to be populated, and catherine begins a policy of populating them and inviting colonists. in this era, porcelain figurines and table decorations were in fashion, with the empress in the center surrounded by dignitaries and representatives of different nations, good subjects. under catherine. both the territory of russia and naturally the population are increasing, it is growing with people whom the empress invited to live in sparsely populated areas. germans, greeks, serbs,
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bulgarians swear allegiance to catherine, it was beneficial for them to live in russia, these are other peoples, crimean tatars, jews. in this enlightened age , religious freedom is flourishing in russia. all possible frictions are prevented and resolved. we know quite interesting episodes when we had to, well , including... new settlements, but the empress did not intend to limit herself to crimea and novorossiya in the south. here is an english caricature - catherine's imperial step. with one leg he rests on a rock called russia,
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another steps on a mosque in constantinople, present-day istanbul. in 1769, catherine ii gave her respondent, the great philosopher voltaire, a fur coat made from russian sable, but in a greek manner. a gift with meaning. catherine planned to push back. turks from the balkan peninsula and create a new byzantine empire here under a russian protectorate. voltaire fully supported this idea. the project was multifaceted, but the main thing was that in the 17th, 21st, and early 20th centuries, russia wanted to provide passage through the basphorus and dordonelles to the mediterranean sea. this issue could have been resolved in the first world war if the russian empire had won it. the main ideologist of this geopolitical project was his holiness prince grigory potemkin. if the byzantine empire were re-established , an orthodox cross would be installed over the church of hagia sophia. according to catherine’s plan, her
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youngest grandson, born in 1779, would become its ruler. here are his portraits from the ramitage collection. it was not by chance that he was named konstantin. the founder of the byzantine empire was constantine the great. however, this project did not take place. suvorov alone is not enough for such a project, despite all his great talents. of course, somewhere the armies there were not so well prepared and equipped, well, finally, in no case would the european union have allowed this project to come true, well, as we said, because with us, and more precisely, our relations with us have already deteriorated britain, and somewhere far away the united states had already emerged, in fact, by the way, this is no secret, turkey was supported by the main european countries, which again, well, political. financial in military terms. the second russian-turkish war lasted from 1787 to 1791. as a result , the ottoman empire signed a clear peace
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treaty, forever securing ochakov, crimea, and the right bank of the kuban to russia, moving the border to the dniester. in 1775, the empress decided to liquidate the zaporozhye sich. this is also what the dark does. he forms troops of loyal black sea cossacks, promises them lands on taman with the rich. fishing grounds, but potemkin dies in 1791 and the cossacks themselves act decisively. the delegation led by the military judge of the black sea army anton andreevich golovaty goes to the tsar’s village. moreover, anton golovaty was not chosen by chance, even his last name speaks of this, that he was one of the smartest, wisest cossacks, people in the black sea army, he had already attended the imperial reception of catherine ii back in 1774, as a zaporozhye cossack, so it was he selected. to convey this idea to the empress, the idea of ​​​​relocating the cossacks to new lands. in the krasnodar museum reserves named after in felitsin there is a historical document,
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a letter of commendation from catherine the second cossack. which allows them to begin resettlement with the condition of protecting the borders. it was presented on june 30, 1792, along with this gilded silver dish with a dedicatory inscription. and the cossacks set off. one detachment of cossacks, with their children and household members, went here to taman around the sea of ​​azov for 2 years, this detachment was led by koshevoy otaman, zakharia chipega. and two other detachments, containing unmarried cossacks, arrived. here by sea on ships, they were led by the koshevoy ataman sava bely; according to legend, it is believed that they landed in a smoky ravine, which is behind me. this happened on august 25, 1792 . having moved, the cossacks, according to the charter, received land. in the west is the taman peninsula, in the east is ustlabinsk, in the north is yeisk. they founded 40 kurens, 38 of them
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were named in honor of the zaporizhian ones, and two new ones. name berezansky and ekaterinsky, founded the cities of ekaterinodar and taman. in taman, this monument tells about the resettlement of the cossacks. the cossack flotilla was supposed to protect the sea from the passage of turkish ships that carried out raids, bandit raids on the crimean peninsula, which at that time was already russian. the cossacks began to cultivate the land, engage in their usual business of fishing, and... guarded the border, the troops of the faithful black sea cossacks in 1860 were renamed the kuban cossack army. before us is the anniversary st. george banner, granted by emperor nicholas ii in 1896 to the kuban cossack army. on the front side there is a depiction of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky, who was considered to be the heavenly patron of the kuban cossacks, but the real one is presented on the reverse side of the banner. kuban cossacks
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were heroes. during all the wars during the first world war , every third kuban cossack received the cross of st. george. here are rare chronicles of 1916 showing his majesty’s own convoy. the guard unit that guarded the emperor, its main core, were the terek and kuban cossacks. in the highest presence, a church parade was held for the convoy, hundreds of which are in line to perform military service at the front. st. george's crosses and medals on the chests of many cossacks, clearly. talked about a glorious campaign. most of the kuban cossacks did not accept the power of the bolsheviks. de-cossackization began in kuban. some of the cossacks emigrated, taking with them these rarities. in the 1990s, kuban cossacks began to return to the traditions and customs of their ancestors. the boys are taught flanking, dzhagetovka, and wear circassian coats of black red cloth on holidays. i know my ancestors back to the seventh generation, my
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ancestors served in slobodskoye and... vzyumskoye regiment, these are generally one of the first cossacks who came to serve the kings, but the main thing is to serve the fatherland, many went from here from the temryuk region and indeed from the kuban for a special military operation, the rest are carrying humanitarian aid, ataman andrei richard, his brother is now in front, many of our guys from our smoking went to the front, and are fighting successfully, however, like all cossacks, we also did not remain indifferent, to the best of our ability, i can even say more, we are trying to participate.
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