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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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there is a place in the alexander garden near the kremlin wall, sacred to everyone who remembers the great patriotic war, next to the eternal flame, the grave of the unknown soldier, there is an alley of cities. heroes, in each
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such granite pedestal there is a capsule of earth, taken from a place of honor of such a city, here are leningrad, stalingrad, sevastopol, kerch, in total there are 12 such pedestals, cities, heroes, among them is the earth from the city of the hero, odessa, april 10 forty what year is it?
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remembered the holiday of may 9'. in 2014, ukraine experienced an epoch-making event, the legitimate power in the country ended, from now on ukraine, in the image of post-maidan, became a state where open, frank, hatred of russia and the russian language was recognized as the ideology, the anti-russia project became the main one.
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the first decree of the junta, which seized power in kiev in february 1914, was the abolition of the law on the fundamentals of state language policy. in fact, this was the first mandate to ban the use of the russian language. in response, russian-ukrainians, for whom this language has always been native, began to oppose. protest rallies began over...
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the constitutional order and institutionalization of the state, because they did not want a civil war, they did not want a coup, they came to defend precisely this, and not yanukovych personally. many of the people who i knew personally, people who participated in the anti-maidan quite actively, they simply hated yanukovych, that’s it, but they understood that if it wasn’t him, then the nazis would come, which means they had to somehow fit in, yes, that a big problem, let's say , of people with a protective position, because they will cling to institutionality, to statehood to the last, even if they now come to the kulyakov field and make sure that there are more of us, more than a thousand. thank you for this, odessa! clashes began in kharkov, zaporozhye, donetsk, and crimea. in odessa, thousands of people held rallies for
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the freedom of russian people. we were born in this city, we will live here, and our children will live here. crimea has returned home.
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there is something else there, this also affects, odessa residents don’t like this either, i previously separated the concepts of homeland and state, but after the maidan, these are absolutely two big differences for me, the state is one thing, but the homeland is completely different, that is , the state of today’s ukraine is not my state, it is extremely hostile to me and everything that is dear to me. the western mentality, this bandera mentality, yes, he has now expanded his range to the whole of ukraine, imposed his thinking, and they have this hatred of everything russian, it has been going on for several centuries, when the poles enslaved them, forced them, broke them, forced them from
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orthodoxy convert to catholicism and break them then, it was the 15th century, and then they broke down and were replaced.
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russia, russia, donbass, we are with ourselves, donbass, we are with you, in those spring days of 1914, numerous demonstrations took place in odessa in support of the russian world. all these people, marching in columns with russian flags, stood for the unity of their country, ukraine. they wanted to be in a single public space with russia, to be good neighbors, family and friends. but they were not given it. at the american embassy in kiev, task force tsuru developed a plan, which included mass intimidation of odessa residents with the help of a well-thought-out provocation. everything was calculated perfectly. may 1st, holiday, day off. on may 2
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, a match was supposed to take place in odessa between the kharkov metalhead and the odessa chernomorets. under the guise of football fans , nationalists and representatives flocked to odessa from kiev and dnepropetrovsk. maidannik. in april 2014, 10-20 days before this terrible event, checkpoints began to appear in odessa, that is, from kiev and from other regions to odessa transferred a large number of nationalists under the guise of fighting russian aggression, which means they organized checkpoints at the entrances and exits of the city, then...
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i found a transcript of this session relatively recently, and i could not find it in the public domain, that is, i have a suspicion , that they
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either deleted this transcript or somehow altered it, because in fact it contains direct evidence, a direct, let’s say, direct indication of the person who was behind this terrible murder, i’m not saying that he’s the only one, but he’s one of the key figures who organized this terrible mass murder, we…
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the ambulance arrived, when the ambulance arrived, the guys said, that’s what the police officers
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did, and they didn’t care it hurts, what is the reason, well, well, i think that yes, you know, the kulikovo field, that is, may 2, it was lost long before may 2, may 2 was essentially the result of everything that was happening, was there any chance? that this is actually the entire ukrainian-nazi establishment, in particular turchynov, parubi,
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that is, the entire national security and defense council at that time, the entire leadership of the sbu, the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs at that time, if we talk about the highest figure, victoria, then i want to remind you that this lady met in odessa with a number of people who, in fact, after the events of may 2, which means that as a result of these events , they gained control on may 2.
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azov and the curator of the nazis in ukraine, arsen avakov. and i’ll tell you, it’s a bad thing for me, i’m already wanted in russia. and then it was necessary to blow up the donetsk regional administration at the root. let them die, god forbid forgive 50 terrorists, we would not have had 500 deaths in the donetsk region. none of the odessa residents who came out on may 2, 14 to defend their city from the nazi thugs with ideas of the superiority of one people over another were going to die, much less kill anyone, the odessa squad was going to prevent the dispersal of a peaceful rally on the kulyakov field, which was said as about a possible solution to the russian question in odessa.
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well, if we talk specifically about the victims of may 2, it was such a catalyst. donbass saw what happened in odessa, and rose, he was saved by the fact that he has borders with russia, odessa did not have this, and donbass was already ready, he knew how it would end, odessa did not know, the naivety of these
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standing on the sandpiper field. yes, it was such a romantic uprising, but the most important thing is that it had an anti-fascist meaning, because the fact that the maidan was fascist, fascist, but on the kiev city council there hung a huge portrait of bendery, the whole, the whole maidan from well there, from november 1910, i at that time. i was in kiev, i saw this portrait, i saw these portraits on the maidan itself, i saw this the bedlam that they organized there, in general, the orientation was absolutely fascist. therefore, my son, besides that,
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well, because the land is russian, because they...
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kill, they killed him. the first clashes began on the greek street, the city leadership, the governor, the mayor, and the chief of police all withdrew. only the police colonel rushed about among the fighting with a small detachment of his employees, trying to prevent a bloodbath, but i looked, there weren’t really any people in this area. those they everyone is positioned in the stadiums, waiting there, squads, where berkut should stand, where and so on in such places, where in reserve, they are not far away.
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russian theater, in this crowd there were already people who were from the maidan, while we were sitting in the prosecutor’s office, they were all pulled up from outside the city from the hotel where they were, they were pulled here to be extras. nobody expected that they would come to kill, because everyone
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expected that there would be, you know, as was usual before, some kind of street showdown, yes, that’s how it was during the attempt to storm the berkut base, that’s how it was on april 10, when the day of the liberation of odessa, when tsarev was recaptured, well, yes. there was a brawl, but it didn’t cross some kind of unspoken line, namely murder, they clearly came to kill the second one, it was obvious, people came with gunshots, the situation in the city center was escalating every minute, guys. my friend died there on may 2, zhenya losinsky, he received a gunshot wound
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to the cavity with buckshot, we were able to find the shooter, the walker sergei, from the video, from the photo, all the evidence is there, the video is from the back, in addition to my wife, police officers also suffered gunshot wounds. we returned again to debasovskaya, we entered from debasovskaya, so they simply encircled us , pinned us here at this intersection, well, who was more or less adequately thinking, but they didn’t understand that this was a trap,
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it could slam shut at any moment, honestly , if it weren’t for those police officers, we would have been rolled out there, surrounded at the intersection - on four sides, well, there are 300 of us there, well, let there be 400 people, against 2,500 someone hid in the center of athens. there are still people standing on the sandpiper field, that no one took them there, no one told them what was really happening, because when our guys managed to break through
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the encirclement, right? they say we were returning there, they were told that leave, thousands of people are coming here, they will kill you, they just killed us there, they came bloodied, everything, but the leadership there said, no, we are not leaving, we will stand, everything, that is, they warmed up people, did not allow them to disperse, but you understand that against a superior enemy, yes, who is surrounding an open the place from different sides, well, this and we went to the sandpiper field, well, it was an ordinary day there, in principle, even in...
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here all the senses are heightened to the limit. happiness has resurrected me, she loves me. passenger's call sign. go, i'll come back for you, you hear. slana petrovna. good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and the fraudster would have access to the money and make a suspicious transaction on your account. but svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. the bill
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took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that we can transfer money to safe account, i hung up on the bank myself , whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with... with
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a soviet film , i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, got away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general people are left in complete ecstasy, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, what, right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is just world-class, but very cool, i’m proud, this there was something right the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future 100 years from now.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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after the blockade and


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