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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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the paratroopers were awarded a sub-hour in the dpr, the fall of the city is a matter of time, officially recognized in kiev. ukraine can attack russia with british weapons. the united states supported the pogromists in georgia and issued an ultimatum to the authorities, dissatisfied with the law on foreign agents. impressive dynamics: the russian new car market is growing noticeably, with electric cars selling especially well. a rare phenomenon, colorful northern lights , observed by residents of central russia, why did it appear? charot. area
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of ​​forest fires in the khabarovsk territory per day increased by 17,000 hectares. in total, the taiga burns over an area of ​​almost 50,000. a state of emergency has been introduced in the region. firefighters from neighboring areas arrived to help. our correspondent anna kalchuk is monitoring the situation in the region; she is in direct contact with the studio. hello anna, in which areas it is especially difficult now, but the threat to populated areas. roman, greetings, yes, indeed, fortunately there is no threat to populated areas, but nevertheless the situation in the khabarovsk territory is complex, according to the latest information, it is an emergency zone, previously it was only extended to the forest fund of the khabarovsk territory, according to the latest information, it was extended to the federal territory, this is the first time this has been created, the federal territory is the anyuisky national park, a protected area, now all the resources of the park are being devoted to liquidation... but
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as for the emergency situation in regional property in the forests of the khabarovsk territory, and so, as you have already noted, the fire has actually covered 50,000 hectares, according to the latest information, there are 14 outbreaks, more than 400 people are fighting them, and of course, technology including aviation. the most difficult situation is in the amur, khabarovsk, and ulchsky sunny districts, but unpleasant images of fires are already being received from the nanai district and commented on the situation. governor mikhail dekterev, let's listen to his comments. many cases of fire spreading to forest lands have already been registered ; owners and users of lands bordering forests are taking insufficient measures, which leads to forest fires, colleagues. there is also a violation of fire regulations safety in forests. i am in constant contact with the russian minister of nature.
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so the paratroopers have completed their training and have now been transferred to the khabarovsk region. landscape fires are also a problem, they are just approaching populated areas, they are localized in time, but nevertheless , fires in dacha settlements are especially terrible now, and the left bank of khabarovsk, the main part there are only dachas, broke out as soon as they entered there the first summer residents, we even had to involve aviation, near komsomolsk, the same situation, and several burned out there fortunately
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, there were no dacha buildings, but nevertheless, the situation is really difficult, aggravated by dry, windy weather, and of course, in khabarovsk, in komsomolsk, in the nearest settlements, several times a day, as only the wind changes, we feel the smell of burning, now it has also begun to be present, we are monitoring the situation, at this moment i have everything for now, roman, over to you, anna, thank you, our correspondent, anna, spoke about the fight against fires in the kabarovsky territory kalchuk. a large fire was extinguished this night in the east moscow, an administrative and production building caught fire. in the industrial zone, to cope with the fire , a special train and three helicopters were used, more than 200 tons of water were dropped on the burning house, the fire was assigned a second, increased level of complexity, 2,500 km burned, part of the roof collapsed, according to the ministry of emergency situations , there were no casualties, which was the cause of the fire, now experts are finding out, it is known that part of the three-story building was rented out, the premises were rented, including companies working with flammable materials, russian artillerymen
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destroyed the fortification of the armed forces of ukraine in the city of chasov yar, reconnaissance officers learned the coordinates using drones, the command transmitted the information to the combat crews of the multiple launch rocket systems, grad. uncounted minutes, we took up strike positions and opened the hall, the accuracy of the shelling was adjusted from the air with the help of drone operators, they then confirmed that the strong point was destroyed, in addition, the armored vehicle and infantry of the vso were eliminated, the tasks were performed by the team to leave, i started the car with the crew we go to the firing position, where the situation was. my task is then how you are a gunner from commanders to the target, cuspad command, hall yes, well, the number they say is three there or four there, well, especially from the incoming command and accordingly i open it, set the quantity, press the release button on the cemetery and it goes, well there under the sentry in the dpr
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, the paratroopers of the ivanovo division were awarded for special distinction in battles, the units attack the fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine every day, forcing the enemy to retreat further and further, in one of the strong points, russian soldiers took prisoners, our war correspondent alexander katsuba will tell you how it happened. powerful artillery barrage precedes the assault on the fortified ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of chasov yar. what objects will you hit now? now we are shooting at the platoon strong point, the enemy is starting to rotate, we want to destroy it right away. at the firing line is the crew of the legendary commander of a rocket battery of the ivanovo airborne forces unit. hero of russia with the call sign tourist. we are starting the enemy's equipment, which is not very mobile, there is armor, which, the supply of ammunition, which carries out to the enemy, well, basically infantry, strongholds.
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the ukrainian armed forces are zigzag in the smoke, the landing party is on the assault, two, two, you launch to the edge, as i told you, you launch to the edge before they start to step over. hatch, we immediately hurried, immediately entered the battle, the mechanics in charge of this gun helped, covered us, gunners, operators, with thirty-millimeter, coordinate the actions of our winged infantry, operators of reconnaissance drones, detonation, detonation of this blue detonation, watch, the entire shelter was turned around let him go there too thrown on an accurate, crushing volley at the enemy, our artillerymen help the assault force advance. the standard high-explosive fragmentation shells are ready, everything is screwed in,
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all we have to do is load them. the weight of each such projectile is 80 kg, the firing range is up to 20 km. there is continuous combat work at the division command post, i set the task to completely mine the road here to your left flank, so that no one could approach you unhindered , either from the side of the road, or in front, or from the flank from the third parachute, these are the ones i set task, the shells are landing exactly on target, ivanovo’s paratroopers have already occupied the trenches of the armed forces of ukraine, we see a hawk in pencil, he is storming the left trench, be careful, be careful, there is still movement in the center. hand grenades are flying at the enemy, the militants are unable to resist, everyone gives up, they give up, they surrender in the center, we took a rifle with a friend from the armed forces of ukraine, who decided to enter into battle against the two of us, but he
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lost. the forest area on the western outskirts of chastny yar was defended by soldiers of the 67th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy is now away from us. according to a ukrainian intelligence officer, the situation
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the armed forces of ukraine at the front are only getting worse; the russian army acts, i will quote, as a single organism with a clear plan and under a single command. the adoption of the law on foreign influence, protesters again blocked roads, clashed with the police, the georgian
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opposition was supported in washington, where they delivered an ultimatum to the georgian authorities, alika komarova will continue the topic. western foreign agents demand impunity, one of the instigators of protests in georgia is the pro-american tv channel formula. his journalists on the eve of the new the rally was openly provoked by local authorities. aren't you ashamed that the ministry of internal affairs lies so blatantly? who anyway? i am a journalist for the formula tv channel. behave decently, you will call anyone at home arrogant, since you were raised that way. last night the demonstrators changed their location and chose heroes square, which is one and a half kilometers from the parliament. the road was blocked with stones, they walked right between the cars, and the drivers had to turn around and go around the square. as you can see, the protesters completely blocked there is movement here. this is one of the central junctions of the city. closer to midnight, the crowd divided into several columns. they
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paralyzed traffic on the embankment and adjacent streets. in parallel, a hacker account with the flag of ukraine in its profile reported that they managed to hack the website of the georgian ministry of internal affairs. by this time, some of the protesters had reached the building of the tbilisi city hall. afterwards we went to the square in front of the parliament. on the way, demonstrators began to be detained. unidentified people joined the police. should temporarily stop discussing the law about the transparency of foreign influence, such
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conditions do not correspond to the principles of partnership based on mutual respect and trust. by the end of the second week of protests, the rally participants finally composed demands on the georgian authorities, they want the rejection of the bill, freedom for those detained at the rally and repression against employees of the ministry of internal affairs. the final third reading of the document in parliament is scheduled for may 17. alek komarov. lead: now footage from los angeles, look, more than 200 people were arrested during the storming of the camp pro-palestinian protesters on the university of california campus. in these footage, the police are right now breaking through the barricades that were organized with the help of cheats, it is clear that flash-noise grenades and rubber bullets are being actively used, right now, so that you can see what kind of barricades these are, that is, they are so thoroughly organized, right? footage of the actual dispersal of this
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tent camp, breaking barricades, students throwing stones and bottles at the police in response, they were thoroughly lined up, here are a few more fire extinguishers, among other information about there are no casualties yet, here is footage of what is happening right now near the campus, look, this is after the defeat, mountains of garbage, remnants of dismantled tents, this is what is happening now after the dispersal. at least six civilians were killed after israeli shelling of the city of rafah in the gaza strip. this was reported by the arabic tv channel al-jazeera. according to journalists, military aircraft carried out a series of attacks on residential buildings and a refugee tent camp in the south in the central part of the enclave. meanwhile, temak shiite groups again fired cruise missiles at israeli territory, a corresponding message was published by the islamic resistance of iraq. the lebanese also struck. ball, but according to the press service of the israeli army, all the missiles were intercepted. meanwhile
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, washington is very concerned about the possible issuance of an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. american senators held secret negotiations with representatives of the international criminal court. and the speaker of the house representatives mike johnson called the issuance of the warrant disgraceful and illegal. israel had previously threatened to punish palestine if the court allowed the arrests of leaders and asked the biden administration to intervene. now economic news, maria filippova joins me, masha, good morning, sales of domestic cars are growing. roman, good morning, and sales of electric vehicles are also growing significantly. the russian new car market increased by 71% in the first 4 months of this year. the ministry of industry and trade reports this. sales of domestic cars production increased by 35% year on year. electric cars showed even more impressive dynamics, more than 230%. 17 of them were made in russia.
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the gorky automobile plant became the sales leader among light commercial vehicles by a wide margin. it accounted for almost half of the volume. the second player in market share is uaz, among. of trucks , the main sales fell on sitrak and kamaz, they had approximately the same result, 18 and 16%, respectively. net profit of maersk one of the world leaders in maritime transport decreased by 12 times. the danish company was able to earn only $210 million in the first quarter of this year; a year earlier, the figure exceeded $2.5 billion. the reason is obvious: houthi attacks in the red sea and the need to use alternate routes. if we are talking about any western state, then the journey from india takes 10-14 days more, and with such an additional time period, if you want to maintain a weekly output from indian ports, this requires the deployment of additional ship capacity, this requires additional investments in increasing
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the number of employees to maintain the level of goods flow. ceo of maersk in an interview. the financial times noted that there are no signs of easing tensions in the region. houthi officials , meanwhile, said that this week alone they attacked six more ships linked to israel, the united states and britain. the total number of attacks since october is already more than a hundred. turkey has completely stopped trade with israel. the suspension of all export-import operations was confirmed by the ministry of trade republics. they noted that this is the second stage of measures, there are no exceptions for product groups. to resume. relations with tel aviv, ankara puts forward two demands: an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector, as well as ensuring an adequate uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid. the turkish ministry of trade noted that it is coordinating its actions with the palestinian ministry of economy so that the sanctions do not affect the palestinians. imports to the united states from russia rose to almost $430 million in march, according to
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the american statistical service. approximately one and a half times higher than the figure for the previous month. state exports to our country also increased, but not so significantly, to almost 44 million. the march increase in russian-american trade turnover was noted despite the fact that in recent years, due to us sanctions, economic ties between the two countries have decreased significantly. according to official data, over 10 years the volume of bilateral trade has fallen sevenfold. at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 92 rubles 5 kopecks, the euro is 98 rubles. 64 kopecks roman, thank you. we continue: in zaporozhye region the russian military has taken control of most of the village of rabotina, however, the advance is slowing down due to the mining of the territory by the retreating opponents. one of the things that helps russian soldiers act as efficiently as possible is the timely replacement of units with fresh ones that have been trained at the training ground. our military correspondent stanislav vasilchenko saw
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how the training took place. rabotina is one of the hottest spots in the special operation zone. due to constant attacks from aviation, artillery, and drones, the village has already turned into ruins, which means it is simply impossible to maintain positions. the russian army is advancing, the enemy is trying to hide in dilapidated buildings and basements. soldiers of the 70th guards motorized rifle regiment are among those who liberate the settlement from ukrainian neo-nazis. the rotation is now being prepared, the unit is completing training at the training grounds and will soon begin carrying out combat missions in rabotino. the main emphasis is on practicing assault operations, everything is like in a real battle: trenches, explosives, and of course, drones grenades dropping on soldiers are, of course, training, no concessions, commanders deliberately create stressful situations. the task of the assault group is to knock out the enemy and gain a foothold in advantageous positions, while only the instructor knows how the scenario will turn out. soldiers must be prepared for any
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introductions. senior comrades who have already participated in battles will earn money as instructors. they tell you how the enemy operates, what weapons they use and how to counter them. among the motorized riflemen of the seventieth regiment, many have state awards. fighter with the call sign fish received a medal for bravery. his stormtrooper unit destroyed the neo-nazis entrenched in one of the buildings and held the position until reinforcements arrived. loss of personnel was avoided. the thunderstorm was created for us, these are kamikaze drones and drones with drops, the same maviks with s'. and so the enemy didn’t show us anything like that, we took up positions and simply waited for further action instructions from the senior command. state awards for the liberation of populated areas; successful repulsion of enemy attacks; awarded the zhukov medal for combat differences. he remembers when the ukrainian military
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retreated, they abandoned the wounded, leaving them nothing. it was russian soldiers who provided assistance. were the wounded afraid to come to you? no, on the contrary, they were happy. why? the fact that we treated them humanely, their fellow countrymen abandoned them, but we took them in, started caring for them, cured them, fed them, clothed them with shoes and... sent them on for treatment. the struggle to earn money continues. now most of the village is under the control of russian units. the enemy is losing ground and retreating north, mining territory, slowing down the advance of our troops. this tactic has already been beaten, so it will not come as a surprise to russian fighters. stanislav posilchenko, valery venokurov, khalid tankiev, lead: southern sector, military special operation. in the barintsevo sea, the crew of the northern fleet's captain, admiral glovko, is on the move. combat training, anti-aircraft guns hit aerial targets, they represented drones of a mock enemy, artillery, in turn, destroyed a target on the water and several more on the shore. in addition, the military
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honed other skills needed to carry out combat missions. in the near future, the frigate’s crew, together with anti-submarine aircraft, will have to practice combating nuclear submarines of a mock enemy. residents of the european part of russia observed real aurora borealis. a spectacular natural phenomenon, common for northern latitudes, suddenly appeared in belgorod, tver, perm territory, st. petersburg and moscow. residents of the capital share unique footage on social networks. after midnight, the sky over the megalopolis was painted with a multi-colored glow. petersburgers saw colorful flashes a little earlier on the night of may 1st. forecasters explain this by powerful magnetic storms in the earth's atmosphere. it has become the third strongest since the beginning of the year. sports news release presents. what kind of team is this? and where does our goalkeeper go? good morning, vyacheslav butiet, starting next
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season he will play for anakhay, where he moves from chelyabinsk chelmet, which plays in the vhl. the semi-final stage has started in the european and conference football leagues, where the first matches of one and the other took place. bayern continues to break its own record for the number of matches without defeat in everyone. 2:0 confidently dealt with roma on their field, wirtz and andrich scored a goal in each half and the liverkusen team provided themselves with a comfortable start before the home return match of the europa league. in the other semi-final of the same tournament, marseille played 1:1 with atalanta, our alexey miranchuk appeared on the field only in the 84th minute, in the conference league aston villa, which is in fourth position in the english premier league, unexpectedly. lost to olympiacos at home 2:4, fiorentina scored one less goal against brughi and won 3:2 in florence. russian tennis player daniil medvedev withdrew from the quarter-finals of the masters in
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madrid, allowing cech jiřelegić into the next stage. 4:6 in the first set, only 47 minutes on court. daniil was unable to continue this meeting due to injury. the pain did not allow him to actively move around the court towards the end of the game, when the advantage was on the side of the czech tennis player, daniil at all. walked on one leg, trying to literally jump to the next outgoing ball. medvedev dropped out at the 1/4 stage of the madrid masters, but another russian, andrey rublev is still in action; today he has a semi-final match scheduled for today. all the semi-finalists of the season have been determined in the vtb united basketball league. zenit, in the final fifth match of the series on the home floor, managed to beat ural-mash from yekaterinburg 86:83. from the start of zeni. immediately took the lead in the score, but uralmash quickly returned to the game. the outcome happened in the last minutes; uralmash had a chance to send the match into overtime just before the siren, but nelson
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missed the decisive shot. thus, the league debutant from ekaterinburg stopped in a step away from a loud sensation, losing 2:3 in the series. zenit is now waiting for cska in the semifinals, and unix and lokomotiv kuban will meet in the other one. men's handball. in the league, the perm bears met with cska moscow on their site; the winners of the national cup turned out to be stronger. the perm match ended in a victory for the army team 32:29; artur ruth from cska scored the most goals with seven goals. the return match will take place in moscow. on may 9, the chuitrans held their first meeting in the semi-finals. chekhov's bears and zenit. there 2924 won handball players of the chekhov team. the first one took place in the russian football cup. cska lifted st. petersburg zenit on its home field, my colleague alexander abramov saw how it all ended and what the atmosphere was in the stands of the web arena in moscow. this was the first
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episode of the may series in russian football. over the course of just two weeks, cska and zenit will play each other three times. two matches as part of the rpl finals in the russian cup and a match in the championship. there are always nuances, there are always details for which you prepare and try in the game use them. there will be nothing unusual in this preparation. if in the national championship teams solve different problems, and cska is not a competitor to zenit, then in the russian cup both teams have a chance to qualify. for the match for the trophy it is approximately 50x50, this was the case before the first match in the cup confrontation, and this remains the case after it: cska defends the title in the russian cup. what are cska's chances of winning the cup for the second year in a row? we are a good team, i think, so our chances are normal, we will do everything to win it. everything is in our hands and with us fans with support, i think we will give all our strength to win. in the first half there was a canceled cska goal, and the main events in the first match of the confrontation took place in the
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second half. at the fifty-third minute. he swamped the ball into the goal from close range. zenit responded at the end of the match with a goal from alexander erokhin, who came on as a substitute 9 minutes before his goal was scored. for zenit, this was the first goal scored in the last three games. 1:1 who will reach the russian cup super final from this pair so far unclear. the schedule is not easy, especially the load falls on the guys who play more, psychologically and physically. therefore, of course, you need to get some emotions out of yourself somewhere, uh. reserves are primarily emotions, because football without emotions probably looks a little different, that’s why, well, again, there are guys who are always ready to go out, ready to maintain the pace, very high-quality delivery, very high-quality, strong, you can directly with vision of a sniper rifle, compare this transfer to erokhin, you don’t need to do anything, the ball it just popped into my head, the return match in the pair of cska zenit will be held in st. petersburg on may 15, and the winner of this confrontation in the super final
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of the russian cup on june 2 in... baltika in the lower bracket of the tournament in the way of the regions passed rostov, the kaliningrad team won 1:0. there are only four contenders left for the cup, and there are only three matches in the tournament. alexander abramov, alexander makridin, sergey kuzentsov and karen melikyan. news. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a film, rich, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it a remake and reshoot, the film is completely
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independent, it moved away from me, it is an adventure, it is a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, in general we were left in complete delight, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, like that, love, romance, that right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world-class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something straight... the whole film in one breath, we'll meet in the future, 100 years ago.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. nov.


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