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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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looks like this, there are so many different things there, a surprise, of course, like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we will meet in the future, tell me, when is 100 years in the future, we begin our issue with an exhibition of captured equipment in victory park, on poklonnaya hill in moscow, delegations are waiting today... and my colleague egor grigoriev works on poklonnaya hill, he is in direct contact with us. egor, i welcome you, tell me, what countries will diplomats be arriving from today and how many visitors are there in general? how are you feeling? tatyana, hello, by now we know that you have received an invitation. military
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from oshi and where are the representation of all the countries that work and cooperate with the russian federation, but here are the key ones, who i would really like to see here, in fact, from which countries the equipment is displayed here on poklonnaya hill, they - at the very last moment, actually refused and the invitation was not accepted, although such notes, as they are commonly called, were sent out in advance, that is, neither the united states nor representatives from nato countries. most likely we won't see here, but nevertheless, the exhibition will be visited by military attaches from eighty countries and more than 50 states from more than 50 states, we expect their arrival literally any minute, well, now i’ll ask the operator to show us, we can see that the exhibition is of course not especially for them closed, because the main thing is that the russians see all those weapons and equipment that our soldiers so selflessly obtained on...
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what are you doing, you taught me that way, in fact, on the contrary, you know, there is a lot of equipment that we are talking about on different broadcasts they said, here we are next to the australian bushmaster, this is a wheeled armored personnel carrier, we burned the first one back in may 2022, by and large it is not enough. differs from any armored car,
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except in its large dimensions and heaviness, but nevertheless , it cannot protect those who will be inside from any serious weapons , only, probably, from small arms, this particular example, well, we see some serious then he did not receive any damage, but was burned, perhaps he was attacked by a drone, because we see the wheels and the chassis, everything is by and large intact, we even have archival footage of these bushmasters burning at... the front, more than twenty, by the way, australia supplied them specifically for ukraine, at one time they were unable to export this machine, and the military experts called it such an australian joke, well, this joke, in fact, was sent to comedians from kiev. today we saw here that whole families come; with one such family, a grandfather came along with his grandchildren and told them in detail about the technical side. questions on specific
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samples of military equipment, we asked him where such knowledge came from, it turned out that his grandchildren know him completely well. the materiel unit, as they say, let’s give them the floor, we have friends who are fighting, georgiy rabotino is fighting, we look at all the information very carefully, we see these that... of course they ask questions, so we just came to show them what formidable machines and what kind of heroes our guys are messing around with, read the book, yeah, that’s it, but there are such cumulative shells too, to counteract this.. .grids,
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and there it’s just like at the tip of a rocket, there ’s another similar one, and this little rocket, it breaks. mesh, and then the rest of the projectile is already flying into the armor itself, so we moved, perhaps, to the exhibition ones, to the key exhibition samples, so to speak, units, you see how people are photographed in front of the american abrams heavy tank, 30 of these were delivered to ukraine, five of them were burned, let’s take a closer look,
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they were evacuated, how they ended up here, it all started, let me remind you, with menacing words of the west, from the menacing words of the american president of the united states, biden, who talked about how these abrams will help ukraine and destroy russian soldiers. let's remember these words. the united states will send 31 abrams tanks to ukraine, which is equivalent to one ukrainian battalion. the minister of defense recommended. some of the most advanced tanks in the world, very complex to control and operate, we will train the ukrainian military in this and will start as soon as possible, we are coordinating actions with our allies, i am grateful to chancellor
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scholz for the fact that they decided to allocate leopard tanks, well, speaking of leopards, here he is... he was evacuated from there, then brought here to poklonnaya hill in moscow, now we can all watch, watch there are a lot of people watching it, everyone comes with their children, i want to remind you of the myth about the invincibility of nato equipment, us equipment, german equipment and other allies, it has, of course, been debunked. therefore, including here now, everyone is impatiently waiting for military attaches, representatives diplomatic representatives from many countries, and of course we will talk to them and find out their emotions from what they will see here
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literally in the next few minutes. tatiana. igor, thank you, we are waiting for foreign representatives to speak directly from victory park, where the nato exhibition is taking place. captured nato equipment was our correspondent egor grigoriev. at bigfest , four nuggets for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. thanks to purchases at megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment. someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel. it maintains fabric strength and restores color. things look like new three times longer. new? no, i erase with affection. if inflammation is complicated
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and now a new release of the author's program besagun tv. nikita mikhalkov proposes to talk about how the process of changing elites, which is inevitable for our country, is taking place. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author’s besagon program. tv it will be called: when the eyes are more than a genus, i think you
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will understand why we called our program that. but first, as usual, i want to share with you our results from the previous program, on russia 24, on russia 1, in rutube, on the telegram channel, on our... on the site, in total , about 12 million people watched this program, this number is quite stable, we repeat it and for us this is a very great joy. before we start our program, i want you to listen to a short excerpt from our president's speech, listen. the guys go to war, risk their lives and health, precisely because...
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our president seriously believes that the change of the elite, which must happen one way or another, in many ways...
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of course, it should entail certain changes in the quality of life in general in the country, just remember the creation of the time of heroes project, that is, a program for participants in the north military district, it was also announced by our president, listen, since march 1 , 2019, veterans of a special military operation, as well as officer soldiers who are now fighting in active units, will be able... to submit an application to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let's call it “time of heroes.” these words of the president not only carry hope for many, very many, for the majority, but they carry danger for
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a certain part of our elite who are used to living. since she lived and prefers to continue to live this way, although, as we perfectly understand, as it was, it will no longer be, so this tendency arose, at first it was very kind, like neat, careful, but very persistent, i will not disclose to you , where we got this information from, but its meaning is this: to introduce into people’s consciousness... a sense of danger from those who will return from the front, that is, in a sense , to minimize the meaning of the words spoken president, these are the theses that are being promoted, for example, people are not interested in this, look at the poll numbers, or
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the participants of the svo are marginal or after the svo is needed. and years of rehabilitation and treatment, certain forces, as we perfectly understand, received an order on this topic, the media and foreign agents began to write about it: listen, the new elite will be dangerous for citizens, they are loyal to putin, they are obviously cruel, class, the new elite, they will it be dangerous, to whom, for whom it will be dangerous, for... the people, for the people, no, it will be dangerous precisely for those who write this, here, for example, is a new newspaper that writes: a whole army of men from the front line is coming to defend stability, some of the veterans are now being taken to schools and universities to pass on their experience. the other day, in a story about the lessons of patriotism, a local resident recognized her father’s murderer,
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someone is being asked to become a political instructor, so the proposal to turn the paid people into the elite... pronounced at the highest level, a precise move, past squeamish officials and an indifferent public, the power itself extends his hand to a veteran and expects gratitude, this and there is aprichnino, class, what horror there is in this, what terrible people from the front line who shed their blood for you, the bastard, while you were lying on the sofa, of course... it’s scary for you, the one who passed by for 8 years how donbass was bombed, now he is carefully and quietly trying to sit out, take a lick, so that it will somehow all resolve, it will not resolve, this must be understood, and this must be accepted. yes, it is absolutely clear that the svo is
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not an indulgence to justify some vile actions and crimes. and how it arose oprichnina, it’s scary the word is defined by this terrible beast, grozny, it did not arise out of nowhere, it arose in the fight against the oligarchy of that time with the boyars, when they lost
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a real understanding of reality, when their eyes became larger than their mouths, i will tell you at the end of the program, where did this phrase come from, where did i hear it, then the functions of management and... began to be transferred to capable, but perhaps not so eminent people, this is what the ideologist of the russian boyars, andrei kurpsky, writes in this regard, this is very interesting, listen, clerks russians, great prince believes, and chooses them not from the noble family, not from nobility, but from the popovichi or from the common people, otherwise he creates hate... he creates, it’s as if he offends, this became the reason for the claims of those oligarchs of that time in the 15th century, who initiated
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the poisoning of the tsar’s beloved wife anastasia romanovna, tried to poison the tsar himself and his sons, by the way, this legend, which was given rise to by repin’s painting, ivan the terrible kills his son, was absolutely not true. because when studying the remains of the son of ioan the terrible there was no wound to the skull, traces of arsenic were found in the remains, so this was also the work of the oligarchy of the 16th century, but this was not enough, tsarevich dmitry was unexpectedly completely killed, he died under rather strange circumstances, as it was written on little knife, which led to the emergence of unrest, the invasion of the poles, the false dmitry the first, the false dmitry the second appeared, only through the enormous
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efforts of the people, as a result, this unrest was suppressed, this is what an attempt on the power of the oligarchy, that is, can lead to 15th century oligarchy, boyars. it’s also interesting, if you think about it, the new newspaper mentions these terrible men from the front, who came back from the war in 1945, who became the elite after the war, all those people who fought, those same men, moreover, they were united by the war, they engulfed in war, leonid ilyevich brezhnev could come to the factory and talk with the stockist. not about how he works, about where he fought, which one in the first ukraine, the second, no, in the forty-third i was, it goes, they were surrounded by war, it united the country, victory united the country,
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gradually they began to leave, and the soil under our feet began to soften, to liquefy, i don’t want to say at all that the people who came to power in the nineties were bad, no, just... the flywheel was already launched, it was launched by deceiving us, it was launched by promises that were not backed by any written, real documents, and we fell for this, fell for this deception, or all the laws, all the decrees that yeltsin and gaidar adopted, i was a member of the government, i remember, they lead in english. the nights gather us, we are still we won’t have time to read anything,
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all these pages are still hot, and even the translation is so rudely done there unsuccessfully, you know how un -russian these are, that’s where jeffrey sachs sits in charge under yeltsin. economic advisor, it came through him, he gave it, and it was translated into russian, and they gave it, that’s what they did, and what did they, for the russians, for the citizens, or something, work for the benefit of the citizens, no, they worked for the benefit of the west, in favor of oneself, and it is also naive to think that new people will come, with one click, everything will change, no, it seems to me that this is a very subtle remark,
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a change in the elite, and if we are talking about the fact that we need economic growth, then this is inevitably the disappearance not even of specific figures, but of a certain type of figure, you know, okay, well, remove the nabiyuli now, put ulyukaeva, something will change, or is it senelnikova murileva, well, or make another rotation, that is, assign accordingly the movement between the central bank, the ministry of finance,
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set yourself so that a veteran of the great patriotic war could collect a billion rubles in bribes, and while still in the position of deputy minister of defense, especially in wartime, while the war is going on, and this happens when the whole country is collecting rubles and kopecks for drones, for uniforms, and so on and so on, well, in general, this is not really a question about this now, because bribes have always been taken.
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in order to protect the residents of cities, villages, towns of some region, that almost a billion rubles were spent on what is not a dam, on what is an earthen rampart, as happened in the orenburg province, here what does the minister of construction irek faizolin say about this, that dam that they say in orski, this is actually not a dam, a dam of a billion rubles does not cost 10 km, with enormous speed, a huge mass of water pressed not on the dam, on the earthen rampart, but after all, building or 4 years, from 2010 to 2014, according to the then head of orsk, viktor franz, this dam was supposed to protect the city from two.
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to permanently solve the problem of flooding during a flood, in general, you can imagine in those days that a responsible employee, for example, such as the director of special construction, sergei komarov, without hesitation, said that the dam was gnawed by rodents, and it burst and flooded thousands of houses, normal, this is also a mystery to me, because... in this place only, these are only some factors, i assume two factors , or it’s a human factor, someone used a horizontal drilling machine to drill and lay some kind of communication for the discharge of wastewater, say, into the urals, but after looking at which place in the filming, in which place the hole was created, this factor disappeared from me, all that was left was the factor rodents that could have created this dam
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sharpen. in general, it might not even be a matter of punishment, but the fact is that those people went through a terrible, great war, they understood the value of life, this remark about rodents is answered by the same... minister of construction irek faizulin, generally speaking , it’s funny, these are generally technical procedures that were prescribed there hundreds of years ago, we don’t know how to count, we know how to design ladies, so that means they have protective ladies, we’ll figure it out.


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