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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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a centimeter hole, a hole - a hole, would be enough for the water to flow sergei vasilevich, of course you will forgive me, please, in general this could have been, and the point is not even in punishment, but the point is that those people went through a terrible, great war, they understood the value of life, the same minister of construction responds to this remark about rodents.
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as journalists found out that ilya demkin’s comfortable and such a happy life is paid for from the accounts of a large russian developer...
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i answer, that’s when they come to the manager residents, citizens, compatriots, talk, ask what happened, look how the leadership communicates with people, with citizens, with their compatriots who were flooded, who came to ask for help or at least get an answer why this happened, look, be quiet, hush, hush, that's it, they put the phone away, there it is.
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what the governor experiences when he sees in front of him dozens of phones that will now record what he says, and why, he doesn’t want to tell the truth, he has no explanation for what happened, or this is also some kind of disdain, which, by the way, is quite sharply interrupted by the president, look how... the governor of the tyumen region reacted to the words of the governor of the tyumen region, you said that the people who are being taken out are the most stubborn ones, there is no need to talk about people like that, no need, sorry, sorry , no, listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand that you are trying, everyone is tired, you are working, you don’t get enough sleep, and you are sincerely trying to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes.
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uh, but you need to believe that everything will be reliably provided. but another person who is dissatisfied with bloggers, a difficult person, is gennady. on september 29 , a post signed by semigin was published on the website of the organization headed by semigin, which stated that the akhmat battalion had to kick the soldiers of the russian armed forces. this text hung on the site until the morning of monday october 2, over the weekend there was a huge noise, a huge wave, outrage of the just indignation of citizens
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who read it, on october 2 mr. semegin finally responded, the site was hacked, intruders. posted fake messages with provocative assessments of the participation of a russian soldier in a special military operation, but nevertheless a serious scandal broke out, why? because many noticed that no one paid attention to the hacking of the site for two days, and simegen himself reported that there was no access to this site for two days.
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i do not support this, but in response to the fact that he wrote the stories, semigin filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity. on april 15, the court partially satisfied semigin’s claim. blogger telling me to pay 500 thousand rubles. of the amount requested by mr. semegin, 6.351 thousand rubles. i don’t want to give a moral
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assessment to this whole, so to speak, conflict. yes, the prosecutor’s office, anyone, but the lawful actions of an offended, insulted deputy, well, of course, i fully admit this, but is n’t this the same rightness as the head of the region who asks to remove the phones, who can also be understood, true, but given that the blogger’s fate... sbo, the amount requested is one million rubles more than the payment for what if this blogger had not god willing, he would have been killed at the front, that is, if
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the court had granted mr. semegin’s request, the blogger had died, then the payments due for this death would have been due. would not be enough to satisfy the moral damages of deputy semigin. i don’t want to take anyone’s side, this is not my task, i’m just trying to analyze the relationship, the action with punishment, the right of the boss to speak with ordinary people, this relationship, how legitimate it is. and now about something else, i want to return to the topic of migration: the recent murder of the russian guy kirill kovalev, illegal immigrants from azerbaijan, twenty-four-year-old kirill reprimanded the driver of a camry named shahin for parking on the sidewalk; in response, shahin hit him with a knife, and
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he later died, they had a heated argument, one hit the other and it ended fatally. terrible, of course, but what she brought out, that’s what’s interesting, the murderer’s father, a migrant from azerbaijan, received citizenship through a fictitious marriage, he... speaks russian, and even for interrogation he needed a translator. his son, the murderer shahin, was in russia illegally, he had registration expired, a makarov pistol was found in his car, this is illegal possession of a weapon. there are more than 100 unpaid fines on his car, maybe this is a poor family, there is no money, no such luck, there is money.
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the subtlety of the situation is different, look, shadow business, violation of laws, tax evasion, organized crime, murder, fictitious marriage, illegal presence in the country, it would seem, yes, sit quietly, live quietly, don’t bother anyone, everything is fine with you , everything is fine, but no, why? because there is complete confidence in
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impunity. where does this confidence come from? from experience, how many trials, investigations, and so on, end in nothing. why? think for yourself. this trend is when for 15,000 a person who does not speak russian can receive a paper stating that he speaks russian. and for 70,000 you can make an effective marriage and become a citizen of the russian federation, but this cannot continue indefinitely, or rather, it can continue indefinitely, and this will be the end for our country, for russia, perhaps this is not so, besides, there is no need for repression, humiliation, no, just to restore order, there is real order in this matter, do you remember the crowd in the center of sahara?
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that this is an accident, and this is not the tragedy of one person who was killed, one blow with a knife becomes an event and a tragedy for a very large number of people, mother, father, brothers, sisters, comrades, relatives and so on. you understand how much energy of denial, disgust, and vindictiveness accumulates.
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which will accumulate among the people, it will result in lynching when they sort out who came here to work, who came here to sell drugs, commit terrorist attacks? i don’t teach, i don’t, i’m not a specialist, i don’t know how, but i’m absolutely sure that there are methods, they can’t help but exist, but 15 thousand multiplied by the number of people coming who don’t speak... russian or 70,000 per it turns out
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to be more important to formalize a fictitious marriage, just as it is more important to pass off an earthen rampart as a dam in the hope that it will somehow resolve, something like this, listen, no help, why did my husband die, because you’re an ass covered mine here, i didn’t stand, i blushed, of course i feel bad, i feel bad, because i can’t get through on the phone, i can’t do anything, no one answers, and you sit, everything is fine with you, only. your conscience is already in a white shirt, and we have been walking for 2 weeks without money, without everything, no money, husband, why did he die, husband, why did he die? for the fact that you are sitting clean, your son is in dubai, don’t be ashamed, i can understand this woman, well
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, anyone can understand her, i’m interested in something else, that’s what the person who...
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vlasov’s army, collaborated with traitors thinks , generals andrei vlasov and fedor trukhin, participated in the implementation of the experiment to create the lokot republic in the bryansk region, and so on, this is already enough to understand what kind of organization it is, and after the war, all western intelligence services began to use the services of the nts, and... 6 and the cia , and massat, and so on and so forth. one of the leaders of the creators of the nts is vladimir poremsky, who personally knew llasov and trukhin. the author is very interesting, the so-called molecular theory. what does it mean? its essence is to send one agent at a time to the ussr, strangers
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with each other, and not having the right to act independently. they had to recruit citizens of the soviet union as many as possible, only then they had the right to do something. their task was recruitment, and then some action. it would seem that the ussr collapsed, everything collapsed, the wall was broken, peace, friendship, jeans, chewing gum, everything is fine. but it was not there. the west continues to pin its hopes on the nts; moreover, the closest connection between the nts and ukraine is becoming clear. here , compare the symbols of the nts with the emblem of ukraine, modern, the symbols of vlasov’s army with emblem of the legion of freedom of russia. and
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besides, we find out that a member of the nts is a former... russian lawyer, mark fagan, we talked about him in the last issue, i suggest to you, dear friends, if anyone is watching me now, about 86,500 people are watching us now from russia, now i will show you the address on the screen where you can write, those are the ones who write from you who are ready to act, they will contact you, they will talk to you, this is political work that...
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professor of political science at a higher school economy in st. petersburg. he is a democrat, he is a liberal, he took part in the collapse of the ussr, was one of... and yegor gaidarov. in 1993 , he established the commonwealth fund in st. petersburg,
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later a strategy center. the activities of which are aimed at the development of civil law society, democratic thought and everything connected with this, we know this very well. the work of his center was paid for. and i know what’s wrong with them, that they are interested, so mr. sumgurov proposes today to use the same the molecular theory of the chairman of the scientific and technical council
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, mr. poremsky, whom he met on some trip abroad. listen to the conversation between alexander sungurov and the participants of the round table on mediation at the perm state national research university on october 9, 2022, what can be done now, the second topic, what can be done if a split in the elite begins or some kind of turn for the better , well, the third task, what are the tasks in another 10-15 years, no matter how funny it is, after that, if possible more or less return again, as far as possible, to the civilized world, then there is a high probability that in another 10-15 years, this scares me most of all, the people will want putin again 2 and he... will appear because the people will want someone in whom you can believe and so on and so on and so on, what is it, here we cannot change people, yes, this is not our method, but what is possible, here
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i have an idea, as we discussed, targeted civic education, you can use modern technologies under the name targeted, you know, this the campaigning there for brexit, for trump, for trump , was successful because people were campaigning for specific groups of the population, to campaign in such a way that they would understand this campaign, what is the point of removing it? we can’t transform the economy, but reforms can be liberal beyond the roof, i have experience, i’m lucky, i met and became friends in novosibirsk at a youth forum, and then even further in frankfurt with parinsky, vladimir dmitich, this is the chairman of the nts of the fifty-sixth, there late sixties, molecular, one of the creator of mts in the thirties, but who decided that something had to be done for the future free... as you know, he proposed a molecular theory of the structure of the nts, so that people who shared the ideologists of the nts in the soviet union would not try to get in touch with the center in frankfurt, they found partners for
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each other, like atoms find molecules, thanks to this the organization survived until perestroika, well, actually, mr. navalny, together with his colleagues, they have been busy all these years establishing this kind of political commission structures for throughout the country in the regions, because one of our missions still works from... the year of birth they did not accept into their union, because those who are older brought russia to revolution, with all their delusions, yes, but they tried , they did, in the end, well , i won’t say that everything worked out perfectly for them, so
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he hints that the higher school of economics even has a roof for such figures as those gathered here, look, i understand you, because you really don’t at the academy, maybe this is specific to the tower, maybe what we organized. so we spent 3 days leading up to this conference on the intersection of politics and law , we touched on it, well, we didn’t say there what putin gave, understandably, because there were smart people, but everything else the discussion was very serious and, but i understand that this is the roof came out, this is not possible at every university, but somewhere it is possible and certain among them, this is in the discussion about crimea and the fact that the actions of the nazis were more legitimate than... because, as far as
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i understand, at least in sevastopol , unambiguous people came to the square to realize their right, the majority of kremsk residents also clearly did this, but nevertheless , according to the norm of international law, this is not a succession, but as i call this expression, no, perhaps, it’s possible to say perfectly well, substitution, but according to the legal norm , this is annexation , then the league of nations, the first universal organization.
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russian sabotage activities in russia, how can lustration lists be discussed when the government is changed, putin is removed and those people who are being trained by sungurov come, well, how can this be, i i can be proud that i am such an informed person, but it’s not me who needs to know, it’s those on whom the security of our country and its future depends, isn’t it? argue? that there are things that are not immediately visible, moreover, they are consciously not immediately visible, they are veiled, they are closed, we do not always see their physical effect and influence, such as the story with
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the dam, which turned out to be an earthen rampart. but they exist, live, advance and wait for their time, this is in all areas, for example, it is offered in physical education lessons in schools as a sport, golf is normal, or, for example, an extremely healthy sport like charligin, when girls in miniskirts dance in front of spectators between halves, this... is officially offered as a sports activity, this is also the same thing is happening in culture, let’s say, not so long ago zelfira trigula left the post of director of the teryakov gallery, i don’t want to discredit her in any way, she is a specialist, she knows her business, but knowledge of her business is one thing, but how do you apply this knowledge , this is different,
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here... this material, these are fragments of an investigation by political scientist and publicist sergei kornookh, listen, experts note that with the arrival of trigolova , the permanent exhibition of the new tretikova, the fourth floor, changed towards experimental, unconventional art. at the time of the arrival of the experimental director, non-traditional art was one hall, not included in the permanent hall. exposition, which emphasized the narrowness of the public, the elite for whom the exposition was intended and did not irritate the rest of the people. with appointment trigolov, with the direct support of mikhailovich shvitkov, began full-scale reforms, and works by representatives of the protest underground soviet art of actionists oleg
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kulyak appeared. the family of the future art group blue noses, lenin spinning in his grave, artist vladislav mamyshev munro, valentin matvienko from the pitersky series, artist-photographer boris mikhailov from the series “if i were a german” and others. and in 2020, after the exhibition of foreign agent marat gelman, trigolova accepted a gift of 200 artistic works, which... by her decision were subsequently included in the museum collection of the russian federation. i want to remind you what marat gelman’s works look like. look. funds have been allocated from the regional budget for art objects, the artistic value of which causes great dissatisfaction among perm residents. near.


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