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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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representatives of the protest underground soviet art of the actionists oleg kulyak, the family of the future, the art group blue noses, lenin is spinning in his grave, the artist vladislav mamyshev munro, valentin matvienko from the pitersky series, artist-photographer boris mikhailov from the series if i were a german and others, in 2020 trigolovy after the exhibition. cinema agent marat gelman, accepted from him a gift of 200 works of art, which, by her decision , were subsequently included in the museum collection of the russian federation. i want to remind you what marat gelman's works look like. look, funds have been allocated from the regional budget for art objects, the artistic value of which causes great dissatisfaction among perm residents, approx. 5 million rub.
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wooden art object sphere at the ural hotel for the white nights festival, 241,200 rubles letters of power at the legislative assembly, 102,300 rubles each. for each of the trash men, a person with a trash can, the design of a trash can, by and large, but seriously speaking, 481,800 rubles. at the walking men. on the fence of the northern dam, 948.300 rub. for an apple at the gorky library, 112 million rubles. allocated the city of perm for the white nights festival, for comparison, to increase the salaries of municipal public sector employees, and 68 million rubles were allocated during this time. and 112, that’s it. 35 million rub. construction of an art object, a wall near the drama theater, a lattice structure made of... the letter p, which is knocked together from
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spruce logs, 8 million rubles. but the most amazing and most interesting thing is that the art objects created at state expense do not belong to the city or the region, but to the same museum.
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return to russia in 2027, since he has an agreement with the third party to open a hall named after him, we cannot now talk about what is the likelihood that what is happening with russia now, that it will end quickly, yes, but there is a chance for this, i have my own figure in my head, the twenty-seventh year, this figure is not based on an analysis of the situation, on what i had, i gave in 1919, i gave the third year 200 works, we had an agreement that after the restoration of this new building, there would be a marat hall gilman in the twenty-seventh year, god, dear tretyekov brothers, how good it is that you did not live to see the moment...
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characteristic of an artist of impracticality, such arrogance, no, everything is clear, everything is painted, everything is thought out. with the future, for example, at a gathering of representatives of cultural institutions from different regions of our country, organized, by the way, by the garage museum in august 2022, the director of the museum from krasnoyarsk, also my favorite, peace square, maria bukova gives recommendations on how to deal with patriotic banners in support of russia. this, this recommendation, listen, when it happened, when the may holidays were approaching, naturally, the may holidays, a situation happens with a chicken whose head was cut off, the ministry starts running around, saying
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that a respected institution, a respected institution, you need to place some kupa in your posad , you have a wonderful huge pamer, it’s not that... please, let’s think about how to do this, do everything. and a person calls me, a person, a normal person with whom we worked, a technical director, and who - as they say, we didn’t ask, yes, but he doesn’t need it, i don’t need it, just give me the size, give me the dimensions of that vaner of yours, that’s all, i say, wait a second, i’m the director, i don’t know the size of my banner, wait a second, and this by the way gives you a pause. think and breathe out, don’t fall into a situation of emotional, yes, overlap, then i connect him with my pr manager, who, it turns out, it was possible, yes, he says: you know, our banner costs 136,000 rubles. plus you need to pay
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installers, plus you need to organize a pass, admission with all the fils of those who will go to do this on the roof, so please, here’s the whole schedule for you, that’s all. it was possible, this is another drop, in this river of russophobia, this is another reason to pinch your country, but this must be done from under control, because it’s scary, scary, that’s why, for example, zelfera trigunov runs away from questions from a participant with 5th of april.
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there is a huge amount of intolerance, i want to answer them with the words of a writer whom we quote quite often, roman nosikov, this is what he writes: recently in russia
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a strange fashion has arisen to replace images of orthodox crosses with balls, for example, a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir. here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry in rostov the great, the same in susdali, uglichi, many of us tried to explain this with something like safety for the visually impaired, so as not to get scratched, but who could get scratched, and the sign of st. petersburg university, here this is how the logo used to be, this is how they made it now, in general, not because of the blind, that's all, it's... because of the sighted, and these sighted people for some reason decided that crosses have no place in public space. removing the cross from symbols will no doubt be presented to us as an act of some kind of politeness in the relations of those of our compatriots and
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guests who profess other religions. they do not know the respect that people of different beliefs have for each other. for them, tradition is something that fetters maneuver, making the people too intractable and capricious material for the introduction of new ideas and social forms. if someone removes crosses from the image because he considers them offensive, if he believes that our symbols insult muslims or... jews, then he believes that jews and muslims are people deprived of
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the ability to respect by boors and chauvinists. i think this is a very accurate essay by roman nosikov. well, now i’ll decipher this phrase for you, where it came from, which we called our program. i was filming a picture, my relatives were in dnepropetrovsk, i arrived afterwards. tired, went into a restaurant, the restaurant is empty, there’s one waiter named gena, he’s so sad, there’s no one there, he’s bored, i say, gene, you’ll feed him, he says, i’ll feed you, nikita, look, i say, well, give me some borscht and 150 g of vodka, he brought it, left it, i say, well, sit down, sit down, you’re bored, he sat down opposite me , i’m eating borscht, and without looking at him, i ask, well, are you stealing, he says: i’m stealing, nikita sergeevich, i say, and aren’t you afraid? he says, no,
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nikita sergeevich, i say, why gen? nikita sergeevich, the most important thing is that the eyes are not larger than the mouth. that's where the name of our show came from. and now remembering again since the words of vladimirovich lenin, when the leaders cannot, they do not want, this could end in a revolution. or it may end up that these lower classes will simply take matters into their own hands, not giving a damn about the officials, as happened in the orenburg or tyumen regions, people will take the problem into their own hands and solve it with their own hands, if the officials, who, by the way, could not do this , they were threatened for this work and self-will, but i hope that this initiative will not only not be punished. and also shaved.
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well, after these uplifting shots. i i think it’s not a sin to fulfill our tradition and, as always, raise a glass to victory, to our victory. but i was late again, our
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midshipman krivorochka came and said we were leaving one at a time, if we are the right geologists , all the best, i really hope for our god will give us a new meeting. and we begin the release with the news of the last hour. a ukrainian saboteur who arrived from lithuania was eliminated in the leningrad region. he planned to carry out terrorist attacks in the moscow and leningrad regions. the fsb was informed about this. before this, operatives tried to detain suspect in the moscow region, when he took out weapons and explosives from a cache. he started shooting back and disappeared. in the car he abandoned they found a pistol, a shotgun, grenades, components for making an explosive
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device, as well as documents and a mobile phone. explosives and ammunition, as well as a card of the lithuanian branch of the swedish bank, were seized from the garage of the apartment rented by the saboteur in moscow. a correspondence with the curator was found on the mobile phone, from which it follows that the saboteur was trained in explosive shooting in lithuania. in addition, the correspondence spoke about the plans of ukrainian intelligence to organize terrorist attacks. western diplomats without a queue, such a poster was placed on poklonnaya hill in moscow at the exhibition of captured nato equipment and the special military operation zone. tanks and armored vehicles are presented, including american abrams and german leopards, knocked out and captured by our military. and my colleague egor grigoriev works on poklonnaya hill. he is in direct contact with us. egor,
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welcome again. tell us, did foreign specialists eventually appear, and how did they do it? situation? tatyana, hello, representatives of the diplomatic missions of the military atache have appeared here on poklonnaya gora for an hour and a half; they have been carefully walking around and studying samples of weapons that were supplied to ukraine by their european sponsors from the nato bloc and representatives of the united states of america, of course we tried to communicate with them, unfortunately , most of them were laconic. before we listen to this short excerpt from a small interview, i would like to add that the invitation was issued by our ministry of defense sent out by absolutely the entire state, more than 50 official representatives from 50 countries officially responded to them and visited this exhibition today, but those who
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were especially expected here, and these are representatives of the united states and european countries, they... at the very last moment from well, of course, understandably, they refused to visit the exhibition, although it would be interesting to ask them questions, let’s listen to what the representatives of the military-diplomatic corps and in particular the representative of namibi told us. excuse me, can i ask you one question about exhibition? no, we do not have permission to communicate with the press, no, i do not have the authority to comment.
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president biden said the abrams was the most powerful tank in the world, and today we see it burned out here. studios, will there be an answer to what is most interesting? let's hear the answer, my question was yes, but what is the answer? let me retell it with my own then.
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let's start as soon as possible, we are coordinating with our allies, i am grateful to chancellor scholz for deciding to allocate leopard tanks, well here we are now we are right next to the leopard tank, the second modification is 2 a6, its history is as follows, it was taken away in the avdiivka direction, it first ran over a mine, the roller and tracks were damaged, the vehicle stopped. restored, we see that today it looks, well, as if there was no, no, no damage, and according to official data
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, about 15 such vehicles were also sent, only by germany, and from other partners, from the countries of other partners, these vehicles were also sent , our fighters love them very much, real safaris announce to hunt for them. by using drones, if we go a little further, we will also see several examples of german equipment, but this is a marder combat vehicle, also made in germany, well, there are probably not enough british tanks, heavy tankers, tanks that were delivered at this exhibition in the uk for the most part. and we probably didn’t even reach the line of combat contact, we remember those archival footage, if we manage to show it now, yes, how these tanks literally
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got stuck in the mud in the zaporozhye direction, and even the western press, western journalists repeatedly noted this when they were preparing, together with the crews of these tanks from the armed forces of ukraine, to go out and tell, try to talk about some advance of the armed forces. in ukraine, all this ended with the fact that they had to call other combat vehicles and pull challenger tanks directly out of the mud, whole families come here, adults come here to see and show the children, we talked today with several generations, yes, who come to the exhibition, that’s what they they told us, let's listen. so the studio tells me that unfortunately, rabotina is fighting, we very
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carefully look at all the information, we see these tanks, abrams, leopards, here are infantry fighting vehicles, the grandchildren ask what questions, of course they ask questions, so we just... came to show them, what formidable machines and what kind of heroes these guys of ours are messing around with, i read the book, yeah, there are these cumulative shells too, to counteract this - the grid, and there , just like at the tip of a rocket, there is another similar one. and this little rocket, it breaks the net, and then the rest of the projectile is already flying into the armor itself. well, and speaking of course about
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the continuity of generations and about history, we talked about the infantry fighting vehicle, mardor, and next to it, german -made, yes, and next to it is the cao mardor, produced in 1943, great patriotic war e. fought and both of these vehicles are here today on poklonnaya hill, both were taken to our russian soldiers, and a characteristic feature is that there is a german cross here, here is the marder bmp, we probably won’t have time to get around now, but in the landing compartment, and on the hatch where the landing can go to car, also a white cross, these are the characteristic features, the exhibition will work. month, entry to it is absolutely free, there are a lot of people, i think there will be even more, tatyana, egor, thanks for the interesting inclusion,
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our correspondent, egor grigoriev, was in direct communication from victory park, where the exhibition of captured nato equipment is taking place. the pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgen. universal remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin, let's do without pain deposit - the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. star combo from may 6 to a delicious point. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there are door sausages. dad can catch the sale on avito drill hammer for 559 rubles. you know, i’m not really a taxi driver, you know, but i’m
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the weapons used by the russian army in the special military operation zone were created at rostech enterprises. the head of the state corporation, sergei chemizov, told mikhail mishustin about this. first of a special military operation, rostec significantly expanded its production capacity. most businesses the state corporation switched to a three-shift work schedule. all companies of the holding participate in equipping the russian army. scope of competence. is part of rostec, it is in almost all industries, this is transport, energy, this is space, this is medicine, i know that there is progress in the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles, digital technological solutions, and of course, the most important area is the implementation of all relevant tasks related with government defense orders, since our inception we have significantly expanded production capacity,
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most of our... the enterprise switched to a three-shift operating mode, the volume of production of major repairs, for example, of tanks at our factories increased by 3.5 times, lightly armored vehicles by three times, the production of shots for tanks of infantry fighting vehicles by almost nine times, our specialists continue to work on adapting standard aviation ammunition to the planning and correction module, these are flying aerial bombs, which are in great demand today, and such long-range weapons are very... very necessary today and are being built up today production of aerial bombs of all calibers and types of action for use with these modules. employees of the russian guard discovered a whole network of hiding places in the donetsk people's republic. as the department's press service reported, they contained 800 rounds of ammunition containing hundreds of kilograms of explosives. military counterintelligence received information about the caches. after that on...


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