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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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well, the order is to remove the film. often inspectors rip it off right where the car is stopped. by the way, this is not nilov’s first attempt to achieve amendments to existing regulations. if we succeed this time, car service centers will already admit that they are expecting a sharp influx of customers who want to legally hide what is happening in the salon from prying eyes. maxim shevchenko, sergey eliseev, lead. duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news is in telegram channels, the duty department is led by an honest detective. follow along with us, that’s all we have, i was with you tatyana petrova, see you tomorrow on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. they are retreating to
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unprepared positions, the ukrainian military is crying to western journalists. kiev has spent almost a billion dollars on the construction of fortifications, the militants are unhappy, and are increasingly asking where the zelensky trench is. the grant-eaters who escaped from russia are fighting for the fattest piece. what chubais discovered in israel, where to place their children, agent khodorkovsky, why they all hate the head extremist fpk pevchikh? albanian nazism in ukraine, the militant kekich, liquidated near avdeevka, was a member of the neo-nazi party. how does the albanian third position recruit on social networks? who pays for internationalism in ukraine? patients are primarily schizophrenics in the rear. the ministry of defense of ukraine has softened the requirements for future recruits to the limit; now only cancer with metastases will save you from conscription, but how many wars can you fight with such soldiers?
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the olympic flame in paris will be carried by the transvestite minima, who promises to wear 25- meter heels and in full dress. do you need this circus? they lost commanders of platoons, squads, companies, and even sergeants did not survive, these are the revelations of a militant of the sixty-seventh mechanized brigade of the kiev regime, who agreed to talk with the associated press on condition of anonymity. and said that in the battles with the russian army in the north of the dpr , essentially the entire backbone of the formation where he personally served, as well as most of the formations of neighboring sectors of the front, were disposed of in the shortest possible time. the reason for this is not only the obvious superiority of our troops in firepower, but also the lack of any reliable defensive structures in the ukrainian armed forces. actually, the material of the american news agency is largely devoted to this issue. it reminds us that zelensky promised to build a few months ago.
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russian troops, according to the plan of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, the head of the kiev regime stated that ukraine would build three strips of fortifications over 200 km, the lines of either syrsky or zelensky, the ministry of defense of ukraine regularly reported, saying they burrowed here, and built it here, the russians should not pass, a beautiful glossy picture, as is often the case with nezalezhnaya, in some places turned out to be just a picture, the militants retreating in donbass started crying in the western media, this is the headline issued by the ap. retreat
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is unsafe, no, it’s not about the barrier of a nazi detachment, but about the virtual absence of defensive lines in a number of directions. one of the militant commanders said that during the retreat he expected a labyrinth of dugouts and trenches, but his people found only a few small holes where it was simply impossible to hide from artillery shelling, but how could that be? it worked out, because so much money was allocated, according to the american media, we are talking about... dollars, and this is only from the beginning of the year, they didn’t think about it before, because there was a concept of a battle to the phantom borders, only forward to the borders of the ninety-first year, with such a strategy to build a fortification, this is an obvious contradiction, secondly, this is disorganization and corruption, it is clear that if in 30 years not a single power plant has been built in ukraine, not to mention any populated areas, then to build... plans have been announced truly
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a grandiose defense system along the entire line combat contact in five key directions in sumy, kharkov. in the territories of the zaporozhye and kherson regions, those parts of them that are temporarily under the control of the zelensky regime, as well as in the donbass. the militants, fleeing from different sectors of the front, accuse the command and the political elite of almost negligence, they say they did not foresee it because they did not expect such a russian advance. the situation is so acute that information about it slips through even the monolithic air of a 24-hour telethon. moment, the kyiv regime has forgiven. which led to huge losses, the loss figures are confirmed by the media financed by america, citing in the materials an example of 100 militants killed within 2 km of retreat. it is necessary to increase the pace of construction of fortifications
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so that during a retreat we retreat to a prepared position; these fortifications are not enough. but here again the general rolled back made his own adjustments to the plans of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. for example, a businessman talks about corruption. it is reported that in order to receive payments, entrepreneurs call 12 officials, for a long time, i think they didn’t believe that we could break through their existing line of defense, so they didn’t see any particular need to invest resources in the rear, from the side when they already have a terrible shortage of personnel, everything buried.
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it seems that for the kiev regime and its western curators the main goal is only to prolong the desperate resistance of the ukrainian armed forces, regardless of any
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losses among the ukrainians, so why provide them with good fortifications? during the day, units of russian troops, center, south and east again. improved the position along the front line, occupied more advantageous positions on the fronts of the donetsk people's republic, and also repelled a total of 13 counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces. as a result , the enemy lost almost 850 manpower; among the destroyed equipment there were a couple of tanks, including the american abrams and two infantry fighting vehicles and at least four artillery pieces made by nato countries. the last contact in donbass, reporting by pavel prokopenko and alexander katzsuba. it is still unknown what... is easier to control a howitzer or a loaf. the roads near donetsk are such that the car literally sinks and then emerges from the holes. continue to the position on foot, with extreme caution. just look carefully at the steps, look, the petals are scattered here. and here is confirmation of the words of our accompanying person.
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ashes periodically bombard us with these petal mines. it's all dotted here. he is now in a fighting position. that is, if you touch it, it fires! the crew of the d-21st army corps howitzer of the southern group of forces pushes the enemy further away from the capital of the republic. d-20 operates at a maximum distance of 18 kilos. the shells go due west. we already came to these guys, but then they stood in different positions. a rollover, that is, a change in these very positions, is a sure sign that the front is not standing still. we destroy the enemy, he retreats, we erase positions, ours, our storm units are moving forward, it is clear that we are not getting enough, for this we are also moving forward, but the enemy is having a hard time, we are not giving any supplies, nothing, at night our artillery reconnaissance on drones is monitoring 24x7, the new position has been camouflaged
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and fortified, the anti-drone canopy turned out to be useful, as you noticed, the hit was already fatal. but the crew managed to move to the sides, as if no one was hurt, nothing bad happened, a special number of the crew monitors the sky, an anti-drone gun, lands enemy ones every day. at each new place, pumbaa shows his best guard qualities. pavel prokopenko,
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konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko. news: donetsk folk republic. powerful artillery barrage precedes the assault on the fortified ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of chasovaya yar. at the firing line is the crew of the legendary commander of the rocket battery of the ivanovo airborne forces, a hero of russia with the call sign tourist. we read about the enemy's equipment, which is inactive, there is armor that supplies ammunition to the enemy, well, mostly infantry behind strong points, zigzag reconnaissance all in the smoke, the landing party goes on the assault, two of them are launched to the edge, as i told you, you are launched by the kararia until they started to step over the thorn. we immediately we were in a hurry, we immediately entered the battle, the mechanics, the drivers of the surrendered gun helped, covered
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us, coordinating the actions of our winged infantry, reconnaissance drone operators, detonation, detonation of this blue explosion, watch, the whole shelter was turned around for him, let them throw it in there too, accurate and crushing salvo at the enemy, our artillerymen help advance that... the road is neither in front nor from the flank, from the third parachute of the landing battalion.
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the projectiles land right on target. ivanovo paratroopers have already occupied the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. manual grenades fly at the enemy, the militants are unable to resist. that's it, they give up, they give up, they give up in the center. the forest area on the western outskirts of chasoy yar was defended by soldiers of the 67th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy is now located at a distance of no more than 100 m from us. naturally, for the enemy, this causes a certain concern, it is natural fear that further assault operations can begin at any moment. for the courage and heroism shown during the special operation, to the paratroopers of the ivanovo airborne forces unit, awards are presented right at the front line. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead. understanding russia in a purely academic sense is a complex task, which in the coming years the staff of the center from... research at the university of tel aviv, the university has reported on the opening of a new direction, and, as stated, we are talking
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exclusively about scientific research, where to say, no politics, but a contradiction appears immediately at the start: firstly, the subject for study will be the modern history of russia, starting from the nineties, secondly, it is argued that it turns out that it has not yet been written, so some researchers will have to carefully check everything and sort it out. what exact meanings will be laid down. it’s not difficult to guess if you look at the list of people involved in the project. in the role of scientists, a couple of foreign agents, in the role of sponsor, anatoly chubais, who, as we see, has found new things to do. why did he suddenly switch to studying history? - anton potkovenko wondered. anatoly chubayes took on the modern history of russia, and from tel aviva, where the ex-head of rusnano settled after fleeing our country and decided, apparently, to earn money, and at the same time remind him of his need. western grant giver, now money for anti-russian propaganda goes mainly through enagent khodorkovsky, with which
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another foreign agent pevchikh categorically disagrees, and this tangle of grant eaters is becoming more and more entangled, but what is chubais, a native of the nineties, now a co-organizer of the center for russian studies, up to? in israel. let's follow the formula. tell me who your financial partners are and i will tell you who you are. companions, therefore. russian institute in quotes, they are directly connected with the carnaghi foundation, and the carnaghi foundation exists with money from the us department of defense, well, without the institutes. something went wrong, through such funds there will be pseudoscientific, russophobic publications, both distributed abroad among relaxants, and introduced via the internet in russia. instilling russophobia under the guise of studying history is a given, but what else could the chubais center in tel aviv become? all this activity of chubais from
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israel - this is an attempt to hide their own traces, this is an attempt to wash themselves, well , to create such a... i don’t know, a laundering room, where they would look like his friends in a completely different light, that is, the guys will wash themselves, because they understand , the new generation is trying to eat them, to fight for those very grandees. the new generation is a foreign agent of the singers and her clique from the extremist fbk liquidated in russia, which they are even trying to revive abroad, for this they need western money, which goes, i remind you, through khodorkovsky and company, hence the squabble. his team, khodorkovsky, through his
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telegram channels, is constantly trying to discredit either volkov or pevchikh herself. foreign agent khotorkovsky is haunted by the film of traitors, which was released by extremists from the fbk, they accuse the oligarchs of corruption and that the oligarchs allegedly lost, and therefore, if you read between the lines, give us money, the west and give us more, this is not an ambiguous film , it is aimed solely at ensuring that fbk appears in such white clothes, yes she said, that there are us, shining fighters against corruption, and there are others, these bad people who stole... russia in the nineties, there is an obvious hint of khodorkovsky, of course, but the fugitive oligarch is not going to let go of the sweet piece of the western financial pie the position of the singers, we are supposedly young blood, he beats by appointing his children to positions in undesirable grant-absorbing organizations in russia, his son gleb in the oxford russian foundation, for example, and
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the daughter of foreign agent khodorkovsky anastasia became a director in another foundation associated with father’s structures, well, he doesn’t want to share.
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and at the same time he will try to pinch the tail of his competitors in the anti-russian race, who said that chubais and khadarkovsky will continue on the same path, not to mention the singers, who are asleep and see themselves as the sole recipient of western handouts. in fact, people with beautiful faces have always squabbled primarily among themselves, and this is what will kill them completely. in the crimea region , a search is underway for three servicemen who were blown out to sea, as reported... press service of the southern military district, they found rubber rowing boats during the day on april 30, but due to bad weather they lost control. emergency situations ministry employees immediately arrived on the scene in a motor boat, but the search did not yield any results. in addition, helicopters from the black sea fleet, a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations and military boats were involved in rescue operations. as the ministry of defense emphasized, at the moment the rescuers and the command of the unit are continuing search activities. now there
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is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. sick people to the front, schizophrenics to the rear. the ministry of defense of ukraine softened to the limit requirements for future recruits, only cancer with metastases will now save you from conscription, but how many wars can you fight with such soldiers? 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because hyptral is active from the first week of use. the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral. in rigla pharmacies. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate. cashback with bonuses in pharmacies - loan discount, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. i incorporate bright color with care for
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in the morning; it is available in a large, convenient package. i’m weak, i know what will happen tomorrow, order plus from pharmacies. in berlin, for several hours now they have been trying to put out a huge fire in a factory. which produces various alloys and metal products, but at the same time it is part of the dil concern, which produces ammunition, military communications systems and components for iriste anti-aircraft missile systems, the same ones that are periodically supplied to the kiev regime. the causes of the fire have not yet been established, but local residents have already been advised to take action, including the case of toxic chemicals getting into the air, and several firefighters, as far as is known, were hospitalized with gas poisoning. small ukrainian flags are adjacent to lithuanian, and characteristic chevrons are placed nearby on the ground, but local newspapers and tv channels prefer once again not to talk about those who lie in the graves.
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this is a report on the situation at the vilnius military cemetery, where recently there has been a noticeable increase in the burial of mercenaries killed in the zone, moreover in estonia and latvia, well, the picture is, plus or minus, similar, that is, data from the russian ministry of defense on the liquidation in ukraine in the donbass of more than 250 at'.
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together with the nazis from the terrorist azov, that is, with like-minded people, because himself in albania, kekic was an activist of the neo-nazi party, the third position is the so -called greater albania party, which proclaims the famous skander, no two states, no kosovo, no albania, a single albanian state. moreover, it is the third position that also claims the territory of bulgaria, north macedonia and greece. therefore, accordingly, this is a purely nationalist party. why should they go to ukraine to develop their skills to conquer the territories of bulgaria, north macedonia and greece, since they are like them in syria did they work in the formations of the so-called islamic state, or did they, on the contrary , bring this combat experience to ukraine?
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maybe just... it was for the next batch of mercenaries that zelensky suddenly came to albania at the end of february. western patrons could well advise him this, given the precarious position of the ukrainian armed forces at the front. and what about those who arrived before, ended up like those liquidated by davdeevka kekich, they were killed in huge numbers, there were thousands, thousands, they were collected in small groups, sent to the most difficult areas in which, well, they were not informed. they were sent to the most difficult areas, they were destroyed there by our units or artillery, they were removed and thereby sent to another group, the groups did not communicate with each other, they had a single curator, who is from just this popular front, the so-called , yes albanian, during the second world war, this very popular front or baleikombetar openly collaborated with the nazis, even joined the twenty-first ss volunteer division.
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skander: this popular front is clearly nationalistic in nature, in which we see, so to speak, the symbolism of hitler’s third reikhan, the so-called balikombatar of the so-called popular front of albania performed especially brightly, precisely in punitive methods, they see themselves as real nazis , it was they who directly burned the settlement, villages, namely orthodox villages, especially in greece, so... the idea of ​​the west to unite ukrainian and albanian nazism in the fight against russia and serbia is quite understandable, they do everything to ensure that the bandera infusion in action films does not dry out. the ideas of the albanian popular front, today the soros program is interested in this, which actively feeds them, today they are supported by their funds, those funds that were created back in the nineties in new york. it looks like
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albania, like ukraine. until now, this organization is under the control of the us intelligence services, in general, it is essentially led from overseas. the albanians were probably promised that they would become almost the owner of the balkan plot, that they they say there is a new aryan race, so far everything is exactly according to goebbels’ manuals. well, who else do the states want to send to ukraine to fight? they are now actively trying to create combat units
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from. drug cartels that do not exist south of america, there and in mexico in other latin american countries, they want to bring these militants from drug cartels to ukraine in significant numbers, because now the armed forces of ukraine really have a problem with a shortage of personnel, because on the streets of square, even after the adoption of the law on tightening mobilization, so and so soon there will be no one to catch, and therefore the international nazi mercenaries will be thrown into the dust, but for them, too , this front line, it seems, will be the last impression in life. ukrainian attacks against crimea will receive a crushing blow of retaliation, a warning for kiev’s western partners, which was given today in the russian foreign ministry, as an official representative of the department commented on the almost open preparations for an attack on the crimean bridge, and london directly encourages the use of british missiles for attacks on russia and even
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indicates goals. details in the material by alexander khristenko.


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