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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the may snowfall hit several regions of russia at once, sweeping the cities of the volga region, perm region, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions, where the snowstorm began the day before, in some areas there were power outages, dozens of cars were damaged by broken trees. according to weather forecasters, snowfall will continue today. from the tyumen region.
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our correspondent ksenia usoltseva is in direct contact. ksenia, greetings, but you just have real winter landscapes. yes, roman, greetings, indeed, now, most likely not may, december or the end of november, judging by picture, but in fact an unprecedented snowfall hit the region, a completely uncharacteristic phenomenon for may, here they are telling traces of the raging elements now on almost everything. in the city you can see broken branches, the trees simply could not withstand the weight of the snow, of course, those on whose car these heavy branches fell were unlucky. as for the situation on the roads now, it is relatively stable, but of course, bad weather makes its own adjustments, because most winter tires are replaced by summer tires; now there is no icy conditions it is observed that the snow is gradually beginning to melt and the roads are turning faster.
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rivers, but tyumen residents did not lose their spirits, they managed to sculpt snowmen, in addition, partly in our region, the number of traffic police crews on federal highways was increased in order to warn car owners and drivers about weather conditions, of course, the main recommendation is to take into account the snow, take into account visibility and move as carefully as possible, the same abnormal bad weather, the same... our neighboring region, sverdlovsk, collapsed, and there power lines were down in some places, broken trees can also be found throughout the city, in addition, traffic was limited on the perm yekaterinburg federal highway. as for the weather, as forecasters say, indeed this afternoon it will most likely worsen again, they promise rain turning into snow , so that for the residents of the region...
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a column of black smoke rose into the sky. according to eyewitnesses, it was visible from several kilometers away. no injuries were reported from the shopping center building more than 250 people were able to go out on their own. powerful explosions occurred late last night in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local publications in pavlograd , dnepropetrovsk region , power outages occurred after the strikes. the sounds
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of detonation were also heard in the kharkov region, several times during the night. explosions were also reported twice in the regional capital in the village of velikiy burluk. around the same time, attacks took place in kiev-controlled kherson. air raid alert in the evening and at night they announced several times. the last of them is in three regions in the north and east of ukraine. in the northern direction of the dpr, the russian military destroyed a strong point and two mortar crews of the ukrainian armed forces. the artillery carried out precise strikes. scouts.
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i know how to stop the war, we need to stop supplying weapons, ukraine, after stopping the supply of weapons, will have to capitulate within 2 weeks, but i don’t want such an end to the war. the hungarian foreign minister harshly criticized the french president's statement about the possible dispatch. the diplomat emphasized that nato intervention will definitely lead to an escalation of the conflict. we consider these statements threatening. we
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are close to the conflict and understand perfectly well that if western troops are on the territory of ukraine, the scale of the war will increase significantly. this would mean crossing the red line. must do everything in our power to avoid direct confrontation between nato and russia. who wants world war iii? the hungarians don't want this. in gorlovka, fighters of the southern group of troops congratulated the veteran on the upcoming victory day great patriotic war. the servicemen thanked the front-line soldier for the feat and dedication shown in the fight against the fascist invaders. they wished them good health and gave gifts of flowers. the veteran himself shared stories from the front, spoke about his working life and thanked the soldiers. for the congratulations on behalf of, thank you very much, very much, his hands are hot, let's try to finish it quickly, this is
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the pride of the german anti-aircraft artillery, it shoots up to 15 km, the control is automated. howitzer, caliber 211 mm, with there was a whole company of heavy guns, they were aimed at moscow, and they really hit moscow. the germans collected a lot of tanks. here is a tank of strangled czechoslovakia, here is an italian tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here is a tank of hungary, where a horse and a hoof go, there is an iraqi one, here is poor samua, vichy sold it along with france.
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this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, today you will look at the exhibition, there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits, samples of light german weapons, may in europe. parts russia began with a powerful arctic invasion, in which regions the frosts hit, where it snowed, and how long the abnormal cold snap will last, vadim zavodchenkov will not only tell you about this. may doesn’t care about global warming, whether nature can reverse the cold trend before the onset
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of summer, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes , here are some other topics we’ll touch on. while snowmen are being made in tyumen, in the far east it is warm, dry, windy and on fire. the forest weather is not at all going to help firefighters fight the fire. here comes cheryot f16. who will be jailed? at the helm of fighter jets transferred to the kiev regime. where will they even take off from? is there no infrastructure? and can these planes, in principle, change anything at the front? the breaks between bursts have been reduced to a minimum. the sun produces one after another. the urals and even some areas of the european
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part of the country. where has spring gone? we'll tell you right after the review of the main cataclysms of the week. fountains were turned on in the spring, but the weather had its own plans for this: cold arctic air broke into the region, tyumen was covered with snow, and yet some cafes and restaurants were going to open summer verandas like... sometimes several cars collided at once, in addition, a stormy wind arose in the city, many trees fell, including on parked cars, they were happy about the return of winter, except for snowboarders ...
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about blackouts revda residents also reported. the ural power engineers switched to round-the-clock operation. in some areas, getting to the scene of the accident is now problematic. we have to clear the passage for special equipment, before this winter returned to russian north, on thursday a may blizzard raged in arkhangelsk, the city's weather station recorded heavy snow, lawns turned white in sektavkar, large white flakes fell from the sky in the city, arctic air made its way even to the volga regions, snow covered tatarstan, chuvashia, udmurtia, kirov and samara areas. this is the kind of winter we have here on may 3, a wonderful road, i’m leaving... from the village of uva. and for now the cold does not plan to leave the russian plain. in general
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, it is worth noting that even may frosts on the russian plain will not be able to cope with global warming. for example, in petrozavodsk there is usually a total of five nights per month below freezing, and it also regularly freezes in moscow and st. petersburg. and even in the more southern voronezh, may frost appears on the grass every two times. weather, it’s easy to explain such vagaries of the weather, the fact is that now in the south of european russia the average daily temperature steadily exceeds +15°, according to all meteorological canons it’s real summer, in the middle zone spring is in full swing, while the north is still covered with snowdrifts, so moving across the snow-covered northern plains, the arctic air does not warm up at all and retains its frosty potential right up to... the southern latitudes. in the coming days
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, arctic air masses will continue to break through into the european territory of russia. the west of the russian plain will remain aloof from this invasion for now. key word: for now, the breath of the arctic ocean will be felt here by the middle of next week. but now the main flow of cold, restructuring the weather in a winter manner, is heading to the spurs of the urals. the consequences of this relapse. will already be noticeable by the beginning of next week, in just 2 days , the border of the snow cover will advance southward by 700 km, right up to the chelyabinsk-tyumen line, and in some places real snowdrifts more than 5-10 cm high may appear. for example, in yekaterinburg on the weekend the daytime temperature is like in march it will not exceed +2-4°, there will be snow, so it may appear in the city. temporary snow cover, then warmer air masses will begin to enter the region, precipitation will turn into
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rain and the cold anomaly will begin to decrease; in moscow, on the contrary, until monday not very cold, in the afternoon + 11:13, then the cooling will reach its peak, during the day only + 7-8, this is more than 7 ° below the norm for the beginning of may, in some areas of the moscow region snow may also be mixed with the rain. after the powerful arctic invasions of early may, the entire month most often turns out to be warmer than usual, however, the likelihood of a continuation of the cold weather trend is also quite high. i’ll tell you how it will be this year at the end of the program. on other topics, the ukrainian armed forces want to get their hands on f-16s so much that they are ready to take them into in any condition, even. in a faulty one, they say, if something happens, they will be suitable for repair, ukrainian
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propaganda is already rejoicing, this is a weapon of victory, the west is about to hand over fighter jets to ukraine, supposedly immediately after easter, and with them, and what will actually change with them, let’s ask evgeniy teshkovets , evgeniy, there is information that outdated f-16s produced in the seventies are going to be sent to ukraine. in favor of our enemy. the kiev regime has been begging for american planes since the very beginning of the conflict, and for about the same time the west has been feeding it with promises, yes right now there are few specifics. it is unclear when the fighters will be handed over. the speaker of the ukrainian air force said this week that after easter, the catholic easter has long passed; orthodox christians celebrate it on may 5. in general,
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after easter the concept is also quite flexible. the number of aircraft varies, but there is no question. obviously not about hundreds, but about tens of units. us defense secretary lloyd osin said that ukraine would receive more than one of the f-16 quadrilles. one squadron is 12 aircraft. the ukrainian armed forces say that they need at least four squadrons to prevail. apparently, the first aircraft will arrive from denmark. the kingdom agreed to give up 19 fighters. in addition to dachan, 24 aircraft were promised by the netherlands, 22 by norway, and more.
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the main problem is who will manage them. pilots for future ukrainian aircraft are currently studying in the usa and denmark, but any expert will confirm that it is impossible to quickly retrain a pilot. for example, in denmark they have been undergoing retraining since august last year. to put it mildly, there is not much time. the technology is complicated, after all, plus the language barrier. however, in the curriculum there are no training flights simulating air combat. ukrainian pilots are trained exclusively. air, earth. not long ago , the french newspaper lumond wrote that the ukrainian pilots who are currently at nato sites in europe still have to learn. according to the publication, out of ten ukrainian officers, six had never flown a fighter jet in their lives before the first stage of european training. future f-16 pilots spent the first six months learning
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english, and only then moved on to the basics of combat aviation and the most... ukrainian pilots will not be able to fly these aircraft normally; it is obvious that the pilots will be mercenaries from pmcs, which have experience in conducting combat operations on such aircraft. i think that they will not reach the contact line. a similar batch of aircraft will be shot down in just over a month. we have. s400, s500, s300, this will work perfectly for the f-16 and all the pr of the american military, which helps the ukrainian junta, will end very quickly. let’s say mercenaries are put at the helm of ukrainian f-16s, where will they take off from? army russia regularly launches effective strikes against the rear of the ukrainian armed forces. just recently, our military
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hit several air bases in western ukraine, which they were trying to prepare for the deployment of f-16s. play by the rules, and they will play as they see fit and shake their fingers at us. in romania, the location of the f-16 could be the airfield of the 57th air base in constanta. the facility is located 100 km from snake island, and there is also a pilot training center located there. poland, apparently, will not remain on the sidelines. we are talking, in particular, about the well-known
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nato airfield in rzezheva. in any case, as our president noted at the end of march, if transferred to ukraine. the svo included 152 combat aircraft in the ukrainian air force. even according to the western press, in the first year and a half alone, the russian army destroyed 70 winged vehicles. at first they tried to make up for the losses with soviet supplies from eastern europe, but soon the hangars of poland, slovakia and bulgaria were also empty. of course, one should not
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underestimate the enemy. the f-16 is generally a good fighting vehicle, it can cause trouble, but the situation at the front will not change. just as neither the leopards, nor the abrams, nor the bradleys, nor other defeated nato equipment, which is now displayed as trophies on the worship mountain, could do this. let's return to the topic of natural disasters. may in russia is indeed very contrasting, while some regions are still covered in snow, while forest fires are flaring up in others. the most difficult situation is now in the far east, but we will tell you in our material which areas very soon may also fall into the risk zone. forest fires are raging in... edge. as of friday , more than 40,000 hectares of forest were engulfed in fire. a regional emergency situation is in effect in the region. the governor ordered
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to limit public access to the forest fund territory. the area of ​​fires is rapidly increasing. most fires occur due to human fault from the fuses of dry grass and unextinguished fires. the weather contributes to the spread of fire. wind, plus dry grassy vegetation, all this together. with meteorological conditions has a rapid spread, including both in open areas and in forest areas. khabarovsk was covered in smoke from the fires. residents complain that it is hard to breathe, ash is flying in the air, and the left bank of the amur is burning. in addition, the wind brings smoke from the neighboring jewish autonomous region, where forests are also burning. komsomolsk-on-amur was also shrouded in gray smog, where landscape fires began in khabarovsk. to help fight the fire , almost 100 paratroopers and airborne forest protection paratroopers from yakutia, buryatia and the amur region were transferred to the khabarovsk territory and jewish autonomy. by using chainsaws and special equipment are clearing forest
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debris, specialists are laying mineralized strips, and also spraying the edges with backpack fire extinguishers to stop the advance of the fire front. now the fire season is open in eighty regions of russia, a special fire regime has been established in 45 regions of the country. in may, a high class of fire danger is expected in the south central and southern half of the volga federal districts; the most difficult situation may develop in the lower reaches volga and don in the kuban, as well as in the north caucasus. in the asian part of russia, high and sometimes extreme fire danger is predicted in the south of the urals, siberia and the far east, including in the south of buryatia, in the southern regions of transbaikalia, in the extreme south of the amur region, the jewish autonomous region, the south of the khabarovsk territory, and the north. and in places in the south of primorye. in june, forest fires can even affect the russian north. high fire risks will remain in the center of the country and the volga region, along the black sea coast and in the caucasus.
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the south of the urals also remain at risk, siberia and the far east. however, as temperatures rise in early summer , yakutia, kolyma, chukotka and kamchatka may be added to the list of burning regions. and now our traditional section: space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the iran space research institute. the intervals between bursts of solar activity have been reduced to a minimum. the star accumulates energy very quickly and then releases it into outer space in huge portions. on friday night the sun there was a flash of the highest. the star needed only one quiet week to restore its reserves of explosive energy, such a situation arose for the first time in this
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cycle. let me remind you that just a year ago the sun needed 2-3 months, 2-3 months to recover after activity, and this year there were situations when it restored energy for three weeks, but when it literally did it in a few days, of course , this is an absolutely unique case so far, including... a little earlier on thursday evening, a powerful magnetic storm, the third one since the beginning of the year. the disturbances in the magnetosphere were so strong that the zone of the northern lights sank far to the south. bright flashes in the night sky could be seen in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, in belgorod, kursk, tver, the perm region and the khantemansi autonomous region. district and even in moscow and the moscow region. currently, a rapid growth of active centers is being recorded. we are entering the next week with a growing trend of the sun
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and... there is an accumulation of flare energy and the star will inevitably get rid of it, therefore , high geomagnetic activity is predicted in the near future, quite strong disturbances are expected from monday to wednesday, then models predict a decrease in tension, but the situation as a whole is very dynamic, so the next week will be highly active with strong geomagnetic manifestations. and finally, as promised, we will tell you right now our exclusive forecast for may, how the heavenly office will surprise russians in the final month of spring. according to preliminary forecasts, most of the european the territory of russia will be in the area of ​​a cold temperature anomaly; warmer than normal weather is expected only in the southern part
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of the region, and vice versa beyond the urals. thermometer readings will be 1-2° higher than the long-term average values. here, only in the extreme northwest and northeast will the average temperature be slightly below normal. but in central russia the temperature regime will be 1-2° cooler than the climate. it’s only in the middle, at the very end of may, that the weather can return to normal climate. but there is good news: in such a situation, the chances are high that that at least... the start of the calendar summer will be quite warm, that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be, goodbye, the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, is best in these conditions unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, separate
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completely from moscow. the lord is wonderful among his saints, let's see what happens next, what do we bring from savita's travels? a lot
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