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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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russian military personnel who particularly distinguished themselves during combat operations in the special military operation zone were presented with high state awards. the head of the ministry of defense, sergei shaigui, personally attached gold stars of russian heroes to each of the fighters. sergei shaigu noted that the merit of the fighters is not only in the courage shown in carrying out tasks, but in education. and training of junior combat personnel. the country, the president, highly appreciated your work, awarding you high titles, titles of heroes, this, of course, is your great, great merit, personal merit, the merit of educating and training your subordinates, instilling in them a fighting spirit and devotion. our homeland,
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our fatherland, and most importantly, the desire for victory, i congratulate you, i wish you further success, new awards, new victories, take care of yourself, the heroes themselves talk about their actions on the front line in military dryness, but this did not prevent us from understanding everything complexity and danger of completed tasks. they approached unnoticed and destroyed more. the enemy's infantry squad was entrenched in the main direction, we were tied up, the enemy called for reinforcements, reinforcements approached him quite quickly, fortunately our mortars and artillerymen with our drones boldly drove him away, we warned the civilian population, who were at the military crossing, and accordingly sent them to shelter, so the personnel were not harmed anywhere, we did not suffer any losses. in ukraine, universities are conducting
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an intermediate exam that will allow us to weed out unscrupulous male graduate students under the age of 25. such students will be expelled, but not for the sake of improving their level national education, but for the sake of replenishing the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. the kiev regime is ready to send to slaughter yesterday’s schoolchildren with cancer, absolutely all men from 18 to 60 years old. catherine learned about how people try to avoid death and what the west thinks about this. a real riot broke out at the military registration and enlistment offices in the transcarpathian region, strong mobilization under the cover of darkness, members of the gypsy community began to storm the shopping mall. the security forces resorted to warning shots and threw a stun gun at the crowd. grenade. the raids of military commissars have acquired such a scale that it is difficult even for the western press to remain silent about them. telegram channels have appeared where users can report. finding
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military commissars, to avoid them, posts are written using meteorological code. trade center employees were nicknamed clouds or rain. a typical conversation goes like this: what is the weather like at the metro station, defenders of ukraine? answer: three clouds covered the young guy. despite the tough mobilization, the strength of ukrainian units in the areas of the russian offensive is about 40%. such numbers quotes former prosecutor general of ukraine lutsenko. this problem is recognized and
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zelensky has made many military decisions based on theatrics rather than sound strategy. he is afraid of free media criticism, and also terrorizes and denigrates anyone who criticizes him. the french president also receives a lot of criticism after yet another statement about the possible dispatch of western troops to ukraine. the head of mit-hungary called these words threatening. peter szijarta emphasized: nato countries must do everything to avoid direct confrontation with russia. the italian defense minister also supported him. he
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ruled out the country’s direct intervention in the ukrainian conflict. donald trump seems to have a plan on how to stop the hostilities, and a very detailed one, according to sources in his circle, however... the politician is not going to share it, because he believes that in this case , leverage will be lost. instead , trump is limiting himself to general statements that he wants to end the conflict. thus, his associates note, he plans to win over those american voters who who advocate a peaceful solution. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. the russian delegation paid tribute to the memory of soviet soldiers on the territory of the mauthausen concentration camp in austria in a total ceremony. the participation of about 100 people, they laid flowers and wreaths at the monuments, as noted by the ambassador of our country in vienna dmitry lyubinsky, local authorities did not invite russian diplomats to international events on the territory of mauthausen on may 5, and he explained this by the loss of historical memory by the organizers. after
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the commercial, our broadcast will continue with a documentary a film about the persecution of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church and the church schism in ukraine. pairs of grant and grand pikant at an attractive price. only in a tasty way. deposit - the best interest up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. what is missing for construction? easy to find on avito sale. hurry up to buy construction goods with discounts of up to 60%. all that remains is to build. avita, grab it on sale and build! selfish, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, it’s easier with this, heartburn from food, take it, fight heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased
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with the russian orthodox church, the journalist asked him: what about me, my name is ksenia, in honor of the xenia of st. petersburg, now i have to refuse, to which metropolitan sergei dumenko, a schismatic, told her: “come to the priest, ocu, and take my blessing , and let another saint, not associated with the russian orthodox church, but whose name is also ksenia, take care of you, this tragic farce continues in ukraine, except..." the main schismatic stated that now the synod of the american church of the ocu of ukraine has accepted
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the decision to exclude our holy blessed prince alexander nevsky from the list of saints, as they say, the lord cannot be mocked, and most probably the most important thing is that the lord is marvelous in his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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how to destroy our churches, our priests, monks, all around throughout ukraine, the invasion of armed people into monasteries and churches of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church. we called our film apostates and tried to figure it out.
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to understand where the origins of such a terrible split on this unfortunate land come from, in this cradle of orthodoxy,
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it was then that the polishization of the russian land began. it was then that the poles gave the name to the russian land that we hear and see today. ukraine, which means the outskirts. after many centuries of polish occupation, the russian empire managed to return under its sovereign hand.
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year, the russian empire, as an orthodox monarchy, collapsed, and immediately, literally a few months later, self-identifiers appeared, who not only built the state of ukraine on the remains of little russia, but wanted to have their own church and church hierarchy. u the current schism in ukraine has a long prehistory, and here we must remember that it all
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began after the october revolution of 1917, when... the tattoo of the local church, implying its administrative independence from other local churches, asking for autocephaly means asking for independence, the autocephalous church itself prepares for itself ... but nevertheless, oddly enough, only under the bolsheviks in 1921 was the so-called ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church formed, well, in fact, the bolsheviks were also interested in its emergence, first of all, in
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the types of struggle against the canonical church, with the so -called tikhonov or patriarchal church. they used the renovationist schism in russia for this; in ukraine there was also a renovationist schism in the eastern regions, in kharkov, first of all. soviet ukrainization affected the church, and this despite the fact that it was separated from the state. back in the early twenties of the last century, the secretary of the ukrainian central executive committee (bolshevik skrypnik) proposed creating the so -called ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church. the head of this organization was archpriest vasily lepkovsky, who was banned from serving. on october 1, 1921 , the all-ukrainian cathedral of the orthodox church opened in st. sophia cathedral. he proclaimed the creation of a ukrainian autocephalous church, which the people immediately nicknamed the self-sanctified. not a single bishop
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of the canonical church took part in this meeting of impostors. and the patriarchal exarch of ukraine. and metropolitan michael accompanied his refusal with a sharp statement: “i do not ordain vipers as bishops.” what happens next is a comedy. a huge number of men who are there, they go, the enemy runs up to this lepnitsky, begins to lay hands on him, and announces that they ordained him as a bishop, that’s why they themselves, they illuminated themselves, and after that someone on... there is some kind of audacity to say that they have some kind of succession, here is the succession of those, excuse me, heated by moonshine, say, gentlemen who put their hands on this man, married, in general should be a bishop monk, here you go in general, there is nowhere to test in terms of anti-canonicalism and anti-churchism,
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are they self-sacred? appeared in the twenties of the last century, they tried to create an autocephalous church in ukraine, but they did not have bishops, so they used the relics of one bishop, his hand, to ordain other bishops, but it doesn’t work that way, so they got the name self-sanctified . most of this group emigrated to america to canada, and were eventually recognized by the ecumenical patriarchate. and then the communists came and cut everyone up, both the independentists and orthodox, everyone got it; churches and monasteries were turned into prisons, vegetable stores, stables, and flower beds.
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when the soviet union collapsed, the idea of ​​a split again emerged from oblivion. in 1990, one of the candidates for the patriarchal throne of the russian orthodox church, hierarch felaret, lost the election to the future patriarch alexy.
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to the one who caused a schism in the holy russian orthodox church, dragging his followers into destruction, annathem, va, imuzhe. your beatitudes and the russian orthodox church, they gave a chance already in ninety in the second year they had already excommunicated him, he was tonsured a monk, to the point of becoming a monk, so that he would
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have a path to repentance, and the blessed one thought that he would come to his senses anyway, that is, those schismatics who were driven to them, while the authorities drove kravchuk there, along with ulsotom, they captured the vladimir cathedral, that is, they captured the residence, they captured the entire katsu.
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and took an oath before christ and the gospel that he would leave, if i said that i would do it, then i will do it, i will submit a petition to the bishops’ council of the ukrainian orthodox church that i ask, as it were, to take from i have these powers, these rights ahead of me.
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in 1990 to head the uoc for life, so i believe that in the current difficult situation in ukraine, i cannot follow the lead of the bishops of the russian orthodox church and leave the ukrainian flock to their fate. he explained this by saying that he wanted to do it, but kravchuk convinced him. misha said, we put pressure on popov, so we will put pressure on him, we’ll do it to you.
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the party nomenklatura headed by kravchuk, because the creation of splits was played precisely by this , that they themselves were hanging in snot, this is their power, yes, and the pilot still really had big, by the way, he always blackmailed them, which i know a lot, that is, because gigantic money was laundered, parks through church accounts, and you look, the first decision to create a schism was that all the accounts of the uoc in the largest banks, they remain under secrecy. everything else is pure surroundings, look at every philoretta company there, this so-called temple, you will find oil trading there, under the guise
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of charity, carts here there, office equipment there worth millions of dollars, god knows what, that is, and so on, that is this is commercial such an octopus of unifying power, a pure mafia, this church, the president of ukraine, starting with kravchuk, then kuchma, yushchenko, poroshenko, gradually increased support for this split, they did everything to squeeze the canonical ukrainian orthodox church in a vice, and make filoretto’s project political ...
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kiev patriarchate or methodius stands there, there are 5-10 bishops there, 20 of them are priests, and 10 parishioners, and i’m an archimandrite there, there are several monks there, a prodacon, a deacon, a yarodeakon, and 300 people, just like that they compared this, and despite all this, such grief happened, well, grace always manifests itself, you know, as they say, not only bees fly to honey, but also flies, therefore... always in orthodox canonical churches, where the sacrament is performed, always churches filled with people, this happens, high-ranking officials often approached me, including even president yushchenko, back then, with a request to either illuminate something or sing a funeral service for someone, and we, i even contacted, said, why are you coming to us, you are fighting with us, go to the kiev patriarchate and take him away , he says, no, my mother will be there, some kind of guy who knows everything, that is, they understood
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that... deep down, as we talked to you, they understand that this is not a priest, nothing , that this is simply some kind of political, that means, a conglomeration of people who have gathered in order to solve certain problems, political, not spiritual, and if it’s a spiritual problem, you need to go to a canonical priest, a canonical bishop. after philoret became an ardent ukrainian nationalist, the monk rastrigu, who violated all canons and god's laws, declaring himself the ukrainian patriarch, which was accepted with great joy by the americans.
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here the enemies immediately wanted to erase the kiev patriarchate there and so on and so on. and so on january 6, 209, patriarch bartholomew of constantinople presented the then president of ukraine petro poroshenko and the schismatic nationalist orthodox church of ukraine with a tomos of autocephaly. by signing it, bartholomew canceled the decisions made three hundred years ago on the transfer of the kiev metropolis to the jurisdiction of the moscow patriarchate. this led to the largest schism in the history of the russian orthodox church and unprecedented pressure on the canonical church, which has existed for centuries in ukraine. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from
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one bank to another for free.


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