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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:28pm MSK

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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next release of the author's program bissagon tv, it will be called when the eyes are larger than rod, i think you will understand why we named our program this way, but first, as usual, i want to share with you our results from the previous program, on russia 24, on russia 1, in rutube, on the telegram channel , on our
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website, in total, this program watched by about 12 million people... this number is quite stable, we repeat it, and for us this is a very great joy. before we start our program, i want you to listen to a short excerpt from the speech of our president, listen. the guys go to war, risk their lives and health, it is from this category of our citizens, especially young citizens, and there they are mostly young, and today i met with students. who interrupted their training, many of them went to the combat zone, it was precisely from these people, we must form the country's elite in the future. this may seem like a figure of speech, but it is not so, in my opinion, and i hope that
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our president seriously believes that the change in the elite, which... must happen one way or another, will largely depend on those who will return, god forbid with victory from a special military operation, of course, this will bring new conditions, and it will be quite difficult for people who came from the front and received more than 200 thousand for their hard work to find themselves on a salary of... 50-60 thousand, so this, of course, should entail certain changes in the quality of life in general in the country. suffice it to recall the creation of the time of heroes project, that is, a program for svo participants, it was also announced by our
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president, listen. from march 1 , 2024, veterans of a special military operation, as well as officer soldiers. who are currently fighting in active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let’s call it the time of heroes. these words from the president they carry not only hope for many, very many, for the majority, but they also carry danger for a certain part of us. the elite, which is accustomed to living the way it lived, and prefers to continue to live that way, although, as we perfectly understand, it will no longer be the way it was, so this tendency arose, at first very kind of
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neat, cautious, but very persistent, i won’t tell you where we got this information from, but its meaning is... or after svo, years of rehabilitation are needed and treatment, certain forces, as we perfectly understand, received an order on this topic, the media and foreign agents began to write about it, listen, the new elite will be dangerous for
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citizens, they are loyal to putin, they are obviously cruel, class, the new elite, they will be dangerous, to whom ? for whom will it be dangerous, for the people, for the people? no, it will be dangerous precisely for those who write it. here, for example, is a new newspaper that writes: defending stability is coming. a whole army of men from the front line, some of the veterans are now taken to schools and universities to pass on their experience. the other day in in a story about the lessons of patriotism, a local resident recognized her father’s killer, she reads someone in the hands, so the proposal to turn the paid people into the elite, pronounced at the highest level, was an accurate move, missed the squeamish officials and was indifferent...
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but the new newspaper mentioned oprichnina, but how did it arise? oprichnina? this is a terrible word from oprichnin, from this terrible one. beast john iv, ivan vasilyevich the terrible, it did not arise out of nowhere, it arose in the fight against the oligarchy of that time, with the boyars, when they lost a real idea of in reality, when the eyes became larger than the mouth, i will tell you at the end of the program where this phrase came from, where i heard it, then...
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to the people, otherwise the one who hates his nobles, creates - it seems to offend, this became the reason for the claims those oligarchs of that time in the 15th century who initiated the poisoning of the tsar’s beloved wife anastasia romanovna tried to poison the tsar himself and his sons. by the way, this legend, which was given rise to by repin’s painting, ivan the terrible kills his... son, was absolutely not true, because when studying the remains of the son of ioan the terrible
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, there was no wound or damage to the skull, traces of arsenic were found in the remains, so this was also in rather strange circumstances, as it was written, he fell on a knife, which led to the fact that troubles appeared, an invasion of the poles appeared, falsely appeared...
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it was all those people who fought, those same men, moreover, they were united by the war, they were surrounded by the war, leonid ilyevich brezhnev could come to the factory and talk with the carpenter not about how he works, but about where he i fought in which one, in the first ukraine, no, in the forty-third i was, it’s off, they surrounded me. war, it united the country, victory united the country, gradually they began to leave and began to soften, liquefy. the ground is underfoot, i don’t want to say at all that the people who came to power in the nineties were bad, no, it’s just that the flywheel had already been launched, it was launched by deceiving us, it was launched by promises that had no basis in writing, real documents, and we fell
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for this, fell for this deception, everything from there sits jeffrey sachs under yeltsin , the chief economic adviser sat through him it came he gave and translated into russian and gave this is what they did and what did they do for this for the russians for the citizens or something in favor of the citizens they worked no they worked
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in favor of the west in benefit yourself and too. it’s naive to think that new people will come and everything will change with one click, no, it seems to me that the economist mikhail khazin made a very subtle remark, i respect this man very much and i want you to listen to his point of view, i i can only say one thing: if we are talking about a change in the elite, and if we are talking about the fact that we need economic growth, then this will inevitably disappear. not even specific figures, but some type of figures, you know, okay, well, remove nabiyulina now, install ulyukaev, something will change, or is it senelnikova muryleva, well, or make another rotation, that is, assign nabiulina, accordingly, to move between the central bank, the ministry of finance , appoint nabiulina to the place of minister of finance, siluanov to replace
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reshetnikov, reshetnikov to the place chairman of the central bank, why did you offend anton germandovich so much, will anything change?
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the house was gnawed by rodents and its pancake burst and flooded thousands of houses, normal, this is also a mystery to me, because in this place only, these are only some factors, i assume two factors, or it is a human factor, someone drilled with a horizontal drilling machine and laid some kind of communication for the discharge of wastewater, say, to the urals, but...
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people went through a terrible, great war, they understood the value of life, here’s a remark regarding rodents, the same minister of construction irek faizulin answers, generally speaking, it’s funny, these are generally technical procedures that were prescribed there hundreds of years ago, we already know how to count, we know how to design , yes.
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i had to resign, some people ask me: “ilya, will you return to berm? guys, this is my saturday morning, why the hell should i? and, by the way, as the journalists found out, ilya demkin’s comfortable and such a happy life is paid for from the accounts of a large russian developer. llc trading house pzsp, where he is the founder, is normal, but the parents of this young
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man don’t think about why he doesn’t want to return to his homeland, maybe because he knows how his parents are organizing this homeland, because he understands that everything here was not done in good faith , and so... everywhere, the flooding simply revealed what should have been hidden for decades, now if there had not been this flooding, this terrible flood, then this dam, which is actually an earthen rampart, would have lived, and so you would have thought that this billion has gone where it needs to go until the water destroys this dam, along with thunderstorms, and how do the people who are responsible for this behave, that’s when residents, citizens, compatriots come to the leader to talk, ask what happened,
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look how the leadership communicates with people, with citizens, with their compatriots who were flooded, who came to ask for help or at least get an answer as to why this happened, look, quieter, quieter, quieter, the phone has also been removed. let's say what the governor is experiencing, when he sees in front of him dozens of phones that will now record what he says, and why, he doesn’t want to tell the truth, he
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has no explanation for what happened, or is it also some kind of neglect, which, by the way, is quite harsh the president interrupts, look how he reacted to the words of the governor of the tyumen region, you said that we are bringing in people , the most stubborn ones remain, there is no need to talk about people like that, no need, vladimirovich, excuse me, excuse me, no, listen to me, it’s not funny, i understand what are you trying, everyone is tired, you work there, you don’t get enough sleep, and you sincerely try to help people, but why don’t people go, they are afraid for their property, for their homes?
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it was, although the text was somehow miraculously removed, well, who are you treating, and the devil is in the details, because the text itself was removed, but the announcement was left, and it is quite natural that the largest media, bloggers, and even one military man wrote about it blogger evgeniy rasskavov, by the way, he is a member of the svo, he wrote quite
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rudely, called the deputy, said that things are spinning like a frying pan here, this means that whole mess, so to speak, was removed, not removed, hacked, not hacked, and so on. mr. semikin was offended, well, of course, it’s offensive when people call you names, i don’t support this, but in response to the fact that he wrote stories, semikin filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity. on april 15, the court partially satisfied semigin’s claim. lobbied blogger raskazyva to pay 500,000 rubles. of the amount requested by mr. semegin, 6.351 thousand rubles. i don’t want to give a moral assessment to this whole, so to speak, conflict.
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this business. courts, prosecutors, anyone, but lawful actions - of an offended, insulted deputy, well, of course, i fully admit this, but isn’t this the same rightness as the head of the region who asks to remove the phones, who can also be understood, true, but considering that the blogger... is a participant svo, the amount requested is a million rubles more than the payment for the fact that if this blogger, god forbid,


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