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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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“i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, it’s finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you’ve been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition.
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russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing. today, orthodox believers in russia and around the world today celebrate easter, the most important, most revered christian holiday. in churches throughout the country , festive services are held at these moments in the cathedral of christ the savior . in moscow. procession of the cross, easter matins and divine liturgy. according to tradition , patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia performs the ceremony. several thousand parishioners gathered for the service, the cathedral of christ the savior, our correspondent, maria valieva, joins the broadcast. masha, i greet you again, tell us how the service is going, in what mood muscovites celebrate this great holiday? yes, mary, greetings, the solemn easter service continues in the main cathedral of the country, conducted by the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill. all believers, orthodox christians
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congratulate each other on this bright holiday, on the resurrection of christ, because this is an ancient christian holiday that symbolizes the victory of life over death, light over darkness and truth over lies. we talked with parishioners, they told us that they had long dreamed of celebrating this holiday here, in the main cathedral of the country, here. their dreams came true, one of the most important holidays for orthodox christians, on this holiday people come to the temple, pray for world, that means, about health, about love, prosperity, we are very glad that we are here today in the cathedral of christ the savior, because...
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according to tradition , the head of state vladimir putin and the mayor of moscow sergei are present at the solemn service in the cathedral of christ the savior sobyanin , candles from the holy fire are lit in churches everywhere, particles of this sacred flame from jerusalem to the capital were delivered by a delegation from the st. andrew the first-called foundation, at the moment the solemn service is taking place and...
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throughout moscow in churches they continue easter services, in connection with this , the operation of public transport has been changed, metro stations and the mcc will be open until 2:00 a.m., and the operation of buses, electric buses and trams on more than 150 routes will last until half past four in the morning, in addition, muscovites and guests of the capital will also today they will be able... to take advantage of night
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routes, and tomorrow, of course, is an excellent opportunity to meet with their family and friends and celebrate, celebrate this... bright holiday of easter. maria. yes, thank you, masha. maria valieva was in direct contact from cathedral of christ the savior in moscow, where the main easter service continues. orthodox believers in russia and all over the world today celebrate the holy sunday of christ. well, now there is footage from the ministry of defense, which gives an idea of ​​​​what intense fighting is now going on in all areas of the special operation. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to prevent progress.
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russia, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 25 group strikes with high-precision weapons by unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy transport facilities were hit infrastructure of ukraine, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, storage sites for missiles and ammunition, as well as workshops
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for the production of unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. the temporary deployment points of units of nationalist formations were also hit. foreign mercenaries, accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. kiev may turn to the west with a request to send european troops to ukraine if the ssu does not have enough strength to contain the russian army. this was reported by russia's listed terrorists and extremists, rada deputy goncharenko. against the backdrop of president macron’s statement that a request from kiev could become a reason to send french to help the armed forces of ukraine. with details ekaterina shamaeva. a real riot broke out at
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the military registration and enlistment offices in the transcarpathian region, strong mobilization under the cover of darkness, members of the gypsy community began to storm the shopping mall. the security forces came running. the raids of military commissars have acquired such a scale that it is difficult even for the western press to remain silent about them. telegram channels have appeared where users can report the location of military commissars to avoid them, posts are written using meteorological code. trade center employees were nicknamed clouds or rain. a typical conversation goes like this: what’s the weather like at the defenders of ukraine metro station? answer: three clouds covered the young guy. despite the tough mobilization, the strength of ukrainian units in the areas of the russian offensive is about 40%. these figures are cited by the former prosecutor general of ukraine lutsenko. western experts recognize this problem. the question is whether ukraine has enough personal
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composition, young people, tactically competent, well trained, who could become support there? this is where i see the main problem at the moment. but things are not so rosy with financial assistance, ambassador. the eu in ukraine hinted that brussels may turn off the money tap if kiev does not properly account for the funds spent. but the us authorities do not hide the fact that what is commonly called assistance to ukraine is, in fact, support for themselves. secretary of state antony blinken said that virtually all of the money recently allocated washington will remain in the american economy. the united states is not eager to share ripper drones, which kiev is asking for more and more stubbornly. as the political edition writes, this technique. priority in ukraine's requests, but washington is hesitant to send these uavs for fear that russia could shoot them down. in addition, the military strategy of the kiev elite is a failure, even congressmen of ukrainian origin admit this. zelensky made many military decisions based on theatrics rather than
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sound strategy. he's afraid of free media critics, and also terrorizes and denigrates anyone who criticizes him. the french president also receives a lot of criticism after yet another statement. italy, he ruled out the country’s direct intervention in the ukrainian conflict, donald trump seems to have a plan on how to stop military actions, and it’s very detailed, if you believe sources in his circle, but the politician is not going to share it, because they believe that in this case , leverage will be lost. instead , trump limits himself to general statements that wants to end the conflict. thus, his associates note, he plans to win over those american voters. who advocate a peaceful solution. ekaterina shamaeva, lead.
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the missile danger siren sounds again in belgorod. over the past 24 hours, the sssu region has been attacked dozens of times. five people were injured, houses and cars were damaged. about how our military protects the city from enemy drones every day. report by our special correspondent igor pikhanov. russian intelligence officers are preparing to enter the gray zone, with using drones to survey the territory. border state, fighters are hunting for a wandering mortar in the ssu. every day , ukrainian militants try to approach our border in order to attack front-line settlements in the belgorod region, while acting covertly so as not to give away their location. their artillery is also not very active, well, some oporniks fire at some places with 120 mortars, but they throw two or three shells and immediately stop, because there is a big one in the sky now... the soldiers go to task, the demarcation line resembles
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a lunar landscape, the ground is covered with holes that were formed after the explosion of shells. a russian intelligence drone is inspecting every meter of border territory in the kharkov region of ukraine; fighters notice camouflaged positions in the ssu. right now i’m conducting a reconnaissance flight, i see the enemy moving through the trenches two or three at a time. person at the moment of shooting. information is transmitted to the artillerymen. in the neighboring sector of the front , howitzer d-20 maintains a 24-hour combat watch. due to its range and power the fighters call the weapon a sniper rifle. just a few minutes of preparation and the artillery opens fire on the enemy. gun shot. 152 mm shells destroy the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time, the fire was corrected from the air. aerial reconnaissance officers, joint work increases the efficiency of the task, military
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equipment hidden in the forest and an ammunition depot are also destroyed, the enemy retreats with heavy losses. when working on the front line you need to be extremely careful, soldiers constantly monitor the sky, ukrainian militants are also actively using spv drones. the fighters are careful, all our positions are well camouflaged, mobile stations are working, detecting drone suppression. there is no division of the group covering the state border. only prevents the enemy from approaching our borders, but destroys the enemy komikaze drones. dozens of uavs are shot down every day. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgogorod region. on the eve of the great easter holiday, governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov visited the pupils of the family center dmitrovsky. nowadays , a total of more than a thousand disabled children live in such centers in the moscow region. the head of the region was shown workshops where children learn different professions, in addition to educational... programs , the center has sports sections and its own physiotherapy department, some children and
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adolescents are in the center permanently, some are on day stay, but for all of them almost home conditions have been created, always it’s very nice to meet you and of course i want to thank the teachers who do it with love, because if without some special emotional relationship, it seems to me... it would be more difficult for you. nato equipment, the supply of which to ukraine was so frightening to the west, turned out to be not so vulnerable. guests of the exhibition of captured weapons and military vehicles are convinced of this every day. whole delegations come to poklonnaya hill, as well as journalists, including from those countries where these tanks and armored vehicles rolled off the assembly line. about why expectations were not met, egor grigoriev. the queue for the exhibition of captured equipment stretched for... hundreds of meters, although everyone was moving quickly, organizations altitude, at the beginning of the opening, more than 100 thousand
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visitors saw with their own eyes the defeated, although the collective west convinced the invulnerable equipment, tanks, artillery pieces, armored personnel carriers and other types of weapons. the leopard 2 a6, taken in the avdeevsky direction, ran into a mine, lost its tracks, our drones burned its wiring, the crew fled, and the abandoned car was dragged away by the soldiers of the center group of forces, the tank was brought back. it’s not just that he tells stories to visitors about the characteristics of the technology and its expert lecturer, the hero of russia, ivan zharsky. in the northern military district, he is an atgm operator. know where to hit and what goals you are pursuing, if you want to stop it, then you need to hit the track, if you want to destroy it, you hit the middle of the tower, star, star, what did you get it for, this is a type of weapon, so it was destroyed this leopard delirium,
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more than 10 units, so let’s say, well , what is this for you, here you go out, you have some kind of adrenaline, like hunting?
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when they can’t cope, they abandon the cars, this one costs more than half a million dollars, one of the captured ones is also on poklonnaya hill. nearby the south african armored car mamba, it was handed over by estonia to the national unit of kraken, a terrorist organization banned in russia, it was obviously given away that it was not suitable for itself, the armor is weak, and the consequences of rain
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are not easy for the mamba to cope with on the battlefield. barrels of captured tanks. bmd, bmp, artillery guns, looking west, lowered down, these vehicles are demilitarized, for them the war is over, and no one doubts that this awaits all the equipment in the ssu. egor grigoriev, sergey ukhvaryonok, danilo kuznetsov, valentina velichanskaya, news. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel.
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it is impossible to imagine metropolitan medicine without the introduction of new developments; innovations that significantly change approaches to treatment are supported by moscow with grants. over the course of 2 years , 142 projects received funds from the city, and 20 of them have already undergone pilot testing and are directly used in clinical practice. what is this for the development, we’ll tell you today. just a week ago, olga underwent surgery on her spine; a pinched nerve made it difficult for her to move. now even gymnastic exercises are easy, and tomorrow it will be. discharge, olga will go to her native krasnoyarsk. perhaps you were not allowed to fly by plane? no, i was allowed to fly by plane, that is, it was specifically stated that there are no restrictions at all,
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that is, i am flying home on a plane, and how many hours will you have to sit, 4 and 2 hours, that is, in principle, there are no restrictions, i have to sit i can, i can lie down, i can do anything. in such cases, rehabilitation would take at least 3 months, but the method that... was thought at the spinal center of the moscow vorokhobov hospital allows the patient to return to normal life almost immediately. already on the second or third day , the patient is in our physical therapy room. from the third day he starts working out in the pool. that is , in about 3 weeks we will practically remove all restrictions, for example, elite- level athletes will begin training with own teams. the essence of the operation is this: doctors release the compressed nerve, and to prevent new compression, surgeons install an implant.
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there is innovation in the way it is fixed. doctors first form a bed for the titanium element in the bone, and then further strengthen it. we came up with the idea of ​​fixing this implant in this bed in a special way, creating a special one. grooves and holes in the so -called spinous processes, this is a special lavsan tape, with the help of which we reliably inserted this implant into the bed we created, right? capital surgeons have already performed about a thousand of these innovative operations, including on professional athletes. the development of the moscow scientific and practical center for medical rehabilitation and rehabilitation sports medicine is already available to patients. with the support of a grant from the moscow government, doctors created a system to
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restore lost body functions. the technology allows, during one rehabilitation session, to influence an interconnected set of disorders, that develop in a patient who has suffered a cerebral stroke. impairments such as engine. coordinating, cognitive, sensitive, emotional disorders, the complex consists of different modules, each based on modern digital solutions, and all the equipment is russian-made, for example, an exoskeleton, it teaches patients who have suffered a stroke to walk again, electrodes are connected in a certain step cycle, stimulation of those or other muscles, plus the robot... can itself analyze which muscle works poorly with what intensity stimulation is needed, the person feels the contraction of the muscle and feels at what moment
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it needs to be turned on. at the same time, the patient can look at his gait from the outside. there is a virtual avatar on the screen that accurately reflects his movement. when the left triangle burns, you should imagine yourself opening your hand. here movement is carried out not by muscles, but by the power of thought. this is an exo-arm, also part of the innovation complex. the simulator helps people after a stroke restore the cerebral cortex area brain, responsible for hand functions. patients with mild to moderate impairments are treated nearby. they use different technology. a glove, as soon as the fish swims, squeeze your palm, the hook goes down, as soon as you open it, the hooked fish will be pulled
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by the fisherman to the surface of the water. the program itself determines what exactly the patient should play based on preliminary computer diagnostics. and after we have identified those movements that are impaired in the patient, they are selected. special from the set 28 games, 3.5 games are selected that are maximally aimed at restoring impaired hand function in this particular patient. there are also modules for restoring balance and developing gait patterns. a separate block is associated with vr technologies. patients learn to perform simple everyday activities virtually. in total , about two people have already undergone rehabilitation based on the new complex. thousand people, and this is the development of the morozov hospital, the technique helps to identify the risk of allergic bronchial
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asthma in children. after all, the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to prevent its development. the diagnosis is made by the blood flow pattern. the device literally looks under the skin and displays the image on the screen. normally, our capillaries should look like women’s stilettos, so thin and elongated. and here is a patient with an exacerbation of bronchial asthma, that is, here is a capillary that passed so long, like a hairpin, elongated, due to the fact that edema occurs, and more and more fluid from the capillary it turns out that this is what is around - dr. pavel berezhansky has four children, two of them suffered from frequent bronchitis, but whether it was a virus or an allergy could not be determined then, the doctor decided to study the issue . there is a personal story behind this technique, more details in the study more than 200 children took part, the child was born, seemingly relatively healthy, but we also looked at the capillary bed when, for example,
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this child was 5-6 years old. asthma, we can already compare it with the six-year-old and now parameters. it is on this study that we identified five parameters out of 28 that are responsible for the risk of developing asthma. to conduct such a study of grant's funds, doctors from the moscow government invented this device - a children's capillaroscope. it turned out that it is impossible to look at the blood flow of babies using an adult device. similar equipment is being developed in parallel in the netherlands, only the moscow model is almost... times cheaper, initially it was probably like a laptop, i say, like a microwave, over the course of several years we simply made it smaller, selected optics, we selected electronics, selected the backlight so that we could carry out, i don’t know, the baby was born, the first day has passed, the study can be carried out, fortunately we succeeded, reduce it now, so we settled on this form, because this form is very convenient to hold in hand, the developers intend to further reduce the device to
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size. pulse oximeter, even nurses will be able to conduct research, recommendations and conclusions will be made by medical specialists from large centers, the technology will allow them to receive data via the network. another grant moscow government spent on research in the field of psychiatry. doctors in the capital have created a breakthrough technique that can detect the likelihood of mental disorders using a blood test. our test is not exactly diagnostic.
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the study involved 500 volunteers, both healthy people and patients in psychiatric clinics. as a result of complex statistical processing of these data, a model was built. now it turns out that it will be impossible to simulate some kind of mental, mental disorder. in any test there is always some probability errors, it is also low in our test. well , less than 5%, but still there is some probability of error, but in general we see that people who show a zero probability, they really, none of them ever revealed any abnormalities in the analysis that psychiatrists provided. already , the innovation is being proposed to be used to identify people with good mental health, for example, to work in space or at nuclear power plants. in addition, such a test can become
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a self-diagnosis tool. statistics: metropolitan scientists are developing biological age calculator. there are already similar methods in the world, but this formula will be the first intended exclusively for russians. we understand, firstly, what risks this person has, for example, cardiovascular diseases, or kidney diseases, or the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, that is, the age of associated diseases, what we can influence now in order to prevent them and pro.. .


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