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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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talk about the main thing for today. so, orthodox believers today celebrate easter, the main and most revered christian holiday. festive services are held in churches across the country. patriarch kirill of moscow russia congratulated the russians on the upcoming bright sunday of christ. today the entire orthodox world solemnly celebrates the bright sunday of christ, holy easter. divine services are celebrated in thousands of churches. "christ is risen,
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risen indeed." often people far from the church ask the question: “why is easter the main holiday of the orthodox, and why they rejoice so much on this day. for twenty centuries, an inexhaustible source of joy for the followers of the lord has invariably remained his victory over death and evil, as well as the fact that thanks to his resurrection, every believer has the hope of salvation and eternal life. we are called by the creator from non-existence into being, not in order, as it seems to some, to disappear forever after death, but in order to become heirs of christ's victory, to be immortal and to remain forever with him his kingdom, the kingdom of truth and love. this means that in the eyes of god, the personality of each
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of us is priceless, but it also means that our actions, words and even thoughts influence how our life will turn out and what our destiny will be, and not only here on earth, but in eternity. that is why it is not enough just to take note of the news of the resurrection of christ or to limit ourselves only to recognizing the historical fact of the existence of jesus of nazareth. christian faith. demands an answer from us with our whole lives, and most importantly the content of this answer is good deeds, the ability to empathize with others, caring and responsiveness, the ability to forgive insults and the willingness to lend a helping hand to neighbors who find themselves in difficult circumstances. in other words, we are called to a life of faith that works through love, as the holy apostle paul writes. the russian
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orthodox church today continues to actively help those who, risking their lives, are at the forefront of protecting the fatherland of traditional christian values, who have lost loved ones, lost blood or was injured, our dioceses, monasteries and parishes, orthodox volunteers continue to contribute to this national cause. thank you all for your hard work . for responsiveness and kindness, now the church prayerfully turns to the risen lord and asks him to grant the victory of light over darkness and truth over lies, to overcome sinful divisions of enmity, and to establish a lasting, just peace. may the bright easter joy fill our hearts with love and gratitude to the conqueror of death to christ.
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egor grigoriev. the queue for the exhibition of captured equipment stretched hundreds of meters, although everyone was moving quickly, the organizations were at their best. at first, the opening of more than 100 thousand visitors saw with their own eyes the defeated technology, although the collective west convinced the invulnerable technology. e guns,
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armored personnel carriers and other types of weapons, taken in the avdeevsky direction 2 a6, ran into a mine, lost its tracks, our drones burned its wiring, the crew fled, the abandoned car. the center and the tank were brought to virtually perfect condition in rimbata. about visitors are told not just by an expert lecturer, the hero of russia, ivan zharsky, about the characteristics of the equipment and its history; at the northern military district he is a ptur operator. the most important thing is to know where to hit, and what goals are you pursuing? if you want to stop him, then you need to hit the track. here. if you want to destroy him, you hit him in the middle of the tower. star. what he got the star for, this is the same type of weapon, more than 10 units of bradley leopards were destroyed, so let’s say, well , what is this for you, here you go, you have some kind of adrenaline, like some kind of hunting, maybe maybe there is a hunt for a leopard, a hunt for
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a leopard, yes, a hunt for a cat, as we call it, from the crowd an unexpected question is heard from the twenty-seven-year-old hero, the production number.
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all the internal combustion is already there, the internal combustion occurs and the pressure is natural, we often meet crosses, they always talk about it somehow evasively, well, it’s more like a guideline, but we determine from them that this is definitely not our technology. next to the marder bmp, one might say, his grandfather, a 1943 cau marder. history repeats itself, and at the exhibition these words sound extremely significant. then, as the ukrainian armed forces vehicles are destroyed and evacuated from the battlefield, visitors watch.
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bronzes of technology that we can consider, study and maybe emphasize something. already archival footage of the muddy black earth, the almost inevitable bogging down of not very adapted nato equipment. the dryers are trying to pull the american maxpro armored car out of the mud captivity, when they can’t cope, they abandon the car, this one costs more than half a million dollars, one of the captured ones is also on poklonnaya hill. nearby is a south african mamba armored car, his. estonia handed over to the national unit kraken, a terrorist organization banned in russia, they gave it away, obviously, they themselves are unusable, the armor is weak, and the consequences of the rain are not easy for mamba to cope with on the battlefield. the barrels of captured tanks, bmds, infantry fighting vehicles, and artillery guns face west
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and are lowered down. these vehicles have been demilitarized, for them the war is over and no one has any doubt that this will happen to all the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. egor grigoriev, sergey ukhvaryonok. aimed at moscow and actually hit moscow.
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the germans collected a lot of tanks. here's a tank strangled czechoslovakia. here is an italian tank. he successfully escaped from the sands of egypt. here is a hungarian tank. where there is a horse with a hoof, there is a crayfish with a claw, here is poor samois, vichy selling it along with france. this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, you can’t look at everything, at the exhibition there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits, samples of light german weapons.
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solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation, live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel, when we started moving, my friend’s drone flew in, it completely started to burn, i was thrown to the right side from a group of five people...
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they removed me from the old ukrainian positions, my guys, whore, something heavy flew in, i was thrown back, i feel that my hand was covered in blood, my whole leg was covered in blood, i stood up in shock, received two bullets in my right leg, broke the bone. i fell and realized that’s it, i’m heavy 300. in this
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park there are about 220 forged figures, the creation of blacksmiths from all over the country. for me, all compositions symbolize the resilience of donetsk, the desire to live, no matter what. after the attacks on the ukrainian armed forces, the city was wounded, but not broken. donbass. craftsmen give a second life to iron , enemy spent cartridges are turned into flowers, blacksmiths forge beautiful roses from shells of torn mines, so the heroes of our report from the first days of the war went to defend their land, were seriously wounded, did not give up, every day they overcome difficulties, they do, it seemed would be impossible, everything in order to be in service, operations, long rehabilitation, their main goal is to return to comrades in arms to continue... to defend their native land, here they are again on the front line, nikolai tikhanov wrote about such people: if only
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we could make nails out of these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world, when they took the covering, in principle , they began to fly here less often, and so in general , there were often shellings, so everything changes, everything is built. i think it’s flooded, well, it will generally change, just like they entered russia from the road, they are doing it, everything is being done. a serviceman with the call sign vine at the beginning of hostilities served in the cossacks, then in the vostok battalion, originally he is from slavyansk. in 2014, volunteers from there, people of peaceful professions with virtually no weapons, confronted the well-trained forces of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine. now the deputy company commander of the motorized rifle brigade is at fault. it all started when in
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1914, at first they stood on the defensive, with wheels, with sticks, well, they didn’t believe, few people believed that there would be a war at all, and then they first went to the right sector, it turns out from a friend of my father’s that they cut them out there they cut out the entire checkpoint, what are they doing with sticks? houses on the outskirts, classmate with the whole family died, my parents were scared that the war was coming to us, it turns out, here in slavyansk, well , basically, i went to the checkpoint first to guard, roughly speaking, the entrances to the city of slavyansk, only the speed limit, so as not
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to be violated, hello, hello, i want i wish you good luck. i was under ukrainian aggressors for 10 years, how is the situation there now? in avdeevka there is mostly artillery, they’re shooting, i even talked about who was left there, they lived under the ukrainian military, they haven’t had
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power for 2 years since the beginning of the northern military district, they’ll have power now set up, they are already working there. electricians established a connection there, here is avdeevka, these are the houses, the avdeevka coke plant, how many people worked here, one of the healthiest in europe, since childhood in vinna he was involved in boxing, fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports, before the start of hostilities he worked in construction
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so the platoon commander comes out to me on the radio and says the commander, i’m there in the leg , a wounded shrapnel flew into his leg at about 4 pm the enemy is making a counter-offensive, the enemy has jumped into their trenches and taken prisoners from us i started gathering five people for reinforcements to go and recapture this point and pick up my platoon leader from captivity. when we started moving, a drone flew at my comrade, it completely began to burn, my comrade, i was thrown to the right side, well, it turned out from a group of five people whom i gathered for the offensive contour, i was the only one left alive, the battalion commander arrived, so i picked them up, took them out, then
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they provided first aid, well, i ended up in the hospital, so i... didn’t pull them out in the morning, the enemy set them up as a human wall in the morning they were shot by five people, when they started to get the bodies, there was an evacuation, they pulled them out, they pulled out four with their hands tied, the fifth was never found, his wife helped him get back to his feet after a serious wound, the only relative who nursed him every minute supported him , desire...
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already from the territory of ukraine, from there we need to liberate, as it were, the donetsk region, well, honey, come on, today you have a departure, so to the factory, yes, not to, yes, yes, you are going to the factory today , here's the armor, now the first aid kit, right, on the tourniquet, everything is in place. there is a tee there for non-faps everything yes yes take everything let's go i'll show it on the map where to go?
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well, in any case, things happen that are scary, but there is motivation, this is our home, our land, it turns out, we are on our territory, so, no matter how scary it is, well, and even more so i’m in in any case , commander, i set an example for the personnel, my comrades, so i always need to be in front, no matter how hard it is, in any case. someone needs to carry out this task, well, motorized rifle units, not everyone basically, rifle battalions, motorized rifle battalions - that’s all, they’re always
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ahead, come on, well, he commands well, gives good advice, nothing bad can be said, all of these.
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now we are confidently moving forward, i hope we will get there soon, this is exactly our direction, our next big city is konstantinovka, druzhkovka is there, kramatorsk is already at home, in principle it’s not far, if you look at it like this, it’s 85-90 km to my city, it's just a little while before my house. with every step closer and closer, here is the bapla operator with the call sign gore was born and raised in donetsk, in 2019
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he went to defend his native land, since childhood he was interested in technology, loved to tinker and fix things. these skills were useful to him at the front. he repairs and reflashes drones, and restores damaged parts using a 3d printer. thanks to gore, fighters can be confident that they have equipment that will not let them down in battle. yes, i observe, e, it destroyed, it destroyed, the war came precisely to my house, to my village, then the first shelling began, it was scary, because it was not clear what to do, then we got used to it this, constant shelling, the battalion itself, where he was, he was next to his parents, with his father, that’s why, well, friends had already appeared, and there he found out that he knew him there. we know each other, well, i went with the guys, so i talked, well, why not, i was at the training ground, it was twenty-three years old, my wife came under fire,
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they hit my area with hail, just hail, so they hit me, they hit a friend’s apartment, she was at that moment near the house, and i was at the training ground, i couldn’t do anything, i couldn’t come, but thank god everything is fine with her, we are trained people, we hear a whistle, we fall, so she managed to ... maviki with resets, and so you understand, there are people walking with strollers, there are mothers, mothers with children walking freely, children on playgrounds, they just stand and walk and you
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i’m so tired, but due to adrenaline, i mean, in the world of life, maybe i couldn’t do this, but there it was under adrenaline that i picked him up and was able to carry him to the evacuation site and the most difficult moment was there at the marina it was to cross the road, and there were a lot of snipers there, that’s where the sniper was shooting, that’s it i had to get through this road quickly, and i was already tired and still carrying a load, we’ll run now and someone will slap us there, i muster up the will into a fist, well, they all drove off, they ran, well, they ran past us, the sniper just took a breath when we... there is such a problem, here he observes a slight shift, well, that is, he needs to be lifted, he has already lost his aim, that is, he needs to sit and control, and we went around on the other side, that is, they gave him a hook, of course he is even more tired, but the sniper realized only at the end, when we were already entering the shelter. in 2014 the war became tragedy for many families, dividing them for many years, at one moment relatives and close people stopped hearing each other and
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went to fight in different ways... brother, there’s even such a story, he’s on the side of ukraine, and i’m here, so i’m even for him i once suggested, i say, let’s determine a meeting place, i say, we’ll shoot with you, but he only knows how to shout these, so to speak, chants of theirs, which brought ukraine to such exhaustion that, well, i kind of even feel sorry for the population of ukraine itself, well... they painted themselves into this corner, i was in the fourteenth year on the maidan, i was present, i watched from the side that this was happening, because well , i traveled for work and i had to go there, well, go there, so i left donetsk, went there to the main office, so i stopped by the maidan, well, honestly i’ll tell you, it’s scary to see this when people themselves, it’s like a drug addict
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who is driving himself into a hole. you can’t even imagine how it stank there, well, that is, what was going on, some homeless people lived in tents, well, they were going to europe there, a civilized nation considers itself, well how can a civilized nation behave like this, if you are civilized, you show it from beginning to end, and relatives, unfortunately, for some reason, for ideological reasons, they went to ukraine, fleeing the war, and that’s why , that... political bullshit, the psychological burden on the population of ukraine is very high , so let’s say they joined their opinion, because we are occupiers here, well, what kind of occupier am i, if well, i was born in donetsk, so , well, i live in donetsk, why should i run there, i i already went there once, believe me, they greeted me very warmly, they just
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opened my passport, donetsk, it’s like a stamp. well, from that moment, i think it was the seventeenth year, i realized that ukraine is an unhealthy topic, even in the dismissal, the thoughts of the soldiers are still there at the front, there is no time to relax, there are a lot of tasks, the guys meet and discuss the upcoming work, here you need to take the blades, that’s right, the blades, yes, three sets, then you will also need to take captured ukropov maviks, watch the video, what did they film, where is the take-off from? they have is happening, and so, well, about the antennas, that is, you will need to figure it out, it’s just that some problems have started with the antennas.


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