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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. orthodox christians around the world celebrate easter or sunday of christ today. this is the main church holiday, which symbolizes the victory in life over death. millions of believers in russia spent this night in church, where easter services were held. in the cathedral of christ the savior. the liturgy was conducted by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. before the start , a particle of the holy fire was delivered there.
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continue to contribute to this national cause. bright sunday of christ is celebrated in the special military zone operations. they made keys and easter eggs for the soldiers of the west group of forces, delivered holiday treats to the front lines using specialized transport, and escorted an important cargo vehicle. cover, while
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using electronic warfare systems. even in such difficult conditions, the military personnel celebrated easter quite correctly. and residents of several regions of ukraine heard other topics about the explosion late last night. such messages came, in particular, from dnepropetrovsk, and in the city noticed at least two series of impacts. sounds of detonation were also heard in kharkov and its environs. in addition, it became known about attacks in the north.' in sumy, a powerful explosion occurred in khersun, controlled by the kiev regime. the air raid alert was announced several times in the evening and at night; in total, sirens were heard in five regions of ukraine, as well as in those territories of the zaporozhye, kherson regions and the donetsk people's republic that are under the control of militants. in the area of ​​a special military operation the crews of su30 sm fighters practiced patrolling and covering bombers and attack aircraft during attacks.
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a toy that my children gave me, it helps to carry out assigned combat missions in flight. emmanuel macron advocated a continuation. negotiations with russia, the french president announced this in an interview with the publication. he emphasized that paris is interested in dialogue with moscow for the sake of peace and security. at the same time, macron believes that establishing any restrictions in confrontation with russia is a sign of weakness. allegedly, exactly the absence of such restrictions creates the potential to contain moscow. let me remind you that earlier the french president admitted the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. the palestinian hamas movement is ready to liberate. up to 33 hostages in exchange for
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a temporary ceasefire on the part of the israeli army, cnn reports. according to tv channels, the initiative came from israel. the duration of the pause in hostilities will depend on the number of people released, up to 40 days for 33 people. negotiations between delegations are taking place in cairo through egyptian intermediaries. and as arab media write, within the framework of the agreements, israel can release one of the most popular palestinian leaders, marwan barghoutia, from prison. he has been serving a life sentence for more than 20 years. but the american television channel cbs news so far calls the negotiations without results. according to him , the participants have made progress only on technical aspects, but it will take a few more days to reach agreements. according to sources on the al-hadad tv channel, hamas is not ready for a temporary truce, they need a complete end to the war. in israel itself, thousands of people took to the streets, and they. in some areas, tel aviv
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was not spared. no clashes with the police, no information about casualties, but according to eyewitnesses, security forces sprayed tear gas. now advertising, then we will tell about the brutal murder that shocked russia several years ago, the director of fast food restaurants took a random fellow traveler in her car, and he turned out to be a reciprocist vitaly chikkarev. for more information, see eduard petrov's investigation. contribution is the best percentage up to 16% per annum to sberbank online for msvezhest products we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. um, freshness from the garden to the shelf at the speed
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the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed, home click, find a property that is right for you, this. .. move to a new apartment in a new building, a secondary building, or build your own house from scratch, domklik, where everyone will find housing for themselves. dangerous travel companions, a simple trip with a stranger can lead to big trouble.
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hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. go. you understand why you are being detained, for murder. no checks are carried out from the driver’s point of view and they steal, and well, there were situations and deaths, i ran, there were already a lot of people here, i only saw that he was lying there, he was still showing signs of life, we were going in short, something happened to them conflict, he was drunk, well, i was drunk, in general, word for word , we fought with him, we don’t repent much. what, what will i do? he told me this: forgive me, please, i didn’t think that i killed him,
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i can’t understand why it was possible, people both drove and drive, you meet different people on the road, probably every driver has ever been faced with a choice , on the one hand, i want to select voters along the route or not. on the other hand, motorists, not without reason, fear that under the guise of a simple passenger there may be a seasoned criminal, often these fears are not in vain, what can we say about the popular services for finding travel companions, which our citizens loved so much; trips through the aggregator were, of course, profitable, but unsafe, because the verification of clients’ drivers in such applications... is minimal or absent at all. in this program we will talk about road trips that
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ended in tragedy. so is it worth giving rides to strangers, what risks do drivers and passengers take? and how employees of the investigative committee of russia unravel crimes, committed by users of death aggregators. we shared this matter and conducted our own investigation.
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residents of the moscow region were seriously concerned after the terrible story about the disappearance of a moscow businesswoman was made public. irina akhmatova worked as a manager at a fast food restaurant. on the eve of the new year holidays, the mother of two children went to tula to visit relatives. to save on gas,
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she posted an ad on a travel companion search service. akhmatova was registered on this site for quite a long time and often took random passengers into your car. only this time the woman did not reach her destination. disappeared on the road, the police opened a criminal case, and irina akhmatova’s relatives turned to journalists for help: i ​​want to bring my wife home alive, i don’t need anything else, volunteers joined the search for the missing woman and a few days later... akhmatova’s audi car a4 was found without numbers. the car was parked in the parking lot of a large
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shopping center in yaroslavl. the inside of the car was completely clean, as if pre-sale preparation. the crime caused a great stir due to the fact that a user of a well-known travel companion search service went missing. therefore, on behalf of the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, a criminal case is being opened in fact. akhmatova's disappearance was immediately transferred for further investigation to the central office of the investigative committee. the investigative committee employees got to work. it turned out that irina akhmatova was going to drop off three passengers, a man and a woman with a child. this was indicated by data from the aggregator application. but she went to tula only with
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a man; other fellow travelers canceled the trip at the very last moment. was it possible to contact the woman with the child who was supposed to, it was also not possible, the phones are silent. using billing, a system that records calls from mobile phones, detectives found akhmatova’s only passenger, a thirty-nine-year-old resident of the moscow region, vitaly chikkerev. the man was detained. do you understand why you are being detained? yes, for what? for the murder of a girl, who specifically, girls, last name, first name, patronymic, you know,
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no, i saw why you did it? i used these accounts to reserve three seats in the car of irina akhmatova, who was planning to go to tula. one place was reserved on behalf of sergei solomatin, and the remaining two on behalf of alexandra baykova so that the victim would not be afraid to go to tula with one man. then he sent a message to irina on behalf of baykova
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asking if she would definitely go to tula and if her plans would change. confirmed her intentions to travel and indicated her departure point at the entrance to the cosmik cinema on warsaw highway. akhmatova waited for a long time for non-existent passengers, until chikkerev convinced her to go to tula together. but they didn’t travel together even 100 km, as the investigative team established, not far from the city of serpukhov, chikkerev strangled akhmatova, then searched the victim, pulled out a smartphone from his pocket, and took off his
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wristwatch. the killer hid the body of the unfortunate woman in a forest belt. after this, chikkerev went to yaroslavl, he left akhmatova’s car in a parking lot near leningradsky prospekt. he saw a publication on the internet about that the girl was missing, the murder he committed. after that, chikkerev went to his friend. vitaly gorelov is the same acquaintance to whom chikkerev came, the men communicated for more than 15 years, once worked together, you saw in the last one, and before the arrest, well, that’s how he behaved, well, like a dog driven by wolves, yes, well
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, horror, panic, that is, well, just like that. when they detained him, it was as if he already understood that that was it, but he didn’t try to escape, but no, of course, but there were no options there in general, it was then that you had more problems because of him, yes there, yes, there were problems there, yes, everything was serious there, yes, well, all sorts of versions were considered there, even to the point that there was murder for the purpose of acquisition car and that maybe i somehow. to sell it, well, that is, just like that in general, although i’m not a driver, i don’t even have a car, and there seem to be no criminal connections, well, they were just working off their own, as if they were working off their work, while working on a murder case and...
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immunity and was released in 2010. 4 years later he again appeared in court for robbery. released in 2017. shortly before the murder of akhmatova, chikirev committed two robberies against women whom he met on the avito service. under the pretext of buying things, he came to their home and stole property. april 26, 2021 moscow regional court. sentenced vitaly chikirev to 25 years in prison. the killer will spend all this time in a maximum security colony.
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the thrice-convicted repeat offender chikkerev has no future, but why did it seem what if an ordinary man turned into a bloodthirsty monster? we decided to ask him about this and went to the prison for... dangerous criminals, popularly called the vladimir central. hands on the wall.
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chikkerev greeted us completely calmly, to our surprise, the first thing he did was talk about the living conditions behind the bars of the stern. wonderful, much better than in the season, even better, probably, than in the colonies, well , what is the diet, in a nutshell, tomorrow will be dinner, well, a variety of food, everything is fine, no, there are many types of porridge, soups, fish.. .either boiled, fried, cutlets, checkerev did not forget about his last crime, and it
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seemed to us that he was not at all afraid to talk about the murder of irina akhmatova, well, did you plan to steal something from her, no, what went wrong, that’s if , well, the suffocation occurred from the rear seat belt. how did she end up in the back seat? i dropped it back between chekhov and podolsk after a gas station. and then what happened? well, he tied her hands and sort of, well, to sort of immobilize her, here’s a seat belt threw it on. at her, when they were already approaching me, well, i had to kind of finish this
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whole performance, she was already dead, finally we asked vitaly chikkerev, perhaps the most important question: vitaly vasilyevich, you served in the army, what then something went wrong, why is life like this, you seem to have a family, how do you understand what went wrong? well, the character is so unfortunate, he took a wrong turn, they would like to correct something in life, now, but i’m a king, the king has three sons. the younger one's name is ivan, tell them something they wanted, well, i’ll write everything to them, everything, what? well
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, an ordinary father there is better than a share for children, but you manage to raise them now, you can’t support you, you can’t, a bad father is very bad , even though i was listed as a father, it’s just that you have all these three crimes, they are kind of incoherent, senseless, why are two incoherent, senseless, trained.
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i’ll be supported here, they’ll read, let me rest, gain strength, well , i’ll get out at 65, i’ll go into retirement, the convicted chikkerev can fantasize as much as he wants, but the reality is this: the state will indeed feed him for many years, but this is the legal difference. a democratic country where the law comes first. as for irina akhmatova’s loved ones, they were forever left alone with their grief.
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the time when people would stop a car by raising their hand seems to have passed irrevocably; potential passengers now have many electronic assistants, and there are a lot of taxi apps and aggregators on the internet that help you find a travel companion. dmitry andreev is one of those drivers who earn extra money behind the wheel his own passenger car, for 10 years now he has been traveling around the central region of russia, most often giving rides to students or shift workers who, for example, did not have time to buy a ticket for a regular bus, then the aggregator application comes to their aid, i take my ass from
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the fact that this comfortable. to some extent, this slightly covers the cost of fuel for depreciation of the car, but this is insignificant, secondly, it is convenient for you, i drive mainly at night, it is convenient because someone is riding with you, someone is with you. then he talks to you constantly, you can chat and find out how people live.
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take away, confiscate, they began to threaten him there, to which it ended, it’s simple, he stopped at a gas station, to put it mildly, he took them out, a police squad received them, that’s it, that ’s all over, dmitry andreev, like everyone else who is involved in the field private transportation, i heard about the high-profile murder of businesswoman irina akhmatova. and after this story, you didn’t have any fear of taking passengers, maybe? no, people have traveled and continue to travel, of course, the murder of irina akhmatova is an isolated case, usually traveling with a travel companion.


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