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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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a famous scientist, and then quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, it’ll hurt, they say , that you know how to look directly into people’s heads, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, russian troops occupied the village of ocheretina, a village north-west of donetsk, the ministry of defense reported this. as a result, the units of the group of troops the center managed to improve the tactical position . failure to defeat several
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vzo formations. as a result of active actions, a unit of the group of troops - censor - completely liberated the settlement of ocheretina, donetsk people's republic, improved the tactical situation and inflicted defeat with the formation of 24 and 115 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of settlements of arkhangelskoye and novgorodskoye, donetsk people's republic. orthodox christians all over the world celebrate easter today or... the resurrection of christ. vladimir putin congratulated all believers on the great church holiday. the president emphasized: easter celebrations in our country have rich spiritual traditions that unite millions of people and are passed on from generation to generation. the head of state also noted the fruitful work of the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations. millions of russian believers spent easter night in churches where festive services were held. vladimir putin himself came to the liturgy at the cathedral of christ the savior and performed a festive service.
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and the soldiers of our unit, we were given the task of baking about 2,500 holiday cakes, so we will then hand them over to the guys at the position. now we are at the bakery, today we are making easter cakes, that is, easter cakes, easter cakes are different in that the dough is different in that we add milk, sugar, eggs, butter and raisins from... accordingly, we make apara in order to our dough worked well. emmanuel macron spoke in favor of continuing negotiations with russia. the french president said this in an interview tribune publication. he emphasized: paris is interested in dialogue with moscow for the sake of peace and security. at the same time, macron believes that establishing any restrictions in confrontation with russia is a sign of weakness. allegedly, it is the absence of such restrictions that creates the potential to contain moscow. let me remind you that i was previously french. the president admitted
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the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. the new us aid package will not change the situation in ukraine anytime soon. this was stated by assistant to the president of the united states for national security jake salevan. in his opinion, in in the foreseeable future, the russian army will continue to strengthen its positions at the front, and a new counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces should not be expected until the twenty-fifth year. at the same time , kiev’s prospects will largely depend on the approval of subsequent aid packages by congress and the white house. salevan noted. that now ukraine must use the money and equipment of western partners to contain moscow’s onslaught and pave the way for retaliatory actions. vladimir putin will go to the kremlin for the inauguration ceremony as president on an updated aurus. vgtrk journalist pavel zarubin showed the restyled car on his telegram channel today. he promises to tell details about the new car of the head of state in the moscow, kremlin, putin program. watch it today on the russia tv channel, tomorrow in russia. 24. in our program we
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showed you the presidential aurus many times. and now for the first time, aurus after a deep restyling. every detail of the inauguration car. completely the car, that is, the front optics have changed, the grille has changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed. only we have the opportunity to compare the auurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. like
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the first car, the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but that’s in general. it looks like - the whole photograph, like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car, in the upcoming there will be surprises at the inauguration, which we can only hint at for now, but the aurus project as a whole... has many more innovations ahead. the next stage is the twenty-sixth year, when a more in-depth modified design of the platform itself will appear, but the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not tied, in fact, there are specific significant dates,
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we are following the planned schedule that was originally formed. on may 7, the country but... the next page of its history, the president of russia will take office, faithfully serve the people. svo participants from donetsk after severe wounds, they were able to return to the front to continue serving, what motivates them, what the liberated territories of donbass look like, who they have to fight with. stories of courage in the report by natalya pontaleva immediately after the advertisement. if inflammation is complicated by fibrosis and the organ stops working normally, the smart enzyme langidase can help. langidase breaks down fibrosis helps restore organ function langinase, just against
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the tolu, but god forbid that this didn’t come to you, so you didn’t have to see suffering, pain, and it turned out to be a pen, that’s it, i made this fool, now they told me to sign it from a blacksmith from donetsk, to such and such, this flag is from avdeevka from the avdeevsky direction. they removed me from the old ukrainian positions, my guys, you whore, something heavy flew in, threw me back, i felt that my hand was covered in blood, my whole leg was covered in blood, i stood up in shock, received two bullets, i broke a bone in my right leg... . i got it and realized that that’s it, i’m heavy 300. there
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are about 220 forged figures in this park, the creation of blacksmiths from all over the country. for me, everything the compositions symbolize the resilience of donetsk, the desire to live, no matter what. after the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces, the city was wounded, but not broken. donbass masters. they give a second life to iron , enemy spent cartridges turn into flowers, blacksmiths forge beautiful roses from shells of torn mines, so the heroes of our report from the first days of the war went to defend their land, were seriously wounded, did not give up, every day they overcome difficulties, they seem to do , the impossible, everything in order to be in service, operations, long rehabilitation, their main goal is to return to comrades in arms to continue for... their native land, here they are again on the front line, nikolai tikhonov wrote about such people: if only we could make nails out of
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these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world, when they took avdiivka, in principle, they began to fly here less often, so and in general there were often shellings, so everything changes, everything is being built. i think it’s flooded, well, it’s good that everything will change, how roads entered russia, they are being done, everything is being done, a serviceman with the call sign vinnie at the beginning of hostilities served in the cossacks, then in the vostok battalion, he is originally from slavyansk, in 2014 volunteers from there, people of peaceful professions , practically without weapons, confronted the well -trained forces of the national guard and the armed forces of ukraine. now in vinna he is the deputy commander of a company of a motorized rifle brigade. it all started when, in
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1914, we first stood on the defensive, with wheels and sticks. well, they didn’t believe, few people believed that there would be a war at all. well, then they went first to the right sector, it turns out that a friend’s father’s, uh, they just cut it out there, they cut out the entire checkpoint, well, they were still standing there with sticks. here it is on vylbasovka the outskirts of slavyansk, they came from the kharkov region, there were a lot of people there, of course, and the artillery began to work, destroying them. at home on the outskirts, a classmate with the whole family died, my parents were scared that the war was coming to us, it turns out that here in slavyansk, well, in principle , i went - to the checkpoint first to guard, roughly speaking, the entrances to the city of slavyansk, only
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the speed limit, so that no violation, hello, hello, i want to wish you good luck. god save me, but i’m already old, about 60 years old, and your friends, someone else from relatives, then we went to fight, yes, i still have a few slavic comrades left here, many died, now there are no cars left, soon avdeevka will be on the bridge. i was under ukrainian aggressors for 10 years, how is the situation there now? in avdeevka, it’s mostly artillery, they’re shooting, i even talked about who stayed there, they lived under the ukrainian military, they haven’t had electricity for 2 years since
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the beginning of the northern military district, they’re now going to fix the electricity, they’re already working there in avdievka. electricians established a connection there, here is avdeevka, like this at home, the avdeevka coke plant, how many people worked here, one of the healthiest in europe, vinny was involved in boxing since childhood, fulfilled the standard for candidate master of sports, and before the start of hostilities he worked in the construction industry. his unit entered peski pervomaiskaya. in the ovdeevsky direction he was seriously wounded and lost his arm. he was in intensive care for several days.
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on january 19, we occupied the enemy’s firing line at 7 am. here the platoon commander comes to me on the radio and says the commander i there, well, the wounded shrapnel hit him at 4 pm, the enemy was making a counter-offensive , the enemy jumped into their trenches, took five of us prisoner, i began to gather people for reinforcements, to go recapture this point to take my platoon leader from captivity, when... started moving, my friend’s drone flew in, it completely started to burn, my friend, i was thrown to the right side, well, it turned out that out of a group of five people whom i gathered for the offensive contour, i was the only one left alive, the battalion commander arrived, took them away,
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took them out, provided first aid, well , i ended up in the hospital, i didn’t get the platoon leader... pulled them out the next morning, the enemy set them up as a human wall, and in the morning five people shot them, when now they started to get the bodies, there was an evacuation, they pulled them out, they pulled out four, with their hands tied, the fifth was never found, his wife helped him get back on his feet after being seriously wounded, the only relative who nursed him every minute supported him, the desire to quickly... reunite with his family and again take on the hands of misha's five-year-old son, this was the main motivation for the fighter to survive, how many drops did you have? well, i have three official ones, this is the twenty-second, twenty-third year, after serious wounds you still returned to the front, this is my land, as it were, well, i like it, firstly, my service, i
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remained in a good unit, so with good commanders, he too... from the territory of ukraine, from there, we need to liberate, as it were , the donetsk region, well, honey, come on, today you have a departure, so to the factory, but not to yes, you're going to the factory today, here's the armored car, now the first aid kit, so on the tourniquet, is everything in place? there is a tee there, yes, yes, take everything, let's go, i 'll show it on the map, where to go? what tasks do you perform, please tell us? we have a motorized rifle brigade, so we mainly assault, move forward, well, these are counterattacks
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with the enemy face to face, we are always ahead, they call us going to hell, then you look death in the eyes, yes, that’s how difficult it is, how scary , or have you already learned to fight fear since you were fourteen years old? well anyway how well, it happens that it’s scary, but there is motivation, this is our home, our land, it turns out, we are on our territory, so, no matter how scary it is, well, and especially since i’m a commander in any case, i set an example for the personnel of my comrades, so i always need to be in front, no matter how hard it is, in any case, who... needs to carry out this task, well, motorized rifle units are not all in principle, here are rifle battalions, motorized rifle battalions, this that's it, all the time is ahead,
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come on, well, he commands well, advice it gives good things, nothing bad can be said, everyone is reaching out. everyone listens to him 100 times , twice, the same thing, he says the same thing, no need to understand everything at once, well done commander , you can see for yourself he lost his hand, well done, he’s a good man, i’ve been since i was fourteen, in fact, well, i’ve probably been wounded eight times, if you don’t count the microconcussion then very well , everything is normal, who will fight except us, garzhansky too, someone needs to bake bread, someone needs to fight, extract this coal, like everyone in their own way, their own war,
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everyone went on the offensive somehow okay, for this month has passed a lot, this scaffold is from avdeevka from the avdeevsky direction, now they have been removed from the ukrainian old positions, my guys. step closer and closer, here is a uav operator with the call sign gor, born and raised in donetsk, in 2019 he went to defend his native land, since
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childhood he was interested in technology, loved to make things, repair things, these skills were useful to him at the front, he repairs and reflashes drones , restores damaged parts on a 3d printer, thanks to the mountain, fighters can be sure that they have equipment that is not will let you down in battle, but... e, ruined, ruined, the war came to my house, to my village, then the first shelling began, it was scary, because it was not clear what to do, then we got used to it , constant shelling, the battalion itself, where he was, he was next to his parents, with his father, that’s why, well, friends had already appeared, and there he found out that there was an acquaintance there, an acquaintance, well, i went with the guys, so i talked, well, why not , i was at the training ground, it was twenty-three years old, my wife came under fire,
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they hit my area with hail, just hail, they hit her, they hit a friend’s apartment, she was at that moment near the house, and i was at the training ground, i couldn’t do anything, i couldn’t come, but thank god everything is fine with her, we are trained people, we hear a whistle, we fall, so she managed to fall. to group, it’s true that people died at that moment, this is one of the most terrible moments that i experienced, even i wasn’t worried about myself, but there i couldn’t go to her, ask what’s wrong with these bangs and grunts we are already completely used to it, even you can’t imagine, there is such a region us - abakumovo - 6 km to the enemy, in general , any artillery, anything can reach, there are always enemy fpvs flying there, there they fly... maviks with drops, and just so you understand, there are people walking with strollers, there are mothers, mothers with children walk freely, children on playgrounds, they just
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stand and walk, and you look... all this, well , they really are iron people, just iron. the key to the uav platoon is call sign souron, originally from krasnoyarsk. he came to the special operation zone as a volunteer; in civilian life he worked as an electrician at a diesel power plant. deciding to go to war was not easy. when the news came that his fellow countryman was captured near kiev, he finally realized his place was here. behind several months of preparation, service in the assault detachment. repeatedly. i risk my life, pulled out wounded comrades from under shelling, the task was to evacuate the wounded from under shelling, it turns out they were pinned down, the enemy shot them, did not let them get out, and so on, we went out as a group, i make a decision, just bullets adrenaline, well, they were shooting at us from behind, i just kind of grabbed it on the shoulder, well, on the shoulders pulled him, i was sweating a lot, i...
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so he observes a slight shift, well, that is, he needs to lift, he already has a goal with, well , his goal is knocked down, that is, he needs to sit and control, and we went around on the other side, then there was a detour, of course i was even more tired, but the sniper realized only at the end, when we were already entering the shelter. in 2014, the war became a tragedy for many families, dividing them for many years; at one point, relatives and close people stopped hearing each other and
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went to fight on opposite sides. brother, there’s even such a story here, he’s on the side of ukraine, and i’m here, so i even once suggested to him, i say, let’s determine a meeting place, i say, we’ll shoot with you, but he only knows how to shout these, so to speak, chants of theirs, who brought ukraine to such exhaustion that, well, i kind of even feel sorry for the population of ukraine itself, well... they drove themselves into this corner, i was on the maidan in 1414, i was present, i watched from the sidelines that this was happening, because like, well, i traveled for work and i had to go there, well, go there, so i went from donetsk, i went there to the main office, then i stopped by the maidan, well, i’ll tell you honestly, it’s scary to see this when people themselves, it’s like a drug addict who is driving himself into
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a hole because... you can’t imagine how it stank there , well, that is, what was happening, some homeless people were living in tents, well, they were going to europe there, a civilized nation, like, considers itself, well, how can a civilized nation take itself away like that, if you are civilized, you are from the beginning to you show the end, and relatives, unfortunately, they for some reason, for ideological reasons , they went to ukraine, escaping the war, and because... the political cypso , the psychological burden on the population of ukraine is very high, so to speak, they joined their opinion, because we are occupiers here, well what kind of occupier am i, if, well, i was born in donetsk, well, i live in donetsk, why should i run there, i already went there once, believe me, they greeted me very warmly there, that they only opened my passport in donetsk, this
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like a mark. from that moment on, i think it was the seventeenth year, i realized that, well, ukraine is an unhealthy topic, even in the dismissal of the soldiers’ thoughts , there is still no time to relax there, at the front, there are a lot of tasks, the guys meet and discuss the upcoming work, and the blades must be taken, that’s right, the blades, yes, three sets, then you will also need to watch the video of the captured ukropov maviks, well, what did they film from where they took off?


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