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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 5:30pm-5:58pm MSK

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then you begin to move even further, and you begin to free yourself from the old definition of the individual in favor of more progressive concepts, it seems to me that you cannot stop there, so if you say: well, i prefer the old liberalism, then they , progressives, will say: this was not the old liberalism,
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that such prohibitions are not particularly liberal, but i wonder when a level is reached when an individual can no longer free himself from anything else, when he is no longer even a person, then what should he be like ? next step, but this has already been shown many times in films, in many american films, i think that almost all science fiction of the 19th century... became reality in 1920, so there is nothing more realistic than science fiction, and if you look at the matrix or the terminator, then you will see there many coincidences and visions of the future, the future after man, or where man becomes an option along with artificial intelligence, hollywood filmed. there are many such films, i think that
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they quite correctly depicted our near future, for example, if we consider a person, a human being, as a kind of rational animal, then at the current level of technology you will already be able to produce them, you will be able to create rational animals, you will be able... to construct and combine them, and artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, neural networks, plus huge databases data, he will become the ruler of the world, who will be able not only to manipulate reality, but to create it, since reality is just pictures, feelings, sensations, so i believe that post-humanist... futurism
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is not only a very realistic description of a probable and very possible future, but it is also a political manifesto, it is something like an announcement of one's desires, because the fact that in films there is no, there is no description of the beautiful traditionalism of the future, i don't know of any films about the future in the west, which talks about... in a return to traditional life, to prosperity, to families with many children, the future is portrayed as quite quite dark and gloomy, and if you, if, if you start to depict everything, and especially the future so gloomy, then this gloomy future will eventually come, the very fact that we are shown that we have... no other options,
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there is either a matrix, or artificial intelligence, or some, some terminator, so the options already lie outside the limits of man, in my opinion, this is no longer some kind of fantasy, this is some kind of political orientation, and we have seen these films where this very thing is presented in one way or another... i did not ask you any questions about russia and russian politics, and i'm not going to, because i'm so interested in knowing your vision of countries in which you do not live, we learn a lot of new things from those who look from the outside, my final question is how many personally took part in stalinism, spied for stalin, supported him in our media,
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russia, they became to hate russia, what was it all about, what has changed? well, i think that firstly, putin, a traditionalist leader, when putin came to power, from the very beginning he began, began to remove our country, russia , from international influence than he began. contradict the global progressivist agenda, and these people who supported the progressivist agenda now, and these people felt that this time they were dealing with someone who did not support this progressivist agenda,
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who was trying, and not unsuccessfully, to restore traditional values, the sovereignty of the country, christianity. at first it was not particularly noticeable, but when, when putin began to increasingly push this traditional agenda, as well as the separateness and peculiarity of russian civilization, as a kind of special region of the world, which actually has very... has little to do with the ideals of progressivism, so i believe that they simply found out, understood who putin is, understood who putin is, in fact, what kind of leader he is, he is a political leader who
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defends our traditional values, and just recently putin signed a decree on the basic policy for the protection of traditional values, and this...
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so we are grateful to you for your time. thank you, mr. dugin. thank you. pairs of grant and grand pikant at an attractive price.
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vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. from the ocean to. universities can be done ironically or directly call the lessons of democracy taught
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to american students by the police of these cities in which the universities are located. the first university where pro-palestinian protests actually began was colombian 1980. the police literally stormed the university, used water cannons, brought a special car with a ladder up which...
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attention and used force against, including women who work in this university. but this is footage taken at the university of austin in texas. police in full gear wearing protective equipment, went to storm this university, to storm the campus, in order to eliminate the tent
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city there. however. action gives rise to opposition, and while somewhere the police manage to take control of the situation or somewhere the university leadership manages to come to an agreement with students, in other places the situation is becoming more and more aggravated, and of course, as i said, it greatly depends on the state, for example , in liberal california or in the state of new york , they largely turn a blind eye to what is happening and in some places these chambers are already there. towns are even turning into a kind of autonomous zones, familiar to us all from the events of the summer of 2020 from the blm events, in general, this similarity with the blm events, it is so obvious that it cannot help but catch your eye, a characteristic moment, here you can even joke that not all protesters probably had their
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firmware updated, this is the characteristic behavior of this woman, who has everything mixed up in her head. and the pro-palestinian nature of the protest she attended and the racial claims. you white, we don't like whites. many of them don’t even fully understand why they came out. for example, at a colombian university they hung a giant banner with the word intifada. the intifada is an armed struggle against the state of israel. which of these students is ready to seriously take up arms, of course, no one. but here’s an interesting point: they are asked, please explain? blm gets even worse when the entire infrastructure of this protest begins to be seen. 4 years ago, when america went up in flames after the murder of george floyd in minneapolis,
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we also saw something like this, set up tents, everyone remembers the autonomous zone in oregon. in portland, food was supplied, now something similar is also happening on campuses, because all this is not free, students or those who mixed with students need to be fed, they need to provide life, they need to provide communications and so on, all this is money, all these are resources there are more and more questions about who might be behind this, especially as they appear more and more often in the crowd.
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there are special organizations where you can simply take protesters for money, but there are clearly political sponsors, conservative american publications that track how it began and how it develops, pay attention to activity, for example, everything that was associated with the blm protests 4 years ago, a project called the us company for
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palestinian rights provides $3,000 to $8,000 to activists in exchange for ... 8 hours a week organizing campaigns run by palestinian organizations. the radical group received at least $300 thousand from the soros foundation open society since 2017, as well as about 350 thousand dollars from the brothers’ fund, there will be a more complex game, for example, a bet on chaos as such, in coordinates, the worse the better, if so, then it’s clear, overheat the political situation, create a common instability. and this all happens in the summer, and in a few months there are elections, in this muddy water of protest, perhaps try to catch some success for... those candidates or left-wing liberals are part of a broad coalition of the democratic party, he cannot help but take their opinions into account
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reactions to the protests, but at the same time he cannot distance himself from support for israel, which the white house administration continues to provide in many ways, we see how the un security council votes, we see netanyahu’s attempts to resolve through... they go further, they have already voted on the law on countering anti-semitism on the campuses of american universities, it was discussed for several weeks; the reason for
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the adoption of this law, in general for this discussion, was anti-semitic attacks, including against students in colombia university, after this a recommendation was given to students of jewish nationality in general, my building, let them pass. say, the candidate for president of the united states, republican, donald trump for his electorate, this is all, of course, an important moment of mobilization, so for now,
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perhaps, we can probably say that these protests are clearly not in favor of biden, not in favor of the democrats, but rather in favor of the republicans. i remember what protests used to look like, not those financed by soros, but real protests. people made their own posters in their basements and garages, now they all have the same printed banners that were just handed to them, this is all a complete hoax, and biden must speak out about this , he must say at least something, because no one knows where he is ? there is an important electoral dimension here, well, in particular, the state of michigan, one of the traditionally swing states, the so-called key states for the presidential race, lives there... in
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many ways, they brought him victory there 4 years ago, he was ahead of trump because muslims, arab communities there voted for biden, and now they are turning away from him, that’s more than 3,000 people for a second, if biden loses these votes, and they are already on...
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everything already comes to mind the events of the year sixty-eight under the banners of those protests then gathered completely different forces, these were anti-war protests against the vietnam war, and protests for racial equality, and much more, the scale of those events is not yet comparable to what is happening now, but the protest potential is naturally great, because there are campuses in all major american cities, this is a traditionally active part of the population, and summer holidays, now many are busy studying, not everyone is ready to sit in tents, not everyone is ready
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to run around with palestinian... flags, in the summer there will be more free time, more will be willing to simply join these protests in order to have a good time, which, by the way, was the case with bell. part of the quintessence of the protest events of 1968 were the actions of the ippy movement, this is the left militant wing of the movement hippies, as you can probably call them, during the democratic convention in chicago. there is, of course, an amazing irony here, because you... this year the democratic convention will also be in chicago, this year also at this convention they will approve a candidate, a party candidate to participate in the presidential election, well, it is clear that for now it will be joe biden, there are no other options, but the very surroundings of this congress, the overheated atmosphere around it, they may well be repeated in the context of what is happening, perhaps even what
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is happening now is... a certain path towards these events, in general, everything is going so far to the point that the summer will be pre-election in america, the summer will be hot and completely unpredictable, there are too many people who want to collect dividends from these protests. this was america, all the best to you. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready, my brother is listed as missing, this won’t work, i’m for he came, i have to find him.
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nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were yours, and then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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