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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 6:30pm-6:57pm MSK

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the creation of splits was played precisely by this party nomenklatura, led by kravchuk, to defend the interests of the ukrainian people, because they themselves were hanging in snot, this is their power, yes, and philolet still really had big ones, by the way, he always blackmailed them that i i know a lot, that is , because gigantic party money was laundered through church accounts, and you look, the first decision to create a schism was that you will find all the accounts of the uoc, the so-called temple.
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flies, which is why the orthodox always say that not only bees fly to honey, but also canonical, where sacraments are performed, churches are always filled with people, this happens, high-ranking officials often contacted me, including even president yushchenko, then with a request to either illuminate something or perform a funeral service for someone, and we even contacted, i say, well, why are you coming to us, you are fighting with us, go to the kiev patriarchate and elect, he says: there will be some guy there who will tell my mother, that is, they understood that in the depths of their souls, as we talked to you, they understand, that this is no priest, nothing, what is this politically, in order to solve certain problems, political, not spiritual, and if the problem is spiritual, you need to go to a canonical priest, a canonical bishop. after the filaret became an ardent ukrainian nationalist, the monk rastriga, who violated all canons and god's laws by declaring himself the ukrainian patriarch, was accepted with great joy by the americans. the americans have always
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really supported him, so you look, that is, when yanukovych and tymoshenko clashed there, he is everywhere that yanukovych is bondage and evil, yes, and yulia vladimirovna is the light and the truth, yes, that is , and so on, but yanukovych won, yes, then he immediately ran to the american embassy, ​​that is, they were there, and he said about this that the international community in the person of the great wonderful ambassador, that is.
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this led to the largest schism in the history of the russian orthodox church and unprecedented pressure on the canonical church that had existed in ukraine for centuries. there are classics that people like more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand picant with spicy tomato sauce, delicious period, one of my friends is getting ready for a new party, why isn’t anything ready, the costumes need to be more modest, did you enter the wrong door? dad, sunshine, and minutes too, and dad will now activate the megafamily service and share their minutes and gigabytes. combine up to three numbers for free and get bonus gigabytes every month. well, who's number one here? megaphone, what do we bring back from
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our jesus christ, the apostles. they, in turn, handed it over to the bishops, and the bishops brought it from... there is such a wonderful priest in uzhgorod, rusin, father dmitry sidor, now i introduced his quotes into use by bartholomew i poroshenko, he says: recognize yourself, imagine a saba, take a saba, a diesa at
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dnepropetronsk є є є є ilnі p'yanitsky, p'yanitsky, p'yanitsy, alcohol, i axis ... yakiy dnipropetrovskiy lіkar, a doctor, dako tako dovidoka , visica, all of them teetotalers, gives to these drunks. the smallest priest in ukraine or in
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russia, he has legal ordination, which came from peter, from paul, came to him, and this is called apostolic reception, this is a condition for the existence of a legitimate church, they have nothing, so this company is the scu, but since in russian it sounds dissonant, that’s what they did , the most holy church in ukraine was at first. then they announced it, they declared it to the ocu, because it doesn’t sound euphonious. the number one task facing the schismatics is to capture all three laurels, strongholds of orthodoxy in ukraine, kiev-pechersk, svyatogorsk and pochaevskaya, but the monks hold the line. this interview was recorded at the pachaev lavra. we have his beatitude anufry, we have many, many clergy who stand and hold the position. so that the church is separate from the state, so that not people,
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politicians adjust the church to themselves, but adapt to the church themselves, then there will be harmony, peace, prosperity, there will be prosperity, there will be love, there will be many fruits . , they didn’t sow anything here, they have no right to reap anything, that is planted by our fathers and ancestors, we will listen to them, theirs, their verb, and the verb... european, turkish, of whom there are only a few believers, they are not our brothers, they are not relatives to us, they are not even our brothers in faith, that is, there is a breed of distortion of orthodoxy. what is the difference for a simple layman between the canonical and non-canonical churches? grace is the gift of the holy spirit. that's what 's important. it's not a matter of knowledge, or permission from this or that organization. the point is the gift of the holy spirit, which the lord gave to the apostles in easter day. the gospel of john
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tells how the lord appeared among the disciples of christ in the upper room. the lord said to the assembled apostles: my peace i give to you, whose sins you forgive will be forgiven, those whose sins you forgive will remain with them. this gift of the holy spirit, the gift of being able to forgive sins. heal human souls with the blessing of the lord. unfortunately, this was not granted by the bishop of the ocu. they were given form, but not content. during the cold war, the united states
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politically wanted to involve as many churches and religious groups as possible in its interests. their main targets were the catholic, protestant and orthodox churches. this was the american program of doctrinal warfare. we want to fight for religious freedom, but essentially this was a merger of state and church to use the church as a soft spot.
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existed in england from the moment of the orange coup, what century, the seventeenth overthrow of the legitimate king james stuart, from that moment, when the usurper orange dynasty came, a test act was established, well, it was not immediately established, but there are several decades, into the 20th century, here is elizabeth ii, the deceased, she was the first who did not utter this... this horror out loud, that is, starting from the monarch and ending with all officials, everyone was obliged to take an oath that they did not believe in wine turns into the blood of the lord, bread into the flesh of the lord, into the fact that they deny the saints, that is, it is considered that this is
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an anti-catholic oath, but imagine if the orthodox were there... a representative of the church of satan, and this is only the beginning of the retreat from god in american empires. well, obviously we don't view satan as evil. and we really don’t care what mythology you have about satan. you must understand for yourself whether your hostility towards us as satanists is so great that you are ready to abandon the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. and this country
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points to the orthodox. this is a very important thing in orthodoxy, our understanding of grace is unique. in protestant western countries, even catholic ones, grace means god's mercy. god smiles on you. grace for us has a different meaning. for us orthodox, grace is the energy of god. god directs
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his energy, it transforms, transforms. illuminates when it is given as the grace of the clergy, it allows the priest to turn bread and wine into the flesh of the blood of christ, it allows the priest to forgive sins, it allows bishops to ordain other bishops, priests and deacons, that is, this is the grace of god, also under grace understand god's love. because the energy of god is the embodiment of his true essence. those who work in the states religious issues in ukraine have absolutely nothing to do with orthodoxy. these people view the church as an instrument of psychological informational influence on
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the masses. here are the us officials who participated and responsibly. for the church schism in orthodox ukraine, primarily mike pompeo, former cia director and us secretary of state. religion, presvetarians are a sect that rejects the church hierarchy. victoria, former under secretary of state for political affairs, jewish, her husband, robert kagan, co-founder of the new american century. one of the ideologists of the concept of us exceptionalism and the new world order. jeffrey paeth, former us ambassador to ukraine in greece. according to some reports, he is an atheist. samuel brownbag, former us ambassador for international religious freedom, is a catholic. an ex-cia employee reveals
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the behind-the-scenes secrets of the fight against orthodoxy. after i left the cia, i became the chief investigator for the us senate foreign relations committee.
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the cia prepared this document, they are weighing all the pros and cons and give the appropriate permission, i know from the elder, after which the split was made. to be honest, i don’t know what the role of the cia was in introducing other sects or beliefs into ukraine, but i can say that this organization likes chaos because in chaos it can flourish, which happens with a culture that has been orthodox for a millennium, christian. in which suddenly mormons or seventh day adventists or scientologists or representatives here in the usa appear, they roam freely around the country with a thousand-year history
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orthodoxy. not only the cia, but the white house, the pentagon, and the state department believe that it is necessary to inflict so many different blows on the other side that it simply loses the ability to react and respond; subsequently, such a course weakens the other country. so in 2004. during the first maidan , he was often heard on the streets and denounced the refusal to
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associate with the moscow patriarchate and its parishioners, who were considered agents of russia and enemies of ukraine. then everything happened again 10 years later in 2014. despite the fact that the ukrainian church has already long ago received autonomy, or rather, even independence, back in 1990 , patriarch alexy ii signed a charter on the complete administrative and financial independence of the ukrainian orthodox church, but in order to preserve the canon and grace within the church there was only one condition: commemoration of the patriarch of moscow of all russia and teaching oneself to be white cockle moskov. the church received another
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blow in his old age. his spiritual child, a young, quiet, but ambitious assistant epiphany dumenko, betrayed his patron filoret and was elected head of a certain the orthodox church of ukraine, this brainchild of the american state department member of the oaoc, the ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church. naturally, state budgets were also epiphanes, filoret’s rage was indescribable. the agreements were between me, president poroshenko and epifaniy, and not only between the three of us, but with the bishops. and at the bishops’ council there was an agreement that i would continue to lead, representing the church at the international level. that was the agreement. we didn't sign it in writing because i trusted the president and epiphania, but they deceived. i, as a patriarch
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, must govern the ukrainian church. on the territory of ukraine, and epiphany refused to rule himself. real persecution of canonical priests has begun, criminal cases have been initiated, they are subjected to torture and repression, churches are seized, threatening the very existence of orthodoxy in ukraine.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is capable of mobilizing all resources, give me the recipe in general, that’s how it is...
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