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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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valuable thing, health. despite the fact that foreign manufacturers of medicine equipment said that they were out of politics, in fact many stopped supplies to russia. well, as you can see, our companies themselves are increasing production. we will now tell you how they manage to do this; here is our first story. in the production of various pharmaceuticals, for example, tablets, powders, etc., raw materials are substances, mostly not only in our country, it is foreign, the same china, india are supplied all over the world.
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but we have more and more of our own, here is an example from saransk. actually, the plant was launched back in 1952 for the production of substances for antibiotics; it was possible not only to preserve everything, but to launch the production of new products. we can create substances in all possible ways, microbiologically. synthesis, biotechnological isolation of substances and chemical synthesis, last year the president of our country opened a huge workshop for the production of substances, this is more than 350 tons of the substance per year, that is , this is for millions of millions of residents of our country. in addition to the substance, it produces all kinds of drugs to combat hiv, oncology, endocrine, from them only antibiotics, including from covid, here you can... about 12 million doses per year, about
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300 registered names of various pharmaceutical groups: we produce injectable antibiotics , we produce tablets, capsules, ointments, gels, solutions, and we have also recently launched a new form of production, such as a leofelizer. left share of drugs are vitally important, and many have replaced foreign ones, which foreigners, despite the hippocratic slander , stopped supplying. for example, to combat diabetes, and now even a russian syringe pen is available. we work closely with the endocrinological community, we were engaged in developments in this area, so we were able to quickly, in fact within six months, import-substitute the production of these drugs. by the way, domestic equipment is working on all this. we use preparative chromatographs that allow. purify the active substance
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as much as possible and achieve the desired conformation and the desired location of the molecule in space. 2 billion tablets per year and 95 million bottles of antibiotics, 170 million ampoules, production volumes promise to grow further. in the near future, we are launching a new leophilizing section, which will increase productivity fivefold, and accordingly we are very actively developing the production of substances. while the main consumer is russia, where... they really need their own medicinal product, the company is now developing more than 150 drugs, there is something offer abroad, for example, glucose control drugs. and in the coming year we plan to expand to the gulf countries and neighboring countries. when entering export, there are a lot of nuances in the medical industry, certification, sales, support is important. we looked at many positions at times.
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focusing on them will allow the business to develop in the near future, but it is also necessary to provide support, the formation of a contract, even a simple correct translation, if we help to do this, it promotes very much, but the most the main tool is exhibitions, and this is precisely work with the russian export center, among the measures to support the russian export center, of which there are more than 100, and reimbursement of costs for logistics and certification, patenting, business missions. as for support measures, there is a constant adaptation of tools, which we help exporters, their improvement, based on the realities in which we find ourselves, for example, last year we added
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three additional digital services to our digital export platform, these are digitalized ways to receive a subsidy for a certificate.
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to guarantee them a job after completing their studies, in order to solve the problem of personnel shortages, the law on targeted recruitment, authored by irina yarovaya, came into force on may 1. if a boy or girl chooses this profession, this employer, then they are guaranteed
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to receive a mentor during the training period, receive practical training, and even receive an additional scholarship in cases where the employer determines whether they receive a guaranteed worker. the place where i should will come after graduating from the university and where will he receive additional social guarantees, and for the first time we will receive an honest answer to the question: what do the guys want to be, knowing such offers and how responsible is the employer in general? a graduate will be able to choose where to work through a single portal that will connect resources to work in russia and enroll in a university online. guarantees, including social ones, will help attract personnel to regions, including those in shortages. medical. we are creating a procedure for the first time when a child, for real, those who dream of becoming a doctor, through a competition, through an honest victory, receive a free education, state support, and a guaranteed job. and you and i,
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as residents, as patients, receive a guarantee that medical care in all corners of our country and in all villages will be provided by qualified personnel. another example of how to improve the quality of medical care. here is a team of the best oncologists in the country working in kamchatka. over the course of 3 days, hundreds of people were examined ; many were diagnosed with diseases at an early stage. this is an all-russian cancer patrol project. when a landing party of doctors visits the regions and not only helps people, but also exchanges invaluable experience with colleagues. we will continue the topic of collaboration between science and drug manufacturers in the northern capital. you know people who want to grow old faster, personally i don’t, so for the majority our next story: at this enterprise in
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st. petersburg it produces geroprotectors, that is, drugs that slow down aging, what effect, well, now we’ll find out. first, a few words about the enterprise itself. the workshop produces many different products: dental pastes, rinses, detergents, lotions, creams, cosmetics. of course, the pre-holiday winter season, volumes are growing, and the volume, as a rule, is somewhere in the region of 500 thousand in products. in the summer season it drops to 300. well, we are interested in workshops where they extract from plants. extract and make dietary supplements, in particular antioxidants slow down the aging process
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of cells. now we are moving forward, we have made other cell cultures, in particular lapuha, and for the first time in the world we will get this, a cell culture of lapuha, which has shown, by the way, that it does not inferior, and in many aspects superior to women, and this is a completely unexpected unique result. revitalizing properties are not guesses, but results. we continue to develop and improve it, today we are growing very quickly. there is
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work by academician vladimir khavinson in the field of short peptides that regulate the activity of genes and protein synthesis. fifteen-year clinical studies that were conducted on humans showed that regular use of epiphyseal and fimus peptides helps reduce mortality by almost twice, that is, it has a veroprotective effect. primarily by restoring the function of the immune system , reducing the risk of cancer, improving the functions of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, and, well, our endocrine functions. studies have shown that short peptides restore brain function, which means they can help fight alzheimer's disease. we can precisely target it by knowing how the peptide regulates activity.
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buy japanese, please, that is, on our extras of black caviar interested, well , advanced countries, exclusive, this is exclusive, yes, according to statistics, there are more and more such interesting export stories. exporters become bolder, they become more confident, because they feel that the system of support measures that existed there helped previous more successful exporters. it is being fully implemented, despite difficult times, it is expanding, it
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is addressed to new and new groups of exporters. 17 billion dollars volume of supported exports, which reached foreign markets thanks to our support, and this is also more than in the same period of the twenty-second year. if we compare the twenty-second and last year, the russian export center managed to support a record number of companies, more than 24. an increase of 23%. foreign trade transactions increased by 33%. but, returning to medicine, in their market manufacturers, for example, of equipment have to compete fiercely with imported goods. here is a story from the tyumen region. with the help of products it is. tyumen plant saves lives, medical products are produced here products that
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surgeons, in particular, use during operations, for example, a sprit pressure gauge. the history of the plant, which is now among the largest manufacturers of disposable medical products, began back in ninety-one . at the beginning it was a small production enterprise. only two products, it was a 20 ml syringe, and a little from gynecology, and then gradually it began to expand, we began to develop new products, we in russia were the first to produce a syringe, it is 150 ml in volume, now there are more 100 types of products for many branches
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of medicine, today our sales revenue is already... more than 500 million a year, the twenty-second year, of course, was associated with the departure of foreign manufacturers from the russian market, a big role, of course , here is a partial role - is it that in our military training now we have what military surgeons use, and some of our products are also used there, to manufacture and bring medical products to the market? not easy, for example, it took 6 years for doctors to start using the russian syringe-manometer, syringe a pressure gauge is endovascular therapy, surgery, this is the installation of coronary stents, it is used to inflate a balloon catheter when installing a stent, in the same way it is used to destroy
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vascular plaques, here is a new product: a drainage device, a pleurocat. its distinctive feature is the use of a catheter, that is , today we expect in the coming days the arrival of equipment for the production of the catheter itself in our own conditions. there are expansion plans. the assembly and packaging is moving to the new workshop. by the way, climate control equipment it's russian here. fundamentally, the bar that we set for ourselves for development is an annual increase in capacity by at least 10%, this is the minimum, if we talk about the twenty- second year, let’s say, then we had an increase of 39%, and even despite such a colossal growth in within one year, in
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the twenty-third year we also increased our volumes by another 9%. today, yes, we have support for compensating the costs of registration and certification; the need is growing in our market, but competition is strong even with the departure of europe and the usa. primping with on the part of china and india, this cannot be denied, including even turkey. into our market with their products, while their cost is actually lower than ours. in these conditions, of course, we would like support for domestic producers, but what we really would like is preferences in government procurement for our medical institutions.
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the governor of the tyumen region also emphasized the importance for a company of long-term planning of its business life. and we see that... what is important is this confidence that the measure will be work, ensure, that is why we are maintaining and extending measures that are working. in general, more and more medical equipment for diagnostics, irradiation, rehabilitation, therapy is being produced in russia; the growth exceeds 14%. if in money terms, then more than 50 billion rubles were produced. just
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the next episode, including how a domestic product helps doctors in st. petersburg. in russia, about 200,000 people suffer from multiple sclerosis, this is a serious disease, but help is possible. in st. petersburg there is the largest center in europe, about 17,000 patients are observed here annually. the help center for patients with multiple sclerosis was created in... to create
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the entire methodology, methodology from assessment to approaches, specifically to rehabilitation, in general, well, that’s what we did, that is, there was such special funding there from the city government, yes, now about 600 patients undergo rehabilitation a year, they come from all over the country, even from abroad... many, after using a wheelchair , leave on their own two feet, they now have the opportunity to physically, yes, get a job, for example, to work, that is, this is a really big step for them, that is, they overcame uncertainty, fear, some of their doubts , and now, let’s say, they got the opportunity, they are truly our heroes. the thirty-first hospital itself is multidisciplinary; for example, there is a radionuclide diagnostics department, where there are modern tomographs. considering the uniqueness of the equipment installed by us, the uniqueness of the methods that we use, the uniqueness of the specialists who work in the radionuclide diagnostics department, our hospital, patients come to us
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come from all over the country and from neighboring countries, these are adults, in particular small patients, so we examine children for neuroblastic tumors - this is a very rare tumor that occurs in children, but we have russian equipment and this device using infrared radiation by...
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the screens are also ours, in bashkiria they have been producing special equipment for rehabilitation for 30 years, so ours. a product that has no analogues in europe, and one might say, throughout the world, just like that, now there are already dozens of all kinds of devices for
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joints, to strengthen muscles, in the past our volume was about 700 units of devices per year, today we have already increased to 1200 units, per year, according to market needs, we have planned an increase to 2000 units per year for rehabilitation. a state subsidy of about 4 million rubles was received to expand production. and together with the russian export center they are discussing how to sell medical equipment not only in russia and the cis countries. well , maybe now non-cis countries are interested, and maybe asian countries. so straight for now no, but this direction is being pursued. asia is a promising client, trade turnover with china
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is setting records for the promotion of the celestial empire, they have already held a festival fair made in russia and high interest guaranteed the continuation of such events. the festival made in russia is a combination of various sectors of export potential, the agro- industrial complex, as well as services, which can be education, medicine, and it, so we have big plans, most importantly, we saw a huge demand for such events and we saw very positive perception from both chinese consumers and the leadership of chinese provinces on the continuation of such cooperation. that is. russian companies have something to offer foreign partners in their market, including medical products. the graph shows that in medicines, vaccines,
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antibiotics... last year , 686 medicines were registered, and 77% were russian. we talked about the increase in equipment production above, so manufacturers do not see a crisis, but new opportunities.
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these are the stories. managed to tell, and of course, there will be more, firstly, many companies say that they are ready to bring new products to the market, and secondly, cooperation with friendly countries is developing, and solving rather complex issues of equipment personnel, serious prospects are opening up, there is certainly demand. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast on may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing, for today, the russian military from the center group liberated an area in the dpr, the militants in the ssu have been desperately trying to hold this settlement since mid-april and suffered heavy losses, here is the official statement of the russian ministry of defense once again taken. the russian army continues to develop success in the avdeysk direction; in
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24 hours, about... 400 ukrainian armed forces soldiers were destroyed.


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