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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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a unique industrial thermometer was created by russian scientists, it measures temperature several times more accurately than foreign analogues, it contains a firite-based sensor that is capable of... independently checking itself and comparing readings with a standard, and this is very important, because any modern devices over time they begin to give a noticeable error, and experts are forced to calibrate them, which is not always possible on objects such as a space satellite or a nuclear power plant, for example, about other interesting developments of our researchers in this issue of the science program: features of the national genome: why thoroughly study the genes of 100,000 russians? this gives
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us a picture of relatively healthy people, which gene variants are typical for the inhabitants of our country, this is used for comparison later with patients with patients to restore more accurate diagnoses. flying in a dream on eve. how will studying gopher hibernation help with interplanetary travel? in the summer it is an ordinary rodent, like someone has a rat at home, but in the winter it goes into a completely different state, its body temperature can drop to almost zero.
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metabolic processes, strengthening the immune system, and this is only a small part of the benefits. therefore, the nature of sleep is being studied by dozens of institutes around the world, and not only human sleep, but also, for example, gophers. my name is polina teplova, i am a researcher at the laboratory of natural mechanisms artificial hypobiosis. this is a completely different physiological state, animals need it in order to save energy, because our suskiks from yakutia are hard to argue that there are not... extreme environmental conditions, and in order to survive, they fall into such a stupor, i do a blood test and i look, and he seems to have a very strong pathology during hibernation, his leukocytes are at zero, that is , his immune system, in general everything is very, very bad, but at the same time he wakes up as if nothing had happened, that is, there is no damage organs, tissues, as if no such conditions had affected him at all, if you study and apply similar mechanisms of hypobiosis to a person, then this will be a real salvation in... situations, for example,
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resuscitators have the concept of the golden hour, this means that after receiving a serious injury , assistance should be provided within 60 minutes, so the patients’ chances... to survive increase significantly, and this time necessary for salvation can be given precisely by artificially slowing down the processes in the body. for example, a person climbs overest, fell, he is in a very bad critical condition, if we developed such, well , a substance, a substance, it doesn’t matter that we injected it into a person, and his metabolism decreased very much, his body temperature drops, his breathing slows down greatly, his heart rate slows down, in this case, well, it will be slower. die, then he can be taken to the clinic to be saved. in general, sustriks are ideal for modeling various types of pathologies; while hibernating, they do not eat, do not move, and do not move when they wake up. muscle atrophy and serious exhaustion of the body are observed. and while the animals sleep,
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scientists are trying to understand why this is possible. now he is sleeping, he will slowly wake up, warm up, at this moment his temperature is extremely low, in some gophers it reaches almost zero degrees. the heart rate and respiratory rate decrease by hundreds of times, literally he breathes several times a minute, this is the main interest of my dissertation, which i am currently writing, there is really a lot going on there interesting mechanisms, both at the organismal level and at the level of organs and tissue cells. a series of tests awaits the awakened gophers. one of the most important is behavioral, with its help they monitor motor activity and reactions. at the moment , a behavioral experiment is taking place, the test is called an open field, we have a camera hanging on top, which films all movements from the escapade and records them. next, after we receive this record, we can process it. and we will get data on how
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behavior has changed. we will get the speed and distance, which this animal has passed through and we can count the number of stands, how many times it has stood on its paw, how many times... the work has been going on for several years now, the accumulated material allows us to talk about its possible use not only on earth, but in space. during extremely long flights, a state of hypobiosis would be ideal for astronauts, but it should not be permanent; periodic awakenings are necessary to activate nerve cells and the synoptic system. it is already being tested in russia.
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ical hibernation for astronauts, many of them we are still considered the inventions of science fiction writers. what other myths exist about space and flights in it? myth number one: space is a general concept, it is something very distant and uncertain. according to
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modern rules or agreements, the boundary of space begins at an altitude of 100 km. now, if we have even slightly exceeded this... limit, we consider that we have made a space flight, it is clear that the rules are different everywhere, yes, the americans, for example, believe that the limit of space is 85 km, but the international rule is 100, so everything above 100 is space. myth number two: space is an extremely hostile environment where the life of an astronaut is constantly in danger. i would say that it is not hostile, but dangerous. there are a lot of factors, including space. there are really a lot of risks, but we already
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understand how to deal with them, how to work with them, the same space debris, well , it exists, but there is not so much of it yet that i don’t know... every day the station tried to dodge what - debris, so well, you have to treat everything wisely. myth number three: a spaceship is gigantic armored object, like in science fiction films. in fact, it is strictly not recommended for an astronaut to watch modern phototic films, because we are all professional bores, we immediately see what is wrong, what is wrong. if we make a ship with very thick armored walls, no launch vehicle will launch this huge cast-iron tank into space, the mass of the object will simply be excessive. the thickness of the station wall is only a few millimeters from the floor. and in a good way for us, in fact, critically high pressures and
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there is no need for the wall to withstand. we need to keep one atmosphere inside the station; our pressure is absolutely earthly. myth number four. the only man-made object that is visible from orbit with the naked eye is the great wall of china. to see an object from space, it must rise a sufficient distance from the surface of the earth. chinese wall, that’s the problem, it’s actually not that high, it’s quite wide and long, but it’s very easy to confuse it with a road, which is what i usually did, it’s difficult to find it if not clearly have any connection, for example, i easily found the egyptian pyramids, they are clearly visible in the desert if you know where to look, and moscow university, which i once graduated from, is clearly visible, because i clearly knew where to look for it , the pentagon is very clearly visible, because the building has a certain shape that immediately
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catches your eye when you look at washington, some objects like this, yes, they are very easy to see, well, actually with the naked eye. this year marks the 135th anniversary of the prototype of the kilogram, with since the 19th century, its standard is stored in the international bureau of weights and measures in the form of a cylinder made of platinum and wood alloy. now scientists have wondered whether it is possible to create a similar ideal model for other basic scientific concepts. this is how genetics came to the creation of a reference genome, that is, a sample of the genome of a biological species. but first of all, of course, i was interested in the person, but here everything turned out to be not so simple. the reference genome does not belong to any specific organism; rather, it is an average genome several representatives of the population. for example, to create a widely used reference. but is it possible in this case to talk about its applicability to
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the peoples of africa, asia or our country? the answer to this question can be given by the national genetic initiative 1000 plus me. my name is evgeniy klemuk, i am the head of the genomic laboratory and deputy general director of pololka. the goal of our project is to obtain 100,000 whole-genome data from russians and determine the national characteristics of our genomes. the point is that different ethnic groups may have some narrow genomic features that differ from the region of residence, so, of course, the russian population is different from what is represented in the world. the main goal of the unique genetic initiative is to generalize the data of the ethnic groups characteristic of russia and create reference genomes that are more suitable for them. this will create conditions for the development of personalized medicine. it will also help those who do not know the history of their ancestors well. even if a person does not know what ethnic group he is
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belongs, we will be able, based on his genomic data, due to complex artificial intelligence algorithms, to determine which ethnic group he belongs to, then all the benefits of ethno-specific medicine will become available to them. at the moment , more than 40,000 blood samples have been received, about 30 thousand have already been processed, there are unique finds, rare defective gene conditions that lead to a specific disease, what other results can this project give? i know that there are standard measures of scales, standard measures of time, there are seconds, after all, yes, is it possible to create such an ideal reference genome, well, the fact is that it is constantly being improved, and it allows us, by finding differences, to say that, for example, a particular person has it differences that, accordingly, can... be the cause of the disease or something else of some kind of typical manifestations, when we compare with the american reference genome
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or the european one, we find a lot of noise there, which is not typical for the russian population, we are not without reason, when they came up with it the name of the project, we called it 1000 + i, because we want to collect samples, get the complete genomes of 100,000 russians, it turns out a very good cross-section of all russian populations of all russian ethnic groups in all russian regions, here is a person who, for example , donates...
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as a gene standard . making medicine as individual as possible, taking into account the characteristics of a particular organism, is the dream of any doctor. the genetic information obtained during the project will bring doctors closer to this goal. the task is very important, it becomes the core around which both genetics and medicine will develop in russia in the coming decades, simply because before we started working, there were no such initiatives, but it was also a dream... to make it so that for a number of diseases, in particular, arterial genetic diseases and some cancers, all residents of russia under 16 years of age were tested with us, and the results of this testing would become available to doctors so that those who need to be prescribed the necessary or optimal therapy. now about
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100 specialists are working on the project, some of them have finally decided to connect their lives with science. my name is alena demkina, i am a researcher at the genomic laboratory of campus b, i am engaged in co-genomic sequencing, that is, we determine the dna sequence. the fact is that dna is a very long molecule, and you can’t just read it; first, this molecule needs to be cut. into such short fragments, then molecular barcodes need to be sewn onto these short fragments so that we always know what sample, to whom it belongs, the result is such a ball of dna, which we already load into the device, called a sequinator, so it already reads our genome letter by letter. technically, it
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looks like you are sitting in a laboratory with test tubes. with pipettes and transfer small volumes of colorless liquid from one test tube to another, i don’t think that this work is somehow boring, that it is not suitable for young people, especially girls, for example, i have always been interested in biology since childhood, she answered to almost most of my questions about how it works the world, why it is like this, how it works, then you want to understand these processes more deeply. understand the details precisely at the cellular, molecular level, how evolution takes place, at some point it all captivates you so much that you are this constant process of learning, that you simply stop doubting who you want to become, and as if you always wanted to be a scientist, i have never had such doubts, despite the fact that i
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just described science as some wonderful world where everything is wonderful and... when everything works out, in reality it is not so, but very i often have to deal with some kind of criticism, with some problems, with unresolved issues, probably, no less important, with competition, some kind of negative energy accumulates that needs to be thrown out somewhere, and that’s why i like boxing, because that always after work or even before work you can come and beat a punching bag, thus coming to work later to be...
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tions related to the topic of what i am doing here now, it seems that a scientist, a researcher is, first of all, an inquisitive person , interested, such, not i know, an eternal child who constantly asks the question, why? my weak point is communication at this stage of my scientific career, so i really appreciate that we work in such a large and friendly team, when we can go play volleyball, for example, or play some board games, when i play, probably , it gives me some kind of release of energy and complete distraction.
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but unfortunately or fortunately this is not the case, and significant discoveries are made by large scientific teams and require several years, or even decades, so when you come to science, you don’t need to have high expectations and wait for quick results, that everything will come by itself, but you need to spend a lot of time and effort on discovery and perhaps then you will be lucky enough to find the answer to your question, which you have posed for many, many years back. the discoveries of geneticists are not always met. positive response. despite the rapid development of this scientific direction, scientists regularly have to dispel the fears of ordinary people. dmitry, genetics is such an area of ​​knowledge, around
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of which there is a lot of speculation, and many people are even afraid, and genetics, there are genetically modified products, and genetic developments, they cause fear. here you can somehow debunk this myth. we must begin with the fact that genetics, by and large, is a science that actually studies , which evaluates, in fact, the entire potential of a living organism, from viruses to humans. when i was at school, well, it’s clear that we
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studied genetics only partially as a branch of biology, and some still believe that studying genetics at such an advanced level, well , it’s still early in school, because the science is too complex, on the other hand, this is the cutting edge, is that how you feel about it? you know, if you ask the question, is it worth eliminating genetics? high-quality textbooks and if this is implemented, then it seems to me that it will increase prestige, and people will treat themselves more correctly with each other. what
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culture does not have a fairy tale in which the main character cooks a cough or soup from an ax, a stone, well, in general, whatever comes to hand, our scientists with with the help of unusual additives, they hope to turn ordinary chicken broth into medicine, although my mother always said: bulk urine is the best cure for fasting. strengthening bone tissue, joints and ligaments, improving metabolic processes, maintaining immunity, all these are the effects of broth prepared with a scientific approach. my name is tatyana kadestnikova, and i am a nutritionist, master’s student at the department of functional foods. and we at the department are developing a functional product , this is collagen broth, enriched with vitamin d. food is our medicine, more and more people are resorting to a healthy lifestyle and functional foods help maintain
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the health of the body, human health. food as medicine is the principle underlying functional nutrition. therefore, in addition to traditional nutritional value, such products are endowed with additional beneficial properties. they also have special requirements for the quality of raw materials. production method. tatyana, what is the advantage of collagen broth and how to get it? but here we approached it from a scientific point of view, and we pre- fermented the collagen raw material in order to break down the protein into amino acids so that it is better absorbed, and then we added spices and flavored seasonings, all natural, and dried it with gentle freeze-drying. it’s convenient to take it with you to... work, on the road, even on a hike, that is, wait, the original product is the same chicken, that is, all natural, collagen gray, chicken, grass-fed, so that it is without any
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chemicals. now it is already in the form in which without spending 6 hours at home cooking, you can get it right here now, yes, yes, that ’s right, you know, i really want it to be not only healthy, but also tasty, you can try it with pleasure, that is, 10 g is enough, we pour hot water, yeah, how long does it take to brew, but just stir it and it’s ready for use, mom... i used to drink this when my throat hurt, how much protein is here, if you look at the bio, here in 10 g, here at one serving, per 100 g, 8 g of protein, that is , really broth, but that’s a lot, so yes, beauty is delicious for health, and health, the fact that such a functional broth is good for health is already a scientific fact, the time saved on its preparation can be used to develop something else.
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science does not stand still even in those industries where it would seem that everything has long been put on stream. for example, russian chemists have developed a new algorithm for obtaining quinolone antibiotics. such drugs are very important because they are active against the most resistant strains of microorganisms. our scientists suggested a simple, essentially one-step method for the preparation of henalone derivatives. this will not only reduce the cost of the product, but also open up a new one. opportunities for the search for antibiotics, the science program was with you and i’m natalya popova, see you.
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fat becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
11:00 pm
it's 2124, sounds plausible, it's bones. from the future, 100 years in advance.
11:01 pm
delineated completely under the control of the russian armed forces, what the... parcels take so long explode in postal warehouses in odessa. how the ukrainian armed forces were lost in 4 months.


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