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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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"investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general so, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you are on top of the world? are you ready to change in any structure? you are a famous psychiatrist in the recent past ? scientist, and then quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. yes, i’ll kill me, why will you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place for you. look into his head,
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look in the application or on the website, today new details have become known in the case of a ukrainian intelligence agent who was liquidated this week. in the leningrad region. according to media sources in law enforcement agencies, the saboteur, russian citizen nikolai surnov, was the chairman of the strela-2 garage cooperative in korolev, moscow region. the film crew of vitaly karmazin went there. he managed to find the criminal’s former garage and communicate with neighbors. obsessed with safety. surnov even installed his own personal video surveillance system, with which he helped. neighbors to fight
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thieves who opened local garages at night. it turned out that surnov worked as a car mechanic for quite a long time, but after the start of the special operation he suddenly gave up everything and went to lithuania, he disappeared in fact, and then his deputy told me that kolya disappeared and as if now they would look for someone else to choose, they said yes, that he just abruptly left for permanent residence, but how, why, i don’t know, he was mainly involved in electronics. that's what i heard from stories, but what do you mean by electronics? well, electronics, car, automotive electronics. it is possible that it was surnov’s ability to handle electronics that attracted foreign recruiters. in lithuania, according to the fsb, the agent was trained in mine-explosive shooting to participate in hostilities, as well as to commit sabotage on the territory of russia, in march of this year, surnov, on instructions from his curators... returned
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to the moscow region, but almost got caught by our special services while trying to take an explosive device from a cache. a few days ago , a ukrainian agent was neutralized in the gachchinsky district of the leningrad region while trying to resist. there he planned to blow up the fuel terminal. among the targets of the saboteur were military targets. all this is confirmed by the agent’s correspondence with his handlers, as well as the weapons and ammunition found on him. investigators now establish the circle of contacts of the saboteur surnov in order to identify persons who may be involved in the preparation of terrorist attacks. they study the agent's financing scheme in detail. this scheme, by the way, is widely used by scammers who actively use the personal data of teenagers who provide their bank cards for a reward to cash out criminal money. traces of such multimillion-dollar frauds lead to the organizers of the terrorist attack in
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crocus, about how people are turned into drops, an investigation by vitaly kormazin. u doors of the closed crypto exchange beribit moscow city, former clients discuss their troubles, which began after investigators conducted searches here as part of the case of financing the crocus terrorist attacks. trading was stopped, accounts were frozen this week , the exchanger began checking all transactions carried out a month before the terrorist attack. in case of a transaction between... february 2 and march 22, please provide detailed information about the origin, legality and legality of the funds. clients were outraged. how can two ndls ask me for a certificate? crypto exchange, how does it even work illegally? i don’t have any certificates, no. and it won’t, because most of the clients of this office cashed out their accounts through so -called drops, dummies who gave their bank cards to strangers. drob receives a small reward, card buyer, anonymity for shady transactions. fills in.
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and a quarter of a million is very serious, 982,807 rubles. anna from vladimir, at the age of 17 , became a drop-shot and fell into a multimillion-dollar fraud. these friends asked her to accept transfers from kazakhstan and transport further. everyone has different stories, some were told that this was needed to buy an apartment, some were told to help, some were told that this money was won in a lottery. thus, 30 schoolchildren were drawn into the simple scheme. we emptied all the atms in the city of vladimir in two days, three.
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techniques are used in advertising of other illegal activities. here is one such advertisement - work for children and teenagers. the task is to respond to messages using a ready-made text in whatsapp and telegram. salary up to 6,000 rubles per day, recruitment until may 15. according to experts, with the help of such advertisements
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, criminals are looking for either assistants in fraud on marketplaces, or online operators who supervise those who pawn drugs. the life expectancy of a pawnbroker rarely exceeds a month. that is , if you set foot on this path, then in a month with a very high degree of probability, you will find yourself in a pre-trial detention center. this fifteen-year-old schoolboy from almetyevsk worked as a courier for telephone scammers, took 1000 rubles from a deceived pensioner. these two 800 teenagers were taken from achinsk, novice hackers stand apart, novosibirsk high school student vladimir in...
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somehow fix life after this whole story. leonid bezvershenko plunged into the world of it technologies in the sixth grade, when his peers were hacking local networks; he studied programming languages; at the age of 18 he became an analyst at kaspersky lab. now he identifies cyber threats, he says it’s easy to drag a teenager into the world of hacking. he downloads some program or solution that allows him to perform powerful actions, often he himself does not understand what is happening under the hood, that is, we call such guys fiddles, that is, they are simple. they are trying to somehow realize themselves, to assert themselves in society, they use such programs, without understanding, firstly, what they are doing, and secondly, i don’t understand what consequences can await them. scripts are literally children who work according to someone else’s script, written, as a rule, by professional swindlers who
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are hiding abroad, looking for schoolchildren on the internet and would rather put a child at risk than myself. the number of workers who work for them from these ordinary, grassroots scammers is colossal. even if several thousand people are detained every month, firstly, the security organizers themselves, and secondly, the scheme itself does not suffer, because new ones are constantly coming in through advertising. to prevent children from falling for the tricks of scammers, experts advise their parents to be more attentive, firstly, take an interest in their child’s hobbies and not leave them alone online, explain that there is no legitimate easy money happens, and secondly, install parental control programs on your computer and anti-spam on your phone, such services are now provided by all cellular and internet communication providers, vitay kormazin, valeria popova, mikhail overenkov, yuri marchenko and veronika magazeyshchikova, lead the way! this week the final of the international music competition of the road to
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yalta festival took place in moscow. musicians from 15 countries on the planet flew to the russian capital to perform the best songs about the great patriotic war in their native languages ​​on the eve of victory day. many people did the translation themselves. applications were submitted by 55 states, including those where the authorities portray our country as the main enemy. but despite the large-scale pressure, streams of poison in the mainstream... media, interest in the festival, which has been taking place for the sixth year in a row , is huge, and the artists who came to moscow understand that the war they sing about, unfortunately, is not over, and therefore their voice , the voice of normal people, is especially important today.
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markus garstein, who flew to moscow from germany to perform a ballad about the earth,
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appeared on stage together with the military correspondent of the news nikolai dolgochev, who every day sees what is sung about in vysotsky’s songs, a land scarred by war, the stage musicians understood well what they were singing about, they feel russian culture so subtly, so well, yes, they love it, they are attracted to it... frenchman champagne in 2015, and then in the twenty -second he went to donbass and joined
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the dpr militia, protecting the inhabitants of novorusiya, believing that the main battle for truth and justice in the world is taking place right here, this is where a man’s place is, even if he is a tenor. our world, that our people live there, and we decided to stay because... such people were, you know, the miner's character, the donbass character - this is the best thing in the world, and this character is felt, understood, of course, not only in france, one of the most poignant performances of tiro tournib from indonesia, a song about a russian soldier based on the poems of the front-line poet semyon gudzenko from the film gypsy performed together with today's russian soldier, a member of the northern military district. alexander arlov, who was wounded near makeevka. this is our destiny. it was her and i who argued and sang.
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they went on the attack and tore the bridges over the bug. there is no need to feel sorry for us, because we wouldn’t feel sorry for anyone either. we are in front of all russia, in difficult times. cisti, usahlah tangisi, sebab kami tak tangisi seorang pun, namun demi rusia. and the culmination of the festival, alexandrov’s holy war, on stage pen yu, a contestant from china, ours, vasily gerello, by the way, people’s artist of russia and ukraine, thousands of kilometers away, together with musicians located
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in the kremlin, the crimean orchestra plays directly from yalta in real time .
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and with this our issue is completed, i was with you ernest motskavichus, i say goodbye, all the best. the solemn ceremony of inauguration of... the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet you. finally she came. spring. warm,
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sunny, bright. the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring. now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. how is this day remembered in history? let's tell you right now. hello. 6 may 1626 dutch colonist pieter minoid bought the island of manhattan from the indians of north america. zabusy and others. then it was a completely empty island, but the main thing is that manhattan was not conquered, like many territories in the united states, but was honestly bought out, and history has preserved even such a symbolic amount. there is also a version that it was the dutch who were cheated then, that is , the island was sold to them by the indians who had nothing to do with it. the city was named new amsterdam. the dutch colony existed
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in manhattan for 40 years, and then in europe war broke out. the netherlands took sides. france, therefore, is against england, and london sent an armed expedition across the atlantic and forced the colonists from new netherlands to surrender. the lands came under english control, and amsterdam was renamed new york. according to modern estimates, the value of land on manhattan island - the very center of new york - exceeds $50 billion. on may 6, 1742 , a solemn ceremony took place in the assumption cathedral of the moscow kremlin. coronation of the russian empress elizaveta petrovna, the younger daughter of peter the great and his second wife catherine i. the coronation took place on an unprecedented scale; to the usual regalia of the head of the russian state of that time, the crown, scepter, orb and mantle, three more were added: a banner, a sword seal, and everything except the scepter was for elizaveta petrovna were created
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anew. the festivities lasted for several days, with roasting taking place on the cathedral square in the kremlin. food, and two carved gilded fountains flowed with white and red wine. there were banquets and balls for the nobility. on the initiative of elizabeth herself, they arranged and an eight-day masquerade. the twenty-year reign of the empress was partly the same. it was marked by the revival of the traditions of the ideals of the time of peter, incredible luxury at court and in construction, the emergence of the first bank in russia, successful participation in several wars, the non-application of the death penalty. on may 6 , 1945, the czech national council, which led the prague uprising, made a radio call for help , the germans are attacking prague from all... sides, send planes, tanks , weapons, help. uprising in the czech capital began spontaneously, and the germans planned to quickly suppress it, but the chekhovs found
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an unexpected ally. the first infantry division of the russian liberation army roa, under the command of major general sergei bunichenko, was located near prague. it was a large armed formation created by the nazis from among the soviet prisoners of war who changed their oaths. but by that time the division was already in fact. did not obey the wehrmacht and decided to help the czechs. in a day and a half they managed to clear part of prague from the germans, but then roa’s forces decided to leave for the west, they were afraid of the approaching red army. having learned about the surrender of germany, the commander of the german army group center, field marshal ferdinand schorner, agreed with the czechs on the passage of his troops through the city to the west without a fight. the retreat turned into a stampede, because already on the night of may 9 , advanced units entered prague. the first ukrainian front under the command of marshal ivan konev. the germans' escape route was cut off. the headquarters of roa, led by general andrei vlasov, were also captured. the result of the prague operation
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of soviet troops was the defeat of the last a large wehrmacht group on the soviet-german front and the complete liberation of czechoslovakia. on may 6, 1992 , the supreme council of crimea adopted the constitution of the republic of crimea. this document, on the one hand, declared crimea to be a sovereign state, on the other hand, it postulated that it was part of the state of ukraine and determined relations with it on a contractual basis. the constitution declared the official languages ​​of the peninsula, crimean tatar, russian, ukrainian, and the language of office work - russian. the document implied in fact almost complete independence of crimea, right down to its anthem from its own relations with other countries, and was also part of... crimea again
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became an autonomous republic within ukraine, the state language was again the next year, a law was adopted according to which ukrainian was declared. this is what this day in history was like. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get your shit together moscow, i need to register the missing persons, it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, but...
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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for the first time aurus after a deep restyling. a completely new look for the car. let’s find out
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what will surprise you, only we have the opportunity to compare the aurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car, and what other surprises await you on the day of the inauguration, it’s important how well president putin’s driver will perform now, in what situations, a very good car, i like it, putin’s car, i’ve been in over the past 6 years, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. headquarters on wheels. get ready to learn and see like never before. good evening. today orthodox christians around the world celebrate easter. bright sunday of christ. vladimir putin, together with moscow mayor sergei sobyanin, attended the night easter service in the cathedral of christ the savior. the ceremonial maleben was performed patriarch of moscow of all rus'. kirill.
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christ will rise again. christ will rise again. christ is risen. in the morning, the president congratulated all orthodox christians and russian citizens celebrating easter sunday. it was a short but intense work week. in the schedule. presidential meeting, conferences, telephone conversations, in the kremlin itself preparations for the inauguration were in full swing. on may 7, vladimir putin will take the oath and officially take office as head of state. millions of viewers around the world will watch a solemn ceremony that will begin a new chapter in the work of the president and the history of the country. and although the event follows a standard protocol, each inauguration is always unique in its own way. and here we are now
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. a unique opportunity to see the updated aurus car, which was made for the president, find out other interesting details of the upcoming inauguration, look, i drive such cars, i myself have driven it many times, a really worthy, high-quality car that meets all world standards... a whole line was created from scratch luxury cars, thousands of specialists, engineers, designers, planners from all over the country, they successfully completed the task, our russian companies, exactly 6 years ago, the inauguration of vladimir putin, the country and the world, then for the first time, saw a completely new russian one, carefully examined .
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the person greeting the russian leader then put on white gloves before opening the doors of the aurus. in distant argentina, where the g20 summit was held , putin’s car is being discussed on television. over the past years all sorts of ceremonies took place and all sorts of situations arose. aurus has been tested
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by rain and snowdrifts, driven through big cities, wide highways and rural streets where tomatoes are grown. and 6 years after the first presentation , the automotive automation research institute represents the whole country with us. since the ministry of industry and all our creators are preparing for may 7 in order to show restyled auras, in our opinion it will be a very modern, interesting new product that will surprise how outside, so inside, in our program we have shown you the presidential aura many times, now for the first time...


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