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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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while driving to work, a passenger car was also hit. according to the head of the region, the victims are already in hospitals, they have shrapnel wounds of varying severity, one is undergoing surgery. in tambov, fsb officers managed to prevent terrorist attacks near the building of the regional and arbitration courts, as reported in the department's public relations center; they were prepared by a local resident on the instructions of the ukrainian special services. he is caught trying. former minister of internal affairs of ukraine arsen avakov is wanted, the card appeared in the database of the russian ministry of internal affairs, the former was also wanted the country's minister of information policy, ex-minister of foreign affairs klinkin, ex-speaker of the verkhovna rada groysman and former head of the national security and defense council danilo. he now holds the post of ukraine. next on the air is the fifth
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dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. samot gold tablet with formula intensive cleansing effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let it be delicious for you together, but essentially the base. professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream dye, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine of colored hair, sios, salon-like hair. hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, today in our center. i have two topics at once, well, firstly, these are what is happening around the gas sector, the negotiations in cairo, is it possible to reach a truce or should we still wait for a large-scale military operation in rafah. in addition, we will discuss the role of the united states in these processes, a possible reduction in military support for israel. well
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, another important topic with which we will actually begin is the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to europe in the schedule of france, hungary and serbia. what topics are the most on the agenda? acute, how these negotiations can affect the ukrainian crisis, we will discuss all these topics with our distinguished guest, alexey maslov, he is in direct communication, alexey alexandrovich, hello, let's start with the ukrainian topic, since i know that you may have some technical difficulties with communication there, so in this mode, let’s work close, what are your expectations from this visit and what role can ukrainian issues play in these negotiations? but it seems to me that the ukrainian issue, although france is declared to be central, it will not be central for china, for sidenping it is now very important to re-establish ties with europe, in this case france acts more like another entrance gate for chinese capital. macron is trying to lead
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behaves quite flexibly, on the one hand, he seems to behave much more softly and negotiable than, for example, the british, americans and germans, on the other hand. the same macron literally recently initiated an investigation into chinese subsidies for chinese cars in france and in europe in general. in this sense, macron, of course, will be most interested in his own, i mean french, topics. china will be interested in investments, this ukrainian topic and russian-ukrainian relations, they will be more of a background, according to to whom obviously no one will agree on anything, macron will... just as obviously, ask, persuade china to take part in the swiss summit, it is obvious that china will say the standard phrase that we will now consider this issue, and, most importantly, macron will work out its agenda, and china its own. tell me, what do you think, will there be
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any attempts to put pressure on china or maybe even blackmail them with something? france has very little opportunity to put pressure on china; rather, france wants to replace it now though. partly the usa as an investor in china , primarily in the field of high-tech investments, many french companies enter china in this sense, france is more of a supplicant and not a lever of pressure. macron largely relies on his charm to take sizinpin to the province, the french province, it will show how ordinary french people live, in this sense one must understand that it will most likely be...
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it is obvious here, because firstly, serbia is one of the largest countries of the largest countries that receive chinese investments, a road is being built around belgrade, a road is being built from belgrade to the outside with chinese investments, in total this is about 3
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billion dollars, moreover, now we are celebrating such a tragic date, the anniversary, the twenty- fifth anniversary of the bombing by nato forces of the chinese embassy in belgrade, when two people were killed, two. two chinese citizens, then clinton repeatedly apologized, in this sense, serbia, well, to a certain extent, is grateful to china, but those are a different story, orban is an obvious supporter. chinese story of the day, hungary is actively participating in the chinese search and path initiative, and most importantly, hungary, apparently, again, judging by the ban, shares precisely the chinese plan. can we say that china is acting here, well, in a certain role as an antagonist to the united states, trying to offer its own vector. yes, you can say that, but china is trying not to position itself as an antagonist. china, on the contrary, says that it is for everything good and against everything bad. just the proposals coming from the united states and what they are now going to do in switzerland,
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this is absolutely not rational, not reasonable in the opinion of china, and frankly speaking, in general in the opinion of both hungary and serbia, in this sense , china is trying to offer some kind of reasonable solution, it is not going to set any priorities and say who is right, who is guilty? china says: let's resume trade, let's invest, then let the politicians figure out what's good and what 's bad. in this sense, of course, his version of chinese events is completely opposite to the american one, which suggests: let's let's appoint the culprit, some believe that against the background of sidzenpin's visit to france in european countries, others, such, well, some kind of internal conflict between france and germany may arise, do you agree with these assessments, but in general yes, because for this , so that france doesn’t get too loose at the visit. zempina arrives, who obviously does not have any warm feelings for china and stands,
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so to speak, in the german position, not to allow chinese capital into europe, china is a strategic rival, especially in field of economics, in this sense, of course, for example, scholz’s position is much more conservative in relation to china than macron, who says: let’s still talk about investments, this is where positions diverge greatly, as regards... economic aspect: what goals does china pursue in the first place and what europeans, and where they may have disagreements, where are the points of agreement regarding the same electric vehicles, it is interesting, for example, a very, well, the most important question is that china requires to admit that it dates state production of electric vehicles, and they date back very seriously, so they become european auto industry is not a competitor to china, but admitting this is half the battle, because this is how the chinese economy works, there is no news here.
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“i think the issue of taiwan will be highlighted exactly as much as china will say that it
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demands not to interfere in the affairs of taiwan, relations between the mainland and taiwan, in this sense, i don’t think that macron is able to somehow outline his position, moreover when macron visited china last year, he said that this is literally a quote, there is no need to stand on we do not have to stand on the same conservative position as washington regarding taiwan, regarding the middle east, what china’s position might be, so sijinping called for the creation of an independent palestinian state, we will now smoothly move on to the topic of the middle east, it’s just interesting how this topic might sound from the chinese point of view, from the chinese position, and this chinese position, it was constant, that...
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the program answered questions live broadcast, we will closely monitor sizempin’s visit to europe, france, hungary and serbia are on the agenda in the visit schedule and invite alexey alexandrovich to comment on this topic on our broadcast. now let’s move on to another announced topic, this is the situation in the middle east in the gas sector, how it can develop, what the situation is by this minute,
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let’s ask andrey baklanov to comment, he is in direct contact with the studio too, andrey glebovich, hello, hello! there are quite a few contradictory statements coming, on the one hand, israel seems to be ready to conclude a truce, we know about the negotiations in cairo, yes, in which they are indirect, but nevertheless, uh, on the other hand, netanyahu says that the goals of the military operations must be achieved, and so to say, it seems that he is not going to stop what he started and is even saying that it is necessary to carry out a military operation in rafah, how do you assess the situation, what possible scenarios for the development of events do you see?
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to follow the lead of extremely hard -line right-wing forces to try to resettle, squeeze out the population of gaza, and then maybe the western bank of the jordan river, somewhere in other countries, this plan failed at the very beginning, because the egyptians and jordanians firmly opposed it, the last two or three
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days in the rafah region have been celebrating the fact that the egyptians they also strengthened the physical protection of their border, they brought in large stones so that there would be no such unauthorized crossing, but since this does not work, the most important goal is, well, expanding the territorial area where there may be israeli settlements, then the israelis are now following the second option and pretending that they were talking about something else from the very beginning, about the liquidation of the military military... structure of hamas, ensuring a certain greater security and predictability on the border with lebanon, and so on, but with this now they are busy, things here are going, of course, not in the best way, because the contradictions are very great, each side is afraid that - well,
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some kind of compromise can be interpreted by internal forces and against it, the situation in israel is very difficult, you know, attacks against netanyahu is personally coming, so he is trying to give the impression of such a very powerful politician, politician and military-political figure, as for hamas, they know about the conversations that are going on behind their back that it would be good to get rid of them by creating some kind of a transitional government made up of people, especially politicians.
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return to the north of the sector, during the second stage, all surviving israeli hostages will be exchanged for an as yet unknown number of palestinian prisoners, and israeli troops will allegedly withdraw from
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gas, at the third stage the bodies of dead hostages will be exchanged for the bodies of dead militants, work will begin to restore the sector, this plan, do you think, is viable, indeed this can be discussed, well, in general, the elements of the plan, they are quite reasonable, reasonable, because that as i said and...
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such a package deal will be quite difficult to implement, so the first stage can somehow be pushed through, but at the same time we talked to you about the fact that netanyahu declares that israel will not agree to the end of the operation against hamas, that is, on the one hand , a statement that they are ready for negotiations and these negotiations even seem to be underway, on the other hand, quite harsh statements that this operation will not be stopped, this is more intended for an internal audience, like you do you think, well, the internal audience for... for netanyahu this is 65-70% of what he generally achieves, he needs to survive politically, so he
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maneuvers, he works with the press, he works with the audience, here, unfortunately, these are not purely bilateral things, this is a question complex in nature, they aggravate the overall situation and...
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those people who are involved in the decision-making adhere to the line that israel must receive the necessary amount of military assistance. is it possible, we literally have a minute left until the end of the broadcast ? political point of view. the decisive position is the position occupied by one of the participants in this whole process, this is israel, is
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70%, it decides everything that happens, the americans have, of course, traditionally certain keys to the israelis, but i don’t think they can push through any decisions that would not suit the israelis, thank you for your comment, thank you for that. took part in the program, live, answered questions, let me remind you, this was the fifth studio program, we are closely following the development of events, see you in our information broadcast.
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that the twenty-fourth year, i'm just delighted, i'm amazed, very cool, informative, simple, i love children, this is real, an unreal movie, this is just a level, this is a childhood story, this is a mow from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past , from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, but the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent
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committee. i don’t have any change of feeling, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, and how he looks, well, how they do they look, they look like that, there are so many different things there, a surprise, well, of course it’s like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me, when is 100 years from now?
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in russia, on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief, missile formations will be exercised to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces. the ministry of defense reported that the general staff has already begun preparations. the maneuvers will involve a unit of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. target - assess the readiness of personnel and equipment to perform combat missions in order to ensure
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territorial support. integrity and sovereignty of the state in response to provocative statements and threats from individual western officials. this is stated in a statement by the ministry of defense. and now briefly about other news for this hour. drone attack in the belgorod region. drones hit two cars in the borisov region. six people were killed, 35 were injured . now he is officially wanted in the database of the russian ministry of internal affairs. included a number of leading officials of ukraine, on the list, including former head of the ministry of internal affairs arsen avakov, former foreign minister pavel klimkin, former speaker of the verkhovna rada vladimir groysman. fsb operation in tambov, arrest.


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