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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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for victory day , watch all episodes of the tv series admiral kuznetsov for free on the website in the application. the goal is to check the readiness of personnel and equipment in russia, exercises of units of non-strategic nuclear forces will take place, who will be involved and where the maneuvers will take place. they hit
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civilian cars, six people were killed, about 40 were injured as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region, among the wounded there were children, what is known at this moment? candidate nabylet, according to the russian foreign intelligence service, the united states has intensified efforts to find alternatives to the current president of ukraine, who may be among the contenders. a large fire in the irkutsk region, dachas and residential buildings are burning in the bratsk region.
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to ukraine is a new and completely unprecedented round of escalation for russia. the situation is special, which means it requires special measures. in response to provocative statements by european officials, moscow is conducting exercises with missile formations of non-strategic nuclear forces. they have already been started by the formation of the southern military district and the strength of the navy. this means that the full potential will be used tactical missile weapons. the order was given by the supreme commander-in-chief. we are talking
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, naturally, about the statements of mr. macron, about the statement of british representatives, to which were also added representatives of the us senate, if i am not mistaken, who spoke about the readiness and even intention to send armed contingents to ukraine, that is , in fact, to expose nato soldiers in front of the russian military, this is a completely new round of escalation of tension, it is unprecedented and... of course, it requires special attention and special measures. infantilely manipulated the topic nuclear weapons, well, a number of western politicians spoke about their readiness to press the nuclear button, even at the beginning of the conflict, list tras was one of the first to speak, then she was a contender for the post of prime minister of great britain. will you, prime minister list, order the use of our nuclear weapons, which will mean global annihilation? i'm not asking, will you press?
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our nuclear capability is at the core of our national security, including our nuclear deterrent, nuclear submarines, but also our energy security, since nuclear energy is important for the future, which is why today we are making transformational investments in our nuclear potential.
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of course, the president of france raised military rhetoric to unprecedented heights for europe; in early may, he once again stated that he does not rule it out.
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representatives announced the possible intervention of the leader of the democratic minority in the house in the conflict with the united states. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if that happens, america will probably have to intervene in the conflict, not only with our own money, but with our military personnel. either we stop russia in ukraine by continuing our military and economic assistance, or we face a difficult situation where vladimir putin and russia are able to take over ukraine and threaten nato allies. discussions about increasing nuclear potential in europe have been going on for several years, it is easy to guess against whom it will be directed, but 2 years ago, on the day of the start of a special military operation, vladimir putin warned the west: russia will not tolerate threats against itself and warned against interfering in the conflict.
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now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place. whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats for our country, for our people, should know that russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history, we are ready for any as events unfold, i hope all the necessary decisions in this regard have been made. what am i i will be heard, but there, in the sense in the west, apparently they did not hear, the teaching today is an attempt to once again explain to opponents how dearly such political deafness can cost them. i thank natalya solovyova, and we
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continue. the united states has intensified efforts to find an alternative to the current president of ukraine. the russian foreign intelligence service has such data. according to the department, washington is consulting with the party leader. the united states, in fact, is not even trying to hide the fact that, in general, they don’t care who exactly will lead ukraine, the main thing is that he is in able to continue the armed conflict with russia. now about the consequences of the ukrainian strike on the belgorod region, as reported by the head of the region in a drone.
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kobzeva according to the regional governor igor , one woman was injured and is in extremely serious condition. according to the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations, high and extremely high forest fire danger is expected in the coming days in the irkutsk region. in the central and southern regions of the region , winds with gusts up to...
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directly at the press conference he acted really explained his categorical disagreement with the policy pursued by the polish authorities towards russia and belarus, he said that they were playing on the side of the usa and great britain, realizing not national interests, but the interests of their patrons; in fact, schmitt accused official warsaw of trying to involve countries are in direct armed conflict with our countries, there, as there is a provadzone policy of poland in belarus, in russia. this is an expression of protest.
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they will either make you a spy or a drug addict, a person who has debts, who left his wife, i try them, let them try, i’m ready, i’m ready. tomasz spinta appealed directly to alexander lukashenko with a request to provide him with protection and is ready to officially ask for political asylum here in belarus, according to him, he had access to secret documents, so he has reason to fear his return to warsaw, where he could face prison, his resignation letter will be handed over to the polish authorities by the belarusian embassy in...
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fascist banners and hitler standards were thrown to the mausoleum, it will remain
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clear and accepted, first of all, by the younger generation, what is happening now, and the vile things they are doing, cannot be left like this, this must be ended with this banderaism once and for all, otherwise this fire will smolder near russia.
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disagreements. china and the european union must be partners and deepen strategic cooperation. chinese president shizen ping announced this at a trilateral meeting in paris. today he is holding talks with. with french president emman macron and head of the european commission ursula vonderijn. it’s just that the meeting participants’ views on partnership are similar and different. and the trade balance is not in favor of europe. konstantin churikov will talk about the economic support of the visit. he rejoined the broadcast. konstantin again, hello. let's remind you how important europe is to china today as a partner? yuri, well, the european union is the main sales market for
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china. and the third export partner, so we can say that the interest is mutual. visit of the president of the people's republic of china to france, even before its beginning, attracted the attention of the press. this is not just a bilateral meeting with the leader of one of the world's leading economies. it resolves key issues in china's relations with the european union in general. a lot of controversy has accumulated recently. well, this is largely a consequence of the existing trade imbalance. products from the eu primarily go to the us and uk markets. for european exports, china is partner number three. despite the fact that for china itself, the eu countries are the main sales market. chinese products account for 20%, that is, a fifth of imports into europe. and in this parameter, the eastern partner is noticeably ahead of the united states. this is despite the existing restrictions that europe has already introduced. over the past year, trade with
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the european union has fallen very noticeably, primarily due to the fact that the european union began to limit the supply of chinese goods. even despite these restrictions. equally, there remains a huge trade deficit between the european union and china, amounting to almost 300-320 billion dollars, roughly speaking, since china sells more to the european union than buy. as for the most acute contradictions, the european union has recently been dissatisfied with the overstocking of the market with chinese electric vehicles. in response, beijing is studying the issue of introducing duties on some alcoholic drinks from europe, in particular on french cognac. well, this is just the tip of the iceberg, the list of products that beijing has a lot of, and brussels has little of, is huge, in europe they call it overproduction and , naturally, china is blamed for everything. chinese subsidized goods such as electric vehicles and steel products have flooded eu market. china continues to massively support its industrial sector, and this is
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against the backdrop of domestic consumption, which is not growing. the world cannot accept excess chinese products, so i... called on the chinese government to respond to this structural overproduction. at the same time , we will intensively coordinate the response with g7 countries and developing countries. as for france, with which sizenpi began his european tour, today it accounts for $79 billion in trade turnover with china. for comparison, russia had 240 billion last year, a figure that is growing year by year, despite the fact that, unlike europe, our exports are higher than imports. experts.
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he will actively promote, apparently, chemical projects, the export of french machinery and equipment, and will actively attract the chinese to the french economy. china will promote its interests during the visit. beijing has long shown that it is committed to cooperation that benefits both sides. at this stage, the only question is how much europeans are ready emotionally and psychologically. if there are more questions than answers regarding negotiations with paris, then two other european visits of sizempina to belgrade and budapest give analysts more hope. trade between china and serbia last year increased by almost a quarter, as aleksandar vucic said, and in the next 10 years the countries expect to double these figures thanks to the
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free trade agreement. china's trade volumes with hungary have decreased slightly, but they still have big plans. the country believes important. the chinese one belt, one road initiative, within its framework, is investing in the construction of a railway between budapest and belgrade, which will reduce travel time between the two cities from 8 to 3 hours. it is expected that by the twenty-sixth year it will become part of a high-speed highway for the delivery of goods, which will stretch across central and southern europe to the greek port of perea. the problem of trade imbalance today arises among many of china’s partners, except russia. the question is how to answer this is it necessary with this?
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in the main temple of the russian armed forces, according to tradition, before the main holiday for our country on may 9, before the 79th anniversary of the great patriotic war , a festive moth was held. more than a thousand believers gathered under the church vaults, including the leadership of the ministry of defense, military personnel of various types of troops with banners, participants in a special military operation and cadets, whom we will see on may 9 at the victory parade. for everyone, a festive maleben is something special, it is a significant event, a parade on may 9th on red square, we need to gain strength, pray to god so that he ... gives us the endurance, courage, courage to walk through the victory parade with dignity. i decided to follow in my father’s footsteps, i also entered the moscow-svorsky military school, and
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now i’m also going to the parade. the church and the armed forces themselves must always be together, and the blessing before the parade itself, the blessing of our heroic banners, the banner of the academy of the strategic missile forces flag , is a very important event for us. as a celebration of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory and because of the current situation in the country, we must support our grandfathers who fought, our comrades who are now serving in a combat post in a special military operation. the service for the military personnel participating in the parade was led by metropolitan fiagnost of kashira. concelebrating with him today were both priest dmitry dovbesh and the military clergy. i would like to remember the words.
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has been taking place on a regular basis since 2021 with the blessing of patriarch kirill. today , not only military personnel are present here, but also citizens are from completely different regions. we came specially from st. petersburg; we have wanted to visit here for a long time. thank god that there is a temple that can accommodate such a large number, and military personnel can come and also participate in this process. here, in the museum and temple complex of the russian armed forces, a festive concert will be held on may 9, where songs of the war years will be performed. alexandra pirfileva, nikolay lomakin and konstantin
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mitin, host. well, to the message that just came to the news agency vladimir zelensky introduced a bill to extend martial law and mobilization to the verkhovna rada. as follows from the text of the drafts, it is intended to extend the validity of martial law by 90 days, for a similar period. may the general mobilization is extended. the exhibition of captured equipment captured by our soldiers in the special operation zone has already been visited by tens of thousands of muscovites and guests of the capital. wrecked vehicles and tanks that nato countries supplied to sow, presented in front of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. in total more than 30 copies, including the american abrams tank and the german leopard, which is considered one of the best in the west. but this exhibition debunked the myths about their indestructibility. this is
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the pride of german anti-aircraft artillery, it shoots up to 15 km, the control is automated, a howitzer, 211 mm caliber, with it a whole company of heavy guns, they were aimed at moscow and really hit moscow. the germans collected many tanks, here is a tank strangled by czechoslovakia, here is an italian tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here is a tank from hungary, where is the horse with its hoof, there is iraq with a claw, that's the poor thing. vichy sold it along with france.
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this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, you can’t look at everything, at the exhibition there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits, samples of light german weapons. russian tank crews are destroying armored vehicles, rocket artillery, and ukrainian armed forces transport, which delivers ammunition to the front, and the approaches to the borders are guarded by gaobis d20 crews. from the belgorod region, reporting by igor pikhanov. the artillery crew of the d-20 howitzer is preparing for combat work. scouts transmitted the coordinates to the village, they discovered a temporary
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accommodation point near the russian border. in the ukrainian armed forces, the enemy tried to get close to our borders to attack peaceful settlements in the belgorod region. 30-01 301 yes 004 soldiers need just a few minutes to aim their guns. the team works as a single organism; the result of the strike depends on the efficiency of the calculation. enemy equipment must be neutralized while it is in place. the howitzer opens fire on positions in the ssu. high-explosive fragmentation shells of 152 mm caliber falls on the enemy trenches one by one, with an accurate blow the dugouts of ukrainian militants are destroyed, military equipment is burned out, drone operators adjust the fire, we mainly hit the oporniks, the enemy’s equipment, pickup trucks, that’s basically how reconnaissance gives targets, what it finds what,
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we immediately begin to amaze, were warehouses and hangars. ammunition. the state border cover unit is hunting for ukrainian militants around the clock. reconnaissance is carried out using domestic aircraft-type drones. they can fly a long way distance, the enemy's electronic warfare service is not able to interfere with them. the team is well-coordinated, the guys are good, everyone knows their combat mission. everything happens quickly. the russian military tracks down and destroys the transport of the ukrainian armed forces, which delivers ammunition to the front. tanks are being burned out. and enemy missile defense systems. all fighters understand that every neutralized nationalist mortar means lives saved. after destroying the target, the weapon is camouflaged, the combat crew goes into cover and is ready to start working again at any moment. now the main danger is in this section of the front, these are enemy drones, so the gun is well camouflaged, a net is installed above it, and branches lie. all this is done so that enemy drones from the air do not detect his crew. during the special
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military operation, each fighter received. vast experience, behind them the ukrainian armed forces' military forces and equipment were destroyed, for professionalism and courage, artillerymen and reconnaissance officers have departmental and state awards. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region.
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sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have brother, they killed, alexy shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the battalion.
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to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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