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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:26pm MSK

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according to statistics from past years, the number of injuries received by adults and children is also growing, and most often, all this is done with various bruises, but there are cases and cases require a longer recovery. as we were told by the russian association of parks and amusement manufacturers, all entertainment equipment must be certified. during installation , specialists register it with the state technical supervision inspection, then the serviceability of the slides and carousels is checked annually. use these. old rides in parks, the entrepreneur is taking quite serious risks, because yes, at the annual inspection everything was fine, they showed everything, the attraction is operating as normal, but in yeisk, businessmen who clearly saved on the safety of schoolchildren now face long interrogations from investigators. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. finished the game in china, the police stormed the apartment of a gamer who stole gloves in a computer game. this is no joke, booty. in orizhka there were
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virtual gloves, which in reality never even existed, but they still came for him, the police had serious reasons for this, the fact is that there are about 40,000, and these are no longer toys, so real police took it upon themselves to restore justice, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is kept on duty part and an honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maxim was in the studio. before meetings on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. four grenade shots, all accurate to the american m-113. members of the lavin battalion set up a real cemetery for nato equipment near the village of arkhangelskoye in the dpr. five armored vehicles were knocked out in one day. what will happen if
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at least a couple of iskanders fly along it in the nuclear ideologist of the orange revolutions finances the execution of soros against the white house why protests in american universities and what could this cost the states? ukrainians are fleeing from the eu to russia, why are they cleaning accounts on social networks, how are they trying to hide their donations to the armed forces of ukraine, why... so, let's start with the exciting footage published by the wargonza project, the video was filmed by russian means of objective control west of avdievka, where another group of ukrainian armed forces militants could not withstand the pressure of our troops and accordingly decided to leave their positions, and, it would seem, the escape plan was thought out well, an armored personnel carrier was driven to the shelter in the nearest forest belt and not just any the vaunted american m-113. grenade launcher,
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machine gunner, machine gunner, as it is easy to see, the emotional appeals to the grenade launcher were not in vain, he worked on the nato vehicle as it should, especially since by that time the russian fighters had already managed to get close enough to the notorious landing for targeted shooting, but still objective. .. for the sake of one hit it was not enough, but, of course, they completed what they started and did it as spectacularly as possible, evgeniy nipot will confirm. the susushniks tried to escape to other positions from advancing russian attack aircraft from the lavin battalion of the 132nd brigade. everything happened north of avdeevka. in a short time , russian troops liberated a number of settlements in the ovdeevsky direction. and the fighters of 132 played an important role in the capture of these settlements
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. the actions of the attack aircraft on the scene are led by the battalion commander with the call sign astap; it is reported that his people a few days ago, in one day, eliminated five armored units.
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frontier technology this generally applies to any sufficiently effective example there when in our russian tanks hit up to seven, there were up to eight shots from the rp and at the same time the tanks continued to fight, so it all depends on the exact location of the hit, how they hit, whether they managed to hit some important mechanisms there, such results 132 they also talk about training stormtroopers back at the training ground. carefully prepares for military operations, liberating his land, donbass, from the militants of the kiev regime of nato, often american equipment with nazi crosses on the sides. the russian ministry of defense today announced a non-strategic nuclear exercise
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forces whose task will be, firstly, to maintain the readiness of the personnel and equipment of the relevant units, and secondly, to unconditionally ensure territorial integrity and sovereignty. as noted, the maneuvers will be carried out. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. the general staff has begun preparations for holding exercises with missile formations of the southern military district in the near future with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. during the exercise , a set of activities will be carried out for practical testing of issues, preparation and provocative statements and threats of individuals.
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today the french british ambassador was summoned; in its official statement , the ministry of foreign affairs recalled that russia has long been warning the west about the inadmissibility of certain actions and is ready to respond to them appropriately. in the near future , many functional american
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-made f-16 aircraft. as has been repeatedly stated, we cannot ignore the fact that these aircraft belong to dual -equipped platforms, non-nuclear and nuclear; in this regard, we pay special attention to the statement of the polish leadership, the question of the need to deploy american nuclear weapons on polish territory was directly raised by warsaw to washington, and on a practical level. they cannot help but amaze with their irresponsibility and thoughtlessness statements by french president macron about the possibility of sending to ukraine are difficult to perceive otherwise than as a manifestation of readiness and intention to enter into direct armed confrontation with russia, which would mean a head-on collision of nuclear powers, is stated. higher assessments formed the basis for the decision to conduct russian military exercises involving part of the nuclear deterrent forces, which are intended to become a sobering signal to the west and its puppets in kiev. by the way, information about russian tactical nuclear weapons, its
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storage, unlike strategic storage, is not regulated by the start treaty. but in general, it is perhaps no secret that such weapons can be used by dropping aerial bombs, in the form of torpedoes for submarines, and of course. with the help of various missiles, and in the case of the latter , there are still certain specifics, at least known for certain to nuclear combat units for equipping iskander operational-tactical complexes. but as soon as moscow openly confirmed their existence, then the hot heads of unfriendly western countries, of course in the know, in moments of particularly acute attacks of russophobia, they could estimate how the arrival of such a missile at a nominal nato base located next to some hypothetical city with a million population would turn out, simulate such a scenario as clearly as possible, evgeniyets is ready, you want escalation, and you are sure of it ,
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to begin with, what is meant by russian tactical weapons, let the experts speak. this is the first, long-range sea- launched cruise missiles, well, this is the well-known ekalibr, this is the kha-101, these are the iskander missiles. like uh iskander k, that is, cruise missiles, and iskander m, that is, ballistic missiles, all of these missile systems have a very high potential for hitting ground targets on enemy territory, and especially the iskander ballistic missiles. well, we’ll take the iskanders for calculations. russia now has at least one and a half hundred such systems at its disposal. these vehicles are capable of carrying, including nuclear missiles. warheads, the yield of which, according to military experts, can vary from 5 to
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50 kilotons. let's say iskander takes aim, where? let's assume that there is a certain million-plus city that is not lucky enough to have a north atlantic alliance base nearby. in europe, where there are most nato countries, such a metropolis would have an area of ​​about 300-500 km. it is, of course, located on some large river. it has its own airfield, polya. agricultural holdings in the surrounding area and so on. nato usually does not place its bases far from populated areas, at most a couple of kilometers; on average, they occupy about 500-700 hectares. so, let's start the mental experiment. the russian federation defines the object as a direct threat. i think this is my personal point of view, that there are just facilities with nuclear weapons, large, military and... military bases, land, sea, air forces, there are probably
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airfields where the united states and nato aircraft are based , aircraft whether to carry tactical or strategic offensive weapons. in our case , the main target is a salvo from one launcher, but the trouble is, the power of even tactical nuclear weapons is extremely high, if the warheads are 50 k... tons, and this is several times more than the americans dropped on hiroshima, then the total area of ​​the affected area will be almost 60 km, the city will be obscured, and how? imagine, a shock wave sweeps through the streets, a cloud of radioactive dust rises over neighborhoods and boulevards, the ground and water are contaminated, people urgently need to be evacuated. 50 kilotons, well, they can essentially wipe out from the face of the earth, well, let’s say... a fairly large microdistrict or part of a small city, if we are talking about some
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military bases, yes, this is the destruction of a military bases, this is the destruction of a complex of headquarters, a complex of buildings, this is the destruction of a naval port, this is the destruction of an airfield, it will not be possible to defend against such a strike, neither the patriots nor any other air defense systems available to nato countries are able to reliably shoot down ballistic missiles. iskander systems. iskander - the 9m723 missile is currently one of the most difficult targets to deceive throughout the entire flight. the missile is equipped with a set of means to overcome missile defense. that is she also puts up some interference. actually, everything that has just been said should be kept in mind by default by anyone who plans to threaten russia. well, for those who forgot. let us remind you that during the exercises. soldiers of the russian group of forces center liberated
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the village of solovyovo, the donetsk people's republic repelled seven counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the ovdeevsky direction of the special operation. as a result, the enemy lost about 370 personnel. and on the donetsk front, where units of the southern group carry out the tasks, 275 were eliminated in one day ukrainian militants. and all this is largely the merit of our artillerymen, who, by the way, not only beat the enemy, but carry out an action on the eve of victory day. the death regiment is right on the front line. report by pavel prokopenko. bykov gabriel serafimovich, my great-grandfather. this is my great-grandfather, raspotin alexander andreevich. these different photographs have one thing in common. a firm look, a broad chest, straightened shoulders, a generation of winners, the great-grandfather of this fighter served as the first ukrainian mechanic at front-line airfields, he has a medal for courage, there is a medal for military merits, i think that if we met with my great-grandfather now and talked about a special military operation, then i think that my great-grandfather would definitely be proud
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of me, corporal gavriil bykov, a signalman, a persistent ural character, on the honor list. the guys know their heroes only from photographs and stories, but this fighter managed to talk with his grandfather, he told how he crawled on his belly from stalingrad to minsk, the specifics of the work of a scout, this is my grandfather, yangirov yangirovich, good.
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in the calculation of hail there are usually two people, sometimes formidable combat vehicles, here are today’s three heroes, depending on the situation and complexity of the tasks, but it happened that a fighter with the call sign dpr went to work alone for the entire crew, i didn’t serve in the army at all, i just worked in a mine. i worked on the railroad, i came here, i became an artilleryman, i took my family out, my brothers went to fight, my father went, well, i didn’t want to sit either, at the firing line the crew instantly deploys the installation, two installations worked simultaneously, the rocket launchers fire from open positions,
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this is the specificity, today it is sunny, but hail is expected somewhere on the western borders. the reactors are returning from successful combat work. today they are fighting for those who went on the attack in the same way, who gave life and raised new heroes, for their grandfathers, for the generation of winners. he fought against fascism. i'm continuing the case. let's bring this matter to the end, just like grandfather did. vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. now there is a short advertisement about what will happen next on our broadcast. ukrainians are fleeing the eu to russia. for what they clean out accounts on social networks, how they try to hide their donations to the armed forces of ukraine, why russia accepts it only after a special check.
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money to a free alpha card, receive a super cash in rubles and a 16% rate on savings. not just profitable, alpha profitable. buy construction goods at low prices on avito. svetlogorye ice cream, 79,999. magnet - price, what do you need! this is an international student uprising that has huge potential for growth, a statement from one of the participants of the protest at the university of london, where pro-palestinian activists seized the local library, demands that we condemn the war in gas and refuse to cooperate with companies that finance the war in israel, according to the guardian and... this is exactly how british students reacted to mass detentions on us university campuses. as a sign of support for american protesters, tent camps immediately grew in several large universities in the kingdom,
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and they not only live there, but write dissertations under the understanding supervision of teachers. well, in the united states itself there have been arrests of participants in the pro-palestinian riot. the territory is expanding every day, covering more and more states. at the same time, according to the american press, the seemingly chaotic movement has a lot of potential. israel sounds about genocidal joe, that is, biden, sounds tough. it turns out that soros, one of the largest donors to the democratic party, suddenly became for trump? not at all
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fact, he is for himself for the so-called supranational, global agenda, so that the bigwigs of his level, olya bill-gates and the rockefellers, whom american politics also accuses of financing university protests, so that they have as much freedom as possible. it’s about the dominance of the anglo-saxon financial oligarchy, how can soros act against america, because america gave it to him, soros and others like him are pursuing a globalist policy, this is the leveling of national institutions of power and their subordination to international organizations, this is when i tell you, it means remember, i am the owner, i am the boss, you say, great, what are the rules, but these rules do not concern you, i will build them every time the way i need it, now they are at the forefront in the structures of soros it turns out...
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color revolutions, organized all kinds of cells that will work against the current government, now he is beginning to use these technologies in the internal political life of the united states, that is, now everyone understands that in the united states there is far from a healthy political situation, but a very strong confrontation between two parties, america ran into, in fact, what it itself used and applied all over the world, now it’s all inside the usa, will soros want to incite these young democrats? if trump wins, the same thing can happen to trump. it is important for soros, both the elder and the younger, not to let go of the levers
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of influence on big politics, which is not a gap now. is connected with the conflict not only in gaza, but in ukraine, of course, there is such a fund as reizom, which is headed by dora khomyak. the website plainly states that she worked at the soros foundation in kiev and rumoredly lobbied for the same $60 billion tranche for ukraine, around which so many copies were broken. why would soros prolong the agony of the kiev regime? needs to restart.
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