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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, amounts.
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look into his head, look in the app or on the website. ukrainians are fleeing from the eu to russia,
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they are fleeing because they are afraid that europe will deport them straight to the trenches, in particular those who need, for example, to renew their passport, because ukrainians now cannot receive consular services in the eu, so they are trying by all means not to get there to square, who knows what is the best way for a ukrainian to get from europe to russia now. to fly by plane, then it turns out to be quite expensive, i heard that there is a bus that carries from europe, it seems that for 370 euros it takes you to sheremetyevo, to sheremetyevo and in general at the russian border, increased controls for those with ukrainian citizenship and for those who is now a citizen of russia, but previously had an independent passport, necessary security measures. blogger mark eremin tells his audience that he himself just passed such a test.
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many, including questions like these: is it worth it, for example, to clean your phone if subscribed to pro-ukrainian telegram channels, what to do if you sent money from your number to support the armed forces of ukraine. blogger eremin says that his phone was also checked, they asked questions about social networks, they didn’t search the phone specifically, they just entered the number with some kind of code, a barcode appeared on the phone and then they scanned it all, that is, it’s like it’s inside .
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they didn’t dig into anything, but i know for sure that if you don’t have russian citizenship, they will most likely check it with very, very meticulous people also quite verbatim, as if they were looking there and, in principle , they were looking at social networks there, do you have any calls for glory to ukraine there were flying when my friends saw how people were sitting, deleting photos of correspondence , cleaning them so that god forbid no one would notice their russophobia, i know , that now... the special services are very careful about those people who come with a completely clean phone, because it is not clear why you bought a new phone, to enter russia, it means you have something to hide. this one might say, this is a test for a saboteur; russia must be confident in those who come. we encountered, let’s say, during the period of the northern military district with unpleasant moments when the people who were here, who received a russian passport, were engaged. at
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a minimum, snitching, in the worst direction of some kind of terrorist activity, there were cases when people came here, swore their love for russia, when they asked to bare their bodies before eating, there were tattoos... tricks with tridents, with various chevrons and so on further, that is, it is not known for certain whether are they idiots, or are they just such saboteurs, so even the hidden adherents of the nazi kiev regime are unlikely to be able to infiltrate, the border guards are deployed, then the only way is in the hands of the trade center, they are clearly waiting, they are luring you to the front line with jokes about the avdeevka resort, excursions, donbass, kleshcheevka, avdeevka. hot courses, hot chickens at the resort slavyansk, kramotorsk, kleshcheevka, avdeevka, chasovyar, in kleshcheevka, avdeevka and chasyar this man, who
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tried to escape from ukraine to romania, would definitely not want to , got ready, wig, makeup, even took a passport sisters, but judging by the footage of this interrogation it didn’t work, apparently he has options to get to russia. there was no chance of salvation at all for the ukrainians of russia, because no one wants to return, especially in connection with the adopted new laws on mobilization, in ukraine there is nothing holding them back, for men there is only one way to go to the front, women are unlikely to want to give up their men , in general, they can follow their husbands, their brothers, today everyone knows that on the territory of russia... there is a place for them to work, and a future for their children, unlike ukraine, in general, no one looks at them as enemies, well, only, of course, if they really are not enemies, well, besides, russia is about traditional values, and not covered up with
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false freedom choice, western lgbt propaganda, so what happens, european integration did not work, since ukrainians are fleeing to the saving... russia, i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. exactly 200 years ago. on may 7, 1824, in vienna, in the theater at the corinthian gate, bidhovin's last symphony, the ninth, was performed for the first time.
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it is unusual in that at the end the author inserted part of schiller's poem "odyk of joy, performed by soloists and choir. this was the first time that a world-class composer." used his voice in the symphony. beethoven wrote it for more than two years, took an order from the london philharmonic society, because he needed in funds, was already very ill, and by the time of the premiere he was completely deaf. therefore, he gave up the conducting position to the kapellmeister, and did not even hear the applause, but the audience enthusiastically accepted the symphony. many were crying. now the fourth voice movement of the symphony, the charm of joy is used as the anthem of the european union.
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on may 7, 1895, alexander popov presented the world's first radio receiver, it was in st. petersburg at a meeting of the russian physicochemical society, holding his own. experiments, studying the achievements of other physicists, popov designed a device capable distinguish signals by duration and created the first radio communication system that could transmit signals in morse code. the scheme he proposed became a classic; first generation radio communication devices were based on it. at the same time as popov , other scientists were conducting experiments with electromagnetic waves: the italian guglielma marconi, the serbian nikola tesla, the british oliver lotch and others. therefore, popov's primacy is often disputed in other countries. in the soviet union in russia, in honor of the first demonstration of popov’s device, may 7 is traditionally radio day is celebrated. on may 7, 1945, the allies signed the act of surrender of germany without
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the ussr. in essence, this was an attempt to belittle the role of the soviet union in defeating the enemy. the first act of surrender was signed in reims at 2:41 a.m. may 7, the signature from the ussr is also there, it was put by the representative of the supreme high command headquarters under the allied command, major general ivan suslaparov, but he did it at his own peril and... before signing he asked for permission from moscow, but by the time it was necessary i had to sign, i haven’t received instructions yet, immediately after the order came, stalin forbade it. the soviet leader was outraged; the western allies played a leading role in this signing. he refused to recognize the act of surrender and demanded a new signing in berlin, which was taken by the red army. not wanting to quarrel with the ussr, the allies agreed. second signing ceremony. took place on the night of may 8-9 in karlshorst on the outskirts of berlin, this time
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marshal of victory georgy zhukov accepted the unconditional surrender of the germans from the soviet side. the texts of both capitulations are almost identical. time the ceasefire indicated in them is the same. may 8 at 23:1 minute central european time. according to moscow, it was an hour and 1 minute of the night on may 9, but in soviet historiography. to consider the capitulation in berlin as the main one, in reims as preliminary, but in the west, in fact, the only main one, they consider it just the capitulation in reims, and what happened in berlin is simply its ratification. on may 7, 1999, the americans bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade during the nato operation against yugoslavia, during the fighting in center of europe, which were called the allied force. it was a very strange incident: the diplomatic mission building was destroyed in 2345 by a guided missile, killing three
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chinese citizens. theoretically, china could well take retaliatory measures, but beijing and washington agreed that the united states would pay $28 million to the chinese authorities and another $4.5 million to the relatives of the dead chinese and the wounded. nato claimed that the target of the bombing was the building of the serbian supply department, which it was engaged in. the alliance said it was just using it lightly outdated maps, but later articles began to appear in the western press that the blow to the diplomatic mission was nevertheless dealt deliberately. allegedly, the embassy served as a relay station for the yugoslav army. after slobodan milosevic's army's own transmitters were jammed by nato forces. this is what this day was like. in history, the
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inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time on the channel. russia, bye western sports officials and even heads of state are trying to cancel everything in russian world sports, in moscow they are developing any kind of sports, even american ones, so in the very center of moscow, in tagansky park, three times a week the moscow spartans prepare for the games of the russian american championship. this strange sport for many in moscow originated in the late eighties, the rule
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is similar to rugby, the main goal is to carry the ball with your hands over the final scoring line, which is located at the end of the field; american football is often played by accident, i played hockey for 10 years, then i accidentally saw just literally on the internet there a recruiting group for an american football team, so i came, well, it all started, then i moved to moscow, here i’ve been playing for the spartans since i was fifteen. there was such a period in my life, i played regular football for 10 years, and i probably dreamed, like any teenager, of playing professionally, but it didn’t work out, and the choice became something to replace, and my friend invited me to try, well. and somehow i’ve become entrenched and have been playing american for ten years now football, unlike the united states, where this sport is number one, in russia american football... is rather amateur, and is hampered by the non-standard length of the field, special markings, slingshot-shaped goals and
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expensive protective equipment. athletes usually train after work and compete on weekends. in fact, given this non-professional status, the relationship between most players is more than professional from the point of view, as far as this is at least possible, and people work in basic jobs, but at the same time everything keep in good shape, go to the gym on their own, and just... american football itself is a very team sport, and those people who managed to get a real taste of it, they can no longer stop, they accept the team’s diverse composition. of different ages, the main thing is that there is a desire to give everything 100, finding a position by age and even weight for the coaching staff is not at all difficult, there are young people, there are completely veterans, why is this? well, in principle, we welcome and welcome everyone who wants to join our wonderful sport, that’s why we have guys there who are 16-17 years old, and such old-timers
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there who are already over 40 years old, but everything very much depends on the position, on the role, here every unit. which is on the field is so important that every play depends on this unit, that is, every player on the field, his work and his importance are very important. young guys and older men who come to tagansky park three times a week in any weather are not alone. in moscow , 6 million people regularly go in for sports, and tens of thousands of sporting events, of all kinds. in moscow sports schools there are sections of 89.
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of course, they learn a lot, they pick up some habits that i do because of day after day on the mat, during the day of competition, all this, of course, is passed on with character experience, some well the will to win, of course, all this is passed on, the children want to be champions, because after all, there is one place, i always tell all the children, one place is first, the rest is so, nothing. simple rules, you need to push your opponent out of the circle, this makes the fights short and unpredictable, in my earlier understanding it was sumoitu that these are healthy, strong, big men who are trying to achieve a result literally in a short period of time, that is, you need to touch a certain point, in order to defeat the enemy, as we
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see that now sumo is developing in our country, it is... very, so to speak, spectacular, that is, it turns out that in a short period of time an ordinary person can understand who the winner is, who won. sumo not only nails the will to win, but teaches you to be restrained and calm in any life situation. these are the wrestlers who should not show their emotions, you go out, you burn, you win. kind of sport, you need to run fast and pedal orienteering - versatile and at the same time be able to work with a compass and maps. it seems that sports is not a very clear
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outcome of the sport, but in fact, every person is faced with navigation in life to one degree or another. even go to the store, or go to a friend’s house, that’s all orienteering needs to go from one point to another, i came to orienteering 2 years ago, my friends told me, i decided to try it too, and in general i really like it, because i love running, i love skiing, cycling, everything like that, in general, i decided that this is my sport, i will do it, in moscow sports... more than 2 thousand children are involved in orienteering, classes are held both indoors and in parks. softball sections are also very popular in moscow; this is an easier version of baseball, which is suitable for children, it does not require special physical training and is less traumatic. i really like to play defense, i like to go out on the field, i especially like
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to wear glasses and run around the bases. more than 100 thousand people are involved in sports at the moscow sports committee, almost 6,000 are members of the russian national team, this is 17% of the total number of teams, despite the exclusion from international competitions in many sports, muscovites continue to train until they sweat. don't rush, don't rush, hurry. jumping on a trampoline attract not only children in play centers, but also professional athletes. this is an olympic sport and is very popular in moscow. i believe that trampolining is one of the most exciting sports, due to the fact that we work a lot in the air, perform various elements, and i think that it is very beautiful, spectacular for...
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50 braz participated in relay races in relay races they took first place, that is, in 3 years from someone who cannot swim, and getting a cup in moscow is of course progress, first we we warm up, do all sorts of exercises, and then we put on fins, swim on our feet, there is coordination, then the relay race begins, my favorite stroke is the crawl, at the academy... athletes, training takes place in different parts of moscow, this fifty-meter pool is located in the casino area, director : olympic silver medalist evgeny korotyshkin. i competed at the olympics in
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2004 in athens in beijing in 2008 in london in 2012, and of course i traveled around the world, performed at many foreign competitions, russian. i saw how the training stage for athletes is organized, and i can say that we are now reaching that level - the international level, where athletes are given every opportunity to achieve the highest results. on the other side of moscow, the west sports school has been nurturing talent for two decades. for water floor, this is, by the way, the only olympic team sport with a sword on water. this is a very practical sport, it is a sport that teaches you not to drown and save someone else. this is the development of everything
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muscle corset from the shoulder girdle to the lower extremities. this is a beautiful figure, this is a strong figure, this is a person who is intellectually developed, this is a very good brain. coach anna petrova complains that parents bring their children swimming more often. water polo is not so popular in the country, although the situation is changing. at first i went swimming, but then it seemed boring to me, i saw that there were guys playing with swords, i signed up, found out that it was water polo, i liked it and stayed. synchronized swimming training takes place next door, lights out there are no takers, and this despite the fact that sport requires maximum dedication and hard work. children go, yes, they go to tryouts, but... the sport is hard, very hard, which includes a large number of different sports, and acrobat, well, it’s like everything is combined, yes, starting from learning to swim, ending with
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acrobatics, choreography, ballet, plus chickpeas, this is all a big combination, so many children can’t stand it and go back to swimming, and those who remain under the leadership of the honored coach of russia elena rosko, have a good chance of getting into the national team. textured. children are needed, and the yard is moving, so, but from our sports school there are students who made it to the national team and there are still children there with whom i started, they then, of course, move to specialized schools, where they train from morning to night, but in any case they started here, and if we had not found them, they would not have been in the national team. these guys with bits and patches have already realized their dream, training is in full swing. sick and youth team russia. this sport came to our country in the late eighties. the history of russian baseball since 1986, back in the soviet union, appeared due to the fact
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that this sport began to be represented at the olympic games in barcelona, ​​so it was as if the soviet state also relied on baseball. now baseball is no longer an olympic sport, but in moscow it is actively developing at the children's level. youth and youth sports, the greatest development, accordingly, remains in moscow, where there is the south team, where i am a coach, the vostok team, there is the moskvich team, there is the moscow youth team, that is, the development of baseball is taking place in moscow, stronger than in the rest of our large state. baseball is an intellectual game, it is often compared to chess; after the pitcher’s throw, you need to keep it in your head. up to thirty game situations, well, firstly, it develops all muscle groups, there are always no monotonous games, they are all unique in their own way, that is, there is always
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some kind of episode in the game. that you will always remember; there are many stories about them. the russian youth team was assembled from moscow teams, which was about to hold a tournament in the middle kingdom. while western politicians are building barriers in the way of our athletes, in moscow they are creating all the conditions for professional and amateur sports, whatever it may be. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, such a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready duskvu, obscurity, no, not like that he’ll go, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, it looks a lot like him.
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soldiers of the aurora battalion.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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it’s cool in moscow today, the weather is so cool, and the news from the kremlin is really so hot that...


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