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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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the government is successfully resisting the toughest sanctions in history, the purpose of which is to destroy the russian economy. vladimir putin thanked the ministers for the significant results of their work.
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yes, regarding road construction, closing it, not closing it, how to do it, what to do with the teams, all this gave an appropriate, generally satisfactory result. this work helped not only save lives, but also save the economy. russia coped better than many, but almost immediately it faced new challenges that the country could not avoid. we we were convinced that after 8 years of mockery of people who... russia, their historical homeland, cannot be resolved by peaceful means. a little later it became clear that we were simply being misled; we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by force of arms. this was an extreme and forced measure to resolve the issue peacefully; russia was ready from the first weeks of the northern military district. but
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the diplomatic path was closed to the other side of the conflict, the task of the west was initially different, you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, and above all economically, to create problems in labor collectives, cause mass unemployment in the country, lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result was... exactly the opposite of what was expected. last year, the russian economy grew at a rate higher than the world's. therefore , we are ahead of not only the leading countries of the european union, but all the so-called states, the so-called big seven. together we looked for worthy answers to the most complex historical challenges have generally been successfully overcome. this mobilized us, we
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worked under your leadership, this is internal mentoring, which you also dealt with with us on each of the issues, these are industry meetings, and a huge number of, i would say, endless consultations, 24x7, and that’s all gave an effect, here i want to say that we tried very hard not to let you down here. and citizens of our country, and we are proud to be part of your team, but the country also had strategic development plans, national projects that were not cancelled, their implementation was able to continue, which the president called fundamentally important, the security and sovereignty of russia were at the forefront, at the heads of all the tasks that we set and solved for ourselves, we ensured decent growth in citizens’ incomes, real wages. incomes
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, real incomes of the population grew, grew generally at an acceptable, if not good pace, of course, we probably could have done... even more, but in general, what was done was done with dignity, let’s say , softly, with a completely satisfactory result. the prime minister, together with his cabinet , must resign after the presidential elections ; this is required by the constitution, but the tasks for the new government have already been determined by the head of state. i expect from colleagues at all levels of executive power concentration, composure and work for results. we need continuity.
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russian federation does not stop, i want, expressing words of gratitude for what we have done and you have done in previous years, to express the hope that we will we will do a lot in the name of russia and its people. who and where from the current cabinet of ministers will work next will become clear by the end of may. president-elect putin will present a candidate for the post of head of government after taking office. alexey button, yulia brileva and kirill malikov, conduct. the russian army liberated.
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representatives, this is, of course, both president macron and the british foreign secretary, us senators joined these statements of readiness to send military contingents to the territory of ukraine in order for them to take part in hostilities, these are hitherto unprecedented, unprecedented statements, they require very responsible.
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estonia also lamented that it was impossible to simply transfer nuclear weapons to kiev, and the current head of the foreign office, david cameron, actually allowed kiev to use british long-range weapons to strike targets in russia. while great britain itself announced new investments in nuclear deterrent forces. our nuclear capabilities are at the core of our national security, speech
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about our nuclear deterrent , nuclear submarines, but also energy security, because nuclear power is important to the future, which is why today we are making transformational investments in our nuclear capabilities to protect the future of the country. he raised military rhetoric to unprecedented heights for europe, of course, the french president in early may... one against ukraine. according to emmanuel macron, since he said that he does not rule out sending military personnel , one cannot afford to set limits on support for ukraine, which is dangerous statement, given that it was he who initiated the discussion about the future of european defense, including nuclear weapons issues, explaining this by necessity, quote “defense from the russians.”
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estonia, they have already started talking about sending soldiers in washington, the leader of the democratic minority in the house of representatives announced possible us intervention in the conflict. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if that happens, america will probably have to intervene in the conflict not only with our money, but with our military personnel. or we will stop russia in ukraine by continuing our military and economic assistance, or we will face a difficult situation. when vladimir putin and russia are able to take over ukraine, they will begin to threaten nato allies.
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they have been arguing about increasing nuclear potential in europe for several years now, and it is not difficult to guess who it will be directed against. and vladimir putin warned the west that russia will not tolerate threats against itself. on the day the special military operation began, he warned against intervention in the conflict. now a few important, very important words for those who may... be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place, whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats for our country, for our people, should know that russia's response will be immediate, and will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history. we are ready for any development of events and all the necessary decisions in this regard. accepted, i hope that i will be heard. but the west pretended not to
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hear, teaching today, try again explain to opponents how dearly such political deafness can cost them. against the backdrop of the provocation of macron and cameron , the french british ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry. russia has long been warning the west about the inadmissibility of escalation. on this issue he supports moscow. reactions from the west, anton dadekin. russia's warning about conducting exercises to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear weapons should cool the hottest heads in western capitals. the west, of course, cannot accept that the current us policy the european union can lead to direct armed confrontation with moscow, because then their citizens will not understand. therefore, officials rushed to calm everyone down. here is the statement from the us state department. we see no reason for adjustment. ours that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in ukraine. the italian defense minister also hastened to say that russia’s maneuvers do not have
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its own nuclear position in response to these statements, as well as no signs of anything unusual. this is an exercise that russia has conducted dozens of times in previous years. in such moments we take the news and try to make it more significant than it is. this does not help improve the situation, because we risk increasing nervousness and provoking disproportionate reactions. such reports should be limited to the meaning they had in earlier, calmer years. however, moscow’s warning clearly reached its intended recipients. the head of the italian ministry of foreign affairs drew attention. to the statement of the russian ministry of defense that the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces are associated with provocations by threats of individual western officials. antonio tayani noted: yes, rome supplies ukraine with weapons, but in no case does it want to fight with russia. we will help ukraine defend itself, but we will not send a single italian soldier there, because
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it is one thing to help ukraine with weapons, and another thing to fight with russia. and we are not at war with russia. the president of france hastened to emphasize the same thing, the same emmanuel macron, whose statement about the possibility of sending troops of the fifth republic to ukraine became one of the reasons for the russian exercises. moscow called his policy irresponsible, thoughtless, and capable of leading to a head-on military clash between nuclear powers. after this, macron immediately began to fuss. we are not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people, we have no desire to change power. at the same time , the british press clearly does not yet know how to comment on the call of the ambassador of the united kingdom to moscow and the stern warning to london that in response to ukrainian strikes on russian territory using british weapons, any british military installations and equipment, including outside ukraine, could be attacked in retaliation. therefore, for example, the
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guardian newspaper limited itself to an extremely careful retelling of moscow’s statements. warnings from russia. and it even reached the warsaw russophobes. poland is not preparing and will not send polish troops to ukraine; we will help ukraine by training ukrainian soldiers in our country, supplying equipment, and participating in coalitions to help ukraine. but berlin clearly remembers the power of russian weapons. this is how the german chancellor commented on the situation in in social networks. with russia's announced nuclear exercises, it is again important to make clear that nuclear weapons should not be used in this war. scholz himself went to the baltic states to cheer them up, visited the location of the german contingent in lithuania, took a ride in an armored vehicle on camera and promised that 35 thousand bundeswehr soldiers, if anything, are ready to cover the baltic countries. he just kept silent about the fact that another reinforcement of nato troops near the russian borders could provoke further escalation.
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anton dadykin, lead. but france with respects china's long-standing relationship. from russia, this was stated by emmanuel macron after a meeting with the leader of the prc. but, as the french press notes, macron actually tried to do everything to destroy cooperation between moscow and beijing. true, nothing came of it. about sizempina's visit to europe. anastasia popova. instead of the pomp of the palace of versailles, the french president chose his working residence in the center of paris. he walked down the steps to meet the chinese leader, but there was no hug...
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the chinese leader in paris, diplomats say, is the head of the european commission, ursula vonderen, who is engaging in aggressive trade rhetoric towards beijing. however, this is why macron invited her, first with him to china, and now she insisted on being present at the champs elysees, and transferred to her the thankless job of threatening china. chinese products have flooded the european market, beijing continues to actively support its industrial sector, but the world cannot accept excess chinese products, so i called for chinese.
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wants to simultaneously limit supplies to europe of chinese products and at the same time export more of their goods to beijing, talking about agriculture and about airbas aircraft. sidzenping's visit to france before.
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at the moment, it has turned into one of this topic is the main one on the agenda of paris, which is kiev’s aggressive lobbyists in the eu. claims have been voiced against chinese companies exporting technology to russia. the eu demands that china stop supporting moscow. in response, beijing is ready to help all parties agree on peace. we oppose the use of the crisis in ukraine for denigrating third countries and shifting responsibility, as well as provoking a new cold war. we advocate holding, when possible, an international peace conference that will be supported by both ukraine and russia. macron has 2 days to establish trust and influence the chinese leader, which scholz and ursula fondeen were unable to do. tomorrow macron will take you to zenpina.
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we spread our religion, islam, as if freely. the lutheran community in the zaporozhye region also set out to restore ancient church. an important factor for us is the further development of the community and, above all, the restoration of the church building in its historical form. and we see the fulfillment of constitutional guarantees. meanwhile, the american television channel pbc in the news program new hour showed a ten-minute story in which our military allegedly kills believers and desecrates holy places.
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near simphepol, for some reason ukraine did not build such a mosque during the 23 years of occupation of crimea, but under the russian government, here it was built, now it is being reconstructed in mariupol a damaged mosque, for example, there is a mosque in donetsk, an armenian church in makeevka, many, many, although, of course, the majority of the population traditionally in novorossiya profess orthodoxy. the unglorified pro-western democracy did not condemn blasphemy and mockery on the holy orthodox holiday of christ's resurrection, a blasphemous parody or
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a hemp march. this year, easter in ukraine coincided with the legalization of cannabis. so characters who imagine themselves to be followers of some religion illuminate baskets with hemp bags and eggs, as a result of narcotic worship, a satanic performance, a demonic coming from the holiday. ukrainian pensioners are thrown out just because they are orthodox people, they are kicked, dragged out into the street by their hair, followed by shouts of shame and sent to moscow. who in
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ukraine is allowed to freely celebrate easter, drug addicts and transvestites? at the eurovision opening ceremony, ukrainian singers showed the leading pervert how to properly crack easter eggs, although it would be more correct to call exorcists for kiev officials. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya news. the russian national hockey team defeated the team. belarus. the game took place in omsk. danila mokhalin has all the details. surprising but true. the russian national hockey team has never played a match in omsk in its history. in a city with great hockey traditions, where residents treat this sport with special reverence. therefore, it is no accident that a new arena appeared here 2 years ago, meeting all modern requirements, one of the best in
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the country, accommodating. he sincerely believes that this is the best arena not only in russia, but in the world, and it seems to me that there is no reason not to believe his words, when i played for the national team of the soviet union, and we came to canada, so we came to such a holiday, and today we have this holiday in many cities, it’s very cool that such beautiful palaces are being built in our cities, no worse than anywhere else, even better than in america in canada, this is very cool, because we love hockey, russia. the fans could not help but respond with envy at the opportunity to see the wolf game of the national team, tickets quickly sold out, and somehow, it’s a sold out, even if it’s a friendly, but historic match, the best arena, we’re rooting for our team, ours will definitely win only russia, just forward, the arena is lively, especially the fans, everyone is screaming , everyone is supportive, it's a bomb, it's a world stage, everyone thinks so, i think
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it's impressive? absolutely yes chills. the russian national team traditionally included many players from st. petersburg ska, including two-time gagarin cup champion sergei tolchinsky and olympic silver medalist games arseny gritsuk, who spent most of his career in omsk. perhaps thanks to this, he managed to score two goals at once. i owe this city a lot, because i found my wife here, i’ll probably say so, and many acquaintances, relatives, and close ones are already here. lives happy to be home, play in his home arena and also score two goals, of course i wanted to make a hit trick so that the fan would remember it. zakhar bardakov and maxim sorkin scored one more goal each, 4:0, a confident victory for the russian team over team of belarus. there were expectations, even ours, this is a game, because the fans were so sick, so i was at many games, at the world championships, i was at the world championships when i was younger, i was in canada, i was in the usa, in finland.
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in the world, the atmosphere here was the best today, this can be said absolutely accurately and honestly. immediately after the end of the match in omsk, our national team goes to tula, and a little later from there to minsk to play two more control matches against the belarusian team as part of the big may tour. so far in three matches, not a single goal has been conceded and the overall score is 11:0. danil mahalin igor dolinsky, alexander stalmashevsky, lead omsk. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time on the russia channel.
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