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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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to the post of president. the inauguration ceremony, according to tradition, took place in the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin took the oath of office, placing his hand on a special copy of the constitution. in his speech, the head of state stated that russia itself will only determine its own destiny and will pass through the difficult transition period with dignity. the main points of vladimir putin's speech and the most striking moments of the president's assumption of office in the report by anastasia efimova. vladimir putin officially took office as russian president.
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kremlin, from where he, in an aurus car, a modified version of it, this, by the way, is one of the innovations of the current ceremony, proceeded here, to the large kremlin palace, and in the motorcade this year there was not only an aurus car, but also motorcycles, and this is the second innovation.
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i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to comply with the protection of the constitution of the russian federation, and to protect sovereignty. and independence, security and integrity state, to serve the people faithfully. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia, the head of state swears allegiance, of course, first of all to his country, but what is no less important, at this moment, the president gives his promises and oath to every citizen of this very country.
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vladimir putin, today, also thanked the citizens for the support provided to him, i want to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to bow to our to the heroes, participants in a special military operation, to everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you once again for what you have done...
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i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability , is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance or conceit of one’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests, together with partners in eurasian integration, with other sovereign centers of development, we will continue to work to form a multipolar world order, an equal and indivisible security system. v
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in a complex world that is rapidly changing, we must be self-sufficient and competitive. the large kremlin palace received 2,600 guests today.
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responsibility, sincerity, decency, nobility and courage. i will do everything so that people who have demonstrated their best human and professional qualities prove their loyalty to the fatherland by deeds and take leading positions in public administration, in the economy, and in all spheres. we must ensure reliable continuity in the development of the country for decades to come, raise and educate younger generations who... will strengthen the power of russia, develop our statehood, which is based on interethnic harmony, preserving the traditions of all peoples living in russia, in a country of civilization, united by the russian language of our multinational culture.
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vladimir putin spoke about the education of future generations, of course, not by chance; today in his speech he also touched upon the theme of continuity, the theme of dignity and...
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which inspire us today, we are confidently looking forward, planning our future, we are planning and already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic and even more powerful. we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring to life everything we have planned together. her pronouncement, vladimir putin went out onto the red porch, that’s what it’s called, red
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the porch of the large kremlin palace and proceeded to attend the ceremony of introducing the presidential regiment. the weather in moscow today, well, really. let's say, it's not the month of may, contrary to the calendar, cold rain, mixed with snow, not a single muscle in the face of the military man flinched, and, characteristically, he didn't flinch on the face of the head of state, who stood without an umbrella as part of this presentation ceremony, but after after this, the president went to the annunciation cathedral, where the patriarch served a solemn service and addressed vladimir putin not only with patriarchal, but also really very personal. parting words. god, great and wondrous, incorruptible goodness, rich providence, rule all things, grant now our earnest prayer, and bless the good intention of the president of our country, vladimir vladimirovich, who lays the beginning of the reign,
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preserved by you, our country, russian, wisely guide him without stumbling, go through this great service. the inauguration ceremony of the head of state takes place on a fixed date, this is easter, the date is not fixed, but it so happened that the ceremony. coincided with easter week, a very special holiday for all christian believers, in this coincidence, many guests of today's ceremony saw special symbolism. anastasia efimova, nikita korneev and artyom davidov, lead. valentina matvienko expressed confidence that the president will not delay the nomination of prime minister and ministers to parliament. the speaker of the federation council suggested that candidates for...
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pay attention to those issues that were delivered by our friends from seroliona, we agreed to continue working on expanding the legal framework, several important documents are under negotiation, i am confident that we will soon complete work on them, our colleagues also expressed interest in attracting russian investors to the economy,
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today we agreed to continue coordinate our steps in the un in general and in the security council in particular, especially since in july russia will chair the security council, in august we will pass the baton to our friends from sierra lyona. we talked about the situation in the sahara-sahel region in mali, burkina faso, niger, chad, we are interested in...
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in this main body responsible for issues of international peace and security. we have good cooperation in implementing the agreements that were already reached at two russia-africa summits, in accordance with the decision of the st. petersburg summit in july last year, this year the first meeting of foreign ministers, russia, the african union will take place, it will take place in november and we expect that our friends will be represented at the appropriate level. we reaffirmed our appreciation for sieur lyon’s principled position on issues related to the situation around ukraine, which arose as a result of a long- prepared hybrid war with the west against
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the russian federation in order to weaken our country and create threats to its security.
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the truth is a very historical moment for many reasons, firstly, i came to russia as a fourth-year student in 2000, and i was in st. petersburg at the st. petersburg mining at the institute, i graduated as an engineer in the field of oil and gas production and development, and today i am very glad to be here, and to contribute here -
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we are also grateful to the russian federation for supporting our fight for food security, today we are talking about that we still have a minimal capital investment, and we want to use our bilateral relations and political achievements in order to also promote economic cooperation, we today
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so that sera lyon will be an independent nation and supported other nations in a multilateral format. hello, dear ministers,
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tas agency karina gorshkova. we have two questions today. first question, first question for the head of mit sierra lion. many african countries, including sierra leona, have expressed great interest in russian penetration. business to local markets, is freetown ready to create favorable conditions for the arrival of russian capital, what steps are being taken in this direction and what areas are the most promising, in your opinion. and the second question, if i may speak to you, sergei viktorovich, is russia planning to open an embassy in sierra leone, in general, are there plans to open new diplomatic missions of russia in african countries.
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executive power, every agreement that is adopted regarding private business is ratified by parliament, thus ensuring the safety of investments, including for russian investors. of course, we are creating a favorable environment for russian businessmen, and also, as i said, we have already.
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we agreed with mr. minister that the relevant departments of the government of sieur lyon will formulate additional wishes for russian investors in various sectors, including in the area of ​​possible cooperation in nuclear energy and on peaceful atoms outside the energy sphere, such proposals... in this and other areas , in other areas, will be transferred to us, and we will definitely organize an interdepartmental study, it will not take much time, i think that you will soon learn about the results, thank you, thank you, thank you, we deserve it, it was a live broadcast from the ministry, sergei lavrov held
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a joint press conference with his colleague. minister of foreign affairs of the republic of sierra leone following negotiations in moscow. and again let's return to the main topic of the day, the solemn ceremony of vladimir putin's inauguration as head of state, which took place this afternoon in the large kremlin palace. many of the guests today talked about how important it is to continue the course of strengthening sovereignty and improving the quality of life of russians. confidence moscow mayor sergei sobyanin also expressed that it will be continued. under the direction of. the country has come a long way, a difficult, complex path to revival, independence, and of course, moscow, as part of our country, a huge, strong country, is walking along this path with everyone else, and huge words of gratitude for the attention that putin pays to the development of the capital , i am sure that thanks to his vast experience, wisdom and talent
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as a manager. we will continue to move towards victory. many guests spoke today about the unconditional popular support of the president ceremony, including olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, alina kabaeva. today our russian president took office, this is a very important event. it’s great that the people came to the elections, supported the president, supported his policies, and we, as voters, see that our leader does not rely on foreign countries. but relies on its people, this is the key to all our successes in victory. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the republic of belarus ordered a sudden check of the forces of the launch vehicles non-strategic nuclear weapons, as reported in the ministry of defense of the republic, they will check the entire range of activities, from planning to preparation for strikes with tactical nuclear weapons, a division of the operational-tactical
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complex from... as well as a squadron of su-25 aircraft is being put on alert. as part of the inspection , part of the aviation forces were relocated to an alternate airfield. the iskander operational-tactical complex and the squadron of sud-25 tactical aircraft are ready to carry out missions as intended. this inspection will be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations established by the commander-in-chief. during it , the entire complex from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons will be tested. the armed forces have begun checking the readiness of tactical nuclear weapons carrier forces. as part of this event , part of the aviation forces was relocated to a subsequent alternate airfield. with the relocation of the technical staff, we will begin the issues of testing and preparation for use.


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