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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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and the war was won by the guys who were born after the revolution. many writers and front-line soldiers found themselves on different sides of the barricades after perestroika, joining different communities and groups, but with all this, they always treated each other with respect and appreciated the works of their colleagues, because these were front-line soldiers. akudzhava, vasiliev, astafiev, favored by the state, the award of prizes, immense respect and honor after the death of the creation of museums. now their stories have begun to be read. with new feelings, it's a big information evening, that's what it's all about we will tell you in the next hour that the wife of foreign agent martynov, accused of attempted murder of her daughter, did not admit her guilt in court. what
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did she tearfully ask the judge for and how long will she spend behind bars? they go forward, despite the bombs and mines. russian fighters are coming up with new ways to strengthen their armored vehicles, turning infantry fighting vehicles into veritable assault rhinoceroses. instead of speech, a pshek will remain a pshek. polish judge thomas schmidt, who left for belarus, has been revealed.
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine led a motor rally in honor of the day victory in sydney. syrsky sr. is already cleaning up this fragment of history on social networks. well, the main topic of the day, of course, remains the official inauguration of vladimir putin as president; according to tradition, the solemn ceremony was held in the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin, where the head is. the state took the oath on a special copy of the constitution, and then made a number of truly programmatic statements about the present and future of russia, which, according to him , follows the right course and independently determines its destiny. the main points and the brightest moments of the ceremony in the report by anastasia efimova. vladimir putin officially took office as president of the russian federation. the ceremony, in strict accordance with protocol, began in the office.
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i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to comply with the protection of the constitution of the russian federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state.
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thank russian citizens in all regions our country, the inhabitants of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with their homeland.
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sovereign development in the future, and of course, each of these heroes is already the country’s elite, vladimir putin spoke about this as part of the president’s address to the federal assembly, and today he returned to the topic of personnel again. we see how the atmosphere in
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society has changed, how highly reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, decency, nobility and courage are valued today.
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for 2 days we will celebrate the day of the great victory, today their descendants are again defending our country, in this way, by adopting traditions, following the legacy of previous generations and raising new generations, i quote vladimir putin, we will win together. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history to our ancestors, they seemingly took
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their future, we are planning and are already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful.
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antonina martynova, who was nevertheless found guilty of attempted murder
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of her own daughter. let me remind you, according to during the investigation, the crime took place back in 2007, but then the defendant managed to escape from under a written agreement not to leave, she hid right up until mid-april twenty-fourth, that is, a lot of time passed, to put it mildly, but the statute of limitations was not taken into account, since in such cases, if the accused evades legal action, the duration of this very period is suspended. accordingly, the law enforcement agencies did not see any legal obstacles to bringing to justice, however, the country of defense believes the verdict is absolutely unfair, they say, what speaks in favor of the wife against the agent is at least the fact that the above-mentioned daughter lived with her all these years, and seemed to receive everything she needed from her mother. is it worth believing and what to expect next? let's figure it out with the help of evgeniy petrukhina. evgenia, hello, well, as far as i understand, the lawyers are preparing an appeal. yes, alexey, hello, absolutely right, and completely. it is likely that the customer for this appeal is located far beyond russia.
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there was no repentance, rather the opposite, antonina martynova tearfully tried to explain to the court that she was not to blame, so the wife of the foreign agent martynova did not change her strategy for 16 years; she did not admit her guilt in that her daughter fell from the height of the third floor into a flight of stairs. she took out a handkerchief and began wiping away her tears even before the trial began, but then she seemed to... calm down and, apparently, was counting on uttering a piercing last word, at least somehow mitigating the sentence. the lawyer probably advised martynova to follow the same strategy as 16 years ago. that's mine my daughter knows that our whole family is in trouble, when i heard the other jurors, i couldn’t do it. and therefore, 16 years ago, martynova fled, despite signing a written agreement not to leave, despite the fact that... the jury found her guilty even then, all this time the wife
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of foreign agent kiril martynov was on the federal wanted list, until she and her injured daughter alisa discovered in stavropol. novogorodka was found guilty of dragging her daughter between metal bars while on the landing of the third floor, after what she threw off and gave, staging an accident, began to go down the stairs and making all sorts of noise. she did everything very thoughtfully, she wanted to present it in such a way that the child was playing, then the forest stumbled, everything fell, she chose the method that she considered the most reliable in order to hide the traces of the crime, this is the same alice at today’s meeting in veliky novgorod in a black hood she wipes away tears, the girl only recently found out her real name, all these years she thought that her name was maria, because the fact that the mother with...
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of course, they will hope for martynova’s defense, she herself will appeal, they will try to overturn this verdict, they will try to consider a new one. this is all to send, this is the line of defense that will be chosen, in fact, so that, looking at it in a new way, you can again take testimony from an adult girl, who, well , most likely will, well, some others testify, and already involve in this there and a whole bunch of some organizations that will
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advocate for her to be acquitted there, i i think they do it to order. and not by order of lein's agent kirill martynov, everything that happens to his wife antonina, one way or another is reflected in his reputation, no matter how you whiten it, but this is an attempted murder of a child, and martynov is afraid of becoming unshakable in the west, or, on the contrary, it is beneficial for him, so that the wife gets a sentence, because then you can quickly rivet several articles about the blasphemous regime in modern russia, drag in more about political prisoners, of course, well, we need new materials for the same unwanted in russia. somewhere in europe. martynov devoted his entire career to mystify this truth, to gamify for the entire category of these people, everything that happens to them and to their children, to the world around them, including the country, is an element of some kind of game. yeah, well, pretending you don't know where your spouse is is part of the game. and,
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pushing a child down a flight of stairs is also some part of the game. and this is not only the story of martynov and his wife, this is the story of how their consciousness was changed in this terrible, terrible direction of modification. this after all, the escaped foreign agent martynov just recently compared russia with the banned terrorist organization isis. it was martynov who wrote that crimea was occupied, quote “cattle”. martynov is a well-known media russophist who collaborates with several foundations , organizations banned in russia, undesirable organizations, this is the wilson foundation, on the basis of which the cannon institute was created, which was engaged, simply closely involved in the education system of today's ukraine
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since the nineties, a year-long history, manipulation of facts, which the new newspaper europe has succeeded in. but it’s not as in demand as before, everyone wants money for agents abroad, but the western customer doesn’t see the effect. so the authors of anti-russian content have to fantasize more and more sophisticatedly in order to stay at the trough. the problem is that their fantasies are becoming cheaper every second, and this seems to be the worst sentence for them. evgenia petrukina. and the finale of the novgorod case. during the day, fighters of russian troop groups, center, south and vostok again improved the situation along the front line on the fronts of the donetsk people's republic; they destroyed a total of over a thousand personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. in addition, up to 313, up to 335 ukrainian militants were eliminated in the lpr and the kharkov
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region, where our army again occupied more advantageous positions. as for the losses of enemy equipment, they were disabled. usa. at first glance, the dugout is built in the open air and can become the most convenient target for enemy drones, but in fact there is still shelter. this is very interesting footage from the northern military district zone, where our soldiers demonstrated a new example of their ingenuity. they brought a lot of nets, they really save us from these drones, here is the net itself, but unfortunately the need for them turns out to have increased, because it needs to be covered in two to three lines. so, the positions are covered with several layers of fishing net made from the thinnest fishing line, it is extremely difficult
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to see even on video from a smartphone in a fairly decent resolution, let alone fpv and the camera of most of them. most often far from hd, therefore, the copter operator will almost certainly not notice the obstacle, and the copter itself will not reach the target. by the way, the ukrainian media also noticed the video and reacted surprisingly seriously, saying that the idea is really interesting, that is , there are no more attempts to mock, as there were, for example, with anti-drone visors for tanks, although it is understandable, because well-known sarcasm always breaks the real effectiveness of russian engineering evgeniy nipot found out what the famous tsar was worth... who was again spotted on the front line, and what his crew was doing, evgeny, hello, maybe this super tank has received some new improvements, alexey, hello, improvements appear all the time. soil evolution is moving by leaps and bounds. the first samples with large welded-on structures were jokingly nicknamed king-barbecues, but now these are real assault rhinoceroses, which are increasingly
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overgrown with protection from enemy weapons. this vehicle, for example, has a tracked mine sweeper with an emt electromagnetic attachment. almost the entire area of ​​its solid shell still has a protective lattice. so suggests itself through the fields, through the fields, he goes to the militants. such mastodons help assault groups overcome the most dangerous sectors of the front, for example, in battles for populated areas of donbass. we saw the actions of these tsarmangals in the krasnogorovka area, when they ensured the passage of columns of armored columns through the forefield. and took on themselves, including fpv strikes, and explosions, various shellings, the task of this armored unit is to conduct a column,
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lead, land troops through the forefield and the first line of enemy defense, that is, along essentially, this is such an improved, well, one might say, armored personnel carrier to overcome this dangerous zone; the armored vehicles are reinforced with electronic warfare equipment and staging systems. the authors of the military informant channel note that the author of the video jokingly compares the tuned motorcycle league with the low-volume german a7v heavy tank from the first world war. it turns out to be
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an interesting historical twist: the fortresses on caterpillars left, but after 100 years they returned, and now they serve as a kind of battering rams or accept themselves strikes, primarily fvidedrons. as a rule, it is used as their warhead. grenades from hand-held anti-tank grenades of the rpg type, these grenades damage armor, or rather burn through armor through the use of the so-called cumulative effect. one of the simplest ways to avoid burning through armor with a cumulative effect is to force the cumulative to work earlier, before the moment it touches our armor, as a result of which the jet is washed out and has a fatal impact. spring forty does not have an effect on the armor in the archival photo 5 year old berlin soviet tank with a bed net welded on top of the armor
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for additional protection against the kisses of the witch of faust cartridges. today, drones are one of the key and cheapest tools for combating equipment on both sides of the front, so protection against them cannot be neglected. for the enemy, let’s say, we saw the consequences of neglecting these barbecues yesterday.
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protect protect now the combat zone today is a real reactor, where weapons of destruction are constantly evolving, following they also include methods of protection, and let it be a fishing net or 10 layers of armor on top of a tank or motorcycle ski, the main thing is that this military ingenuity saves the lives of fighters. evgeny nipot and russian ingenuity. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of belarus today ordered a sudden test of strength. non-strategic nuclear weapons, as reported by the ministry of defense of the republic, the readiness of the relevant units is assessed comprehensively from the planning preparation stage to the immediate deployment of tactical carriers
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ammunition, in particular the iskander otrk division, as well as a squadron of su-25 aircraft, the iskander operational-tactical complex and the squadron of sud-25 tactical aircraft are ready to carry out missions as intended. this inspection will be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations established by the commander-in-chief, during which the entire complex from planning, preparation and application will be checked. we discovered and dismantled the statement of the polish intelligence services about wiretapping devices found in the city katowice, and specifically in the hall where the retreat of the polish government was supposed to take place, investigative actions have been launched because of the bugs, well, the media is already speculating that the spy scandal is connected with the fact that poland has become a center of assistance to the kiev regime, but the truth has appeared , what kind of suspicious wiretapping
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is it supposedly professional... security services , the secret services accepted an ordinary old selector, but they are unlikely to admit it publicly, especially since the polish security forces themselves are not averse to using various spy systems for surveillance without court permission. judge thomas schmidt shared such details of the work of western democracy. until recently he worked in the administrative court of warsaw, and now secretly he moved to belarus, where he asked for political asylum. the polish prosecutor general's office immediately began checking the judge due to the potential disclosure. some kind of state secrets, but in this case it is not espionage that comes to the fore, but completely different motives, which boris ivanin will tell, boris, welcome, but it is already clear that the judge acted solely for ideological reasons, yes, alexey, i welcome you, but in fact he talks about it himself, thomas schmidt said at a briefing that coming to minsk, for him, quote, is the only way to freely talk about the situation that immediately developed now in his homeland, the psheks are ready and can officially. only
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when he was safe in belarus did he write a letter of resignation, right at a briefing in minsk, and so expressed his protest against the policies of the polish authorities, which he believes lawyer, acts contrary to national interests, under pressure from london and washington. at the moment, the situation is such that america and great britain want to drag poland into... our politicians from warsaw should think very seriously about restoring a dialogue with president lukashenko with russia. and this is not just a personal opinion. thomas schmidt was a member of the national council of judges of poland. here is his service id. he also worked in
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the warsaw voivodeship court, hearing cases there. related to the army, police, intelligence services itself republics, the revelations caused a great stir, prime minister donald tusk does a poor job of hiding the panic in the press, thomas schmidt, on duty , had access to top secret documents, this is the opinion of a man who speaks not only his point of view, but what he knows firsthand, mind you how the topic of intervention by western countries has intensified recently. on the territory of ukraine, and macron talks about this, polish leaders and the united states, this is happening because ukraine is not just being defeated, but the front is falling apart and can a situation will occur in which there will be nowhere to introduce interventionists. and that is why poland is in a hurry to take control of territories that they historically consider to be theirs. this is the eastern kres, look at the map,
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former. the polish outskirts are now part of modern lithuania, belarus and just ukraine. in many ways, it is the imperial ambitions of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth that force warsaw to march along the path of increased militarization, purchase new military equipment, increase the number of polish troops, and constantly conduct large-scale field training for which are calling on, including reservists, together with nato allies, to organize global military exercises near the russian and belarusian borders. and all this under false slogans. supposedly the salvation of ukraine, but in fact the appropriation of the former volyn region and eastern holechina. previously, these lands were called eastern lesser poland. polish mercenary instructors, as judge thomas schmidt says, are already there. but this is no secret. polish troops have been in western ukraine for a long time. we see how president zelensky gives territories to the poles as state ones employees.


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