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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. how did you feel when you found out that he was appointed head of the armed forces of ukraine? what you felt this time is the same as what you will feel. and ivan sirsky, although he moved to australia with his mother and brother after his parents’ divorce in 2009, wants to obtain russian citizenship, because a true russian person, no matter where he is, a patriot of his homeland, definitely will not sell himself to kiev terrorists. anastasia ivanova and our ivan.
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russia will remain an independent, sovereign power and new ones will certainly grow generations that will strengthen its power. vladimir putin spoke about this today immediately after officially taking office as president. the ceremony was traditionally held in the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin, according to a carefully written protocol. alexander khristenko will tell you what special emphasis was placed on. the presidential regiment is lined up on the kremlin's cathedral square in a stylized historical uniform from 1812. "horsemen in ceremonial uniforms, on horses especially decorated for the occasion, and here honorary escort on ultra-modern aurus motorcycles in the kremlin, a place inextricably linked with many turning points in the life of the state over the centuries, today history was being made again, one of the symbols of presidential power is being brought into the shining halls of the large kremlin palace, soon.
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putin greets his assistant and heads to the exit from the first building of the kremlin along the corridors of the highest state power. spectators could examine their interiors in detail; the president suddenly also lingered for a few seconds at one of paintings hanging on the wall. putin went down to the main entrance of the building, on the street in the pouring rain, a new presidential limousine was waiting for him. restyled aurus, which has changed. appearance and
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technical characteristics. the cars of state leaders also perform representative functions, especially during foreign visits, and invariably attract attention. we can say that today during the inauguration ceremony the world premiere of the russian number one car took place. motorcycles were also demonstrated for the first time domestic brand aurus. the president's car was accompanied by an honorary escort of motorcyclists. past historical buildings and ancient temples, the motorcade of the elected head of state. headed towards the large kremlin palace. through two halls of the kremlin palace, georgievsky and aleksandrovsky, in the third andreevsky, formerly the throne room, a special edition of the constitution in a red binding made of varan leather has already been brought in. this, of course, is a new copy with amendments from the twentieth and twenty- second years, stored in the presidential library. they also brought in the president's sign. along with the standard, this is the main symbol of presidential power. a chain with a golden cross
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made of gold of the highest standard with the coat of arms of russia, on the reverse side the motto is benefit, honor , glory. the inauguration combines legal symbolic ceremonial functions. the elected president officially takes office, and this happens in the most solemn atmosphere, attracting a huge number of guests, for whom, of course, to be invited to the kremlin on this day. special honor in the halls where in a minute the elected president will pass, thousands guests, representatives of all branches of power, heads of confessions, outstanding public figures, cultural, sports, medical figures, and of course, heroes of russia, holders of orders of courage. vladimir putin, meanwhile, is already on the threshold of the large kremlin palace, the current residence of the head of state, where official events are held. having accepted the report of the kremlin commandant, the elected president crosses the threshold. to the sound of an orchestra, putin
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climbs the majestic grand staircase of the palace, it has 66 steps, on both sides hand guards of the presidential regiment. at noon sharp from first. putin, the guests received an invitation to the inauguration with a note about the hall, but there were no assigned seats as such; everyone , of course, tried to stand closer to the center, the red carpet along which the elected president walked through the amphilade of the palace. putin. greeted with applause, he greeted everyone gathered at the ceremony with his eyes, its protocol is almost unchanged, yet putin made a retreat when he saw the outstanding pediatric surgeon leonid rashal, shook his hand and especially warmly greeted the legendary alexandra pakhmuta. the head of state was met by the speakers
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of both houses of parliament, valentina matvienko and vyacheslav volodin, as well as the head of the constitutional court, valery zorkin, who handed over the signs of presidential power and invited him to bring them. comply with, protect the constitution of the russian federation, protect sovereignty and independence, security and...
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foreign guests, ambassadors of foreign states, representatives of unfriendly countries were invited to the ceremony, mostly absent, but to their attention, of course, the president’s words have already conveyed how russia will build relations in the international arena. we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a leader. and an honest partner, and this is truly the world majority, we do not refuse dialogue with western states, the choice is theirs, whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, which has not stopped for years
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of pressure on our country, or look for a way to cooperation and peace, conversation, including on security issues, strategic stability is possible. but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, a sense of one ’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests. the russia theme must be robust and resistant to challenges; one must remember the tragic cost of internal turmoil and upheaval. now, it is especially important to ensure continuity in the country’s development for decades to come. i will do everything necessary, everything in my power to justify your trust. use all the powers of the head of state for this purpose, which are enshrined in the constitution. at the same time , i emphasize that the results of this work depend decisively. from our unity of cohesion, from the common desire to
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benefit the fatherland, defend it, and work with full dedication. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history to our ancestors. they conquered seemingly inaccessible heights, because they always put their homeland first. knew that it is possible to achieve truly great goals only together with your country and with your people, they created a world power, our fatherland, have achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, we are confidently looking forward, planning our future, planning and already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our... development even more dynamic, even more powerful, we are a united and great people , together
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we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring all our plans to life, together we will win. this part of the ceremony is completed. putin headed to the kremlin cathedral square, and the review of the presidential regiment began. regiment, peacefully, walking. commander's report and units in three columns parade in front of the president, who at this time is standing on the steps of the red porch of the faceted chamber. due to the heavy rain, many of the uniforms were almost completely wet. the supreme commander-in-chief, apparently in a sign of solidarity with the military personnel, refused the umbrella. next came the cavalry. 21 riders wearing shakos, historical headdresses
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of the russian guard during the war with napoleon. this ceremony emphasized historical continuity; the regiment ensures the security of the top officials of the state safety of kremlin valuables. all attention to the domes of the annunciation cathedral of the kremlin. here, in honor of the inauguration , a thanksgiving malebin was held, led by patriarch kirill. christ is risen from the dead, the death of the clergy in solemn red robes is a bright easter week, at the end of the prayer service there was a farewell message from the head of the russian orthodox church, who noted that russians see in putin not only a successful politician, but also an intelligent, warm-hearted person. we pray for you often, we know all these words for you. it’s an empty phrase that you yourself are praying, and our time is marked by the great mercy of god
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, when at the head of the russian state, an orthodox man, not embarrassed by his faith, we will continue to pray, in our personal prayers, and most importantly in our national church prayer, that the lord may help you all the days of your life, worthily. to lead the great fatherland, holy russia, you have everything to successfully perform this great service to your homeland for a long time. after malebn, the patriarch presented the president with an ancient image of the vladimir icon of the mother of god of the 16th century. the ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia has ended, and the countdown to a new one has begun.
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a solemn day, putin has a busy schedule, the president is meeting with pediatric surgeon leonid roshalim, this is the first public event of the head of state after the inauguration, you are physically excellent. form, thank you very much, today you walked this marathon up the stairs there without shortness of breath, everything is fine, thank god, of course, yes, the holiday is very important, it’s true, and that on this day you found the opportunity to meet with doctors, thank you very much,
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thank you, we agreed to see you, well, today is a suitable day, especially since... it’s always a working day for us, and a little earlier at the ceremony, contrary to protocol vladimir putin personally approached the outstanding children's doctor to shake hands. vladimir putin’s class teacher, ninety-one-year-old vera gurevich, was at the ceremony today; the president also met with her separately, asked her about her life, and gave her a bouquet. we arrived in this weather, it’s okay, well, i’m in i was driving in the car, okay, everything is fine. and on the sidelines, vera gurevich is asked about putin’s new term, assessments and expectations. as always, just excellent. will he succeed this time? i'm sure it will work out. we always succeeded. the people who came to the inauguration ceremony had a lot to talk about. here is defense minister shaigu talking with sergei stepashin about something.
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mikhail mishustin and the head of the svr sergei naryshkin rise a little further. the minister manages to exchange remarks. internal affairs kolokoltsev and the prosecutor general of the country krasnov. they get into the frame the head of the central bank nabiulina, as well as the governor of st. petersburg beglov, together with the secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. the guests emphasize the significance of the ceremony. today's event has already put a final point in the failure of the project directed by the united states of america and the west. to weaken the situation in russia, to destabilize, to reduce the level of support for our president, the complete collapse of this project, as well as others that they have conceived, what a signal is this for the collective west, a signal that with russia this is not possible, it’s better to be friends with us, here, whoever
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wants war should look at the history of our country, external challenges have always united russia. link the growth of the economy, the social sphere, further progress in economic development, in the development of security throughout the world, not only in our country, because the policy of our president, the policy of our country implies the security of the entire country, the entire planet, we are waiting, of course, for zaporozhye region, for the whole country of transformations, changes, we are waiting for the restoration of roads, we are waiting for restoration zaporozhye region, despite the rhetoric
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of the west, there are many western journalists at the ceremony, the question is what will putin’s fifth term be like. for russia and the world, but the scale of solidarity with the head of state, including in new regions, is unlikely to suit the british media. donbass showed its attitude towards our leader in the last elections, and now donbass fully feels like a subject of the russian federation, a part of our great country. the fact that the west is resisting us, the collective west, but its collective is not so big anymore, the team is getting smaller and smaller, the president of russia got it right.
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what is important for our fellow countrymen, astrakhan residents? the chechen republic has also changed beyond recognition, and its head ramzan kadyrov is also heading to the ceremony. the world community hopes for the president that he
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will restore order, peace will come in the world community, we see that satanism, fascism, these are the devils, what they are doing there between the people there, we will soon win and will continue to restore order.
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the trend that ends today. according to the constitution, members of the government now they work with the io prefix, but this does not affect the implementation of long-term programs. all those important tasks that were voiced in the president’s message, they are now included in national projects and national goals that the new cabinet of ministers will have to meet for the upcoming electorate.
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to what is happening nearby and we will no longer fall for the promise of provocations, as i already said, of blurting out a direct military threat. the mechanism is listed top secret in the documents. thoroughly clear task practice all actions in conditions as close as possible to a real combat situation. the iskander operational-tactical complex and a squadron of sud-25 tactical aircraft are being prepared to carry out their intended missions. the entire complex will be checked. from planning, training and use of tactical nuclear weapons. supporting the defending troops, inflicting unacceptable damage on the enemy at
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home airfields. front-line su-25 attack aircraft dispersed. the military will work on suspending special ammunition and preparing aircraft for their application. the relocation of part of the forces and aviation assets to the alternate airfield was carried out, while at the moment the assigned crews have successfully completed the flight tasks. now we will control how all other events will be carried out. on the ground, at the indicated position , iskander missile divisions and polanes complexes will be deployed secretly, they will have to load charges onto launchers, and practice missile strikes to repel a possible attack on belarus. to manage forces and means a signal transmission system for the use of this type of weapon has been deployed. this inspection was planned against the backdrop of activities carried out by our colleagues from the russian federation. non-strategic nuclear weapons are synchronized with them. military units of the moscow leningrad military district and the baltic fleet will help belarusians with operational information. signals for
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educational use. tactical nuclear weapons will be provided by the general staffs of belarus and russia, joint coordination and a common operational-strategic background the presidents of our countries will discuss it in person tomorrow in moscow. earlier checks have proven that belarus has created an effective system that allows one to quickly move to the highest level of combat readiness, and now the desired result is confirmation of the military’s skills in handling a new type of weapon, exclusively for defensive purposes, as stated in the country’s new military doctrine . unannounced inspections in belarus. troops will continue. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovits, oleg peletsky, maria slyaguzova, vesti, minsk. the two components of phosvogliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation.
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