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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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on the eve of the celebration of victory day, sergei lavrov laid lights at the memorial with the names of the mfa employees who died in the line of duty. they are installed in the lobby of the famous high-rise building on smolenskaya square. history as a battlefield. who created myths about the winners and losers of the second world war? why are monuments to soviet liberator soldiers being demolished in europe? why is the truth about the exploits of the soviet people in the great patriotic war so important today? war. the chairman of the russian military historical society, vladimir midinsky, spoke about this on the eve of victory day in an interview with our channel. good afternoon, vladimir rastislavovich. thank you for agreeing to the interview. today is on the eve of may 9th.
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stalin and hitler are two tyrants, hitler, where he was wrong, but nevertheless, he wanted to free the world from...
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immediately after the war , a historical branch of the us army was created on german territory, which was again headed by a german general...
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contributed there in the rear units there are 20 million police officers out of about 80 million germans of a united germany, which means that the proportion of those who stood with weapons for the reich
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is even greater than we have in the red army, where would these people go then, they themselves, well, how would they of course, everyone was denazified, but they remained, and it was necessary to rely on them, it was necessary... from them to form a new bundeswehr, a new army, new special services, a state apparatus from former officials, members, and so on, so it was necessary to whitewash the wehrmacht as much as possible, to say : guys, no, no, you are not in what is not to blame, it’s just a narrow circle of nazis, we hanged them all, all of them are there, all this dozen, she was punished, but the rest were not, you have nothing to do with it, why is there a myth about a pure wehrmacht, and so? a new western germany was needed, how they created it, protected it from even the americans, well, so that, firstly, all these people could serve the new germany with a clear conscience, all these people
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could with clear words with the experience of their military and civilian actions to confront a new enemy, a new old enemy, the soviet bloc, well, this is natural, a person always wants to whitewash himself. the involvement of the wehrmacht in mass executions and murders, this idea was diligently hidden by the leadership of western germany for many years until the nineties, why now germany does not want to remember this story, the reasons for the actual soviet prisoner of war being in... another dulag overpowered camp there with a mortality rate of 50 % for the duration of the transfer, because what is a dulak, yes, we understand with you, it’s a field without a roof, fenced with wire, step by step , execution, here’s some kind of gruel for you
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maybe they’ll give it to you, or eat grass, that’s all, the trees there were gnawed down to a height of one and a half human height, that’s it, all the punishment was eaten, for soviet prisoners of war. it made absolutely no difference who was guarding this dulah: wehrmacht soldiers or some ss men who had already arrived, pulled up from the rear, security detachments, yasnaya polyana, petrodvorets, petergov, destroyed and smashed the novgorod churches, not the ss men at all, they were not there yet, not even close, and those same subordinates of halder and the company, they were all imbued with the ideology of racial superiority, they... "let's call a spade a spade, until the moment we started hitting them, so to speak, with their faces on the concrete, so they fought with animals, then they were somehow surprised that these animals turned out to be smarter, more capable, more cunning and, most importantly, more effective these scythians.
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we translated a luftwaf publication, i think from 1944, with a preface. himbler, then, is called russian military ingenuity, it was such a very practical collection that was distributed to officers, which means vbs, as the most advanced, probably ae.
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so as not to freeze by morning, as they do russians, how to bury yourself in a snowdrift, as russian snipers do, here’s how not to give yourself away to the same snipers, whom you will never discern with any binoculars, because they have an amazing quality of lying for 48 hours without moving, well, these are all scythians . it’s clear, if you are flying with the task of bombing a russian bridge and you see an unguarded bridge, do not bomb it under any circumstances, you will waste ammunition, with a 100% probability, this is a russian fake that they specially built to fool you, the real bridge is located about five kilometers away, so if you see how cars go straight on the water, then there is no christian miracle in this, this is russian...
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to experience the illusion that the world will begin to study the history of the war from our textbooks, from the books
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of bondalev and konstantin simonov, from the novel by grossman and in the films of bondarchuk and other directors , of course, there are no screenwriters who have personally experienced it, they have their own idea and their own goal, if we give the example of canada gunko. and what do we want from the country, firstly, participation, which in the second world war, the second world war is minimal, secondly, that is they don’t have them, like we have in every family of the deceased, and it can’t be, secondly, canada is a place of mass migration, then all sorts of bandera rabble, and it’s not surprising that it’s there that these family legends are there, how they fought against...
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modern europe is engaged in this pagan savagery and primitive barbarism, which is manifested by these baltic states, the baltic authorities, let’s not say the baltic authorities, the polish authorities there, well, the authorities of the so -called ukraine, this is a banal
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desire to erase human memory, you see, they control the media, which means they clean up everything in the media.
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we will never do this, and those who are doing this now in europe, well, the water will just burn, that’s it, thank you very much for the interview, thank you very much, this is an important, interesting topic, now the news is with the news agent in china congratulating vladimir putin with the assumption of office as president of russia, this statement was made by the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china. in beijing they are sure that she is a friend.
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perhaps he doesn’t know about it, but once again, and he’s appeared so many times in orthodox churches and monasteries, spoke out on this topic so many times, and obviously those who advise him on religious issues are not aware of this, because no one believes in his sincerity, perhaps it is worth appealing to consultants, after all, appealing to god and talking and talking about the fact that he is in some kind of...
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a few words about how easter passed in ukraine, while the recording of zelensky, dressed in an embroidered shirt, who was immersed in sacredness, was broadcast by all kiev propaganda resources , ukrainian users of social networks shared a completely different video sequence, in them, in these frames , schismatics from the so-called orthodox church of ukraine turned the bright holiday of easter into a continuation of the real... walpurgis, during easter services they chanted bandera slogans, their supporters everywhere committed reprisals against parishioners of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church,
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but neither violence nor threats influenced the real flock. the vast majority of ukrainians remain devoted to their faith, their church, their response to the kiev clique was multi-kilometer queues at the church. uoc, ukrainian orthodox church. no one from the ocu went to these same people, yes, not schismatics, but the destroyer of the christian faith in ukraine. by the way, the same thing happened in the countries of western europe and north america; look, ukrainian believers refuse to listen to misanthropic sermons in schismatic times. parishes, they visit churches of canonical orthodoxy, here’s the question of the agenda, may 6, the ministry
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foreign affairs of ukraine issued a statement divorced from reality in connection with the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, however, nothing new was said by this department, all the same stereotyped accusations of russia and its leadership, as they formulate it, of aggression, dictatorship, violation international law.
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by the way, the american newspaper the wall street journal does not think so, because on may 4 a publication appeared there. as you understand, it is difficult to suspect this publication of some kind of pro-russian position, so in this article talks about the risk of ukraine declaring a default by the fall of this year. according to the publication, such a scenario is quite realistic if kiev does not resume payments to foreign creditors. i want to draw your attention to a very interesting point. nobody talks about ukraine. in principle, someday, in the present, with the current western patronage and with the current literally dismemberment by the west of ukrainian society, the state and mockery of
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the ukrainian people.
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that, although they promised that ukraine owes these debts will return, but now, perhaps, she will not return them, in the amount of 20 billion dollars, and so, among their holders, it means, well-known american black rock companies, take it, if the deal is not concluded, then in august, when the introduced ones end for investors, a vacation to serve the state for a long time, ukraine can simply announce, well , i’ll emphasize again, this is what the wall street journal writes, the newspaper also writes:
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the regime, this entire structure at the banking system, is a colossal global laundering machine for the transfer of tens and hundreds of billions of dollars, it is unknown for what purposes and it is unknown where they are going in reality. the situation in ukraine is getting worse every day, which seriously worries the mentioned business sharks; apparently, things are going very badly for the ukrainian economy. deep coma, artificial vomiting from the outside. what about the eu? so , since it has been existing for a long time at the expense and i would like to ask, who literally turned out all his pockets in order to help the so-called ukrainian democracy. on may 6 , the press secretary of the european commission for foreign policy, peterstan, made a statement about the alleged
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availability in ukraine. extremist movement, we are talking about a european official who, in principle, speaks for the entire european union, he is charged with this responsibility. the country's unacceptable statements prove that the european union is not just a sponsor of the kiev regime. with his statements, he incites kiev to continue the attack on peaceful russian cities and
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civilian infrastructure. decision, and he personally, in his person and the entire european union, in fact do not want a cessation of hostilities, we have said this repeatedly, in fact, they said, quoting barel and many other western officials, we noted and pointed to long-term investments by the european union, financing the supply of weapons to ukraine, with which they expect to prolong the armed confrontation, and how...


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