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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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a front-line brigade site, field kitchens are open, where anyone can taste soldier’s porridge, a lot of townspeople came as guests of the peninsula, the weather is already making us happy, today will end with a gala concert and of course fireworks, may 9 is not only a day of remembrance and mourning for our entire country , now that our country has once again stood up against fascism, we want to wish our guys who are now at the front... vladivostok, i suggest you see how the victory parade went there. ceremonial
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march parade, battalion per lineman distances, the first battalion straight ahead.
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the military parade dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war is opened by a company of drummers of the vladivostok branch of the nakhimov naval school, under the command of captain of the second rank roman shulkova. the nakhimovites set the pace and rhythm of the movement of the parade squads. three of the students have fathers who are participants. on
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the central street of the city of vladivostok, the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner, the commander of the banner group, captain of the second rank andrei endavitsky, in the honor of carrying the banners is entrusted to the midshipmen and warrant officers of the pacific higher naval school named after admiral makarov, danil pavlov and semyon.
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sailors-brigades under construction and repair of the fatherland. submarines of the pacific fleet are marching in a solemn march. the parade crew is commanded by the deputy brigade commander, captain of the first rank, alexander katkov. the brigade has six participants in a special military operation. captain of the third rank dmitry lazutkov. awarded the ushakov medal. senior lieutenant alexander segodnik, awarded a medal for courage. senior lieutenant vladislav malinov was awarded a medal for bravery. senior midshipman ivan moroz was awarded the order of courage. petty officer of the second article andrei efanov, awarded the order of courage, senior sailor konstantin repts, awarded the order of courage. dear friends, the sailors of the nineteenth submarine brigade and the 165th brigade are in parade formation.
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igor tolbatov. senior sailor kirill lykhov, a participant in a special military operation, is in the ranks and has been awarded the order of courage. the combined battalion of naval aviation of the pacific fleet is marching solemnly. the parade crew is commanded by the head of naval aviation of the pacific fleet, colonel oleg romanenko. in the ranks, participants
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in the special military operation, senior sergeant alexey koshevoy, sergeant vladimir gerevoy, foreman of the second class nikolai donbinov, were awarded a medal for services to the fatherland, second degree, with balls. senior sailor alexander chernyshev was awarded a medal for courage. in parade formation, personnel of the 155th separate guards order of zhukov brigade marine corps. the commander of the parade squad of the guard, major leonid zhaplov, was awarded the order of courage. the brigade includes 10 participants in the special military operation who were awarded orders and medals of the russian federation. lieutenant pavel bogdanov, awarded the order of courage with a medal for...
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cadets of the far eastern fire and rescue academy of the ministry of emergency situations of russia are headed by the head of the academy, colonel of the internal service alexey anekeyev. internal service sergeant ivan zagumenov was entrusted with carrying the banners of the academy. in cadets
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from one of the oldest universities in the far east take part in the festive parade. maritime state university named after admiral nevelskoy. commander of the parade crew, captain of the second rank vladimir evseenko. university graduates lead. divisions of the entire maritime transport industry in russia. 20 graduates were awarded the high title of hero of the soviet union and socialist labor. one graduate, yuri mushinkov, is a hero of russia, a participant in a special military operation. on the central street nakhimovtsy of vladivostok. the commander of the parade squad is colonel sergei malinked. the six nakhimovites serving in combat today have fathers who are taking part in a special military operation. traditionally , on... tinovtsy take part in the parade in the primorsky capital. the parade squad of the all-russian military-patriotic social movement yunarmiya is in festive formation. the three young army men are led by the head of the regional yuna army club, holder of the order of courage, reserve colonel mikhail lyubetsky. fifteen pupils
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marching in ranks today, their fathers accept participation in a special military operation. students of the military-patriotic club are in parade formation. a young patriot of the homeland named after andrei levichev, the permanent leader of the club is the honored teacher of russia, honorary citizen of vladivostok galina viktorovna kiseleva. the formation is led by lieutenant colonel andrei yezhov, holder of the order of courage. in front of the podium are cadets of the marine engineering college of the ievsky maritime state university and the morikhod center. commander of the parade crew konstantin sergei kostkin. six cadets marching in formation, their fathers take part in the conduct. the walking columns of the festive parade are completed by cadets of the pacific higher naval school named after stepan osipovich makarov. head of the school, captain of the first rank, sergei sabakar. the parade crew is headed by the deputy head of the faculty
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of navigation and minotor armament, captain of the first rank vladimir barmin, for military merits he was awarded the state award of the order of courage, educated in... one of the best in the personnel training system for the navy. over the years. the school has trained more than 20,000 officers and swordsmen serving on ships of all fleets of our country. the school is rightfully proud of its graduates. among them are 10 heroes of the soviet union, one hero of socialist labor, seven heroes of the russian federation, 248 senior officers, three of whom held the high position of commander-in-chief of the navy of the russian federation. in 2023 they entered the school. participants in a special military operation, many of them were awarded state awards of the ministry
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of defense of the russian federation, in service midshipman andrei vorona, awarded the order of courage, sergeant dmitry vavkadav was awarded the zhukov medal, senior sailor dmitry panasenko was awarded the zhukov medal, senior sailor nikolai koshirin was awarded the medal for courage. the school’s parade squad was repeatedly represented by the navy at the country’s main parade on red square stolit. the school received this honor in 2024 .
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dear residents of the capital of primorye and guests of the city, the parade of military equipment begins. the parade opens with symbols of victory, the legendary
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t-34, developed in 1937 by the design bureau of mikhail koshkin. throughout the war, the tank had absolute superiority in maneuverability and performance, and the 76mm gun was significantly superior to all foreign artillery systems. during the war years... reserve lieutenant colonel sergei tatarkin, crew commander, reserve colonel oleg koval. tank t-348.
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in 1945, in 1950, it was transferred to the pacific fleet and served as a target at the training ground for seven decades. it took 3 years to restoration of the tank, so it takes part in the parade. behind the legendary combat vehicles comes the isu-122. soviet heavy self-propelled artillery unit.
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soviet army, installation commander, reserve lieutenant colonel alexander evsa, driver mechanic, reserve major, denisov, gunner, lieutenant colonel. the passage of the parade crews of the mechanized column is headed by a participant in a special military operation , the acting chief of staff of the separate guards order of zhukov marine brigade, guard major gennady makarkin. dear friends, the modern military equipment
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of the russian pacific fleet is being demonstrated before you. in front of the stands is a t-80 bv tank. these tanks are the main striking force of the marine corps unit. this is a modernization of the t-80b tank and differs from it in the presence of kontakt-1 dynamic protection. tank commander ensign alexander khramtsov. driver-mechanic - sailor nyurgun ivanov. another example of modern military equipment is represented by the bmp-3 combat vehicle. the car is on...
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there are armored personnel carriers on the central square btr-82 a. these types of military equipment have proven themselves to be excellent in combat operations during a special military operation. designed to transport personnel during a march or maneuver by troops, including overcoming water obstacles, protecting the crew and troops from small arms fire, mines, shell fragments, and defeat suppression.
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grenade 4 based on aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles of the same name, included in the gunner 2 complex, cannon artillery and salvo rocket systems fire. the commander of the vehicle is guard sergeant nikolai davidov, the driver is senior warrant officer sergei labastov. in front of the stands is a d-30 howitzer, towed by a ural 4320 vehicle. the howitzer is designed to defeat enemy personnel located open or located. in shelters, fire weapons, a team of observation posts, weapons and military equipment, senior vehicles, sergeants konstantin polovyany and konstantin kuznetsov, drivers - sailors ivan gavrilov and vadim sergeev, crew numbers sergeant maxim kaidalov, junior sergeant mikhail zubarev, senior sailors konstantin petunin, nikita rudenko, fedor maksimov, vadim roshkov, konstantin petyokin, sailors, armad sadykov,
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maxim derevyanko, alexey rakhletsov, alexander ramashkin! the march of the parade crews of the mechanized column continues with the commander of the 72nd coastal missile brigade, colonel alexander fotyanov. presented to your attention are self-propelled launchers of the bastion mobile coastal missile system. they are designed to destroy surface ships of various classes of land purposes in conditions of intense fire and electronic warfare.
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senior sergeant artyom karpov, a participant in a special military operation, was awarded a medal for bravery. senior sergeant denis perevalov, a participant in a special military operation, was twice awarded a medal for courage, as well as a medal for merit in performing tasks as part of 150. a participant in a special military operation, as well as a holder of the order of courage. junior sergeant igor vysotsky, participant in a special military operation. drivers: senior
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warrant officers kirill gontar, mikhail kuchumov, andrey dyakov, warrant officer vladislav chevyr, senior sailors ruslan khataev and mikhail mukamelov. the parade of modern military equipment, self-propelled launchers and self-propelled coastal missile communications command posts continue. senior vehicles, captain mikhail konstantinov, lieutenant artem trafimov, senior warrant officer evgeniy kabiskoes, sergeant.
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on the main street of the city, a special vehicle of the group cleared mines with special equipment. the group is capable of autonomously performing mine clearance tasks explosive objects with great efficiency and safety. the body of a capsule-type car with special equipment for mine clearance. senior vehicle and senior lieutenant ilya kutepov. a special purpose vehicle, the tiger m, is passing on the main street
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. the armored vehicle is designed for transporting personnel, various cargoes and towing trailer systems, as well as mounting weapons and military equipment with the required support. participant in a special military operation. driver - sailor stanislav balchukov, participant in a special military operation, shooter - sailor ilya tororuk, participant in a special military operation. in front of the stands there is a multifunctional robotic complex of engineering troops on a uran-14 tracked track. the complex is used remotely on troop advance routes, dismantling destroyed buildings and structures under fire conditions. the personnel, led by the regiment commander , have been taking an active part in the special military operation since 2022. thanks to the skillful actions of the regiment's military personnel, it was
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about 47 thousand different mines were installed, thanks to which during the counter-offensive the enemy was not able to break through our defenses. the senior officer of the car is lieutenant evgeniy chazov, and the senior midshipman vladimir solovyov is driving. in front of the stands gt-13. scene of an automated electronic warfare complex hf radio communication line murmansk bn. the senior vehicle , the foreman of the first article, is stanislav danilov. the driver is the chief foreman - vladimir rimdeiko. at the parade is a vehicle in service with the radiation, chemical and biological protection units of the fleet. the tda3 smoke machine based on the kamaz vehicle is designed to be converted into an aerosol one. states of smoke mixtures effective in the visible range of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation; powder compositions effective in the infrared range of the spectrum
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of electromagnetic radiation. the station crew is two people, senior vehicles, foreman of the first article - igor oglyuulin, foreman of the second article - dmitry bashkatov, mechanic drivers - sergeant konstantin cherepanov, sailor sergei cherny. in parade formation is an atmz 7.5 car, auto fuel. the refiller is designed for transportation, short-term storage, refueling of various vehicles with light petroleum products with measurement of the dispensed fuel, efreit driver yuri kirichenko, junior sergeant pyotr podgorbuntsev. in parade formation is the pak 200m field kitchen. the kitchen was put into service back in 1986 and remains operational to this day. designed for preparing hot food for... a train of up to 200 people. the kitchen ensures stable operation at altitudes above sea level of up to 3,000 m at ambient temperatures from -40° to
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+40. the senior vehicles are sergeants kuzma ivanov and sergei mozhitov, the drivers are junior sergeant dmitry bezmaternykh, senior sailor georgy galaktenov. a column of wartime vehicles from the collection of the museum of historical equipment on sadgorod on the basis of the military-patriotic club of equipment of the 20th century in the primorsky territory under the leadership of anatoly kazitsky is opened by one of the most famous cars of that era, the famous gaz-67b, which is driven by military-historical personnel club, the first far eastern. soviet army the all-terrain vehicle was produced from 1943 to 1953, the car tows the legendary forty-five, a 45 mm anti-tank gun of the 1942 model, driven by a gaz-67b, reserve chief sergeant viktor butsak. in front of the stands is the famous willys mb,
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most common during the war. command car driven by willis , owner of this car alexander kurakov, in front of you is gaz m1, the famous emka. gas m1 - the first soviet passenger car mass- produced at the gorky automobile plant factory behind the wheel is third-rank reserve captain dmitry budnikov. in front of the stands, the soviet truck gaz2a, the truck became the most popular. in the national economy, so in the red army. behind the wheel of a gaz-2a truck is the foreman of the first reserve category, nikolai markotenko. on the main street of vladivostok there is a heavy truck ziz-5v - the main vehicle of the red army. today it is towing a seventy-six-millimeter zis-3 divisional gun. reserve private roman yurchenko is driving a zis-5v car. the convoy includes a gas-generating vehicle
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ziz-20. wooden logs, briquettes made from shavings, sawdust, coal, peat and even pine cones can serve as fuel for it. during the war , such machines freed up a significant portion of gasoline for the needs of the front. behind the wheel is reserve lieutenant colonel igor ostopchuk, in parade formation a soviet medium armored car ba3, equipped with two dt-29 machine guns and forty-five-millimeter guns were used in the war in spain, as well as in the soviet-finnish and great war.
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plant, senior reserve lieutenant, vitaly 300 mm caliber, popularly nicknamed andryusha. behind the wheel is the director of the usuri auto repair shop berun. the ceremonial passage is completed by a combined military orchestra. vladivostok garrison, the orchestra included military musicians from military unit 12803, the 12th main directorate of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, the directorate of the federal service of national guard troops in the primozhsky territory, the makarov pacific higher naval school, as well as the military orchestra of the headquarters of the pacific fleet. in musical order, military conductors, lieutenant timofey artyomov, trainee lieutenant roman shadrin.
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lieutenant commander stanislav onanyev heads the combined orchestra, head of the military orchestra, head of the military orchestra service of the pacific fleet, captain of the third rank ilya sergeev. to the sounds of vasily agabkin's immortal march farewell of the slav, the combined military orchestra leaves the square. may 9, a holiday with history, may the victorious days of the fortieth not be erased from our memory. "may the world be strong, relations between countries good neighborly, and mutual understanding reign between people, may our children learn about the horrors of war only from time-worn chronicles, on the great holiday that the whole country celebrates, dear friends, on the day.


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