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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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as is known, this staging was staged in order to disrupt russian-ukrainian negotiations and launch a pre-prepared package of anti-russian sanctions from the west. after this, bushya literally became a common symbol of cynicism, ukrainian propaganda, closely patronized by anglo-saxon political strategists. such actions by the british authorities, who are literally drowning in russophobia, fully confirm their bias and hostility.
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sphere for a meeting with left nakrahu today on the square of the councils. great patriotic war. traditionally.
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on khabarovsk square there is a parade squad of a unique formation of the russian armed forces, a separate covering brigade. the personnel of the unit perform difficult service on the very borders of our vast homeland. team.
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acting brigade commander , lieutenant colonel denis kulkov, in front of the parade squad. in front of the podium is the parade squad of the guards krasnograd red banner order of suvoroy, second degree motorized rifle brigade. in the ranks are worthy successors of the victorious warriors, continuing the glorious tradition of the twenties heroes of the soviet union and two heroes of a special military operation, the guard of colonel vyacheslav makarov and the guard of private andrei masharovsky. igor bonenko. now signalmen are fulfilling their military duty with dignity in the zone of a special military operation.
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three of whom were awarded state awards, at the head of the parade squad. the commander of the unit is lieutenant colonel vitaly zolotuin. military personnel of the separate guards red banner order of the red star engineering brigade of the eastern military are marching solemnly districts. the parade crew is headed by the deputy commander of the guard brigade, lieutenant colonel valery shgorev. for courage and bravery in the performance of military duty during a special military operation, he was awarded a medal. on the central square of the city there is a parade squad of a separate guards-khingan brigade and a guards regiment of radiation chemical and biological protection. at the head of the parade squad, holder of the order of courage, commander of the guard brigade,
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colonel alexander fedorov, performing combat missions in a special military operation, soldiers flamethrowers terrify the enemy. more than 400 military personnel of the brigade and regiment.
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including operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. the parade squad of the separate order of the red banner of labor and the railway brigade of the eastern military district is approaching the podium. the parade crew is headed by the deputy brigade commander , lieutenant colonel sergei naumov.
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the soldiers of the battalion, in whose list the hero of the soviet union, sergeant viktor petrovich miroshnichenko, is forever included, walk in smooth lines. the team makes a significant contribution.
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traditionally, the special pride of the institute passes through the square: the girls’ ceremonial box. upon graduation from the educational organization, graduates of the institute successfully fight crime. in front of the podium and the ceremonial
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march, a similar company of female military personnel from the eastern military district passes, led by captain larisa kornilova. like during the great patriotic war with exceptional. with dedication, women fulfill their military, official and professional duties in the zone of a special military operation. for the first time area. igor khairulin, the mentor of young cossacks, is a deputy of the first people's council of the lugansk people's republic, commander of the people's militia, viktor vladimirovich verevka. in front of the podium is the parade squad of the ministry's children's school.
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khabarovsk, in parade formation, students from twenty-five educational institutions of secondary higher education in the regional center. the parade squad is led by the winner of the best young men of the city of khabarovsk competition, a cadet of the center.
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cadet officers of the khabarovsk border institute of the federal security service russian federation. the first head of the institute is our land, the legendary border guard, participant in the events on damansky island, hero of the soviet union, major general vitaly dmitrievich bubenin, who turns 85 this year. it is a high honor to complete the passage of the foot columns to the parade squad of the illustrious cadet.
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the crew is headed by the head of the course, senior lieutenant of the internal service mikhail daronin. according to good tradition , crews of activists from the regional departments.
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for the second year in a row , pupils of the regional cadet boarding school take part in the military parade of the troops of the cheta garrison ; the parade squad is headed by a drill teacher, reserve major, oleg kireev. and again on the square are cadets of the military training center of the transbaikal state university, symbolizing the connection between generations of fathers and sons. the crew is armed with the latest.
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with tears of joy. the sacred date of may 9 has become a symbol of pride, glory, courage and bravery, the inextricable unity of cohesion our people. the further the fiery years of the great patriotic war recede into history, the
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more fully and brightly the greatness of the heroic feat of our people manifests itself. at the cost of enormous losses, our people defended their homeland, turning back five, and defeating the fascist hordes in their own lair. during the years of the terrible war, the best qualities of our people were revealed: courage, heroism, selfless love and devotion to the homeland, readiness for self-sacrifice. today , soldiers of the armed forces of mongolia stand in the same ranks with us. in those difficult years, the mongolian people set up brotherly shoulder, becoming the first country to support us, helped everyone, with everything he could, sometimes, giving his last, the war spared no one, many did not return to the battlefields, were brutally tortured in captivity and
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concentration camps, died in hospitals from wounds, died from hardships in the rear. we have no right to forget this, eternal memory to them, i ask you to honor the memory of those who fell for the freedom and independence of our homeland with a minute of silence.
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now, just like in the distant forties, the collective west has come out against us. statehood, use our pursuing the goal of destroying our natural resources, making third-class people out of our peoples. ukraine has become a springboard for inciting national hatred and substitution of values. by inflating its weapons and instilling nazi ideology in ukrainians, western politicians hoped to break our traditions and foundations, our faith, but they miscalculated. people, as long as our hearts beat, not a single enemy before their deeds is immeasurable, we, the great , will not encroach on our land, will not take away our memory, because for us
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it is a high honor to be the heirs of a great victory, and today is our it is a sacred duty to protect... to pass on from generation to generation the truth about the most terrible war of the 20th century, courage, about the courage and selfless service to their homeland of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, about the great feat of the soviet people. the victory of the great patriotic war is a symbol of national pride and military valor of our homeland. this is our history, our glory. dear comrades, congratulations on your seventy-ninth anniversary. the end of the great patriotic war, glory to the victorious people, happy victory day! hooray! hooray! chapter republic of buryatia, chairman of the government of the republic of buryatia alexy sambuevich tsedenov. dear veterans,
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home front workers, respected guests, soldiers and commanders, participants in a special military operation, dear soldiers, officers, dear fellow countrymen. congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. victory in the war was won by fortitude, military skill and force of arms. but the main thing is the special unity of the people of our country on the battlefield in the rear. together. in the same trench, in the same formation, in the same workshop, shoulder to shoulder, there were people of all nationalities and
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religions of the soviet union. and today we, the descendants of our heroic fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, must not forget the lessons and the price that was paid in the name of the great victory. during the war years they faced difficult trials, but they walked the glorious military career path with honor, defended the freedom and independence of our country throughout the world from fascism. we remember and keep in our hearts the military and labor exploits of our veterans. we also remember this invaluable help. which the brotherly people of mongolia provided to us. soviet the union stood up for the defense of the mongolian people on the banks of khalkingol. and together we defeated
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the japanese militarists. from the first days of the great patriotic war, the people of mongolia came to our aid in the fight against the nazis. and we will always remember this. the present and future of our country, our nazism, once again our soldiers stand in defense of children, our people, our fellow countrymen, participants of our homeland are once again fighting fascism and a special military operation, they are rightfully true heroes of the fatherland. buryatia is proud of its fellow countrymen, words. the buryats do not flee, they have already become winged, and as our president noted, saying these words, that in this case the buryats are all
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the nationalities living in buryatia, russians, buryats, we are all together, the people and the army are united, only in national unity we we can cope with all challenges and win, our warriors. professional military personnel, mobilized and volunteers fight with dignity on the front line, and here, in the rear, each of us is obliged to do everything to help our guys, our soldiers win faster and return home, in our time, like 79 years ago, the enemy will be broken. happy holiday, dear fellow countrymen, happy great victory day,
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i wish you so much.
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hail to the solemn march! turn! at one linear distance, the banner group is great, the rest are right!
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june 24, 1945 historical parade on red square in moscow. banner groups of the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner are passing. shekanya step through the council square of the city of lanade.
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the mongolian armed forces are marching in a solemn march, the parade formation is headed by... chief of staff, battalion lieutenant colonel ayungchuter. mongolia's contribution to the victory in the great patriotic war is enormous. from the very beginning of the war, mongolia provided comprehensive assistance to the soviet union, sent horses to the front with food, and paid for the construction of tanks and airplanes. the command of the thirty-sixth combined arms army is marching in a ceremonial march, led by colonel fatikhov ilyas renatovich. management officers. combatants are the pride of our armed forces. the parade continues with the composite battalion of the thirty-seventh separate guards, budapest, red banner order of the red star of the shchadenko motorized brigade, fifth separate guards, tatsin red banner order of the suvorogo second degree tank brigade. here.


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