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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

6:00 am
our correspondent ksenia klimena is now contacting the studio. ksenia, greetings. how does the city plan to celebrate victory day? roman, hello, well, we can already hear the chiming clock at the beginning of the holiday in novosibirsk , everything is ready on the main square, the parade squads are lined up, the spectators have gathered, many of them got up early today on purpose in order to come to take the best seats. on the square.
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russian federation, i think it’s time for us, we are in the hall of glory, the victory museum, where engraved on marble slabs the names of 11,800 heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia who were awarded these honorary titles for exploits performed during the great patriotic war. in the center of the hall there is a ten-meter bronze figure of a victorious soldier, here on poklonnaya hill there is a mobile studio of our tv channel, and from here we will talk about all the most interesting things throughout this holiday. and now footage from novosibirsk, where the victory parade began. assistants: cadet konstantin kostyuk and cadet stepan khandurin. znamenny group headed by an honorary company commander.
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on the evening of april 30, 1945, after a fierce battle, scouts mikhail egorov and militon kantaria hoisted a scarlet banner on the roof of the reikstag. it is this flag that is immortalized in history. today, the banner of victory is a symbol of courage and continuity of the glorious military traditions of those who defeated fascism, the hardest, bloodiest war in history. on behalf of their generation they claim that they will not lose the honor of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, that russian weapons are in good hands,
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comrade major general, novosibirsk troops garrison, at the parade commemorating the seventy- ninth anniversary of the great victory. built during the patriotic war, the commander of the parade is colonel titov. more than 2,000 military personnel of various types and branches of the military, the armed forces of the russian federation, and law enforcement agencies of russia take part in the victory parade. students of educational institutions and more than thirty pieces of equipment.
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hello comrades! hello comrades. we congratulate you on the 709th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic
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war. women military personnel, rocket launchers and motorized riflemen perform their military duties with dignity. hello comrades! congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the victory!
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congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. employees of the main directorate of the federal penitentiary service, the transport department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, representatives of all law enforcement agencies are ready to defend russia. hello comrades! i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war; officers and rejectors are always ready to provide assistance in
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difficult situations and protect their citizens. hello, comrades, i wish you good health, comrade, major general, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, inspired by the victory. of the soviet people in the great patriotic war, cadets standing in the ranks dream of becoming officers. hello comrades. hello,
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major general. congratulations on the 709th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. young boys and girls are our support and hope for a bright future. hello comrades! congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war! pupils! buildings - these are the future defenders of our state,
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faithful guardians of military traditions. in the parade line are the grandchildren and great-grandsons of soldiers and
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officers who fought for a great victory at the cost of their lives.
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at ease! dear veterans of the great patriotic war! labor and armed forces, soldiers of the novosibirsk
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garrison, residents and guests of the city of novosibirs, 79 years have passed since the victory of the soviet people, the great patriotic war, but these events will always be our most important holiday, this is the day of our pride, sorrow of eternal memory. the great patriotic war became a test of strength and spirit for this soviet people. at the fronts and in the rear, our people defended freedom, independence and simply the right to life. we bow our heads to the generation of winners, those who crushed the aggressor and stopped fascism with their heroism. who gave the future of our country to the whole world. during the difficult years of the war in siberia
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, 30 rifle and four cavalry divisions, 21 rifle brigades, and 1,232 sebiryak soldiers were formed and became heroes of the soviet union. 140 holders of the order of glory of three degrees. siberian connections among the first got. today we again realize the importance and enormity of the victory over fascism, we are proud that the name of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers,
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smyrna parade, is a solemn march!
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turning, the distance is one linear, the first company is straight, the rest are to the right, shoulder-length, which is aligned to the right, march at a pace. the parade on lenin square is opened by a company of drummers of the siberian cadet corps, the cadets set the pace of the parade squads, many of them have already taken part in the parade of troops of the novosibirsk garrison. at the head of the company is the musical director cadet corps sergei ishkunov.
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in front of the podium are the banner groups of the novosibirsk higher military command order of the zhukovo school with the state flag of the russian federation, the victory banner and the flag of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. chikanya shak is passing by a company of honor guard with the flags of three types of armed forces, ground forces, aerospace forces and navy, headed by the company commander, major ilya ovchinnikov.
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on the square are tvardeyskaya, rocket, order of lenin, banner orders of suvorov, kutuzov and bohdan khmelnitsky's division is headed by the deputy commander of the guard division, colonel viktor borisenko. a consolidated parade parade of girls from formations and military units of the novosibirsk garrison passes through the square. in the ranks are the granddaughters and great-granddaughters of those who forged our victory during the difficult years of the war. the parade is headed by the guard to captain elvi. on the square there is a combined parade squad of the 41st guards combined arms.
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maxim korsakov. the parade squad of the 41st amur air defense division is taking place on lenin square. today is personal the composition of the division is successful.
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the procession continues with the parade squads of the novosibirsk military order of zhukov institute named after general of the army yakovlev of the national guard of the russian federation. among the graduates of which are seven heroes of russia and more than 70 awarded the highest military rank.
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on the main square of the city of novosibirsk , the parade squad of the transport department of the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation for the siberian federal district is headed by the deputy head of the economic security department, police colonel oleg. zaposhnikov.
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a parade parade of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region is passing through lenin square. the parade crew is headed by oleg stepanenko, a combat participant, head of the professional training center, police colonel. in chief. parade squad of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region, repeated participant in victory parades, police captain, elena mikhalkova. a parade squad of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the novosibirsk region is passing through lenin square, in command. front door by the deputy head of the main department for anti-crisis management, colonel konstantin vannikov.
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a consolidated ceremonial parade of girls from the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the novosibirsk region is taking place in front of the podium. the parade squad is headed by the deputy head of the information communication technologies department, lieutenant colonel of the internal service lyudmila grosyukova. on the square, the parade crew of the siberian state university of water transport is headed by the deputy director of the maritime academy institute, captain second rank reserve oleg matytsin passes through lenin square.
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the ceremonial squad of the specialized maritime sector of the movement's fleet cadets is marching in a ceremonial march; the parade squad is headed by the director of the moskalenko caravel children's maritime center, senior lieutenant mikhail glazychev. in the ranks, the first-born of the revived cadet education in modern russia, the siberian cadet corps, the parade squad is led by a combat veteran, lieutenant colonel igor kimakov.
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today there is a solemn march through the main square of the city of novosibirsk four parade units of the all-russian military-patriotic public movement unamia. the movement was created on the initiative of the minister of defense of the russian federation , army general sergei shaigu, in 2016. the leader of the movement in the novosibirsk region is major general vladimir popkov. for today. schoolchildren. a special feature is the participation in the parade of children of the young guard movement of the lugansk people's republic. the young army soldiers arrived at the invitation of the head of the novosibirsk region as part of the ashep aid agreement. parade formation
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leads the young army men. chief of staff of the local branch of the youth army of the novosibirsk region yulia kuznetsova. closing the passage of the foot columns are the ceremonial crews of the novosibirsk higher military command order of the beetle school, led by the commander of the battalion of cadets, lieutenant colonel andrei maliy. over the years of its existence, the school has prepared... graduated
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over 25 thousand officers, among them more than 50 generals, and 66 graduates were awarded the high title of hero of the soviet union and the russian federation.
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to the roar of powerful engines on the name square lenina appears. military equipment, traditionally, is the first to pass through the area , the symbol of a great victory.


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