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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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on the main red square they will fly further here over the capital. so far, these are the plans for what we plan to see here, this is how the situation will change, will weather conditions be necessary today in order to fly at high speed, let me remind you that planes fly at speeds from 200 to 550 km/h, all this beauty flashed here , so we continue to monitor how things are developing here , actually on manege square, next to, or rather above it, and we will talk about how
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for our country the victory hall of fame museum is truly a symbol of courage and heroism soviet soldier, dedication and selflessness, instead of the strength of fortitude, here in the hall of fame, on marble slabs around us are placed 11,800 heroes of the soviet union, the names of heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia who were awarded this highest state award for exploits committed during the great . and just at these moments the parade begins in the city of labor glory, labor and military glory in kuiboshev. live broadcast on our channel. corps, the third shock army of the first belarusian front, erected over rickstag. the victory banner is a state relic and the official symbol of the victory of the soviet people. his
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armed forces over nazi germany in the great patriotic war. the high honor of being part of the banner group was given to one of the best officers of the second guards army, an excellent student in combat training. the banner group is headed by a guard senior lieutenant.
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assistant standard bearer, serviceman of the fifteenth separate motorized rifle brigade dmitry zavorotinsky, awarded the sulorov medal when performing special tasks military operation and vitaly volkov, awarded a medal for combat distinction while performing the tasks of a special military operation. banner group carrying a state relic. victory banner. headed by senior lieutenant vladimir tyumentsev, awarded a medal for military kindness of the second degree, while performing the tasks of a special military operation. the victory banner was entrusted to be carried by a serviceman of the thirtieth separate motorized rifle brigade, vladislav platunov, who was awarded a medal for combat distinction while performing special tasks. military operation. the banner
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group is accompanied by assistants, servicemen of the thirtieth separate motorized rifle brigade, maxim ovchinnikov, awarded the suvorov medal, a medal for military kindness of the second degree when performing tasks of a special military operation, and a medal of a participant in a military operation in syria. and renat karipov, awarded the medal of a participant in a special military operation.
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central military district, guard colonel alexander lepatov. he's hosting the parade today.
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comrade guard colonel, samara troops garrison for the military parade, commemorating the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory, the great patriotic war, built, commander of the guard parade, colonel gufraev. guards colonel alexander yurievich lipatov,
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awarded a state award, the order for services to the fatherland, second degree with swords and many departmental awards. the acting commander of the second guards army and the parade commander go around the parade crews and congratulate the troops on the holiday of the great victory. hello! congratulations on your 79th anniversary
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victory in the great patriotic war! hooray! hooray! hooray! hello comrades, give with you,
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i congratulate you on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, hello comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. hooray! hurray, hurray,
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hello, comrades, hello! congratulations on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory of the great patriotic war, hurray hurray.
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"hello, comrades, comrade colonel, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, hurray! hello, comrades, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, hurray, hurray, hurray!
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hello comrades, speaking to you, i congratulate you on the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, hurray! ceremonial musical accompaniment by the singing belfry, teacher of the educational center, southern city, alexander kulikov, student of children's
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creativity mladost, dasha fryakhina and leader of the ensemble samples.
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governor of the samara region dmitry igorevich azarov. dear veterans of the great patriotic war and home front workers.
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valiant warriors of the russian army. dear fellow countrymen. congratulations on the 79th anniversary of the great victory. may 9 is a sacred date for each of us; it combines joy , sorrow, pain of loss and pride in the strength, courage and perseverance of the generation of winners. unforgettable may 1945, smyrna garrison. solemn march! turn at two linear distances, the banner
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group straight, the rest to the right, on the shoulder, alignment to the right, at a walk. and now the long-awaited moment has arrived. command given to solemn march. the garrison troops return to their starting position.
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everyone's attention is drawn to the columns of troops of the astrakhan garrison. the parade is led by the chief of staff of the order of the red star, the center for combat training and combat use of aerospace forces. a participant in hostilities, awarded the medal of the order for services to the fatherland and the zhukov medal. colonel sergei semenov. according to tradition
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, following the parade commander’s car is a company of drummers from the ostrakhan, suvorov military school of the ministry of internal affairs. russian federation. the formation of young suvorovites is headed by platoon commander, senior lieutenant of the internal service sergei ruzanov. suvorov's great-grandfather ivan velyavin chernishov ivan petrovich took part in the defense of leningrad, was wounded, awarded two medals for courage, medals for the defense of leningrad, for the victory over germany, for the victory over japan. a banner group with the state flag of the russian federation and the victory banner passes through the square. accompanies.
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participated in the operation to capture berlin, was seriously wounded and was awarded medals for courage, for capture of berlin. firmly taking a step under the challenge banner of the president of the russian federation, students of the best cossack cadet corps in russia named after ataman beryukov are passing. the parade squad is led by cossack colonel alexey khayurov. the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the winners of the great patriotic war, as well as the children of participants in the special military operation, are in the ranks.
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on the square, cadets of the caspian institute of maritime and river transport named after general fyodor matvech opraksin command the parade. medaled combat veteran for courage, lieutenant colonel roman sokolov. every day, the center's military personnel are on combat duty to protect the sky not only over
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the astrakhan region. but carry out combat missions in the zone of a special military operation. on the march are personnel of the order of the red star of the 339th radio engineering regiment. the parade crew is commanded by the regiment commander, combat veteran, colonel alexey belyaev. in the ranks is private pavel pysin, the great-grandson of the hero of the front-line soldier, guard sergeant vasily koshkin, who went through the entire war and reached berlin. military cadets on the march. the training center at the astrakhan state university named after tatishchevo is commanded by the head of the military training center at the astrakhan state university named after tatishchev, colonel bulat aminov. cadet alexander sokolov is passing through the ranks. his father alexey sokolov made two business trips to the special military operation zone in ukraine. in front of the stands, a parade squad of the border
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department of the fsb of russia is marching in a solemn march. for the republic of kalmykia, astrakhan region, heads it colonel evgeny petrov. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, border guards were the first to take the blow of the nazis and forever became the personification of courage and love for the homeland. on the march, the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations for...
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internal service major gyuzal ashimova, the wife of combat veteran of the guard sergeant rasul ashimov, currently performing his military duty on the territory of ukraine. employees of the department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia are marching in a solemn formation on the square. in the astrakhan region under the command of a police captain sergei tutarinov, in the ranks of employees nikolai barabanshchikov, great-grandson of the hero of the great patriotic war, corporal kryzhanovsky kiril leondievich, a veteran of the karelian front. on the march is a parade squad of female employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs under the command of police colonel valentina kolugina, and senior police lieutenant tatyana
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zakharova is in the ranks. granddaughter of private kirill sevalapov, machine gunner of the 132nd guards rifle regiment, veteran of the great patriotic war. tatyana's husband, police warrant officer alexander zakharov, has been performing tasks in the zone since 2022 special military operation. in front of the stands is a parade squad of russian guard officers under the command of police major nikolai. in the ranks of the russian guard are participants in a special military operation. the parade squads of the federal bailiff service for the astrakhan region are marching across the square in a solemn march. the crew is commanded by lieutenant colonel of the internal service igor pugaev. in the ranks of the parade squad , a participant in the special military operation, ruslan ilyazov, who was awarded, walks in a solemn march.
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in front of the stands there is a parade crew of the management escorting the department of the federal penitentiary service under the command of internal service major vasily matveev. his grandfathers vasily matveev and ivan yakovlev fought from the first days of the war, fought for stalingrad, both reached berlin. on the march is the parade squad of the regional branch of the all-russian military-patriotic movement. belarus.


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